Bowflex SelectTech Adjustable Weights and Dumbbells

Bowflex SelectTech Adjustable Weights and Dumbbells

Size: | One Size |
Dimensions: | 68.6 x 45.7 x 45.7 cm; 45.85 Kilograms |
Brand: | Bowflex |
Model: | 8000865 |
Colour: | Black/Grey/Red |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Nautilus Inc. |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 68.6 x 45.7 x 45.7 cm; 45.85 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | One Size |
If you don’t have room in your home this is probably the best workout “machine” that you can buy! Super versatile as you can perform a bunch of difference exercises with it giving you close to a total body workout. I love how compact it is and it is also very affordable. Better than a gym membership!
I have their adjustable dumbbells and love them. This is no different. I love the utility of it and how much space it saves in my small home gym.
I cheaped out before this product and regret it. This product is the way to go. Starts very light and goes quite heavy.
My Bowflex adjustable weights save a ton of space and have been incredibly reliable for years! Excellent results with a digital trainer app rotating between many different weight settings for through full body muscle development.
I like the shape and balance of these kettlebells. I generally like Bowflex products. These were a surprise.
Muy comoda para poder cambiar los pesos de manera agil. Peso mximo 18 kg.
Purchased this for my son in law. He liked his gift.
Love Bowflex equipment. Easy to use and durable. Ended up grabbing anther one for a se
Great product as I don’t have space in my house for a gym, but it fits nicely into a closet where it is out of the way. Once I use it, the adjustable weight settings allow me to have a full workout for whatever upper body muscle I want to
So while this thing mentions that it goes from 8lb to 40lb, it’s in inconsistent increments. You can do 8lb, 12lb, 20lb, 25lb, 35lb, and 40lb. Jumping from 25lb to 35lb is a huge jump in weight (almost 50% increase), as is going from 12 to 20, yet going from 35 to 40 is small (14% increase). It’d be nice if there were more incremental increases.
Shape-wise it’s ok, kinda awkward for some movements, like doing bicep hammer curls is a bit awkward as it’s so bulky at the bottom end (and the handle that isn’t angled inward instead curves at 90 degree angles doesn’t help).
Definitely versatile though and saves on space, especially if you want the weights it offers (I find myself I only use the 20/25/35/40 (and I already had a 25lb kettlebell so even that weight isn’t used with this), so the lighter weights are lost on me).
Unica pecca che sono un po’ troppo voluminosi anche per pesi piccoli
Trs bon produit. Pas trs encombrant. Utilisation simple et pratique. Utilisation frquente. (Achet pendant le confinement ).
Ottimo allenamento con questi pesi molto robusti ottimo materiale e qualit prezzo
Great product. Had it for around 5 months now and totally replaces my gym work out (apart from pull ups). It feels solid so no concern about it breaking anytime soon. I will say it is very long and the length is the same whether you use the lowest or highest weight so it can take a bit of getting used to. I think competitors that use the rotating handle to select the weight (as opposed to the dials at each end of the Bowflex) are able to provide a more natural dumbbell feel since the length of the bumble changes with the weight. However, I feel safer lifting the Bowflex over my head as they feel more robust in my view.
I posted a photo next to 40 lbs and 20 lbs for reference.
The Good:
Solid quality. No sticking when choosing amounts to lift.
It looks good, too. Not cheap or flimsy feeling or looking.
Seems fine for standard, one swings, high-pulls or push-presses overhead.
My Issues:
The grip is skinnier than my standard kettlebells. One benefit I want to get out of KB is grip strength.
The grip is straight down on each side (vs curving back in) which makes two hand moves awkward (e.g. around the world, goblets).
Otherwise, it’s a good product, even though I don’t think I’ll get rid of my “real” kettlebells. Trying to decide if I’ll keep this to take for workouts on the go or to leave at my parents house for when I visit.
Maybe you won’t have the same issues based on your routines or preferences.
Faire attention la fragilit du produit mme si c’est pas en sucre non plus
Compared to the cheaper brand these are far superior. The size is quite big which is a slight negative point for some exercises like Bicep curl. The weight plates are quite secure and solid in the handle whereas the cheaper one the plates are quite loose and can even be moved up and down. So it is worth buying these more expensive ones.
The dial to select the weight is easy to see and easy to turn. This is also better than the cheaper ones I bought. I like that you can select the weight on each end which is not available to do on the other set. The only negative about selecting each end seperately is it takes twice as long as the cheaper set that uses a push button while turning only one end to select for both ends. This is not a deal breaker for me as it is still a very quick selection preccess. The positive of selecting each end seperately could be that you can have one weight on one and a different weightbon the other end. No idea why you would want to do that but these allow it and the cheaper ones don’t.
One negative is that the handle rings that hold the plates in is plastic and my research has shown youtube video’s where people claim they have cracked or become loose which allow the plates to fall out. I don’t know how true that is under normal use but the ‘how to fix’ video was very useful and they claimed they had had the set of dumbbells for 5 years. The tutorial gave me confidence to go ahead and buy rather than dissuade me. Knowing that parts can be available online and youtibe has step by step guides.
As for use, I found videos on youtube where people were using these exact dumbbells. They showed how some exercises are negatively compromised regarded full range of motion and how you can adjust to account for it and still get the maximum out of the exercise.
Be carefull when unpacking. I had to set them to a weight I could manage and remove the handles at that weight. Then remove each plate seperately. Then take the base out and re build the plates into it where I intended them to stay. Then place the weighet handles into the base.
This adjustable kettlebell allows you to perform a wide variety of exercises and vary the weight according to your limits. It’s effectively 5 weights in one. Even my kids use the 3.5kg when they work out with me. Highly recommended
Couple times a dial lock has gotten stuck so the weight wouldn’t release but you just turn the dial 360 and it resets.
Word of advice, get some gloves. My one gripe is that the grip bar has some really sharp grippy studs that can feel like it’s really eating your fingers, and the stud surfaces are at the top and bottom and are also more flat, whereas the sides of the bar are more rounded, but the rounded parts fit in your finger tips more comfortably, so naturally this means you want to rotate the dumbbells 90 in your hand for a more comfortable fit, which can get annoying if they’re heavy or you’re moving fast. gym gloves solved this for me.
Was mir sorgen bereitet ist, dass die, im Gegensatz zu den Herkmmlichen nicht einstellbaren Kurzhanteln, nicht “ewig” halten knnten und irgendwann kaputt gehen knnten. Evtl. fhlt man sich auch nicht ganz sicher wenn man einen Hantel mit zwei Hnden benutzt, weil es so ein wenig wackelig ist – zwar alles gut, aber man ist nicht sicher, ob das die Lebenslnge nicht verkrzt.
J’ai tester d’autres marques en 40kg… Soit on se fait anaquer sur le prix, soit sur le poids qui ne correspond pas, sans parler des haltres qui n’arrivent pas…
L il n’y a pas de problme, le systme est vraiment solide et de qualit, et surtout les poids font vraiment le poids ! Donc c’est le top !
Concernant la poigne je comprends un peu le commentaire de certains mais sachez que toutes les haltres dans toutes les marques en 40kg (avec ce disign en tout cas) sont de cette forme et parfois de mois bonne qualit. Il est vraiment que les haltres de 24kg avec le petit grip en caoutchouc serait bien apprciable sur les 40kg.
En rsum c’est le top de ce qui existe !
This is a great kettlebell and easy to change the weight. It is comfortable to use and I use it for a variety of exercises. Would recommend.
Seit ich die Hanteln habe trainiere ich alle 3 Tage 2,5h GK und seit die Gyms wieder offen haben bin ich nur noch 1-2x/Woche zum Kreuzheben und ab und an zum LH drcken im Gym und habe ansonsten alles auf KH zuhause umgestellt.
Ja, die KH sind recht volumins, aber dank meiner langen Arme komme ich damit trotzdem uneingeschrnkt klar.
Bin 1,86m Gro und habe eine Armspannweite von 2,00m bei aktuell 87kg.
Fr Bizeps Curls muss man entweder aufgelegte Curls an der Rckenlehne der vestellbaren Bank machen, Hammercurls, oder eingedrehte Curls – ansonsten kann ich smtliche bungen mit den KH mit maximalem Bewegungsradius ausfhren ohne irgendwo anzuecken.
Bei einem Workout mit einem Kumpel (~1,8m + “normale” Arme) kam mein Mate auch super mit den KH klar und war davon begeistert.
Ich habe 15mm Stallmatten unter der Trainingsflche liegen und mit 36kg beladen haben die KH auch schon 1-2 Drops aus liegender Brusthhe nach einem gefailten Bankdrck-Set berlebt.
Aus Hft, oder Schulterhhe stehend wrde ich einen Fall aber verhindern, ich denke nicht, dass die KH das berleben wrden…
These work great in my small home gym. Have been able to progress weight increases without lots of individual dumbells. They are super easy to use the mechanism is simple. Brilliant tech.
Ich trainiere fast ausschlielich mit Kurzhanteln und konnte bisher jede bungen trotz der Lnge der Hanteln mit vollem Bewegungsumfang durchfhren. Ich habe eine Schulterbreite von 50cm, weniger sollten es wahrscheinlich auch nicht sein.
Das System mit den Drehscheiben funktioniert hervorragend. So kann man schnell die Gewichte ndern und den Muskel so richtig fertig machen.
Die Qualitt und damit hoffentlich auch die Langlebigkeit erscheint mir sehr gut.
Die Griffstcke sind gewhnungsbedrftig. Sie sind nicht rund, sondern mit abgerundeten Ecken. Bei Push-bungen mit hohem Gewicht ist das schon unangenehm. Allerdings hlt sich die Hantel dadurch wesentlich besser bei Pull-bungen.
Der einzige richtige Nachteil ist, dass die Hanteln umstndlich in die Halterung zurckzustellen werden mssen. Aufgrund der Scheiben auf der Hantel und in der Ablage, muss die Hantel im 90-Winkel raufgesetzt werden, damit sich die Scheiben nicht verkeilen. Das kann nach hartem Training und hohem Gewicht eine echte Herausforderung sein. Vor allem wenn man wie ich zu geizig fr den Stnder war. ^^
Ich bin sehr zufrieden und kann die Hanteln nur weiterempfehlen.
Love this as can be used in so many ways to improve strength mobility and cardio needs. Ideal at home as an all in one – don’t need lots of different pairs of weights. Easy to store.
bought two of these.
they r fantastic. mechanism is smooth. they work really well
if I really have to complain, then maybe the grip could have been better textured
I have sweaty palms though
overall I am very happy
With a heavy price tag I debated this for ages. Glad I bought it though as it much easier to manage than unpacking and setting up my regular free weights. If it lasts a lifetime then its worth the price.
Die Verstellung funktioniert super einfach, die Hanteln liegen gut in der Hand. Sie wurden viel schneller als angekndigt geliefert und machen einen fertigen ersten Eindruck. Das Homegym ist nun erffnet
Sicuramente per allenarsi sono molto belli,ma troppo caro 350 euro per un solo manubrio,sono davvero tanti,sono rimasta delusa nel vedere solo un manubrio! Fatto subito reso in quanto con solo un manubrio che faccio?!
Ho preso la versione da 4kg a 41kg.
Perfetti, fatti benissimo. Ovviamente il prezzo alto ma se lo si rapporta al prezzo dei singoli manubri (che si pagano circa 3 al kg) ottimo.
Finalmente posso riprendere ad allenarmi in casa con i kg giusti!
Ho comprato il manubrio da 42 Kg e ne sono rimasto soddisfatto, prodotto molto comodo e arrivato ben imballato. Se siete indecisi su che tipo di manubrio prendere andate sul 24Kg che alla portata di tutti e siete sicuri che potrete sfruttarlo al 100%.
Ottimi ottimi ottimi! Li ricomprerei senza il minimo dubbio. Sono una svolta per chi vuole (ed ora DEVE) allenarsi a casa. 700 la coppia, non ho trovato un prezzo migliore in giro.
Great buy ! Definitively worth every penny, fits nice in our ever growing garage gym without any hassle and even goes in my car for an out side kettle bell workout during the week. Without a doubt a must buy !
Ho acquistato la versione 41Kg dopo aver utilizzato ogni giorno negli ultimi 15 anni quella da 24Kg. Sono fenomenali. Spero che durino quanto gli altri.
Avevo paura delI’jmballaggio, ma si rivelato pi che ottimo.
I manubri con selettore del peso sono fantastici costano qualcosa ma a mio avviso il prodotto ottimo la spedizione avviene in due momenti diversi e la consegna al piano assicurata pagando poco pi
Uso personale in home gym
– Versatilit, si passa da 4 a 41kg in un secondo
– Compattezza, rispetto ad un set completo di manubri
– Qualit costruttiva, davvero ottima
– Prezzo, se comparato al prezzo di un set completo di manubri (oltre 2000 euro?)
– Delicatezza: non pensate di poterli lanciare a terra alla fine di una serie a cediemento di lento o di panca. Si romperebbero. Sono delicati e devono essere appoggiati.
– Presa: la maniglia potrebbe essere piu comoda. A mani nude e massimo carico ho un po fastidio alla mano. Usando spugne/guanti il problema risolto.
– Prezzo, lo metto anche come contro perch comunque una cifra importante per due manubri..
Punti di attenzione
– Bisogna fare un po’ di pratica per riuscire a incastrare al primo colpo i manubri nella loro base (specie quando si lavora con 30kg o piu)
– Il peso in kg riportato sui manubri un’approssimazione. I dischi sono tarati in libbre e quindi nel convertirli in chili ci sono scarti di +/- mezzo chilo. Potete per farvi i calcoli (nelle istruzioni riportato il peso in libbre dei diversi dischi) e regolarvi di conseguenza.
Nel complesso sono estremamente soddisfatto dell’acquisto, mi pento solo di non averli comprati al primo lockdown..
Sono stato in coda per l’acquisto circa 1 mese prima di riceverli ma ne valsa la pena.
I manubri vengono spediti in un ottimo imballo.
Era prevista la consega al piano per pacchi di peso superiore a 60kg, ma il corriere si rifiutato e me li ha lasciati a livello strada: Amazon mi ha rimborsato le spese di spedizione scusandosi per l’inconveniente
Mise en place aise, rien monter part enlever la “ceinture de scurit” de chaque haltre la retenant son support. Le mcanisme de choix du poids est en mtal et semble solide, le poids slectionn se mettant trs bien en place sans aucun jeu dans la molette. Evidemment il est hors de question de les lancer, mais l’ensemble du choix de poids est top, le changement se fait trs facilement en reposant l’haltre sur son support. Elles sont massives, plus que des haltres de mme poids habituellement, mais le grip est bon. La poigne fait un peu mal lorsqu’on augmente le poids, obligeant au port de gants (c’est la premire fois que a m’arrive alors que je mettais 2x46kg au DC haltre sans soucis), car ds les 30 kgs passs l’irrgularit au niveau de la poigne commence craser les mtacarpiens de la main et cela est assez gnant selon la position.
Pour du sport domicile, couplez la avec un banc et vous tes les rois du ptrole. Ca semble cher l’achat mais c’est ultra polyvalent et permet de faire normment d’exercices diffrents.
Vista la chiusura prolungata delle palestre ho avuto necessit di attrezzarmi come si deve a casa, cercando prodotti che fossero di qualit e potessero durare nel tempo. Questi pesi sembrano proprio fare al caso mio. Ottima realizzazione, buoni materiali e uso di disarmante facilit nel suo meccanismo per cambiare il peso sul manubrio.
Highly recommended
Par contre, prvoir des gants pour les utilser : il y a des petits picots sur la poigne qui ne sont pas agrable.
Credo sia un elemento essenziale per la propria homegym , certamente la migliore alternativa alla rastrelliera completa in quanto occupano decisamente meno spazio e sono molto pi pratici e veloci da usare in sessione d allenamento. Io mi alleno da solo e per chi come me che non ha pretese agonistiche ed mediamente forte, 2 manubri regolabili da 4 a 41 kg e puoi fare di tutto.
Il meccanismo solido, veloce ed efficace(no rischio di scivolamento dei dischi lateralmente) ma allo stesso tempo richiede una certa accortezza e delicatezza soprattutto nel riposizionamento dei manubri all interno della loro base d appoggio , viene dunque spontaneo capire che non possono essere lasciati cadere o lanciati a terra dopo un esercizio con carichi pesanti , li rovinereste irreversibilmemte.
Un’ altro particolare che pu dare fastidio che essendo molto larghi il rom in alcuni esercizi non pu essere completo, causa impatto tra i 2 manubri al picco della fase concentrica come ad esempio le spinte in alto (x spalle, trapezi).
A parte ci un acquisto che mi accompagner per il resto della vita. TOP
Started working out 8 months ago with cheap light weights and needed/wanted to upgrade.
Very costly but feel and look the part and hopefully will last for many years.
Speedy delivery and overall high quality product.
Excellent product and beautifully made.
No more racks of weights.
Un produit qui respire la qualit, packaging ultra balze qui assure qu’on va les recevoir dans un tat parfait.
Le mcanisme de changement rapide des disques est super pratique et fait gagner beaucoup de temps, surtout pour les gens qui aiment travailler en drop set.
Grip en mtal, pas de plastique, excellente prise en main. Les disques sont recouverts de plastique solide qui les rend trs silencieuses mme si on les secoue un petit peu.
En plus d’avoir 17 crans de 4 41kg, vous pouvez crer des crans intermdiraires en rglant un poids diffrents de chaque cot d’une barre et crer une haltre plus ou moins dsquilibre trs rapidement, vachement sympa pour varier certains exercices.
Elles sont par contre un peu longues avec 45cm d’envergures, peu importe le poids mont sur les barres.
Autre dsavantages, mcanisme de rglage qui les rends plus fragiles que des haltres classiques, absolument inenvisageable de les jeter par terre la fin de votre srie !
Pour le prix compar a un set d’haltres quivalent (+ le rack), c’est vraiment pas cher. Super compactes et idales si on a pas une salle complte ddier la musculation.