Dehumidifiers, 35oz Dehumidifier, Small Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers, 35oz Dehumidifier, Small Dehumidifiers for Home, Bedroom, Bathroom, Mini Portable dehumidifier with Auto Shut-off, 7 Colors Night Lights, Ultra Quiet for Closet, RV Ca

Weight: | 1.45 kg |
Dimensions: | 18.5 x 18.5 x 26 cm; 1.45 Kilograms |
Brand: | AYAFATO |
Colour: | Black |
Dimensions: | 18.5 x 18.5 x 26 cm; 1.45 Kilograms |
I used this dehumidifier for a week and am very pleased with it. I bought it for my RV (39 ft). The windows always steam up when the weather starts to cool outside but no condensation since I started using it.
**Some reviews about noise make sense, but dehumidifiers aren’t meant to be silent, even the pricey ones have a decent hum to them. Try this one for $60 first and see how it goes, very impressed.
This summer has been extremely humid. So I figured why not buy one after humidity started causing problem with my A/C. Changing colors is an added fun feature. The only thing is that I haven’t seen whether or not the auto-shut off works the way it should. As far as “noise”, there really isn’t any. It’s super quiet and no real difference from the day mode from the night mode. Stellar product.
I love that you can pick the colors so it kind of works as almost a night light. I live in a basement apartment and it’s moist. You can smell it. I read next reviews about this and it definitely absorbs a lot of water. I have to change it almost daily. Since I’ve started using this it’s a massive difference in my apartment. There’s no longer that smell of moisture in the air.
Appareil qui extrait l’humidit de l’air dans une pice ferme et tanche…. Il est capable d’extraire dans les conditions de cette “cave” tanche environ un grand verre par jour d’eau. C’tait l’objectif. Deux vitesses. La plus rapide est assez bruyante mais je ne vis pas dans cette pice donc a m’importe peu….
Very impressed! Despite mixed reviews decided to try for our insanely humid 26ft Grey Wolf. Within 12 hours half of the windows stopped sweating and 24 hours the entire camper is no longer damp including bedding. Moisture level 10 reduced to completely clear dry windows, dry fabrics, bedding and clammy air gone!!! For the price compared to others highly recommended trying. Have not had a single problem. Placed in central living area and still rid the entire trailer of all moisture! Worth a try for the very decent price. Super happy!!!
Takes 5-6days take avout 2 cups of water out of the room. It does help the humidity level and the white noise helps lower the traffic noise from outside.
The dehumidifier came in fast. Easy to set up. I love that it is really compact. Works great!
We live full time in a 24′ travel trailer in the rainforest of Washington state. We have two of these and they work wonderfully, especially considering their small size. 10/10
Very happy with my order. Ordered two in each room !
Dehumidifier works great to keep our 21.5′ camper from getting moldy in the summer humidity. Basically plug and go. The tank slides easily out for emptying. It is compact and sits on the kitchen counter while the camper is sitting. Move it to the bathroom counter while camping.
Bought for inside small camper. Works like described. Satisfied with order.
This dehumidifier does exactly what i needed it to. It does a good job of pulling water from the air and isn’t super loud. Not a needed feature but I really like the colorful lights it has.
It’s doing exactly what it is designed for. It’s so easy to empty. The noise level is so low that I stopped hearing it after a couple of days.
Perfect for my daughters bedroom. Not too loud and has a night setting and a nightlight. Already catching water after a few hours of use. Small and compac
It’s pretty good product, it does work well. It’s easy to use even without instruction but i would recommend to ho thought it first. It’s slightly big in my opinion so i have to make extra space on my bedside table for it.
Lately since we have been drying clothes on the radiator we noticed condensation on the windows. Ive put the dehunidifier on in there now and it has actually withdrawn some of the moisture from the air so there is no longer condensation on the windows ans you can see it in the container that needs to be emptied !
As described and as advertised – with caveat on photos suggesting battery powered option
Well packaged and presented.
Ideal for small room or RV vehicle style dehumidifying versus water leakage/flood damage moisture extraction.
The tank is 1ltr but auto shutoff at 800ml
Extracts 480ml in 24 hours so good for smaller rooms for general dehumidifier use cases.
Easy to use – no usability concerns
Quieter than we were expecting – 26dB is very tolerable.
This has an integrated lighting system making this potentially aesthetically pleasing but it wasn’t something that we were particularly interested in but it doesn’t detract from dehumidifier capability so a nice extra that you might be interested in
Needs a normal power cable but the photos might cause you to infer that these work with batteries but this isn’t the case.
El paquete de ventas se compone del propio aparato, y un manual de instrucciones en varios idiomas.
Tiene una tamao de 18.5 x 18.5 x 26 cm y un peso de 1.4 kg por lo que es fcilmente transportable y muy ligero. Es muy sencillo funcionar con el porque solo tiene tres botones, uno con el que se enciende y se apaga, otro para encender/apagar/cambiar las luces, y otro, para para cambiar entre los dos modos de los que dispone.
Tiene un depsito fcilmente extrable de 1000ml y adems dispone de un sistema de seguridad con el que cuando el flotador que tiene llega a 800ml se para automaticamente.
Las luces Led RGB se pueden cambiar entre 7 colores a elegir (azul, prpura, rojo, naranja, amarillo, verde, cian).
Dispone de dos modos de trabajo, el modo diurno y el modo nocturno, con el que se generan tan solo 26 dB por lo que podremos dormir cerca de l.
Lo nico que echo en falta es poder programar unas horas su funcionamiento y que sepamos el grado de humedad que tenemos pero la verdad que con la relacin calidad /precio que tiene no se le puede pedir ms.
En mi caso lo he puesto en el bao, porque sirve para habitaciones pequeas, ya que por los turnos y horarios de mi casa nos tenemos que duchar de noche y al estar dentro de nuestra habitacin cuando vamos para la cama resulta bastante molesto el ambiente.
La verdad que no podemos estar ms contentos, lo ponemos despus de ducharnos todos y lo dejamos toda la noche funcionando, el ruido no resulta nada molesto, elimina la humedad y tiene un bajo consumo. As que si estis pensando en compraros uno de estos, este es una muy buena opcin.
Very nice sized unit, just what we wanted. Looks good. And does what it says on the description.
This is very good at removing water, quiet enough to have it on at night and really helps dehumidify a small studio.
Davvero stupito dalla comodit e dalla qualit di questo prodotto, davvero comodo per stanze piccole, portatile in quanto leggero e davvero di facile trasporto.
Il prodotto arriva in una piccola scatola di cartone anonima, senza alcun nominativo del brand, all’interno troviamo il nostro deumidificatore con relativo cavo di alimentazione e libretto di istruzioni multilingue, molto basic e semplice.
Al tatto possiamo subito apprezzare la qualit del prodotto rispetto ai materiali, di plastica dura e ben saldi.
Una volta aperto, potete notare subito la capacit minima di questo deumidificatore che sicuramente sar utile per stanze piccole.
Le caratteristiche principali che lo compongono sono sicuramente la capacit di variare la modalit in due diverse tipologie, quella diurna e quella notturna che si differenzia per il rumore e la capacit silenziosa durante le ore notturne, a mio parere davvero ottimo e per nulla fastidio. Ovviamente un piccolo rumore lo sentirete sempre perch presente una ventola che quando acceso in funzionamento.
Una caratteristica molto interessante sono i led, di diverse colorazioni, disponibile di 7 tipologie che possono essere visualizzate di seguito oppure con un colore fisso a vostro gusto e stile. Si pu scegliere di variare, di tenerli fissi oppure la scelta di non tenere nessun colore.
La stabilit davvero ottima grazie ai piedini posti ad ogni lato del prodotto che ne garantiscono una posizione fissa dovunque vogliate senza il problema che possa cadere!
Il serbatoio principale dell’acqua ha una capacit massima di 1000ml, di fatti come potete notare la capienza davvero minima quindi adatto a stanze piccole e spazi minimi per essere efficace. Una volta che arriva ad 800ml il dispositivo lo riconosce e si disattiva in maniera automatica facendo attivare il led rosso.
dotato di 3 pulsanti:
1. accensione e spegnimento
2. Scelta della modalit notte/giorno
3. Scelta dei colori del led
Devo dire che anche se minimo, il suo lavoro lo fa bene e in maniera discreta. Funziona in maniera ottimale, il rumore non fastidioso e l’illuminazione davvero piacevole.
Davvero un ottimo prodotto per quelle che sono le sue caratteristiche base, lo consiglio per coloro che hanno bisogno di un prodotto simile per stanze piccole, per rinnovare il proprio ambiente e dare anche se vogliamo, un tocco di stile. Il prezzo non super economico per al tempo stesso abbiamo una qualit del prodotto assicurata.
Spero di essere stato utile!
Compact design
Low noise
7 fancy light colour options
Easy to use
Well made
Good quality
Auto shut off once full
Not as portable as the photos might suggest (need mains power)
This is a small dehumidifier which is ideal for small spaces. When in action it is very quiet and effective. The 7 coloured night lights are a nice extra but not really necessary. I like the way you can see how much water has accumulated in the reservoir.
We have put it in our motorhome which tends to feel damp in the winter months and it is working well.
I have used it near my ironing board, where ironing clothes are hanging and airing after being ironned.
Why 1 star less?
This dehumidifier needs a standard socket to plug into.
The photographs mad me think it was battery powered or USB charged.
There is no way I could use this in any of my wardrobes or small spaces as they do not have electricity sockets.
Also I do not understand how I can use this in my shower room as that also does not have an electricity socket in the room.
Otherwise – it does the job!
I got this since e our porch and living room have been getting a little damp in this wet weather
this lets us keep the moisture levels in check and its simple to empty the tank too
A nice small dehumidifier can be placed virtually anywhere around the home or even take camping if you have a suitable power source.
Because its small it is slow at removing the moisture but it still works well for its size and the additional light effects are a nice feature (they can be turned off) .
Unit features 7 light colours in total and also features an auto shut off when the water reservoir is full.
I ordered this dehumidifier for our back room which struggles with moisture during the winter months.
The unit was easy to setup, and easy to start by pushing the on button at the top. The unit then runs under the dictates of its own controls.
There is a button on the top which turns on/off the lights which illuminate the water tank. If you keep pushing it you can cycle through the different colours, or hold down to disable the light.
Once the dehumidifier tank is full then the unit will beep and the tank must be removed and emptied.
I needed a dehumidifier for my living room and this is perfect.
It is easy to use and not too heavy.
I like the lighting colours and it is very quiet which is excellent.
It has 2 modes which are day and night.
I like that it has an automatic shutdown feature making it safe to use.
Perfect for any room and a good price.
This product was slow in the beginning clearing the humidity, however it is much more efficient now. I am now emptying the water container regularly which indicates the humidity in our bedroom is less than before. I would only recommend this item for very small spaces.