Flyte 18″ Midi Scooter Suitcase

Flyte 18″ Midi Scooter Suitcase

Size: | 18" |
Dimensions: | 26 x 33 x 48 cm; 3.5 Kilograms |
Brand: | Zinc Flyte |
Model: | ZC04465 |
Colour: | White |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Hy-Pro |
Department: | Girls' |
Dimensions: | 26 x 33 x 48 cm; 3.5 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 18" |
After reading several reviews (mostly all positive apart from a few where they mentioned the couldn’t take it on as hand luggage).
We flew with Virgin and hand no problems with taking this on as hand luggage. It was actually smaller than some other peoples hand luggage.
My daughter loves it’s and it kept her entertained at the airport.
We had lots of comments from people about how cool it was and if only they did them for adults.
My daughter is nearly 6 but she will still be using it for a couple more years still (if not more).
It was a little fiddly to start with, with opening and closing the scooter part but the more you do it, the more you get used to it and get the hang of it.
It doesn’t turn that well but that didn’t put my daughter off and to be honest you don’t really notice it too much as they don’t got flying around much at the airport with people around.
Would highly recommend this product!
I was dubious regarding the durability but actually it’s really tough and really easy to fold up and dow
Our son loves it. It’s a really easy way to move inside airports and on the destination. You can put a lot of things inside for long flights and it’s perfect as a carry on to put in the up compartment of a plane.
My daughter loves it but the scooter is small for her and it is suitable for age under 6 years old
Recently bought this after seeing a child with one on our last holiday. My 5 year old son absolutely loves it everyone comments on it. My son continuously played on this before our holiday and when at the airport loved riding up and down on it. Was great especially when we was delayed in the airport he just played on it. Would highly recommend this.
I am not sure how long he will get out of it as the handle bar is not adjustable for taller children but overall it’s great.
Value for money. My granddaughter loves it. The older brothers wanted to use it, but she would not have it.
I have order 2, the flamingo one and the owl one. My girls love them. The only thing i think would be nice is to have a handle or a strap to carry when kids dont want to use i
Got this for my 8 year old for a holiday recently. It was just the best thing ever. She flew around and didnt complain of being tired once. We were so glad ve purchased and loads of people stopped to ask where we got it. If i was to say 1 negative thing, it would be that it doesnt turn (as in the handles) so if you need to go around a corner, you have to lift it slightly and manoeuvre it in another direction but she managed just fine. Definitely recommend.
I’m not sure how long it will last, she’s not particularly careful with it, but I think it’ll last for several trips. She fell over on to it and it didn’t break so that was good!
The size of this suitcase may be too large as hand luggage for some airlines, but it was fine for our trip with BA. You can check hand luggage size online easily if you are worried about it.
Inside it can hold about the same amount as a trunkie because of the scooter part at the back.
Overall this was a great purchase.
It isn’t the most sturdy but does the job well, opening and closing is a faff but a clever piece of engineering nonetheless
I bought this item thinking it would help get us through 1 trip… this was a big trip with alot of airports and alot of walking. It 100% exceeded my expectations!!!
My child is 5, and on the taller side.
she rode this thing up and down 7 different airports and was the talk of those airports. The front doesn’t steer so the child has to lift and turn if needed but once that was figured out she rocked it.
Another thing is the suitcase itself is not large, it is enough I would say for airport and plane entertainment and a blanket but not big enough to have as the only means of a suitcase for clothes and other needed items for trips.
It folds up and is small enough to fit either over head or under the seat.
would 100% recommend this to any family that travels often or has a big trip planned!
Used the Midi Scooter case for our holiday abroad. Our 3 and half year old absolutely loved it! It kept her busy whilst we were waiting for our delayed flight, she could scoot around the airport and right up to the gate. All her travel essentials fitted in the case, iPad, headphones, magazines, books, pencil case, fluffy bunny and a change of clothes. The downside is that you have to try and weight it right or the case can tip forward a little and the quality of the zip and join for the lid of the case to the base is a little flimsy. The scooter itself is really robust although practise with opening and closing it before you travel, as it is a bit clunky and the handle doesn’t come up to adult height which is a bit annoying. However, I would definitely buy it again! Great idea just needs a few tweaks to make it even better.
All’inizio mi sono pentito di averlo comprato… ci sono un sacco di aspetti che lo rendono meno appetibile di altri trolley da bambini, a partire dal costo e dal peso. Ma mia figlia l’ha voluto fortemente e dopo averglielo visto usare la prima volta, devo dire che troppo forte e ne valsa la pena! Per ora, dopo alcuni aerei presi (messo sempre in cappelliera) e qualche scorribanda della bambina in vari aeroporti, non presenta nemmeno un graffio! Per quanto riguarda la capienza, il tubo centrale purtroppo non consente di usare lo spazio nel migliore dei modi, ma sono riuscito comunque a metterci dentro svariati indumenti, scarpe e oggetti. chiaro che la differenza l’ha fatta la modalit monopattino: risate e divertimento alla stato puro per la bambina, oltre ad una gran comodit per gli spostamenti all’interno degli aeroporti pi grandi, quando era stanca e non voleva camminare. La chiusura del monopattino mi ha fatto un po’ penare, direi che assolutamente migliorabile. L’altezza del manubrio non regolabile, quindi valutare bene prima dell’acquisto (la mia bimba ha 4 anni ed alta un metro circa).
La mejor compra para viajar con un nio ! Es una maleta de lo ms vistosa , en cada aeropuerto nos paran para verla . No caben muchas cosas es para poner un poco de juguetes y un solo cambio de ropa pero pero si viajas mucho es Excelente para entretener y pedir a Los nios una carrera veloz cuando tienes prisa