Cateye AMPP Front Ligh
Cateye AMPP Front Ligh
From the brand

Weight: | 0.4 Kilograms |
Size: | One Size |
Dimensions: | 17 x 10 x 5 cm; 200 Grams |
Brand: | CatEye |
Model: | HL-EL1100RC |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | CATEYE |
Composition: | Synthetic |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 17 x 10 x 5 cm; 200 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | One Size |
***come sempre se non avete voglia di leggere tutta la recensione alla fine trovate pro/contro e conclusioni***
Comincio col dire che una luce assolutamente valida sotto diversi aspetti: luminosit, durata e stabilit.
Le caratteristiche dichiarate sono abbastanza veritiere sia per quanto riguarda la luminosit che la durata della batteria.
Il sistema di fissaggio la mantiene stabile anche su sentieri classificati come neri, e non mai stato necessario ri regolarla anche dopo punti particolarmente scassati.
Stesso discorso vale per la luminosit, assolutamente sufficiente per percorrere discese “nere” di notte, anche nel bosco, meglio sentieri gi conosciuti per.
Il sistema di aggancio/sgancio ben studiato e si utilizza facilmente anche con i guanti.
Permette di agganciare la luce semplicemente facendola scivolare in avanti, mentre per la rimozione necessario premere un piccolo pulsante che la libera, rendendo cosi impossibile la perdita accidentale.
Il tasto di accensione cambio modalit ben realizzato e si aziona facilmente anche con i guanti.
Quando viene spenta la luce memorizza l’ultima modalit utilizzata e si riaccende nella stessa modalit.
Contrariamente alle mie aspettative, la plastica trasparente sui lati, fa si che il fascio luminoso sia pi ampio illuminando anche lateralmente, meglio di altre avute.
Anche la presa di ricarica ben protetta a dimostrazione della buona qualit costruttiva generale.
L’unico motivo per cui non mi sento di dare 5 stelle che, anche se un ottima luce, ben fatta e con alcune peculiarit, comparata per esempio con
(al di l dei dati dichiarati completamente sballati) molto simile a questa, costa meno di un terzo.
Lampada sicuramente di buon livello, ottima la luminosit, che permette di essere visti e di vedere anche di notte su un sentiero nel bosco. Stabile anche nell’uso fuoristrada. Durata della batteria che rispecchia quanto dichiarato. Facile da utilizzare anche con i guanti.
L’unico vero neo il prezzo, si trovano luci dalle prestazioni simili a meno di un terzo del prezzo.
Luminosit ottima
Durata batteria
Qualita costruttiva
Sistema di fissaggio
Utilizzabile anche con i guanti
Prezzo alto rispetto alla concorrenza
I have 2 of these on my road bike. Battery life is good, charging time is reasonable, and the lights are highly visible.
Got this for my road bike..very easy to fit…extremely brigh
very well made light, and is very bright but as the battery is so small is only ok for short trips.
Very impressed with the fitting for the handle bars. Good battery life with an excellent full beam. I’ve been looking for years for a good light and after a week of using this one in the winter, I bought the 500 as well
Has four settings, high steady, low steady (still powerful enough though), low stead with pulse and pulse only (perfect for day time use)
Lasts a decent amount of time, but not tried high power on a long ride though, perfect on my short rides on Cornish lanes though.
LED lit button turns red when power is getting low, so you know to charge.
I always buy Cateye lights and this one hasn’t disappointed. Cateye all the way 100%
Bike light. Good spread of light, battery life not so much. I like the mounting system, nice and secure. Don`t like the lights with flexible straps, concerned they might break. would buy again. My previous Cateye was pretty good , but over the course of a weekend, it stopped taking a charge. thought about taking it apart but could not see how to without destroying the unit. Gave up, and got a replacement.
I use this light in the day .because I ride route62. I have to consult ring the bell at people using the phone . I just like the brittleness plus the battery life is up to 60 hours
Good bike light that’s good on unlit roads and cycle ways
Les Plus
– Quelle puissance… On voit en pleine nuit noire une bonne distance. C’est trs scurisant.
– Trs nombreux supports optionnels pour fixer la lampe n’impote quel accessoire : Go Pro, casque, cintre…
Les moins :
– Chauffe pas mal.
– Un peu lourd.
This light is built solidly!
It’s so bright too! I actually feel safer in the road with this light compared to my previous one. Lights up the road brilliantly and can see it reflecting of surfaces very far ahead.
Cars that I am behind and approaching (city traffic always slower than bikes) will now move out to the centre of the road to allow me to pass easily. This has only happened since getting this ligh
I’ve taken to riding down the cycle path when it’s all dark and this light (supposedly the weakest one in the range) is more than bright enough to light up the way ahead.
Believe me you don’t need to go any more powerful than this.
On the downside I wish the battery lasted longer – at full blast I’m getting around two hours.
In the words of a great man.
Well made, good spread of light, easy to remove from bracket.
3 modes: bright, dim, flashing.
Makes a good pocket torch too.
This is a great bright bike light. Used weekdays twice a day and needs charging twice per week.
The light is bright and projects the light well, the bracket is also really good. The only criticism would be the battery life which I wish was a bit longer.
The first light I received was defective – charging light never went out. Garmin support suggested I return it to Amazon – the replacement unit has worked fine.
Currently using this as a backup light for my countryside evening rides. Still perfectly usable, can see road and encroaching trees etc but not quite the range as my main light. Would recommend having a second light if you are doing more than commute on it.
Excellent front bike lamp but what a nightmare to recharge. The USB recharge cable is only about two inches long, so dangles precariously from my laptop’s USB socket. My wife’s computer is no good either as she has a desk PC with USB sockets several inches above her desk.
I also have one of those clever 13-amp plugs with an inbuilt USB socket in the casing. But, again, I can’t use it because every one of the 13-amp sockets in my house is more than 2 inches off the ground.
So I have no choice but to sit there, precariously supporting the headlamp while its plugged into my laptop. The cable is so short, I can’t even rest the lamp on the armchair beside me.
I wanted better visibility when cycling through dark/poorly lit parks and I needed better physical visibility on the roads to accompany my smaller flashing light which is mounted higher on my handlebars.
The light has 4 settings and seems to give a very good light output lighting up the road ahead nicely which is great on the road and also riding through dark parks.
CFB-100 bracket
This bracket does fit the Brompton on the lower brake bracket but it needs a bit of fettling to make it work if you carry a front bag as the light hits the block affecting steering.
It’s fairly simple, just disassemble the plastic light clip from the metal bracket and turn it through 180deg and mount it the opposite way round to how it’s supplied. This will allow you to feed the bracket under the brake callipers so the light is mounted lower and no longer hits the block or the bag. (You may need to fit the plastic light bracket after you’ve fitted the metal part to the bike to make it easier to feed under the brake calliper)
If you don’t use a front bag and carrier block then I imagine this won’t be an issue. I hope this review helps anyone with a Brompton.
I run this light alongside another lower powered light. I use the other light when on cycle paths and well lit roads but use this for 10 minutes each way, a day, on a section of canal towpath (where you really do want to see where you’re going unless your bike can swim!). It’s brilliant for lighting up the path ahead. I cover it with my hand when anyone is coming the other way (so that they don’t have to go swimming).
It does just about make 1.5 hours at the highest power. As with all USB charging lights, when the battery finally dies, I guess I’ll be buying a new light rather than just a new battery! Not great for the environment. Also you can’t carry spare batteries in case you run out of juice.
It works very well for what I use it for.
The battery life, however, is a little bit disappointing. They take a long time to charge, and require a lot of charging. I could probably get a few short (20-30 min) rides out of one before it is on 0%, but other lights supposedly offer more time per charge. You do get more battery life when you reduce the brightness though which I suppose would be useful if you’re not riding in the pitch-black!
One thing worthy of note is these lights remember their previous mode. If you set it to mid-beam and turn it off, it’ll be on mid-beam when you turn it back on. That’s probably expected. BUT… If you set it to low-beam and then double-click the button to put HIGH beam on, then you press the button again, it’ll go back to low-beam! That means it can basically double up like a full/dipped beam – that’s one of my favourite things about these.
The housing on mine is aluminium but I know some of these have plastic housing. The alu housing feels solid, is not too heavy (though does feel extremely sturdy), and does offer decent heat dissipation (these get warm).
The flextight bracket is actually a fantastic design. It’s really simple to put on, and the lights are easy to slide on and off (though they shouldn’t come off unintentionally, because you need to press a button or pull up a latch depending on your light model).
Overall, except for the subpar battery life, I’m really happy with these. That’s why I got two!
I’ve had a number of CatEye branded bike lights before all of which have been nicely made and have been pretty bright in use – although none of them quoted their ‘lumens’ brightness (which suggests it’s not their selling point), but for general use and for commuting I’d say they served this purpose pretty well.
However, after having a few near misses cycling at night on ordinary residential roads where motorists haven’t seen me and have almost come at me from the side at T-junctions, I figured it might be a good investment to buy a more powerful light and this relatively modest 400 Ampp light on first use I feel is quite impressive.
This light is very bright at its 400 lumens setting (and could easily dazzle and irritate many motorists if not tilted down towards the road slightly), but it can also be set to a more moderate (but still bright) 200 lumens setting which I’d say is perfectly bright enough for most urban riding and commuting in street-lit areas.
The CatEye 400 Ampp is easy to mount on handlebars and has an easily-operated switch placed sensibly on the top of the unit (so you can switch it on or off or change modes even when you’re in the saddle), and it has a good quality feel about it which I’d say comes partly from the aluminium from which the body of the lamp is made.
In my opinion, I don’t think many cyclists riding in-and-around town would in reality ever need a much more powerful light than this 400 ampp (such as the CatEye 800 ampp or 1100 ampp), unless they expect to be riding in the pitch-black-of-night down country lanes a lot, or are hell-bent on dazzling motorists.
Really easy to install, and the fixture holds nice and tight without slipping. The light has a small amount of play to allow you to angle it away from oncoming cars which is a bonus.
Multiple levels of intensity gives great versatility – at 400 lumens I can still see enough even on completely unlit stretches. 1100 lumens is great when I get off the road and could do with being able to see more of my surroundings. Two different flashing patterns are great for added visibility during the day.
Seems to be really well-built, and has a “premium” feel. Has survived a couple of moderate showers, though it hasn’t yet been tested in prolonged heavy rain.
Bit on the pricey side, though as I said it does feel like a premium product, and I don’t feel ripped off after spending 60-ish on the set.
Battery life feels a little stingy. I’m lucky that I only have to use it for 30 mins at a time in the early hours so I only need to give it a top-up every other day. Worst case for me is that after about three days of this sort of use it went into the red. I could see it being a pain if you needed to charge from empty every day though.
No way to change intensity down, you have to cycle through brightness levels in order. This is only a minor thing but if I want to step down a level (say from 1100 to 800) I have to make four clicks, which means scrolling through the two low-power flashing settings, and that’s not ideal on the move in the dark.
All in all though, I highly recommend this light. I’ll definitely look to Cateye when I get round to buying a backup light, and I would definitely buy another one of these as my daily driver if mine got lost or broken.
First impression: great build quality… some sort of metal body. A bit on the heavy if you are a weight weenie but sturdy nonetheless. Design is faultless to the location of the USB port (easy to open and to insert cable unlike my previous lights). Really liked the feel of it.
Mount: considered being a second mount for my non-commuter bike but it’s so easy to take it in and out (the system actually has a name but I can’t remember what it is) that I’ve decided against it and I don’t regret it. Even though it’s easy to change it into another bit once it’s locked the light stays in place.
Weather resistant: it’s not raining much lately but seems to be OK.
Light beam: wow. Either my lights were really bad but they really pack a punch (and this is for the AMP500). I’ve been mostly using them at the lower light setting (there’s two settings for fixed light and two other for pulsating light) and still I manage to see all of the potholes of the lovely Cambridgeshire roads, even on the no lit country lanes of my daily 1h commute (and I’m short sighted). If you need the full beam a quick double click on the bottom will turn it on no matter which light setting. At both fix light settings beam is wide enough to cover the whole road and extends at a good enough distance to see and be seen.
For the pulse beams I’ve used them in a couple of 70-100k rides and they lasted for the 3-5h without draining the battery and extended far enough.
Battery life: haven’t done. test where I’ve let it run till the end but seems to be in agreement with what comes in the box. Same for charging times.
Happy I bought these!
Tanto la durabilidad de la batera como el alumbrado son perfectos el artculo es de muy buena calidad. Cuando prctico descenso en horario nocturno me permite tener una visin muy ntida del trazado por donde hago el recorrido. Incluso muchas de la veces no empleo el foco a la mxima potencia ya que incluso puede llegar a deslumbra y con el que le precede puede darte la integridad de luz ms ntida .la verdad que se la recomiendo como la luz delantera de bicicleta definitiva
Faro molto potente che rende sicura ogni uscita in bici; durata batteria molto elevata e campo luminoso molto ampio anche in pessime condizioni meteo (permette di essere visti anche lateralmente, cosa molto importante in uscite serali).
Ricarica veloce.