Cressi Reaction Adult Scuba Diving Open Heel Fins

Cressi Reaction Adult Scuba Diving Open Heel Fins with Bungee Strap

Size: | XS/S (35/38) |
Dimensions: | 58.7 x 20.09 x 9.91 cm; 1.59 Kilograms |
Brand: | Cressi |
Model: | BE095538 |
Colour: | Black/Silver |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Cressi |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 58.7 x 20.09 x 9.91 cm; 1.59 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | XS/S (35/38) |
Un marchio una garanzia. Ho avuto lo stesso paio di pinne per 15 anni. Ho deciso di acquistarne un altro paio solo per un fatto estetico, perch gli evidenti segni di usura non erano belli da vedere, ma continua a tenerle come riserva perch ancora perfettamente funzionali.
This is excellent fins model from Cressi. Now bungee straps make it even more comfortable.
These met all my expectations for a Cressi fin.
These are perfect for all types of adult divers. They are very efficient and their full size gives a lot of speed compared to the smaller types. For me they have the perfect balance of flex and effort, not being tiring when compared to some stiffer fins.
As you would expect you get an adjustable heel strap which works well in all situations including barefoot.
The fit was close to perfect, with no twisting during use. Overall these are great fins.
Please note that the ‘silver’ Cressi logo and accent is actually more grey than appears in the photos.
These are good quality fins, with a reasonably long blade. They feel good on, and give a good movement. Easy to put on; the heel strap makes them simpler than a closed heel. Cressi are a well known diving brand, and they sell well designed diving gear. These fins are an excellent choice.
Diese Flossen sind gut verarbeitet und sind was fr die Dauer. Hre auch immer nur Gutes in diesem Bezug von der Firma Cressi. Einziger kleiner Nachteil mit den Gren klappts nicht immer so gut. Lieber eine Nummer kleiner wenn man dazu keine Schuhe trgt. Ansonsten immer gerne wieder. Dieser Artikel ist zu empfehlen.
Very close to perfect for the reasons mentioned in the headline to this product
These are great for experienced divers and swimmers. They are very long and can help gain great speed. They are flexible at the same time as the material is very durable.
The adjustable heel strap is great so they can be used both with suits/boots as well as bare footed depending on season and water temperature.
Very good fit both over, under and to the sides at the same time as they are tight enough you can always feel they are well secured.
A great product which comes as a not unreasonable price.
Corre l’obbligo di dire che non sono un esperto sub, di conseguenza, il timore di dire delle inesattezze, mi spinge verso una impressione sintetica dell’articolo, sebbene la stessa, sia suffragata da quella di chi del settore presenta competenze maggiore alle mie.
Innanzitutto credo che anche chi si iscriva ad un corso per sub, parte avvantaggiato se inizia con gli attrezzi adeguati.
Tutti sappiamo, oppure intuiamo, l’importanza delle pinne per tale pratica.
Per tutta una serie di motivi, che non staremo ad elencare per brevit, questi modelli per immersione , sono diverse da quelle utilizzate per lo snorkeling.
Un dato inconfutabile rappresentato innanzitutto dalle loro dimensioni piuttosto abbondanti dovute ad una pinna di un 20% maggiore a quella dei modelli tradizionali.
Se non fossero costruite con materiali adeguati il loro peso diventerebbe insopportabile.
Queste Cressi hanno la prerogativa di essere costruite in polipropilene leggero che assicura un peso contenuto, pur con dimensioni generose.
In tal modo la pinnata risulter di rendimento elevato in quanto ad un basso sforzo richiesto, si accompagner un notevole spostamento del sub.
Quando le ho calzate, ho subito rilevato un elevato grado di comodit che consente al piede di adagiarsi nella maniera ottimale tale comfort dovuto ala termogomma utilizzata per la scarpetta, per i longheroni laterali e per gli inserti.
Sembrano essere fatte apposta per la misura del mio piede e ritengo che lo lo saranno anche per chi possiede una grandezza maggiore del mio, grazie al cingolo del cui brevetto Cressi proprietaria.
Questo modello, cosi come riferito dagli esperti di settore, ideale per le immersioni in apnea dato che garantisce un’ottima spinta propulsiva senza richiedere quello sforzo muscolare tipico delle pinne progettate per l’apnea profonda e l’agonismo. Grazie alla loro struttura si rendono adatte anche per lo snorkeling, il nuoto e per le immersioni con autorespiratore.
Questo prodotto, come sanno bene i professionisti del settore, viene venduto senza alcuna custodia in quanto necessitano per il loro trasporto di borse specifiche.
A tale riguardo, avendone verificato le caratteristiche, recensendo l’articolo nell’apposita sezione, consiglio di dare uno sguardo alla borsa della Cressi “Gorgona” che ho trovato ideale per un utilizzo professionale.
In conclusione, anche se con autorevolezza limitata, supportata per dai giudizi degli esperti del settore, ritengo queste pinne eccellenti per i diversi tipi di utilizzo, in quanto oltre ad essere costruite in maniera adeguata, presentano soluzioni innovative che fanno parte dei brevetti Cressi.
Excellent value flippers. These are sturdy and durable, and I love the fact that they are adjustable. In addition, they have a strap which makes taking them on and off much easier than standard flippers – I was able to do it wearing my gloves. They are snug without being too tight, and adjustable, but again the strap provided ensures that they stay close to the foot.
I found swimming with these, albeit in my friend’s pool rather than the sea, a pleasant experience. They are surprisingly strong. An excellent pair of flippers.
Fantastic. Essential scuba fins. Easy to put on and take off, comfortable to wear, provide me with good power in the water. As with previous Cressi gear that I own, these should last a good while! (These are miles better than the smaller Cressi fins I also own for snorkelling). If you love being in the water, get these!
These Reaction fins from Cressi look like a serious bit of kit and they perform well. They have a stretchy strap, allowing for the easy donning/removal of kit which is always appreciated. My feet are at the larger end of the scale for the L/XL fins but are narrow and, for me, the foot pocket seems very spacious. However, when worn with boots, I have no problem at all with undesirable movement of my foot within the pocket.
These fins are quite long but yet do not require quite as much effort from the leg muscles as I expected – definitely a plus point. They enable me to get through the water at quite a pace and are comfortable to use for the entire dive.
Overall really good quality. We haven’t had a chance to use them yet in water as its not quite warm enough for us so will update review at later date.
These have an open back and really are quite large. My husband is a size 9/10 depending on the footwear and these are slightly big on him. However worn with diver shoes they will be fine.
They are easily adjustable and comfortable.
You get a professional set of fins. They are designed essentially for scuba diving as they have an open heel.
When they’re on they really help. They’re much better than the type that you get in a set.
Yes. They have an adjustable bit and I found that was easy to adjust and they’re super comfortable. I love these as they don’t squeeze my feet or leave impressions across the top of my feet.
They’re not too heavy and they seem quite durable.
They are well constructed
look quite nice
They look nice and it should be noted that it’s intended for surface snorkelling and scuba diving.
A lovely set of professional fins.
Very good quality and well made, these are well designed and a good fit. There’s not that nasty rubber smell prevalent in so many similar products either. They’re easy to clean and they dry quickly too. Great value for money.
I’ve used a few Cressi flippers, these have a longer blade than my last pair, fancied having a go with these.
The flippers are a fairly light pair, easy to carry about, although not sure the quality is as good as my other, probably just the weight that has me thinking.
They fit very well, easy to pop on which I do like, never had an open heel pair before but really do like how easy they are to fit.
These have long blades which glide me through the water, really impressed at the speed and movement I get from these, very impressed, no strain on my calfs as the others I have can give me.
Really pleased with these, yet again a great pair of flippers from Cressi
Well made and great to use, what more could I want.
For a diving devotee like me these are perfect quality, providing a wonderful fit in the foot area with bungees to secure the foot (I find they’re at their best with bootees on), and wonderful flexibility in the fins themselves that allow you to power through the water.
In fact the build quality is fantastic all over, they look and feel wonderful.
My previous fins were also made by Cressi, but these are a cut above, and as far as I’m concerned, worth every penny.
The top flipper in Cressi’s range, aimed at serious scuba-divers, so it’s worth noting that they are designed to be worn over diving boots rather than bare feet, thus the very commodious footwell. The very large surface area of the flippers, together with the way they’re engineered to transfer power from the whole foot propels you through the water at a good clip. They’re comfortable to use and the pull-on straps double as a carrying handle. An affordable pair oof pro-end flippers, then.
These are some serious diving fins, by which I mean that they are very long and sturdy. They have a very practical and effective handle/strap at the heel which makes them quite easy to put on or take off regardless of the conditions. I would recommend a layer around your foot to act as a buffer between the fin and your foot, but also to fill up the room around your foot which is quite spacious.
Cressi Reaction Adult Scuba Diving Open Heel Fins with Bungee Strap
Excellent fins. These fit well and are made of very high quality material which will last a long time. They fit me really well and the design helps you get the most of every movement.
So far I have only tried them in the pool but they are a great improvement on my old ones. You can really feel your energy being converted into motion. They also have non slip bottoms so you can move around out of the water.
A very good design using tough materials. Can’t wait for the water to warm up to try them in open water. Excellent fins.
As usual with Cressi, these are a reliable, high end product that lives up to the standard you expect with the brand. They are perfect for use with a drysuit or wetsuit boots, ideally for scuba diving but would also be OK for snorkelling, if maybe a bit heavy. The strap buckles are a particularly strong feature, very easy to pull on, even with gloves, yet also look as if they will last. Much easier than pinch buckles that you get on some fins.
We got ours in black, but also have some Cressi fins in yellow and would recommend those ideally as seals love playing with yellow fins. If you want to the stealthy tech diver look though, the black ones are perfect.
All in all a good value pair of tough yet flexible and fairly light fins, perfect for use in UK waters.
This style of fin is designed mainly for scuba diving as with its open heel you do have to were a boot of some sorts.
Like a mask, you need to pick a pair of fins that are the correct size, if they are too small your feet will soon begin to hurt during a dive and if too big they may come off.
When scuba diving I normally wear my Scubapro Seawing Nova’s which in many ways are quite similar. I have two pairs as when I am dry suit diving I need the next size up.
These fins are longer at 70cm long by 23cm wide and each fin weighs 1058g
Unlike old fashion fins these have a stretch rubber bungee which make putting them on and off nice and easy.
The slot for your foot to go in is different from any other fin I have seen and it seems to curve up towards the front but you do not notice this when you are wearing them.
They seem well engineered and if I can get all my baggage in under weight (including these), I shall try them in the Red Sea later this month or failing that, later in the English Channel (I shall report back after using them in anger).
For the price, under 50% of what the Nova’s cost they seem like a good deal (as long as they fit your feet with comfort).
Both of them I have noted have a strange crack in the moulding inside the foot hole on the right side in front of the point the heel strap is attached (only on the inner layer, not visible from the outside).
I don’t think it is an issue but would be interesting to know if all of them have this manufacturing imperfection.
These Cressi Reaction Fins are really great. I got them a size bigger as I tend to use boots in the UK, and these XLs provide a good amount of space, both in length and breadth. I’m a 9, and if I was going bare-foot, they would be too big, so I would stick to L instead.
They are very well constructed and will provide a decent amount of power conversion.
The open-foot design means that they are very easy to put on, and the locking strap is easy to use (especially with cold wet fingers) and the fins feel very secure on.
There is a lot to like.
Flippers for use by the avid snorkeler, these easy to use and are easy to fit with essentially a rubber heal strap to hold them on, as I am not a flipper expert I can only assume this is fairly standard. The flippers I have came in XL and are a comfortable fit on size 11 feet.
They look good with the silver flashing on black polypropylene material. These out of water are quite stiff but in water seemed to have a good deal of flexibility without hindering the leg movements.
I like them very much.
These are good and a little more flexible than most. They are not as good as SCUBAPRO but then they only cost 25% of what SCUBAPRO charge, Scubapro is also far heavier and something to think about when diving on holiday and you need to take the kit with you.
Easy to put on and works well for warm water dives with BOOTIES.
Flex and drive is good and definately more for the casual user if you are not looking for compact or high levels of drive.
When choosing a pair of fins it’s important to get the right size as the upper vamp needs to be a firm fit on the vamp so that it allows you to swim without rubbing- these are wonderful quality and will last many seasons.
These are good quality fins that look like they will last well. They are large size both with foot size and overall size and look to be well made and finished with the straps well located which is usually what breaks first..
The foot size is given as 44-47 which translates to UK 9.5 to 12.5. There is no adjustment as such with the rubber strap holding the fin on around the Achilles. They need boots though as the as the foot cavity is very generous and suit the larger sizes better as my foot did not feel over secure and I am a 9.5 to 10 so if you are a 44 I suggest you go for the 41-44 size to feel more secure unless you have thicker than normal boots you need to accommodate.
I tried them at diving club in a swimming pool and they to work well and they provide a much better kick than some of the smaller sizes available. They are easy to put on and take off and the straps can double as a carrying handle and while I had the traditional black colour other colours are also available.
These are some nice long fins that easily propel you through the water with minimal effort required. The bungie strap makes putting these fins on and off in the water a breeze — something I’ve had some trouble with other products. You definitely require boots for these fins which it doesn’t mention in the description. For this amount of money it’s a great buy.
Aprs quelques plonges (15 environs) j’ai un peu de recul sur ce produit, en premier lieu la matire utilise la rend souple et lgre, cependant elles deviennent sensibles au rayures, les miennes portent maintenant les stigmates des remontes sur le bateau, sur ce point mes Aqualung taient plus rsistantes. Pour le systme de sangle, avec le recul je confirme mes premires impressions, il me convient bien, il permet de s’quiper trs facilement depuis le bateau mme lorsque la place est compte (les plongeurs comprendront). Je confirme mes impressions sur la propulsion qui est ici remarquable sans beaucoup d’effort la motricit est au rendez-vous (ne rvez pas il vous faudra palmer tout de mme).
La palme raction de Cressi est une palme pour plongeur bouteille utilisant des chaussons de plonge. Elle est compose de trois matriaux mouls garantissant une rigidit et un bon rendement en immersion.
En comparaison par rapport d’autres marques cette palme est plus longue, cette longueur favorise la motricit sans pour autant augmenter exagrment l’effort, personnellement je l’ai apprci sur les deux plonges que j’ai ralis en mditerrane.
La sangle appele EBS STRAP ne comporte pas de rglage (elle est lastique), vous l’aurez compris ici il est impratif de bien choisir sa taille sous peine de rendre les palmes inutilisables, dans leur forme factor elles reprennent le principe du systme Aqua Lung bas sur des ressorts.
Je les trouve bien meilleur que mes Blade Fex (Aqua Lung) que ce soit en souplesse ou performance, la gnration est diffrente pour un prix similaire. Le dessous du pied est quip de caoutchouc anti drapant, de ce ct c’est bien mieux que mes Blade Flex qui avait tendance glisser facilement sur revtement lisse et mouill.
Le chaussant est agrable, la souplesse que procure la sangle caoutchouc permet de les mettre plus facilement, les moins souples d’entre nous apprcierons le moment venu, les dchausser est aussi facile sur ce point elles m’ont emballes.
Pour : la qualit, les finitions, le rendement, le confort, les sangles caoutchouc.
Contre : le prix, marque facilement.
Conclusion : ce modle vient coiffer la gamme des palmes de Cressi, au premier regard ce sont des palmes comme les autres cependant, en y regardant de plus prt on remarque l’ensemble des petits dtails qui rendent ce produit vraiment technique, pour le moment suis plutt trs comptant du produit c’est un bon compromis que ce soit pour le confort ou la puissance restitue, je reviendrai un peu plus tard et aprs quelques plonges sur leur vieillissement, c’est mon sens un produit qu’il ne faut pas ngliger si vous tes amateur d’un bon compromis puissance / confort en plonge sous marine.
Great value product. It fits me (Feet size 12 UK) perfectly when wearing booties. They don’t quite have the energy return/efficiency of the latest/dearest models available but again coming back to bang for your buck they won’t be beaten.
Auch fr strkere Strmung geeignet. S-M passt auch fr gre 42. Habe Schuhe angehabt die 42 sind. Ich selber habe 40-42 dh. lieber kleinere Flossen wie zu gro sonst passt am end der Gummi nicht mehr. Ob er sehr schnell ausleihert oder nicht, kann ich nicht beurteilen, das wei ich erst nach lngerem Gebrauch.