Amazon Brand – Denali 200-Piece All-Purpose Tool Kit

Amazon Brand – Denali 200-Piece All-Purpose Tool Kit and Socket Set with Carrying Case


Weight: | 8.05 kg |
Size: | 200-piece set |
Dimensions: | 52.78 x 42.8 x 10.41 cm; 8.05 Kilograms |
Model: | ABL064 |
Part: | ABL064 |
Colour: | Black, Silver, Grey |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Dimensions: | 52.78 x 42.8 x 10.41 cm; 8.05 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 200-piece set |
First off, this kit is HUGE. I have a few different tool sets, my previous largest being a nice Kobalt set, and this dwarfs all of them in raw physical size. But it isnt super heavy, which is nice. I havent tested every single piece yet, but so far the only complaint I really have is the ratcheting mechanism on the ratchet feel kind of cheap. But, I am use to 90+ tooth higher end ratchets, so it is a bit of a downgrade in that aspect. Otherwise everything feels pretty good and sturdy. This is my first experience with Denali but so far so good.
Puchased these ratchets as back-up but they ended up being my go-to ratchets!
I was in need of some flex head ratchets to diversify my relatively small mechanics tool set and didn’t want to break the bank. I picked these up and have already put them to good use. I immediately noticed the high quality finish and durability. Definitely recommended!
A very reasonable set of sockets that will keep you going for a good while at a far cheaper price than some of the well known brand names, that come with a mortgage price attached, Don’t let the price fool you into thinking there’s totally Chineseem because you may be pleasantly surprised I was. Worth a go, you’ll be working a way in the garage in no time.
This is a high quality tool at great price. Weight and design is perfect – get this one.
ich bin immer auf der Suche nach praktischen Werkzeugen fr den Hausgebrauch, deshalb bin ich auf den Denali 200-teiligen Allzweckwerkzeugsatz gestoen. Ich dachte mir, dass ich fr den Preis einen Versuch wagen kann. Hier ist meine Meinung zu diesem Produkt.
Beschreibung des Produkts:
Der Denali 200-teilige Allzweckwerkzeugsatz enthlt eine Vielzahl an Werkzeugen, darunter Schraubenschlssel, Steckschlssel, Schraubendreher, Zangen und vieles mehr. Alles ist in einem praktischen Koffer verpackt, der einfach zu tragen ist.
Preis-Leistungsverhltnis: Fr den Preis bekommt man wirklich viele Werkzeuge.
Praktischer Koffer: Der Koffer hlt alle Werkzeuge gut organisiert und ist einfach zu tragen.
Qualitt: Die Werkzeuge sind nicht die beste Qualitt, aber fr den Hausgebrauch sind sie absolut ausreichend.
Optik des Koffers: Der Koffer wirkt etwas billig, aber er erfllt seinen Zweck.
Insgesamt bin ich mit dem Denali 200-teiligen Allzweckwerkzeugsatz zufrieden. Es ist ein super Preis-Leistungsverhltnis und die Werkzeuge sind fr den Hausgebrauch absolut ausreichend. Der Koffer ist praktisch und hlt alles gut organisiert. Ich kann es jedem empfehlen, der nach einem gnstigen Werkzeugsatz fr den Hausgebrauch sucht.
4 von 5 Sternen!
While the 3/8 seems pretty sturdy, the 1/4 has a lot of play as mentioned in other reviews. However, it doesn’t stop me from grabbing it almost every time I need a 1/4 since I got it so I still give it 4 stars
Questo kit di attrezzi davvero fatto benissimo, esso si compone di 200 pezzi ed l’ideale da tenere in casa o in auto per qualsiasi evenienza.
Il kit viene fornito all’interno di una pratica valigetta in plastica molto robusta e di facile apertura.
La valigetta viene consegnata all’interno di una scatola in cartone molto protettiva, onde evitare danneggiamenti durante il trasporto.
All’interno del kit troviamo numerosi strumenti di lavoro, ovvero:
un set di chiavi inglesi;
4 set di chiavi a brugola;
un set di chiavi a tubo;
un set di punte di vario genere;
due chiavi a cricchetto con relativi estensori e adattatori;
5 cacciaviti;
una pinza.
Qualitativamente parlando, questo kit fatto benissimo, esso molto resistente e tutti gli accessori presenti nel kit funzionano alla perfezione.
Inoltre, le impugnature degli strumenti, come cacciaviti, pinze, etc, sono comode e abbastanza morbide.
Personalmente utilizzo questo kit per i piccoli lavori domestici ma credo sia perfetto anche da tenere in macchina per ogni eventualit.
Se consideriamo il contenuto, le dimensioni della valigetta sono davvero contenute, questo la rende davvero pratica e poco ingombrante.
Infatti, in casa pu stare benissimo sotto un letto o all’interno di un piccolo ripostiglio poich occupa uno spazio relativamente piccolo.
Insomma, questo kit davvero completo, ha una qualit altissima ed anche pratico e maneggevole.
IL prezzo non bassissimo ma la qualit in compenso davvero buona, inoltre va considerato che questo kit comprende moltissimi accessori e strumenti che in genere non si trovano combinati assieme.
Per cui, mi sento di consigliare questo kit se vuole avere tutto a disposizione in un’unica valigetta.
The flex head ratchet is a great addition to my socket set. the tool is great quality, ratchet action is smooth. the handle has just enough size that its comfortable to grip. directional switch is easy to flip but isn’t the style that you accidentally switch when using the tool. flexible head moves with ease and the plating feels durable. Solid tool.
My husband has been after one of these for a while so when these came up I ordered it straight away. When it arrived he was absolutely over the moon and said its a great edition to his tools. Very happy husband
Cette valise contient la fois les clefs et douilles au format mtrique et imprial, c’est pour cette raison qu’elle est aussi encombrante.
Le matriel est de bonne qualit, les cliquets pratiques avec le verrouillage des douilles.
A vous de voir si vous prfrez avoir 1 grande malette ou 2 moyennes pour chaque systme mtrique.
ich bewerte das Danali 200-teiliger Allzweckwerkzeugsatz (Allesknner)” mit 4-5 Sternen. Der Verkaufspreis von ca. 100 fr solches Satz ist nicht hohe und daher hatte ich keine hohe Erwartung. Aber der Satz hat eine bessere Qualitt als gedacht.
Wie mein Foto zeigt, dass die Zange eine schlechte Verarbeitung hat. Die Klingen sind nicht genau symmetrisch und die Kante ist scharf bzw. nicht gut poliert. Aber tatschlich brauchen den anderen Werkzeugen im Satz keine hohe Verarbeitungsanforderung. Sie sind stark vom Material abhngig. Die meisten Werkzeugen und die Bits habt ein CR-V Zeichen. Das Material von Chrom-Vanadium-Stahl bzw. CR-V ist blich und akzeptabel aber nicht die hochwertigsten. Das ist den Preis wert.
In dem ersten Eindruck scheint der Ersatz vollstndig zu sein. Es gibt zwei praktischen Umschaltknarre mit 6,35 mm (1/4 Zoll) und 9,525 mm (3/8 Zoll) Auenvierkant. Dabei gibt es noch bezglichen Adapter (3/8 auf 1/2 Zoll) und Verlngerungen. Aber die Lnge der 3/8 Zoll Umschaltknarre betrgt nur ca. 20 cm. Wenn es hohes Drehmoment braucht, brauchen wir zustzlichen Schlssel.
Fazit: 4-5 Sterne. Es ist fr Heimwerker nicht Profis. Das Material sieht robust aus. Die Verarbeitung der meisten Werkzeug sind hochwertig. Der Preis ist angemessen.
Un trs complet set d’outils que cette mallette.
Je dirais qu’on est sur un set qui serait trs adapt aux motos amricaines ou aux classiques du mme continent.
Il y’a des douilles en pouces en plus des douilles mtriques habituelles, c’est ce qui me pousse penser cela.
Les outils sont d’assez bonne qualit, cela n’gale pas du Facom mais c’est trs bien pour commencer s’quiper.
Quand on se lance dans du bricolage la maison arrive souvent ce moment o il nous manque une clef ou un embout !!!
Cet ensemble de 200 pices comprend presque tout le ncessaire s’avrant utile et dont on peut avoir besoin pour des petits travaux domicile.
On retrouve une multitude de cls oeil pour presque toutes les situations, un lot complet d’embouts avec galement des ttes carres de toutes les tailles, deux cls cliquet avec une multitude de douilles et plusieurs rallonges
ainsi que quelques tournevis.
Une mallette assez complte et du coup un peu encombrante, mon seul regret est d’avoir une pince bec quand selon moi une pince multiprise aurait t plus utile.
Attention de l’ouvrir dans le bon sens en suivant les repres prsents pour bien nous le rappeler !
Le cot reste raisonnable, la qualit semble correcte, reste voir ce qu’il en sera l’usage
… durchaus ziemlich viel. Denn das besondere an diesem Werkzeugsatz ist, dass sowohl alle gngigen metrischen als auch alle gngigen zolligen Schlssel und Nsse vorhanden sind. Was ich so bisher noch nie gesehen habe, kann fr jemanden der gelegentlich an exotischen Fahrzeugen herumschraubt, durchaus sehr hilfreich und interessant sein. So findet man an britischen Fahrzeugen oder alten Traktoren durchaus oft derartige und auergewhnliche Abmessungen an Schrauben und Muttern.
Da ich mit der Marke Denali schon etwas Kontakt hatte und auch schon das eine oder andere Werkzeug mein Eigen nennen darf, war ich auch hier wieder durchaus positiv berrascht von der doch recht guten Verarbeitungsqualitt. Man darf hier sicher kein Profiwerkzeug erwarten, aber grundstzlich ist hier wirklich alles einwandfrei. Auch der Koffer kann berzeugen und hlt smtliche Werkzeuge fest an ihrem vorgesehenen Aufbewahrungsort.
Im Set befinden sich nahezu alle Steckschlssel von 3,5mm bis 21mm sowie von 3/16″ bis 7/8″. Gabelringschlssel findet man von 7mm bis 15mm sowie von 1/4″ bis 5/8″. Mit dabei sind auch Inbusschlssel als kurze und lange Version von 1,5mm bis 10mm und von 1/16″ bis 3/8″.
Wer hier nicht das passende Werkzeug findet, der hat dann wohl wirklich Pech gehabt. Ansonsten findet man hier, was Innen- und Auensechskant betrifft, so gut wie alles was irgendwo verbaut wurde. Die Umschaltknarren mit 1/4″ und 3/8″ sind ebenfalls gut verarbeitet und hinterlassen einen durchaus wertigen Eindruck. Auch die Schraubenzieher und die Zange sind nicht von schlechten Eltern und fr gelegentliche Einstze auf jeden Fall zu gebrauchen.
Wer gelegentlich an Exoten herumschraubt, der kann hier auf jeden Fall zugreifen. Wer aber hauptschlich in metrischen Bereichen unterwegs ist, der kann sich die ganzen Zollwerkzeuge, welche durchaus den halben Koffer einnehmen, sparen und das Ersparte dann doch in Profiwerkzeuge investieren.
These tools seem very strong for the price. Ive been rough with them working on the tractor and they take it well. a fairly comprehensive set in a well made tough case. Impressed!
This tool set has absolutely everything! I can’t name half the stuff its got in the box but it may come in handy one day! Every tool has every size you could want and comes well packed in a case for easy storage. Every bit of DIY I do now I come straight to this box! Brilliant stuff very happy
Quand on est juste bricoleur on a souvent soit pas l’envie soit pas le budget pour s’quiper massivement en outillage ! Du coup on se retrouve essayer de faire des choses sans avoir le bon outil…et c’est la galre et on arrive souvent pas grand chose !
C’est l que les solutions d’outillage a des prix plus intressant deviennent justement intressant !
Les plus :
C’est La valise pour tout dmonter ! Et mme au del !
Y a tout ce qu’on dsire ou presque pour faire de la mcanique !
Et surtout a devient un must si on travaille sur des projets ou potentiellement on est confront des vis en pas et tailles impriale !
La a devient la valise qui sauve bien fes situations!
Ici l’intgralit des outils est doubl avec leur quivalence en Imprial ! Tout !
Valise avec un vrai axe de charnires. Pas juste un bout de plastique mou qui fait la pliure. a tiendra un peu plus longtemps ! (Sauf si vous faites tomber la valise, vu le poids)
Les cliquets ne sont pas dsagrables du tout ! Angle de reprises faibles, assez peu de jeux (surtout dans cette gamme de prix) bonne rtention des douilles. Non vraiment sympa. J’ai quelques autres cliquets et mme certains de marque plus onreuses qui n’ont rien de plus…si ce n’est l’inverse.
Systme de rtention des douilles dverrouillable. Un classique mais qu’on rtrouve pas forcment mme sur des marques bien connues chez nous.
C’est pourtant plus agrable pour changer de douilles rapidement et sans forcer.
Les moins :
La valise n’a pas vraiment de sens. Du coup si on ne regarde pas l’tiquette ou le jour o ces tiquettes deviendront illisible on ouvrira forcment la valise dans le mauvais sens et on passera une demi heure tout ranger en pestant !
Pour conclure, oui ce n’est pas des outils de qualit pro. Mais pour un bricoleur qui cherche avant tout avoir le bon outils adapts sans pour autant se ruiner et bien c’est une solution !
Et vu l’utilisation qu’un bricolou va en avoir il y a de grandes chances qu’il ne casse pas grand chose avant bien longtemps (sauf la valise videmment)
Pour autant si vous n’avez strictement aucun intrt possder des clefs et douilles en format imprial ne vous encombrez pas d’une telle valise. Choisissez le modle en dessous avec juste le jeu en mtrique !
El pack de herramientas es una pasada, dentro viene todo lo necesario de llaves con muchas medidas.
Adems de alicates y destornilladores, pero eso en menor cantidad.
Todo lo que viene se ve de buena calidad con buenos acabados.
Para cualquier bricolaje en casa es ideal, o para amantes de las herramientas.
Calidad precio genial.
In casa siamo fai da te, ci piace poter arrangiarci a fare di tutto innanzitutto come hobby e passatempo e poi anche per il risparmio che questo comporta: prendere un artigiano per qualsiasi lavoro non costa meno di 40/50 euro ed in pi non semplice trovarli e a volte bisogna aspettare anche dei mesi per averli.
Questo set di attrezzi multiuso contiene 200 pezzi in acciaio al carbonio con una finitura cromata e resistente alla ruggine per garantire agli attrezzi una durata pi lunga.
La sua custodia una bella valigia con due ganci per poterla aprire e chiudere ed in pi con una sicurezza affinch non si apra durante il trasporto che consiste in una fascettina che chiude a mo’ di lucchetto ed posta sotto alla maniglia.
Come l’ho estratta dalla scatola sono rimasta sorpresa dalla grandezza e dal peso della valigia:
10 kg con la dimensione 53 cm x 43 cm x cm 10 di altezza circa.
All’interno ogni attrezzo ha il suo spazio fisso dedicato per poterli trasportare in sicurezza.
Incredibile la quantit di chiavi fisse e a bussola per cricchetto da un ottavo, da un quarto o con la sua riduzione da mezzo pollice, non mancano nemmeno le brugole con le misure principali, due cacciaviti fissi a lama diritta, uno lungo e uno corto cos come uno lungo ed uno corto a stella, poi c’ la serie di cacciaviti da applicare sul cricchetto: diritti, a stella, torx ed esagonali, questi possibile applicarli su un cacciavite fisso.
Non mancano nemmeno le prolunghe per il cricchetto: due da 10 cm e una da 15 cm, infine una bella pinza con le punte diritte, quasi impossibile descrivere pezzo per pezzo tutto quello che contiene la valigetta.
Sono veramente entusiasta di poter possedere questa valigetta di attrezzi indispensabile per chi ama il fai da te e anche se un po’ cara col tempo usando gli strumenti si pagher rapidamente l’investimento iniziale e spero che i materiali sono davvero resistenti nel tempo.
I had one of these from a different brand about 20-30 years ago. It has been broken for at least 10 years and I just didn’t have the heart to throw it away because it was so useful. I kept it as a reminder to buy myself a new one but never did in all these years until now!
I’m so glad I found these, and they literally get used all the time!! These flex head ratchets are the handiest tools for hidden bolts, tight spots, transmission work, anything car related that you need to wrap your arm around one thing to get to another!
These are priceless to a guy like me, and I can’t believe I went so long without them.
These would be a great gift for the person that has everything, or a DIY freak like myself.
For me these are an absolute keeper and will be in my tool collection till I die.
If you’ve never owned or used a flex head ratchet, you NEED these! I’m telling you, you will find yourself using these for everything!
Highly recommended!!
This Denali tool set is surprisingly heavy (20 lbs), due to all of the metal present. Fortunately, the molded plastic case uses enough plastic for it to be sturdy and keep the tools well organized. The molded-in handle is solid and easy to hold and the two snap latches keep the case tightly closed, making it easy to transport the set. You do have to pay attention, however, to which side is up when you are opening the case or you will cause all of the sockets fall out (the screwdriver & wrench side should be on top). There are two nearly- identical white stickers that are intended to remind you which side should face up (see the one for “this side up” in the photo), but having done it wrong several times now I think I’m going to add a red sticker and a green sticker (“NO” and “YES”, respectively) so that I pay more attention to that orientation detail.
Inside, there is a nice selection of “fastener” tools — the ones you use for nuts, bolts, and screws. This is a really solid “starter” set that can be used around the home and also for basic vehicle maintenance. Looking at the assortment, It seems like there was some effort made to include things that would actually be useful, rather than just creating a large number of items in a case. Manufacturing quality seems good and the finish on the chrome-finish tools is well-done.
I like that the set includes four basic screwdrivers, so you don’t always need to locate a bit out of the array and snap it in. I also like the selection of deep sockets and the large number of Allen wrenches. Including the needle nose pliers is an interesting choice, but would be handy for simple electrical wiring; I’m a bit surprised they didn’t include a basic set of pliers as well. I guess you can’t include everything.
I was surprised when this arrived at the size and amount of tools you get, but at this price of just under 82 at time of review it makes sense what you get.
Unfortunately the amazon delivery driver dropped the box which caused the contents to spill out, I think he managed to get most of the bits and pieces back in but 1 piece is missing now. It’s no major issue though and not the manufacturers fault. Maybe the delivery driver underestimated the weight of this lol. Its fairly weighty with the contents.
The tools look pretty good. They’re not going to compete with a brand like SnapOn but it’s still a decent quality tool set. It’s better than the budget cheap tool sets and the chrome vanadium sockets and spanners are highly polished and look well manufactured.
This kit has all sorts from screwdrivers, spanners, sockets, Allen keys to screwdriver bits etc.
With the contents it means in most circumstances of DIY, maintenance etc, just the one tool set is needed to carry to the job and the case keeps all the contents well organised with sizes etc blown cast into the case under each socket for example.
Some tools however are inclined to move around in the case as they’re not clip in secured and relys on the soft sponge insert to keep them compressed inside the case which is a shame because most of the other tools are push clipped into their own blown casting.
I had to sort the contents out after the delivery driver dropped the box which took a while and discovered 1 bit missing.
The case outer let’s the tool set down a little with stickers placed onto both sides indicating which way up to open the case (so the tools don’t all drop out lol)
Why couldn’t the manufacturer blow cast TOP and BOTTOM into the outer plastic or similar?
The case also is secured with cheap plastic clips that have a tendency to pop off the clip hinges and I worry that these will break eventually or lose them and that would be a disaster considering this tool set is so large and extensive.
None the less it’s a pretty good all round tool set, bit pricey in my opinion but the tool quality is not bad at all and great for the home DIYer, builder, mechanic etc etc.
This is a very good set of high-quality tools that will get a lot of use. The case is robust and heavy duty and the tools are well laid out when you open it. There is a wide range of pieces to cope with almost any size not or bolt you can imagine, I liked the combination of different handles and two sizes of screwdrivers with long or short handles. The different parts for sockets etc. fit together easily and come apart just as simply when needed.
Like others, the only issue is that some of the pieces will not stay in their holes meaning that every time you open the box you have to go through putting them back in the right place. I think I can fix this with some little slivers of card that slip alongside the loose parts to hold them in – but all in all, that is a minor issue. Good value set for almost any job
Die meisten Nutzer werden nur die Hlfte des Werkzeugs in diesem Kasten nutzen da praktisch alles in doppelter Ausfhrung vorhanden ist…
In mm (Europa) und in Zoll (Anglo-Amerikanischer Raum, UK)
Das heit fast alles in diesem Koffer ist in doppelter Ausfhrung mit einem Marginalen Grenunterschied zwischen physisch hnlichen Gren des Werkzeugs.
Inhalt: (Siehe auch Detailfotos der Bestckung)
Schraubenschlssel 7stk 7-15mm 7Stk 1/4 bis 5/8 Zoll
Nsse: 27Stk 3.5-21mm 23Stk 3/16 bis 7/8 Zoll Sowie ein 5/8(16mm)
Lange Nsse: 12Stk 4-19mm 9Stk: 1/4 bis 3/4
Adapter fr Ratsch/Nsse: 4Stk
2×2 (also 4Stk) lange und kurze Inbusschlssel in mm 1.5-10 & Inch 1/16-3/8
Sowie 2x6Stk Nsse fr die Bohrmaschine/Schlagschrauber6-12mm oder 1/4 bis 1/2Zoll
Und insgesamt 50Stk verschiedene Bits Schlitz/Kreuz/Imbus/Torx/Rechteck
Dann noch eine kleine und eine groe Ratsche.
Hier mchte ich hinzufgen das die Ratschen super gehen, links/rechts Lauf haben und auch eine Speere.
Weiters Einen Knopf um die Nuss bzw. Verlngerung auszuwerfen. Beim Druck fhrt der kleine Ball ein und ein Stift wirft die Nuss vorne aus.
Der Koffer selbst ist jetzt nicht vergleichbar mit einem Werkzeugkoffer den man extra kauft, aber er hat eine wesentlich besser Qualitt und Materialstrke als die meisten Werkzeugkoffer die man so dazubekommt.
Auch der Verschluss ist besser, er quetscht nicht nur wie bei den billigeren Werkzeugkoffern von manchen Akkumaschinen, sondern hat einen Klappverschluss.
Der Koffer ist gute 5 Sterne wert fr Nutzer die hie und da (oder fters) mal Zoll bzw mm Werkzeug brauchen. Wenn man allerdings als Heimwerker alles im Baumarkt kauft knnte man wohl ein Set kaufen das nur dem Regionalen Ma (mm fr Deutschland/sterreich) entspricht. In diesem Fall wren es durch die gesunkene Preis Leistung nur 3-4 Sterne.
Wow!! What a selection box. There must be every possible nut size you would require in this tool kit. The quality of the kit seems to be very good. And comes in a very sturdy case, although I am not sure how secure the parts are in the case, because when I opened it for the first time, there were parts loose in the case. Apart from that, the layout of the case is good and showcases the sheer number of attachments you get with this product. The parts themselves look and feel of a good quality.
Included are 2 different sized ratchets, a vast amount hex sockets, deep sockets for those hard-to-reach areas, extensions for those really hard to reach places, a few magnetic screw drivers, and every size allen key imaginable. There are also a few sockets that I would assume by the shape of them, are to attached to an electric drill for more power. Not having a definitive list included I am just taking an educated guess I’m afraid. If I find out any different, I will update this review.
In summary, this is certainly one of the most comprehensive sockets sets I’ve ever seen. Apart from the different sockets, having 2 ratchets and a number of extensions that can be attached, you won’t be searching around for the right one with this set. Not long ago I was searching for a certain allen key and when I found one, it was really awkward getting the right angle to turn it. This would have been ideal. And a strong case to keep it all together. Great product.
Questo set di chiavi Denali,ci arriva in una scatola piuttosto semplice,con all’interno una valigetta piuttosto robusta e di buona qualit,con su indicato il verso dal quale aprirla per evitare di far cadere le bussole non fissate all’interno.
Una volta aperta,il set una gioia per gli occhi.
Tutte le chiavi,bussole ed accessori sono disposte in modo ordinato,permettendo un rapido riconoscimento delle chiavi.
Ho contato oltre 200 pezzi,tutti di buona qualit e forgati in acciaio al carbonio,come indicato dalla scritta “drop forged”.
Ci sono svariate BUSSOLE,le metriche vanno dalla 3,5mm (introvabile nei vari set) fino alla 21 partendo dall’innesto 1/4,poi 3/8 fino a finire all’attacco da 1/2 per le bussole pi grandi.
Le bussole in pollici seguono la stessa logica,partendo dalla piccola 3/16 fino ad arrivare alla 7/8.
Tutte le bussole hanno la parte interna ESAGONALE,per una presa salda e sicura sui dadi.
Sono presenti anche delle bussole esagonali LUNGHE,utili per smontare candele o dadi passanti.
Bussole per chiavi a BRUGOLA LUNGHE in pollici e metriche sono disponibili per gli innesti pi piccoli.
Le CHIAVI COMBINATE sono anch’esse di buona qualit,non si scalfiscono facilmente,permettono un buon grip sui perni,portano il marchio Denali e Drop Forged sul fusto,partono dalla 7 fino alla 15 per le metriche e dalla 1/4 fino alla 5/8 per quelle imperiali.
I 4 CACCIAVITI inclusi sono di 2 misure,2 philips e 2 a taglio.L’altro cacciavite ha un innesto 1/4 per consentire l’uso delle bussole pi piccole,anche se sono presenti vari ADATTATORI per dimensionare correttamente le varie chiavi incluse.
Sono presenti 2 cricchetti,uno per bussole da 3/8 l’altro per bussole da 1/4, presente un adattatore da 1/2 per le bussole pi grandi.
Le due impugnature a cricchetto sono REVERSIBILI,grazie alla piccola leva posta sul retro,hanno una leva corta.
Sono presenti anche alcune PROLUNGHE.
Abbiamo 50 Bits da utilizzare con l’adattatore in dotazione,utili per rendere multifunzionale il cacciavite od il cricchetto piccolo.
Ottima la dotazione di chiavi a brugola ad L,sono presenti in formato metrico dalla 1,5 alla 10,mentre nel formato in pollici dalla 1/16 alla 3/8 sia CORTE che LUNGHE.
Una PINZA a PUNTE inclusa,di buona qualit.
Dopo aver utilizzato varie chiavi e brugole,sono rimasto molto soddisfatto della qualit,non sono ovviamente prodotti di fascia alta,ma per l’uso semi-professionale vanno benissimo,le bussole reggono anche l’uso della pistola ad IMPULSI PNEUMATICA,per la quale dovrebbero essere invece utilizzate le bussole al Cr-MO pi rigido.
Forse i cricchetti possono essere il punto pi debole se utilizzati per coppie di serraggio piuttosto elevate.
Peccato per la mancanza delle bussole TORX femmina,sarebbe stato un set veramente completo.
Per il PREZZO al quale vengono proposte,sono un ottimo acquisto,se NECESSITATE delle chiavi in pollici incluse e volete un kit completo al 100% per lo smontaggio di moto inglesi/americane o attrezzature da giardino.
Das 200-teilige Werkzeugset von Denali macht einen wertigen Eindruck und ist gut verarbeitet. Man sollte es aber alleine schon aufgrund des Preises nicht mit Profiwerkzeug vergleichen. Von der Qualitt her kann es mit Werkzeugsets vom Discounter vergleichen werden. Es ist stabil, besteht aus vernnftigem Material und liegt gut in der Hand.
Im Lieferumfang ist allerlei ntzliches Werkzeug fr den Hausgebrauch. Es wird gut sortiert in einem bersichtlichen Koffer geliefert.
Von der Produktbeschreibung (Stand November 2022) kann man nicht viel ablesen, die Informationen 200-teilig und Chromblitz sind dabei noch das Hervorstechendste. Was aber vergessen wurde und letztlich sehr wichtig ist, ein Teil des Werkzeuges verfgt ber die metrische Prgung wie sie in Deutschland blich ist. So hat ein 15er Maulschlssel auch eine Schlsselweite von 15mm und die 15 ist auch in den Schlssel geprgt. Anders ist das bei dem zweiten Teil der Werkzeuge, diese haben die Prgung in Zoll. Damit hat ein 5/8 Schlssel eine Schlsselweite von 16mm und die 5/8 auch geprgt. Wren beide Werte auf dem Schlssel geprgt, sowohl die metrische als auch die Zollangabe, wre das berhaupt kein Problem. Durch diesen Umstand kann es zu einem Suchen und Probieren werden.
Ansonsten ist es ein gutbestckter Werkzeugkasten, welcher die kleineren Gren bei Muttern und Schrauben gut abdeckt. Bei den Stecknssen ist mit 22 Schluss und bei den Ring-/Maulschlsseln schon bei 5/8 bzw. 16. Sowohl die Schlssel als auch die Nsse bestehen aus einer Chrome Vanadium Legierung. Positiv zu erwhnen ist groe Anzahl an Langnsse.
Fr mich als Hobbybastler ist Angabe in Zoll sehr umstndlich, da htte ich mir die zustzliche Prgung in den blichen metrischen Werte gewnscht. Fr Reparatur an Fahrrder oder Mopeds drften die Gren ausreichen, fr grere Fahrzeuge sind noch ein paar weitere Stecknsse oder Schlssel notwendig. Eine Stecknuss mit Gelenk wrde das ganze Paket noch abrunden.
nel complesso: 8/10
dotazione: 10/10
estetica: 9/10
qualit dei materiali: 8/10
versatilit: 8/10
rapporto qualit/prezzo: 8/10
Ho una buona opinione dei prodotti brandizzati Denali, sono accessibili economicamente e qualitativamente apprezzabili.
Al primo colpo d’occhio tutto il set mi ha fatto una buona impressione.
La valigia robusta, bella pesante, peccato che al suo interno le chiavi non rimangano incastrate, ad ogni apertura ci si ritrovano bussole, chiavi e inserti fuori dalle loro sedi alla rinfusa.
Gli accessori del set, seppur di fascia commerciale, si distinguono con molto distacco dai competitor economici.
Questo kit di utensili ha un assortimento di chiavi (200 pezzi) che va ben oltre le esigenze medie di un contesto hobbistico.
Oltre alle chiavi standard in mm, sono presenti anche quelle in pollici; ho molto apprezzato questa scelta del produttore, perch sempre pi spesso mi trovo a dover intervenire su attrezzatura importata dall’estero che ha bulloni in pollici.
Valido anche l’assortimento di bit per viti, che oltre agli standard diffusi consente di intervenire anche su viti con teste speciali.
Nella dotazione un po’ penalizzato il settore cacciaviti (4 unit) e pinze (1 sola a becco stretto).
Una pecca che ho riscontrato la punzonatura della misura sulle bussole che in alcuni casi talmente lieve da non consentire bene la fruibilit del numero, per il resto tutto ok.
Per ora la mia opinione positiva, toccher utilizzare a lungo termine il kit per capire la resistenza alla deformazione del metallo e alla ruggine.
Il prodotto di buona qualit ed il prezzo adeguato, le mie aspettative sono state soddisfatte, consiglio questo prodotto.
Spero che questa recensione possa essere di aiuto per un acquisto consapevole.
I’ve been using these working on my truck for the last couple weeks, they’ve been working pretty well. My only complaint is that sometimes the flex heads seem just a little loose. Trying to work them into a tight spot, it was pretty easy to get them caught and fold the head completely over. That can happen with any flex head ratchet, but it seemed like these were just a little bit easier to flex than some of my others. Of course, that’s a matter of preference depending on what you’re doing. Overall I’m pretty pleased with these and I’ll continue to use them regularly.
I’ve got regular ratchets that I use often, but I’ve never had any with flex heads. This set of 1/4″ and 3/8″ drives means that I don’t have to “get creative” any more in vehicle maintenance situations with extensions or wobbles just to make partial contact between the socket and the bolt head. 72 teeth means there’s plenty of fine control when accessing the bolts. The tensioning on the flex-head seems to be a good balance of flex and snug, and using the ratchet went as smoothly as I’d hoped it would. Based on my other experiences with tools from the Denali brand/line, I expect that these will be durable. It’s nice to know that all the bolts can now be accessed fully and correctly and that rounding off the heads won’t be as great of a risk as it has been in tight spaces up to now!
This is my first set of flex head ratchets and I really like them. The ratchet mechanism isn’t quite as good as some of my best ratchets, but it’s still quite good and in use I never felt like I was being limited by the backdrag or anything else about them. In tight spaces the 72 teeth allow you to get a decent amount of movement per swing. It is also very nice to be able to adjust the angle of the handle to clear obstructions.
About the only complaint I had was that I bumped the direction lever a couple of times and either reversed the direction or left it in the middle so it was completely out of gear. This is a problem I’ve had with every ratchet of this style though and it wasn’t worse than any other so I wouldn’t hold it against them.
Overall I would say these are a solid way to get some flex head ratchets without breaking the bank.
I like the Denali brand! Their tools are very high quality and they are reasonably priced. For this particular tool-kit, I like the amount of tools and the quality of them however the only thing I disliked was the case. It could be designed a bit better then it currently is. Its hard to know which side is up and which side is down and if you happen to open it wrong it will mess up all your organized tools. Denali must be aware of this defect as well since they have labels on both the bottom and the top directing you to the correct side to open it from. I plan to get around this by just putting my own sticker on correct side to open, however it would be nice if they would adjust the case a bit to make it more obvious. Aside from the case the tools are pretty comparable to Craftsman and Duratech. I am impressed with the quality of them and how well they do in automotive work which is what I have been using them for. Overall happy with these tools and would buy other tools from Denali.
I often need to turn a nut or bolt that’s in a place that is just not convenient with my standard ratchet handles that came with my set. I sometimes use deep sockets and/or universal joints to get around this.
Many of the odd situations can be addressed by these handles when simply rotating the handle up a bit is required. These are strong with a quality protective chrome finish. The heads take and hold my sockets well and release with a push button. The levers for adjustment of ratcheting direction work easily and the fine 72-tooth mechanism means that you can ‘creep’ along on your turns if the space is tight even with the flex handle.
Of course they also work when straight, so often can replace your standard ratchet handles. Then you have the flex option in your hand already when you need it.
I just noticed that the Amazon listing for these Amazon “house-brand” wrenches shows *no* competitive tools in the “Products related to this item” display bar — unlike virtually every Amazon listing (including the listings for the other flex-head square-drive ratchets which *are* offered on the site). Just sayin’. Do your own shopping.
I’m happy to say that these wrenches seem like a quality upgrade for me from an old GearWrench 81219. An inch shorter and a bit chunkier, but in return I get a 72-tooth ratchet instead of 48. And a 7-position ball detent in the flex to allow delicate threading of the tool into awkward spots in just the position desired, instead of the loose floppy head of the GearWrench. Side-play in both wrenches is about the same.
Time will tell whether some durability or function issue turns up, but they seem sturdy and well-made. For a mid-range tool (i.e. not junk and not pro — think old S-K, current Craftsman, or Husky) I see a very good value at the price point offered.
My 30+ year old ratchets also don’t have the release button, so my sockets can fall off fairly easily. These Denali ratchets have a release button that I need to push to put the sockets on and to take them off. This feature works great on the 3/8″ ratchet, but the 1/4″ ratchet requires the release button to be pushed to insert the socket, but the socket can be easily pulled off without using the release button. I kind of wished it was backwards and I don’t know if this is an annoyance with my ratchets only, or if others have the same issue.
The flex head has preset indentations for approximately the 30, 60, and 90 degree angles. You could probably use the ratchets in-between those angles, but it’s just more difficult.
Side note, my 17 year old son saw these new ratchets and said, “Don’t you already have ratchets?”. A moment later he answered his own question with, “Neat, these have flex heads”.
Overall I like these ratchets and they’ll make a fine addition to my 30+ year old fixed head ratchets. Plus, you can never have enough tools.
I have seen the review of the folks that are very technical and measure every aspect of these ratchets. I am just someone that wants a ratchet to work. I like these because the head angles for tight spaces. I also like the detent button. These ratchets look nice and feel good and heavy in the hand. They work like ratchets. I am not looking for a Ferrari of ratchets. I want something that works well and will last. These seem to meet that requirement. The price on these is fair and reasonable. I do wish there was a way to lock the angle of the head but that is just a personal wish. I can’t see anything else that I would complain about and my complaint is a personal one not one of workmanship. It has the standard items like a lever to change directions. The best thing is the limited lifetime warranty. I think this was a good deal and I recommend them.
The picture shows them with my extensions, they were not included. I wanted to test them against known 3/8 and 1/4 inch attachments. The fit is very good.
The ratchets are easy to hold and operate. The direction switch is crisp, and the release button is solid.
These are a good addition to the tool box for those hard to reach or awkward bolts.
Good find.
When it comes to low dollar ratchets, the quality varies greatly. Even in the Denali line I have found some items are great while others are very poorly made. These flex head Denali ratchets are as good as any cheap ratchets that I’ve tried and the price is great. These are better than Tekton’s flex-head ratchets and way less expensive.
I have an old (1980’s) Craftsman professional, long-handled, flex head 3/8″ ratchet that has been my go to ratchet for 30 plus years. This Denali does not quite have the quality of my Craftsman but it is not too far off the mark and in some aspects it is superior. The Denali quick release mechanism is better than the 35 year old Craftsman’s and so is the reversing lever, which is much easier to get a thumb on. The ratcheting resistance is also less with the Denali. Which means a loose nut will continue to ratchet off longer with this ratchet as compared to the Craftsman professional. In fact the Denali has less ratcheting resistance than any 3/8 ratchet I own (MAC included).
The worst aspect of these Denali flex-head ratchets is the slop in the flex head joint. However, I do not see this as a big problem and I can’t really see how it will cause any productivity issues in the future. I prefer a flex-head ratchet to a non-flex. There are almost no situations where it doesn’t work just as well and quite a few where it makes the job so much easier and quicker. The other thing that is sometimes handy with a flex-head is that it allows the ratchet to store in a shorter toolbox.
I like the round handle on the Denali. It is easy to grip and feels much better in your hand than most flat handles when you need to apply force. The 1/4 Denali flex-head is the longest 1/4 ratchet I own (I think I have around 10).
If you’re needing a couple extra ratchets to keep in the truck or tractor, or just want to have a flex head option in your toolbox, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with these. If you’re in the market for a whole set of metric sockets and ratchets, I love this one.
I like the case. With the exception of the deep sockets, most of the tools are well retained. Because of the deeps, the box needs to be held flat and opened right side up or you’ll have some rearranging to do. Lots of sockets in both metric and SAE, mostly 1/4″ and 3/8″ drive. There are some 1/2″ drive sockets and a 3/8-to-1/2 adapter, but no 1/2″ ratchet or extensions. The sockets look good, nice chrome and the size is deep indent marked. The screwdrivers have blackened tips to imitate the roughened finish you’d find on high end drivers. The combination wrenches have the sizes stamped deeply and on both ends of both sides. They also have Denali lasered on one side. There are lots of 1/4″ bits – 1/8″ to 9/32″ flat, Philips 0 to 3, 5/64″ to 1/4″ hex, Torx t10 to t40, and Robertson square drive 0 to 3. Notice there are no metric hex bits. This set has a 1/4″ handle with 1/4″ female on the top, Snappy calls theirs a TM4CSA. Super handy tool, you can break a fastener free with your 1/4″ ratchet and then undo it by hand.
Criticisms: Missing is a 3/8″ deep and a 10mm deep. The 1/4″ hex adapter has a spring loaded ball retention device but it doesn’t contact the shank, so it has no effect. Perhaps the hole in the spring band is too large, or the ball is too small. The ratchets have two large holes under the selector that lead directly to the direction pawls, these are going to get loaded with grit and cause malfunctions. The sockets are well marked with their sizes, but instead of a Denali logo they are deep indented with Chrome Vanadium. They’d look much better with a logo instead, and perhaps some more detailing such as knurling on the metrics. There is a sparse selection of combination wrenches, but several have oversized openings on the open end. The excess is about .006″, for instance the 5/8″ (.625″) should measure about .630 but these are .636″. The 13mm and 15mm are similarly oversized.
I’m going to give this 5 stars in spite of these problems, because there is so much they got right with this ambitious tool set. Denali needs to fix the 1/4″ adapter and to get a 10mm deep into the set, but I’m sure they will.
These ratchets look and feel good. The chrome is flawless, it competes with the GW and the truck brand. The feel in your hand is excellent, no sharp edges and a nice weight. Backdrag is excellent. To measure the backdrag I wrapped a string around a socket and pulled against a weight on a scale. For the 3/8″ both the GW and the Snappy took about 11oz using a 7/8″ socket, and the Denali took about 6oz. For the 1/4″ the Snappy was again about 11oz and the Denali was 8oz. Remarkable results, I repeated the tests to confirm.
These are value priced ratchets and there are things that could be improved. First, the heads are loose in the handles. Even the GW has a bit of slop, but the Snappy’s have none. The 3/8″ Denali could take a .008″ shim, and the 1/4″ could take .017″. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is very noticeable. Second, the direction levers are plastic instead of metal, which seems like an unnecessary vulnerability. Lastly, the machining of the ridges for the flex detents is noticeably at an angle. This doesn’t affect anything, but it certainly looks sloppy. It is hard to capture in a picture, but the 3/8″ slopes down and to the right. The 1/4″ slopes up and to the right.
The quick release works very well and is a nice feature. My personal preference is for either a locking flex, or for a flex with no detents that you can adjust to be quite tight. But these are a quality ratchet that are an excellent value. I give these 4 stars, if they fixed the excess slop in the head-to-handle then I’d give them 5 stars.
This has everything I look for in a good ratchet. The flex head has a detent to hold it in place. That way I can put a socket on, and push it into a difficult position without having to worry about the head pivoting back.
It has a push button release with a pusher arm to drop the socket off. I often need to change sockets while I’m working under a car, and having this option allows me to do it one handed while I’m holding the part with the other hand. This is a must have for me.
The 72 point ratcheting mechanism allows me to get movement even when I’m in a confined area. Even when I can only move the handle a very small amount, I can still get clicks to drive that bolt out.
Overall a fantastic set of ratchets for solving difficult problems. I only wish it came with a 1/2″ drive as well.
Highly recommended.
2 – flat-head screwdrivers
2 – Phillips screwdrivers
1 – needle-nose pliers
1 – bit driver
50 – driver bits (variety)
6 – SAE sockets for bit driver
6 – metric sockets for bit driver
7 – SAE wrenches (open on one end, box on the other)
7 – metric wrenches
1 – 1/4″ drive ratchet
1 – 1/4″ extension (3″))
10 – SAE 1/4″ sockets
4 – SAE deep 1/4″ sockets
14 – metric 1/4″ sockets
6 – metric deep 1/4″ sockets
1 – 3/8″ drive ratchet
2 – 3/8″ extensions (3″ and 6″)
8 – SAE 3/8″ sockets
8 – metric 3/8″ sockets
1 – 3/8″ spark plug socket (5/8″/16mm”)
1 – 3/8″ drive to 1/2″ drive adapter
5 – SAE 1/2″ sockets
5 – metric 1/2″ sockets
10 – SAE hex keys
10 – metric hex keys
10 – SAE long hex keys
10 – metric long hex keys
If the math doesn’t add up, I probably missed listing something. It’s a pretty decent set, particularly for the price. The heads of the ratchets are fairly bulky for what they are, but they have a nice action and seem solidly made.
Only time will tell how durable these tools will be, but they seem to be a really good value for the money. Only real negative is the case they come in. It’s okay for storage, but probably won’t last, and it is way too bulky to use it for carrying the tools around. I’d recommend a nice tool roll or small tool box.
These look like awesome ratchets at first glance, the 72 tooth mechanism is sensitive and locks in tight (3-4 teeth are engaged), the design is good (3 screws holding the front plate on, and the reverse lever tension can be adjusted) and the release button is the smoothest I’ve tried. They really are a joy to use, as long as you remember they are flex heads (without a lock) and can bite you when it pops out of position in a tight spot, resulting in some skin left behind on a fender or header shroud.
The major downfall is the excessive handle slop, I measured both to be 4.5 degrees. Counting for this, the 3/8 ratchet took 11 degrees to engage the next tooth, and the 1/4 took 13 degrees, really hurting the performance in tight areas. Otherwise, the ratchets would compete with any other mid level name brand.
The heads are a bit thicker than most other ratchets, the 1/4 is .52 inches, and the 3/8 is .68, not including the release buttons. I show them compared to the standard raised panel USA Craftsman ratchets.
Both ratchets have 7 positions, 1 is neutral, and the others are in 30 degree increments, up to 90 degrees.
Overall still a great value for the price, I can probably shim the handle slightly to tighten them a bit for my needs.
While there will always be things I would like to add to a tool kit this one is a good basic kit. The fit and finish of the tools is very good. The ratchet handles have a good feel to them. The selector is recessed back from the edges which makes it harder to accidentally move it while under use. I wish more manufacturers would do this.
The selection of sockets is good and covers sizes most commonly needed when doing DIY automobile maintenance. The combination wrenches are good but I do wish the set came with a couple of more SAE and metric wrenches on the large end of the set. Sets of long and short Allen wrenches are good to see. The set comes with screw drivers. The flat bades drivers are not hollow ground. They are the old V style. They will work but are more prone to camming out of the screw head. There is a non-ratcheting driver and a good set of bit sincluded. Personally i would prefer a ratcheting driver and a few more bits over the individual screw drivers. Not a big deal just my preference.
The case seems sturdy. Time will tell how it holds up.
Overall this is a nice set for someone just starting out or a good set to take ont he road, etc. Amazon is rolling out more and more Denali branded tools. So far the quality of them has been good. In my opinion they are also a good value. I have not had make any warranty claims. Hopefully Amazon will make the warranty process efficient and trouble free.