Basil Gepäckträger Portland For VR schwarz

Basil Gepäckträger Portland For VR schwarz, 26´´-28´´

Weight: | 1 Kilograms |
Size: | One Size |
Dimensions: | 45 x 31 x 10 cm; 498.95 Grams |
Brand: | Basil |
Model: | 50408 |
Colour: | Aluminum |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Basil |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 45 x 31 x 10 cm; 498.95 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | One Size |
Perfect rack, easily installed, robust materials and design. Fits computer bag perfectly for work comute and easy system to fix transportes contents. Recommend i
Donc la rfrence sur le march pour ce pizza rack, fort utile mme si vous ne mangez pas de pizza . Vous pouvez aussi transporter un tas de bazar, votre chat ou chien, vos colis.
Basil is a great, reliable brand. The rack is beautiful, sturdy and very funcional.
I am not the greatest on assembling bicycle parts therefore I took to my neighbourhood bicycle shop to be assembled here in Berlin.
I have it for almost 3 years, it is in absolute perfect condition, the belt is well preserved and it is really helpful to secure a bag, your backpack or any other items,
Definitely recommend 😉
It is really nice rack I wish they will make one fo
I absolutely love this Basil Portland Carrier/ front rack because it’s so versatile and has been a far better investment in my journey of giving up the car than my original wicker look basket from halfords for 40.
It allows me to carry a multitude of things without being too restrictive and the strap is long enough to hold most things in place.
What I mean by that is:
It allows me to utilise things I already own such as my ordinary shopping basket as seen in the photo that has been stuck in the car boot for the past 4 years. It’s invaluable in addition to my Basil Boheme double panniers for the weekly shop.
It allows me to use my very 1st pannier bag (Basil Boheme hold all) as my work bag, in addition to using my double pannier bags meaning My laptop and all my work gear stays in view whilst I ride. In addition to both my basket and my bag fitting on the rack I can also carry an umbrella or a cloth carrier with a small amount in. Usually my summer coat has been thrown over my bags when it’s been too hot to wear it whilst cycling home but my panniers are full of shopping the strap adjusts to the size of most objects. Furthermore because of the style of the rack you could also use rope or bungees should you need to carry abnormal loads.
When I’m going out with family or friends for lunch or on a night out…. the Portland carrier holds my handbag in plain sight. and is easy enough to unclip.
It even holds my insulated picnic basket from Home bargains more or less the same as my shopping basket in the photos.
Basil products look expensive, but they all last years. Definitely worth every penny.
Trs facile installer.
De trs belle facture. Robuste.
Avec la sangle de serrage (amovible).
Du plus bel effet sur mon Peugeot de 1978.
Quoiqu’un peu onreux. Je le recommande.
Very happy, apparently not made to go on a mountain bike with front shocks but with a little bit of diy stepped stainless steel spacersfits perfectly an very solid on my 29’er!! Great buy.
Habe fr mein Singlespeed einen Gepcktrger gesucht und bin bei Basil fndig geworden. Der Trger passte ohne weitere Modifikationen und sieht einfach super aus. ber die Haltbarkeit kann ich zwar noch nichts sagen aber optisch gefllt er mir extrem gut.
Il y en a souvent en reconditionn, et cela permet d’conomiser car le prix est excessif
Je recommande
Looks Euro stylish & classy. Not a heavy design, looks cool as well as useful
beautifully made, and gained quite a few admirable comments
Very nice rack,light weight and stylish.
It’s just a bit fiddly to fit on a vintage bike needed some tweaking and an extra pair of hands.
una buona soluzione per chi non vuole montate portapacchi e non vuole rovinare l’estetica della bicicletta. Si monta facilmente in 10 minuti (servono le chiavi inglesi). Sicuramente non un prodotto economico ma se usate la bici come mezzo di trasporto giornaliero direi che ne vale la pena.
Uno tra i pi belli ad un prezzo ottimo per qualit fattura ed estetica, l’ho utilizzato su una vecchia bianchi da donna restaurata per un esercizio commerciale “ottima resa estetica”
Einzig der angeschweisste Lampenhalter ist im Grunde eine Fehlkonstruktion, weil die Frontlampen eine Befestigung erfordern, die um 90 versetzt ist. Mit einem Winkel kriegt man das zwar hin, aber es wre schner, wenn es gleich auf Anhieb funktionieren wrde.
A vrai dire je n’ai pas trouv de concurrents faisant le mme genre de produits.
Mais ils profitent vraiment du fait d’tre les seuls. Leur marge doit tre plus que correcte….
Man kann nicht erwarten, viel Gewicht laden zu knnen. Nicht wegen dem Trger, sondern wie und wo er angebracht ist. Eine randvoll mit Gurken gefllte Napfkiste zB war etwas arg viel. Merkt man dann in der wackeligen Lenkung.
E un prodotto Molto diverso dalle soluzioni che vi sono attualmente in commercio, ha una forma elegante robusto, e non lo ritengo ingombrante, anzi rende pi elegante la bicicletta. L’unica cosa negativa il solo tipo di staffaggio direttamente sui bulloni della ruota, e non predisposto per le viti vicino all’attacco rapido della ruota (Piccolo problema , facilmente superabile , che non lo declassa).
Questo prodotto mi serve per il trasporto di acquisti ed attrezzature fotografiche ( un aiuto tuttofare).
Looks great, is easy to install and my husband loves it! Thanks
Costruito in alluminio lucido, con i 2 sostegni davanti molto robusti che permettono di sopportare ben oltre i 10 Kg indicati.
Le finiture sono perfette, vedi immagine, senza alcuna sbavatura, inoltre proprio bello da vedere e anche molto pratico.
Il montaggio facilissimo e veloce.
Non conoscevo questa azienda ma tramite Amazon scopri sempre cose interessanti.
La spedizione comunque anche se non velocissima ha rispettato i tempi indicati all’ordine.
Anche se costa relativamente pi di altri comuni portapacchi ampiamente consigliato per la qualit, l’immagine e la praticit.
Sicuramente comprer anche il cestino posteriore, bello.
Petit bmol pour Amazon qui m’a livr un produit d’occasion (comme prvu), mais avec un des vises de fixation casse et donc inutilisable dans l’tat. Rien de grave, mais j’ai du me procurer une vise de remplacement. Un peu frustrant vu le prix du produit !
Facile installer correspond au image
Lger parfait semble robuste
Toutes les visses sont fournies
Avec plan de montage attention se fixe sur l axe de la roue ava
Pour supporter une charge de 10kg ce porte baguage est vraiment lger et c’est trs bien. Il est aussi trs bien fini, type chrom.
Contrairement l’illustration, il existe une patte de fixation pour le montage d’une lampe sur l’un des haubans.
Das Material ist verchromtes Aluminium und kein mattes Aluminium.
Der Trger ziert ein Diamant-Rad aus den 70ern und passt groartig dazu. Gre ist 28 Zoll – passt alles. Qualitt und Optik sind top – die Montage war nur mit ein paar Tricks mglich (es braucht eine lange Schraube an der Vorderbremse). Wer da nicht gut ausgerstet ist, kann auch mal scheitern.
La fascetta in dotazione non molto comoda e sicura per trasportare pacchi di grandi dimensioni, per non avere problemi basta usare delle cinghie elastiche al costo di pochi euro. L’unica differenza rispetto al prodotto in foto la presenza nell’asta sinistra che collega la ruota al cestino, della barretta forata che serve per avvitare la luce anteriore.
Das Produkt erfllt sowohl in der Verarbeitung als auch im Design voll meine Erwartungen und kann in jedem Fall uneingeschrnkt weiterempfohlen werden. Gerade im Zusammenspiel mit dem dazu passenden Korb gibt dieser Trger ein traumhaftes “Tandem” ab. Und rein konstruktiv passt dieses Model selbst an ein Electra Townie mit “breiter Gabel” und den Balloon-Reifen. Perfekt!