Dell P2722H 27 Inch Full HD (1920×1080) Monitor, 60Hz, IPS

Dell P2722H 27 Inch Full HD (1920×1080) Monitor, 60Hz, IPS, 5ms, 99% sRGB, DisplayPort, HDMI, VGA, 5x USB, 3 Year Warranty


A better view from anywhere


Comfort without sacrificing colour: Optimize eye comfort with ComfortView Plus, an always-on, built-in screen that reduces potentially harmful blue light emissions while delivering excellent colour accuracy.

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Connect to productivity

Extensive connectivity: Easily connect to a variety of devices with extensive connectivity ports, including DisplayPort, HDMI, VGA and 4x SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps.

Quick-access ports: Easily share and deliver content via quick-access ports conveniently placed at the front of the display.

Expand your efficiency: The three-sided ultrathin bezel design lets you enjoy an uninterrupted view of your content across multiple monitors. Furthermore, you can boost your productivity by 21% with a dual monitor setup.

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    Dell Display Manager

    Productive at every level: Easy Arrange allows you to easily tile multiple applications across one or more screens with 38 pre-set window partitions and the ability to personalize up to five windows, giving you improved multitasking abilities.

    Seamless transitions: The auto-restore feature remembers where you left off, so applications will go back to where you left them, even after you’ve unplugged.

  2. Green thinking for today and tomorrow

    Environmental standards: This monitor meets the latest regulatory and environmental standards such as EnergyStar, EPEAT Gold and TCO Certified Edge Displays.

    Eco-conscious packaging: To reduce our manufacturing impact on the environment, this monitor is shipped Styrofoam-free and the packaging is made of at least 75% recycled cardboard.

    Energy conservation: Save energy when your monitor is not in use with PowerNap, a feature that dims or puts your monitor to sleep when it’s not in use.

Ports and Slots


1. Security-lock slot | 2. Power connector | 3. HDMI port | 4. Stand lock | 5. DisplayPort | 6. VGA connector | 7. SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps upstream port | 8. SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps downstream port (4)

Weight: 6.27 kg
Dimensions: 7.48 x 24.01 x 21.03 cm; 6.27 Kilograms
Brand: Dell
Model: DELL-P2722H
Colour: Black
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Dell Computers
Dimensions: 7.48 x 24.01 x 21.03 cm; 6.27 Kilograms

29 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Da wir die Selben Monitore zu Hauf in der Frima einsetzten, habe ich 2 Stck fr meiner Frau ihren Arbeitsplatz zuhause bestellt. Dieser Monitor eignet sich bestens fr die, die einen hhenverstellbaren Monitor mit guter Bildqualit suchen und nicht ein Vermgen ausgeben wollen.

    -IPS Panel
    -gute Bildqualitt
    -alle bentigten Kabel dabei
    -extrem schmaler Rahmen
    -angemessenes Preis/Leistungsverhltnis

    -aktuell noch nichts zu bemngel

  2. SamanthaWaldrop says:

     United States

    Dell did a wonderful job. Well worth the money. Great for portable office. Works with my MacBook Air and Dell laptop. Just be aware the USB-C is 100W and Generation 2 for video monitors if you lose the one that came with it.

  3. [email protected] Anonymous says:

     United States

    Light weight and fits with my XPS laptop in my bag. One usb-c to usb-c cable included and works as long as you have thunderbolt or display port over usb capable laptop. It can do power passthrough if you only have 1 usb-c port upto 65w. Plenty bright for me and I like the folding stand. No detectable screen flicker either unlike some of the cheaper options. Would recommend.

  4. Anya16Mhplaah says:

     United States

    This monitor works perfectly in a mac thunderbolt port using the supplied USB-C cable. The screen is powered by the USB port, so no external power supply is needed. This is a great second monitor on a desk with limited space. The monitor build is comparable to a laptop monitor and comes with a cloth carrying bag. I am a little uncomfortable traveling with the monitor without something solid to cover the screen (like the keyboard does in a normal laptop when folded). If I travel with it, then I will place it in a bubble wrap pouch to protect the screen and wouldn’t hesitate to travel with a little more protection. The brightness is less than my primary OLED screen, but perfectly adequate for my needs.

  5. Jonathan Heller says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersO Monitor Dell de 27″ P2722H uma verdadeira joia no mundo dos monitores de computador. Desde o momento em que o liguei pela primeira vez, fiquei impressionado com sua qualidade e desempenho excepcionais.

    A primeira coisa que se destaca o tamanho generoso da tela de 27 polegadas. A resoluo ntida e as cores vibrantes tornam a experincia visual incrvel. um prazer trabalhar, assistir filmes ou jogar jogos neste monitor. A qualidade da imagem simplesmente fenomenal.

    Alm disso, a ergonomia deste monitor incrvel. A capacidade de ajustar a altura, girar e inclinar a tela torna fcil encontrar a posio perfeita para o conforto, independentemente de voc estar trabalhando em um projeto longo ou apenas navegando na web. A construo slida e o design elegante se adapta bem a qualquer ambiente.

    A conectividade tambm uma vantagem, com vrias portas para atender s necessidades de diferentes dispositivos. Isso torna a transio entre tarefas e dispositivos uma brisa.

    A configurao foi simples e rpida, graas s instrues claras da Dell. Alm disso, a garantia oferecida d tranquilidade, sabendo que voc est adquirindo um produto de alta qualidade e durabilidade.

  6. NickiForehand says:


    Achei o tamanho do monitor ideal para trabalhar com imagens. Ele possui diversas entradas para conexo, vc pode plugar vrios aparelhos nele. Quanto a qualidade da imagem classifico com boa. Atendeu as minhas espectativas.

  7. DebbraBHBF says:


    Veio muito bem embalado,chegou no prazo,a qualidade da imagem muito boa,tanto para edio de vdeo e foto quanto para assistir sries/filmes e jogar. As portas USB so muito teis e ajudam mto,alm de j vir todo fcil pra montar e usa

  8. Anonymous says:


    Gostei muito, qualidade de imagem boa e bastante entradas USB, mas digo logo e um senhor monitor kkkk bem grande, parece um pouco at uma TV em questo do tamanho, mas muito bom

  9. Anonymous says:


    Lo utilizo para ofimtica y estoy muy contento. La altura se ajusta a la perfeccin (tambin la inclinacin) y el color y definicin son estables y muy buenos. Es un monitor de calidad pero de gama baja, para trabajar de ofimtica es excelente. Para ver videos, Youtube, o jugar videojuegos puede que quede algo corto. A ver, no es que no se pueda utilizar, pero no tiene ni tanto brillo ni una tasa de actualizacin tan grande de fps, ni tampoco es HD. Por el precio que tiene, para trabajar de ofimtica o estudiar, es sper recomendable. Para otros usos, buscara una alternativa de mayor calidad (que probablemente sea mucho ms cara)

  10. Anonymous says:


    Ecran bien quip en entres : DVI, HDMI, DP, VGA. Je cherchais une dalle IPS pour privilgier la qualit d’image au temps de rponse, cet cran en 1920×1200 rpond parfaitement au besoin.
    Petit bmol : les rglages se font par une mollette situe derrire l’cran, ce n’est pas le plus pratique.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Construo impecvel, detalhes impecveis. Conectei ao meu notebook (um ideapad S145) e uso ele como tela principal. Qualidade incrvel das cores, iluminao perfeita, no cansa a vista. Regulagem pode ser feita conforme seu gosto.

  12. Caroline Kitchen says:


    El mstil es muy verstil. Su calidad de imagen muy buena y los controles de brillo se ajustan de manera perfecta. La manera que tiene de dividir pantallas es genial. Compr antes una de asus y fue un fiasco. Esta se parece ms a la del iMac que usaba antes.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDie Standardeinstellugen “Empfehlung” von Kontrast/Helligkeit “75%”, produzieren ein milchiges Bild, alles wirkte als htte sich ein leichter Nebel ber den Windows-Desktop gelegt.
    Die Erhung beider Werte auf 90% brachte Besserung und ist fr mich ideal. Die Farbeinstellung mssen bei diesem Monitor eingetlich nicht gendert werden. Alle anderen Wert z.B. Gamma usw. sind auch alle ok und mssen eigentlich auch nicht gendert werden.

    Der Monitor macht ein gutes Bild. Text ist unter Windows 11 gut lesbar, er ist nicht wie bei manch anderen Monitoren ausgefranst oder hat Doppelkonturen. Alles ist scharf und klar.

    Fr schnelle 3D High-End Spiele kann ich diesen Monitor leider nicht empfehlen, aber dafr ist er vermutlich auch nicht gedacht.

    22 Zoll empfinde ich fr den normalen allround Home-User als ausreichend. Textverarbeitung, Grafikdesign wie auch Videobearbeitung u.. ist auf dem Monitor sehr gut machbar.

    Man sollte sich den Monitor Treiber bzw. das ICM Profile von der DELL Seite fr diesen Monitor runterladen und installieren, Windows 11 steuert den Monitor dann 100% korrekt an.
    Auch sollte man sich die DELL Display Manager Software runterladen und installieren, damit lassen sich alle Einstellungen die der Monitor bietet konfortabel mit der Maus einstellen.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersFoi absolutamente incrvel o ganho que tive quando mudei de um monitor HD de 19 polegadas para um Full HD de 24. Eu estava na caverna de Plato e sai dela, conhecendo um novo mundo. Meus olhos brilharam com tamanha qualidade. Blz, agora objetivamente, o monitor excelente. Tem ajuste de angulo, altura, gira o monitor 180 graus, a base do suporte muito bem construda, a tela tima, com vrios ajustes de imagem, as conexes usb so timas, carrega celular e etc. o tamanho ideal para mim

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Replaced a couple of Samsung monitors and image is so much crisper and cleare

  16. Anonymous says:


    Utilizo ele na vertical como um monitor auxiliar para o meu ultrawide LG. Tenho que falar, no quesito de cores, mesmo o LG sendo bem mais caro, o Dell deu um show, perceptivel que o Dell tem uma construcao, uma qualidade de painel muito superior, seu brilho tambm uma coisa que deixa o LG parecendo um monitor estragado.

    J para jogos, da para notar em meros videos do Youtube que o monitor sofre um pouco na reproduo, a imagem em movimento fica um pouco estranha sim. Nisso, o LG melhor. Mas caso seja para trabalho, no poderia existir monitor melhor, j quero trocar meu Ultrawide por um Dell

  17. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersUm bom monitor de uso geral, mas vou deixar um review para auxiliar quem no tem experincia com monitores:

    *** Apenas 94% sRGB, medido com colorimetro. ***

    1) As portas USB apenas carregam devices como celular, mouse, teclado etc. se conectar o HUB a um computador ou carregador externo. Parece pouca coisa, mas no meu Dell P2219H anterior sempre deixei um cabo conectado e nunca precisei ficar ligando teclado ao notebook (que no est to prximo), agora um cabo a mais, a princpio tentarei colocar uma tomada USB embaixo da mesa para fazer a ponte e o cabo no ficar aparente na mesa at o notebook em que est ligado;

    2) Ele mais ntido que um FHD, provavelmente um bom custo benefcio entre uso da GPU e FPS em games e simuladores (uso principalmente com MSFS, melhorou bastante, me d viso de meia cabine e mais um pouco sem precisar ficar dando zoom como no monitor que citei acima, 22″ FHD), sem o custo duplo de um 4K (com uma RTX 2060 j perdi 5-10FPS indo do FHD anterior para o QHD, 4K seria -20FPS ou pior);

    3) Gostei tambm que no tem o logo Dell na frente, ficou bem discreto considerando que meu notebook atual de um concorrente, o logo est apenas atrs, e fiquei com receio dele ser parte prateado como em algumas imagens, mas todo grafite, exceto a base que prata mesmo (a o bnus, a base do monitor anterior grafite 100% compatvel com o engate VESA e nem tirei da caixa a nova, no gostei, provavelmente riscaria mais que uma grafite);

    4) Maior defeito disparado e ponto de ateno para o comprador: ele apenas 60hz, de resposta apenas intermediria (para no dizer lenta), e preferia o conforto e contraste de uma tela VA ou OLED, no caso do MSFS e textos aceitvel, mas seria perfeito se tivesse frequncia maior que 100hz e contraste melhor de pretos.

    Abaixo de R$ 2000 no tem muitos concorrentes nesse tamanho, os 27″ perdem muito na nitidez, especialmente para quem senta prximo tela. A Lenovo tem um 24″ QHD nessa faixa de preo a venda inclusive aqui na Amazon, porm tambm no tem sadas USB, e a base de baixa qualidade (para quem usa VESA de parede uma boa alternativa).

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    If you are looking for a great size monitor, with great brightness for a good value. This is a great option!

  19. SwineWeb News says:

     United Kingdom

    The delivery package looked like a used box because it was not looking new & it looked like opened & repackaged. But the inside product looked new and works fine.

  20. Kelsey Fogarty says:

     United Kingdom

    With the speed of the usb ports and using the data cable in a 3.2 port you can set it up with a usb ethernet adapter to use the Internet via a cable. It’s also good for connecting a usb mouse and keyboard. You can also connect usb sticks and copy and read data from them quickly if they are 3.0 Compatable. Great picture as well.

  21. LesliMcGhee says:

     United Kingdom

    The screen is great! Super handy having the USB C so no need to have loads of cables and I can plug my mouse into the screen so I can take off my laptop way more easily. Screen quality is great, way better than my previous Samsung screen. The best part was the packaging though. Great new toy for my cat.

    Screen is great!

  22. PhillisMackay says:

     United Kingdom

    The picture quality is great and I like the adjustable sliding height of the screen.
    I’m struggling to find a soundbar to work with it on it’s own but other than that it’s a great monitor.

  23. emma1989 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI got this to sit alongside a Dell 24inch conference monitor with teams soundbar. I have daisy chained them together with a display port cable. I just need to colour calibrate them both, but I’ve got used to the slight colour difference so not an urgent task for me.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGood value fro money.
    Arrived when expected.
    Very narrow bezel around screen is a great improvement on previous one.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersUpgraded from Dell P series 21.5 inch to this 24 inch. Lovely generous screen which is easy on the eyes and height adjustable stand. This is a P series professional monitor suitable for working from home. Perfect monitor for work.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought it mainly for it’s Type-C PD and cuz I had Dell U series monitor before it. I can say for sure that this is not remotely as good as their U series, mainly for colours and white balance. But you get what you pay for, this monitor is half price compared to similar sized U series and it still has all ports and features.
    Decent monitor, nothing more, nothing less

  27. Wilson Alpine says:

     United Kingdom

    Good quality monitor, the fact it has good connectivity avoids the need for a separate docking station. Very happy

  28. ElvisWisedord says:

     United Kingdom

    Simple set up, with a quality finish, great graphics & plenty of connection options. Does seem a little easier on the eyes compared to my older Dell monitor due to the reduced blue light screen.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good screen that forfilled my expectations. On/off switch at the back of the monitor not all that convenient. Not at all clear as how to customise the settings (brightness, etc).
    Use separate speakers so cannot comment on sound quality.