Audio Pro Addon C3 Portable Multiroom Speaker – White

Audio Pro Addon C3 Portable Multiroom Speaker – White

Multi-room Magic
Why Wi-Fi?
Bluetooth connectivity has been allowing us to enjoy wireless audio for years, so why switch to Wi-Fi? Well, for a start, the Wi-Fi audio connection is much more reliable. Music is played directly across a wireless network rather than trusting in being able to connect to a specific mobile device or computer. This not only creates a smoother sound, but it also makes controlling that sound a little easier. Simultaneously stream various playlists, radio stations and audio seamlessly across speakers within the network, even when accepting an incoming call.
No Wi-Fi network nearby? The travel-ready Audio Pro Addon C3 comes complete with backup plan, being additionally Bluetooth-enabled to ensure that playback can continue no matter where your music takes you. Who knew?
Welcome to the Audio Pro Family
For Audio Pro it’s not just about selling speakers, it’s about creating an all-round unforgettable audio experience. That’s why they allow for the Addon C3, or any of the Audio Pro C-Series speakers to be wirelessly paired with existing classic, analogue hi-fi units and speakers. Simply add a Link 1 puck (sold separately) and create a truly open, unique and fully customizable sound system.
Wi-Fi vs. Bluetooth
- Better connection
- Clearer playback
- Play different audio across the network
- Calls won’t stop play
Dimensions: | 13.5 x 21.5 x 11.5 cm; 2 Kilograms |
Model: | ADDON C3 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Audio Pro |
Dimensions: | 13.5 x 21.5 x 11.5 cm; 2 Kilograms |
Origin: | China |
The sound for it’s size is mega. you can really hear all the little adlibs etc in the background of music, the audio like layers is mad. I listen to dandb aswell and it can handle almost every bassy note, it’s just not mega loud as it would be if you had a proper subbie but satisfying.
Reason for 4 stars is cos the rear 2 feet have fallen off. The front ones screw in which is great but the rears are adhesive and don’t last put my own ones in and it’s fine but the build quality is mildy shoddy in general tbf. Don’t get me wrong it looks great but yeah.
I had a previous version of this so knew what to expect. This is an upgraded version. I suppose that you can’t get a better recommendation than a second purchase.
It’s true – nothing is ever going to be completely perfect. How could it be?
If it was possible, I’d have chosen 4.5 stars. As it is, I had to choose five, because four feels unfair.
That’s because this little speaker, wrapped in its sleek, understated and unapologetically solid shell, does a good job of being almost perfect.
We got off to a bad start. I don’t know what the problem was. Maybe it needed a run in. Perhaps I placed it in a bad spot, or I sat too close. Whatever, when I fired it up and hit play on Bonobo’s Break Apart, something sounded slightly off. The bass was a bit flat, the highs too airy and the mids didn’t punch like I know they should.
Not to be deterred, I shifted things around and switched (some might say unfairly) to Aphex Twin’s Ageispolis. There’s a bass line that never sounds flat. And it didn’t. It didn’t sound great either. But that’s a tough tune for a lot of speakers, so it’s hard to expect this little unit to cope at such a young age.
A few more tunes and a couple of positional shifts later and things started to pick up.
Maybe it was just weary from the journey. Or perhaps it needed to flush itself though with some soundwaves. Whatever the reason, Metronomy’s Trouble is currently purring softly through the grills. The bass is firm and full. The highs clear and pronounced. And those mids are popping with a delicious punch.
As others have said, the app isn’t great. But then, it doesn’t get in the way.
The speaker isn’t particularly portable (if, by portable you mean you can wang it in a bag and lug it around all day). But the leather handle holds firm and you can move it from room to room as you go about your day.
The short version of this is, the speakers sound sublime and the whole thing looks and feels like it’s been designed and built with love.
And for me, that’s just about perfect.
looks good, hope the handle isn’t real leather, doesn’t sound as good as I hoped but adequate
Bought it as a Christmas present for my Mum. She’s delighted with it and uses it all the time. Sound quality is very impressive and it produces good volume given how neat the unit is. My sister got one afterwards as she was so impressed with it!
I wanted a Bluetooth speaker that would be relatively compact, decent quality, and would fill my family room with great sound. I tested a lot of speakers in this sub-$200 price range, ultimately narrowing it down to this Audio Pro Addon C3 and the Harmon Kardon Onyx Studio 4. I had them side by side on my book shelf for a couple of days switching back and forth between the two. They both had a really good, full, sound quality, and I really liked the size and aesthetics of the Audio Pro, but in the end the Audio Pro didn’t quite have the volume and fullness to really fill the room like the HK did, so I returned it and went with the HK (which was also a lot cheaper). The Audio Pro is definitely great quality, and In a different, smaller room it might have been just fine.
Great bit of kit purchased for my wife for Christmas used in the office listening to podcast and music perfect for bedrooms and average size living rooms. Love the presets linked to spotify for quick access to favourite content battery life is good and the fact it has WiFi and Bluetooth means perfect for garden party’s bbq etc
I have used this speaker pretty much every day for over a year now after having had another couple of different makes previously that I didn’t like, and for the money and size the audio quality of this speaker is simply amazing! It’s not far off a proper hifi if used in a room which isn’t too big.
I also love that it can be taken round to other rooms, etc as it has a battery which lasts for a decent amount of time.
The build quality is great.
My only small gripe with it is that the I wish the buttons would be a little bit more protruding so they are more tactile and easier to “find”. In my opinion there are too many touch screens in our lives these days and too few proper knobs and buttons so while the Audio Pro has proper buttons they are super-flat and not as satisfying to use as they could have been. Audio Pro: perhaps an idea for your next incarnation of this great speaker.
I specifically wanted a speaker capable of performimg well with playing various music styles , e.g. with good bass for listening to rock but also capable of delicacy and depth when listing to female vocalists and have been pleased with the speakers performance. I have not set up and do not use Alexa so cannot comment on that aspect of this speakers performance
It’s very good speaker that doesn’t need connection to ‘smart’ tools. You can connect to alexa if you want.
I returned google ‘smart speaker’ and purchased this one instead. All I needed was internet radio and bluetooth connectivity so I can play my own music without subscription. The sound is good. The look is good. Internet radio works perfect. Bluetooth works well.
I didn’t use it on batteries so I can’t say how’s battery live but I don’t care about battery.
Joli, bon son mais un peu galre reconnecter quand on change d’appareil.
Certains parlent de son hi-fi, faut pas exagrer mais on a un esprit enceinte de monitoring, sans la stro et avec une tendance trop marque mettre les voix en avant et , en fait tout ce qui est au centre et en gommant ce qui est sr le ct. Trs net par exemple en rock avec des guitares droite et gauche.
Le spectre est quand mme pas mal pour un engin de cette taille, les basses sont bien dfinies, peut tre un peu trop prsente si l’enceinte est proche d’un mur, il y a de jolis aigus et le mdium est trs propre, ce qui en fait aussi une bonne enceinte pour les films.
Donc globalement de qualit, quilibre et assez puissante, part ce dfaut sur la spatialisation. Vaut son prix mais a reste une enceinte bluetooth…
My main priority is sound quality. I bought this because of a strong review on WhatHiFi and I’m happy beyond my expectations!
The sound is true-toned, crisply timed, and musically balanced, giving a satisfying, authentic rendition of anything I’ve played on it.
Really fabulous musical quality for the money.
IMO the volume is sufficient to fill a large room or a good sized outdoor area.
The unit is handy to move around and Bluetooth Spotify was working in seconds once the initial charge was completed.
Daughter and son disappearing with their Bose devices we needed something for ourselves. Music quality is excellent as is battery life. Look like quality in build and backs up in sound. Happy on WiFi or Bluetooth.
Crystal clear sound, depth and precision. Way better sound quality than my sonos. The Addon App is counterintuitive at best and defeats functionality! Interoperability is compromised by the App. Try playing another’s play list through it via Bluetooth – Good Luck!! An excellent speaker ruined by it’s App!!
The sound when playing music is superb and this speaker is great at any volume. It has a really sweet sound, for such a relatively small package, and manages to deliver a dynamic sound with a punchy baseline, whilst still sounding pure and natural. It is an attractively designed and solidly built speaker as well, although possibly a bit too heavy if you’re looking for something to carry around in your bag, but it’s great at home or on the desk.
It’s even easier if using an apple product as you just choose your music and select the speaker over AirPlay.
As others have said, the sound is simply incredible for a relatively small speaker. Music is bright, clear and the bass is great considering it’s size and you can fill any good sized room with excellent sound without issue. You can adjust the EQ in the audio pro app easily.
Portability wise, it’s not really small enough to carry in your bag or backpack and I would recommend getting a smaller speaker if that’s your plan. It is the perfect size to move between rooms with ease, I use it between the kitchen, lounge and garden.
The battery life seems great so far. I won’t pretend to have tested it at full volume until the battery drains, but I have had it going for 10 hours in different rooms and still had charge left over.
Overall, a fantastic speaker given its price – I’m massively impressed.
Great sound out of a little unit. Little pricey on the face of it, but it is worth i
L’enceinte reste compacte mais d’une belle taille (un peu plus encombrante qu’une Sony xb33 ou marchall stockwell.) L’objet est design et pur pour s’intgrer partout. Portable en intrieur ou partir en vacances, mais pas mettre dans le sac dos… Avec 2kg.
Le son est vraiment bon, les garves puissantes et percutantes a 90/100 Hz, le reglage sortie usine avec l’equalisation +3 sur 5 donne un ct trs boomy… Pas vulgaire mais bien marqu. En ramenant le rglage a 0 ou -1 l’quilibre est trs bien matris. Les mediums et les voix sont bien mises en avant et les aigus fins sans acidit. Au final un son bien rond avec une belle ampleur qui soit occuper la pice. La puissance sonore restitu est impressionnante eu gard au volume de l’enceinte et le niveau restitu est lev a 3/4 du volume max. Les 25W RMS qui semblent dans la moyenne, sans plus, sont bien exploits… j’avais un peu peur avant d’acheter que la puissance soir juste, mais largement rassur. En comparaison au niveau rendu, cette enceinte dlivre autant qu’une JBL charge 5 de puissance suprieure et dans la grande majorit des cas le rglage volume a 50/60% du max suffit. Pas constat de distorsion a fort volume.
J’ai vu bcp de commentaire sur l’application audio pro avec des notes peu flatteuse…De mon ct (pourtant exigeant) dans sa dernire version cette app fonctionne parfaitement et offre de belles possibilits, bien mieux que la concurrence. Dj tout les services de streaming sont intgrs (personnellement QBuz, Amazon music, Spotify rpondent bien), le plus c’est l’intgration de TuneIn ou Vtuner pour diffuser le radio depuis l’app audio pro sans avoir installer en propre les applications. Un onglet permet de rgler toutes les enceintes pour le multiroom et de rgler tout les paramtres de l’enceinte comme les graves/aigus, le fonctionnement en mode stro ou simplement HP droit ou gauche dans une installation avec deux enceintes, fonction rveil ou timer, changer le nom de l’enceinte, mise jour du firmware. La possibilit de preaffecter les 4 raccourcis sur les stations radio ou playlist est vraiment au top. L’application est sobre sur fond noir sans fioritures, le seul petit bmol c’est qu’elle a du mal afficher certaines mtadonnes dont la pochette pour le contenu stoker dans l’appareil; curieux alors que a marche parfaitement pour toutes les sources en streaming… Pas bien grave il y a la possibilit de diffuser la musique depuis une application tierce rseau comme bubbleUpNP… Car une fois connect au rseau wifi cette enceinte est reconnu DLNA.
Point d’attention pour la premire connexion ( ce n’est pas indiqu dans la notice), comme cette enceinte ne fonctionne que sur la bande wifi 2,4Ghz il faut penser passer son quipement tlphone/tablette sur la bande 2,4Ghz et surtout dsactiver l’option automatique qui permet aux appareils de slectionner la meilleure bande wifi…sinon ce dernier va se reconnecter sur une bande 5Ghz et l’association avec l’enceinte ne marche pas…j’ai cherch 10mn au dpart… Aprs pas de problme de dcrochage ou de coupure, c’est trs stable.
Enfin l’autonomie est trs acceptable et plutt bonne avec en moyenne plus de 12 heures, la promesse des 15heures d’coute a volume 50% est tenue.
Trs homogne et pourvu du WiFi, bien mieux que tous les modles d’enceintes aux noms commercial Bo…JB…Mar… So… On aurait juste apprci du bluetooth 5.0 plutot que 4.0 mais en intrieur le wifi est incomparable et permet la diffusion de fichier FLAC Hi-Res sans broncher ! Trs recommandable !
Wow. The bass is so punchy, the mids and highs crisp. Absolutely a stunner. Audio pro are seriously punching above their weight with this one. However be warned. While there is Bluetooth, for some reason I can’t control the volume from my phone when connected to Bluetooth. The app is a bit old but works perfectly. All in all this thing is a beast.
I use it as a wifi speaker. So it’s plugged in most of the time. It looks respectable and sounds alright. The Audiopro App is a bit rubbish but I don’t use it in conjuction with other speakers so I just connect as a wifi output.
Wow I was really sceptical about this item but my husband persuaded me to get it. What a great little device ! Thinking of getting another one !
2kg bon son mais manque de grave . Bonne autonomie. Design top. C5 plus belle meilleur son mais sans batterie. Multiroom wifi cela veut dire 4 preselections radio web HD tunein par ex. Ou du Spotify Deezer etc. Et meilleur son que du bluetooth. Minjack3,5. RJ45 . Si branche au secteur on appuie sur un des boutons 1 a 4 et a dmarre direct simplissime pour les ains. La C10 markii a plus de preset. En noir encore plus belle
Bought essentially for sound quality – exceptional at whatever volume.. will easily fill a room & bass is beautifully controlled. It is not going to replace a proper sound system but it blows my Ruark out of the water! Can’t comment on battery life as it is plugged into mains. Surprisingly sturdy little speaker with nice grab handle. Not something you would use on the move but great for BBQ, picnic, camping etc.
A very pleasing product. Portable, easy to use and with good battery life. Exactly what I was looking for but it is not a substitute for a full blown Hi Fi system.
Ho gi in casa un impianto Hi End, e cercavo un ottimo speaker bluetooth per ascoltare musica dal cellulare, non mi interessavano le funzionalit wifi. Avevo puntato il T3, con la superba qualit audio dei prodotti Audiopro e una batteria con una durata incredibile. Poi ho trovato questo C3 in offerta ad un prezzo pi basso del T3 e l’ho acquistato, seppure dispiaciuto di aver perso met della durata della batteria (15h invece di 30h del T3).
Beh, da quando entrato in casa questo smart speaker mi ha cambiato la quotidianit. Me lo porto ovunque, in bagno, in cucina, in camera da letto, in terrazzo. E ho rivalutato molto le funzionalit wifi a cui inizialmente non ero interessato, praticamente ho ritrovato il gusto di ascoltare la radio in casa.
Le qualit audio sono eccezionali, incredibile sentir uscire un suono del genere da un oggetto cos piccolo. Merito dell’amplificazione in classe D, di un accordo reflex posteriore e di un ottimo setup generale. Manca solo un’immagine ampia e tridimensionale, impossibile da ottenere con queste dimensioni e senza elaborazioni artificiali. La timbrica del C3 infatti assolutamente corretta e godibile.
In definitiva a parit di dimensioni non credo esista uno smart speaker migliore di questo, considerando qualit costruttiva, qualit audio, durata batteria, funzionalit bluetooth e wifi. Inoltre in versione bianco un bellissimo oggetto di arredamento, ha superato anche il test “moglie”!
Se proprio devo trovare un punto debole direi che, solo quando funziona a batteria, un po’ lento ad accendersi e a collegarsi alla rete wifi, in tutto circa una ventina di secondi, presumibilmente poich per salvaguardare la batteria quando spento non rimane in standby ma si spegne del tutto. E all’accensione deve riattivare il modulo wifi, cercare la rete ecc. Questo non succede quando collegato alla rete elettrica, poich da spento rimane in standby.
Poi, certo, l’app forse non delle migliori, ma se non si interessati alle funzioni multiroom fa onestamente il suo lavoro, con alcune funzioni interessanti come la funzione sleep (suona fino alle ore…) o la funzione sveglia (suona dalle ore…). E comunque un software, si potr sempre sviluppare in futuro.
L’hardware un capolavoro.
In definitiva prendetelo, non ve ne pentirete!
Great quality of sound. A neat and stylish speaker. A lot of perseverance needed with setting it up but was worth it in the end. Poor instruction manual and an app that doesn’t match the quality of the speaker.
The sound quality, battery life and portability are perfect. Is amazing how a small speaker can have such perfect sound.
Good quality product. Well made. Sound quality reasonable for the price. Room filling volume. WiFi connection simple as long as you remember to press the button at the back!
The sound quality out of the box is kind of flat and unimpressive, but it gets better with time. I bought this unit to play wifi FLAC files, because bluetooth MP3s sounds like they’ve been run over by a lawnmower. I placed the speaker literally 3 feet from my router, and using my cell phone, played FLAC files. Within a few minutes the signal would be lost. The file would not pick up where it left off, it will just stop playing music.
It connects easily to bluetooth and the bass/treble and equalizer ( on software ) is a great addition. The box looks pretty cool, and the handle is strong, as the box is a bit heavy. It does get loud, but not incredibly loud. I m renting an apartment, so its perfect to fill up a room completely with good quality sound. No regrets on the purchase. Havent found anything better, under 500$
I LOVE my speaker. Sounds excellent, easy to carry around the house, good battery life. Only issue is they sent the speaker with two different 2pin cables which don’t fit UK 3pin plugs. I had to buy a cable to charge the speaker with. I emailed Audiopro but they didn’t seem to understand the issue. Understand your customers a little better please.
The sound of this is superb, Great bass to it, it’s won multiple awards including a which best buy, I will also be purchasing the next size up next, highly recommend this speaker even above my Bose ones that I love.
It doesn’t work with my macbook through Bluetooth (haven’t checked over WiFi yet). The sound is fairly good, but it’s a significant downgrade from a bunch of cheap speakers with a cheap amplifier. I guess portability should make up for it, but looking at it straight it’s just not something you’d want to take with you because despite small size it’s bulky and heavy and the battery lasts for barely over an hour. Carriable around the house, but no further. Slightly bent upwards with legs sticking out which makes it awkward to place on a bed, for instance.
Doesn’t have a standby mode, so when you want to put it to work, you need to do it from your phone and from the speaker itself, which defeats the purpose of having a wireless speaker to begin with. Doesn’t work with chrome cast if you want to direct your sound wirelessly from projector or TV. 4 buttons for presets, why would you put them on the speaker itself is beyond my understanding but I guess that’s more of a preference. It seems to have lots of features at first sight, and it delivers but there’s just no flow to them. The experience of using it has been plain annoying. It’s really something you need to use the instructions for, not particularly intuitive.
On the bright side, works flawlessly with Spotify over WiFi, build quality is pretty good.
1 month in, it’s just not something I’d use on a daily basis. If you’ve got time for research and wait for a discount, you’d easily find something worthier for the money.
Used for hours and the battery has only gone down to two out of three dots. In terms of portability it is fairly bulky and quite heavy, more of a speaker for moving round the house or garden rather than carrying in a backpack.
Only complaint would be sometimes when using Spotify connect the speakers seems to go following the playlist itself and the phone can’t control it any more. This is probably more the fault of Spotify though. Also, the favourite buttons if you favourite a playlist won’t go to the playlist and shuffle but instead start on the same song every time and then play the playlist in the same order.
Small complaints though overall a really great purchase.
Simply stunning, in every way. Crisp, clear and detailed. I can see why it’s been rated so highly by What Hi-Fi.. go get it!!
Good points: Sound quality is AMAZING, beautifully balanced, proper bass and a very mature and even sound. It’s definitely proper hi-fi which isn’t something you can say about most portable speakers. I’ve not tried the battery life in anger but all reviews would indicate it can last for a very long time, even at high volume. Speaking of which it does go pretty loud, definitely loud enough to annoy neighbours in a hotel room!? It has 4 pre-sets which I’ve set up for radio stations via TuneIn. I tend use my iPhone as a hotspot given most hotels have Wi-Fi landing pages which will cause trouble here. It can stream audio directly from Tidal, Spotify or TuneIn Radio (+ a bunch of others that I don’t use). There is also a 3.5mm socket on the back which I use with my Chord Mojo for the best sound quality. Build quality is very good and I like the looks.
Bad bits: The control app is a little fiddly to get it to connect but it didn’t take too long. The iPad app doesn’t rotate into landscape mode which is a pain. If you want to use Tidal, TuneIn, Spotify, AirPlay directly you will need to have the speaker and your phone on the same Wi-Fi network (or just use your phone’s hotspot, watching out for data usage of course)
In summary I’ve tried a lot of Bluetooth speakers including a B&O Beolit 15 and the AudioPro sounds much better and has more functionality (+ is smaller, lighter and more robust). Great effort!
Portable from room to room but wouldn’t take it on holiday as it’s too heavy.. sounds fantastic. Battery is long lasting. The charging connector is better than mini usb. I will never get a usb connector agai
Just a beautiful thing – I couldn’t recommend highly enough.
A friend had recommended the brand to me and, after some research looking at magazine reviews, I opted for this one as I can use it as multiroom device – should that ever become a need for me!
The sound is perfect for all types of music (that i listen to anyway), and it connected to my wifi seamlessly.
The best bit for me is that it works powered in to mains, but also has a built-in battery so i was able to take it outside and listen to music while cooking the BBQ – without having to find an extension cord etc etc.
I haven’t found many alternatives capable of doing this? Truly portable!
Plus it looks amazing!