Google Pixel 7 – Unlocked Android 5G Smartphone

Google Pixel 7 – Unlocked Android 5G Smartphone with wide-angle lens and 24-hour battery – 256GB – Lemongrass

Google Pixel 7 – Unlocked Android 5G Smartphone with wide-angle lens and 24-hour battery – 128GB – Lemongrass

Pixel 7
  1. google pixel 7

    The chip behind it all.

    Google Tensor G2 makes Pixel faster, more efficient and more secure, with more helpful features and the best photo and video quality yet on Pixel.[1]

  2. google pixel 7

    Pixel’s Adaptive Battery can last 24+ hours.[2]

  3. google pixel 7

    Hello, Hollwood.

    Cinematic Blur keeps your subject in focus and blurs the background for a dramatic effect.

  4. google pixel 7

    Your protection, built into Pixel.

    The Titan M2 chip and the Google Tensor security core, an extra layer of hardware security, help make Pixel more resilient to attacks. [3]

google pixel 7pixel 7, google

Thoughtfully designed.

Pixel 7 is beautifully designed with recycled materials. [6]

Choose your Pixel.

google pixel 7

Pixel 7

google pixel 7 pro

Pixel 7 Pro

google pixel 6a

Pixel 6a

Pixel 6

Pixel 6

Pixel 6 pro

Pixel 6 pro

Display 6.3″ QHD+ Smooth Display 6.7″ QHD+ Smooth Display 6,1″ FHD+ Smooth Display 6.4″ FHD+ Smooth Display 6.7″ LTPO QHD+ Smooth Display
Camera 50 MP wide lens 48 MP telephoto lens 12 MP wide lens 50 MP wide lens 50 MP wide lens
Memory and storage 8GB RAM, 256/128GB storage 12GB RAM 512/256/128GB storage 6GB RAM, 128GB storage 8GB RAM, 128GB storage 12GB RAM, 128/256GB storage
24-hour battery Wired & wireless charging [10] Wired & wireless charging [10] Wired charging [10] Wired & wireless charging [10] Wired & wireless charging [10]
Tensor and Titan M2 security
google pixel 7

Dimensions: 19.55 x 7.32 x 0.87 cm; 195.5 Grams
Model: GA03943-GB
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: Google
Dimensions: 19.55 x 7.32 x 0.87 cm; 195.5 Grams
Origin: China

46 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Bon smartphones Trs stable et rapide on peut faire beaucoup des choses avec. Malheureusement la batterie pas assez puissante je vous conseille de port toujours avec vous un chargeur et une batterie externe au cas o.

  2. DarylCorcoran says:


    Ottimo telefono, con buona fotocamera. Batteria, con utilizzo di app per circa due ore al giorno, dura due giorni. Sembra un po’ mattonella rispetto ad altri telefoni. Non mai capitato nessun lag o rallentamento

  3. Anonymous says:


    el movil en si esta muy bien, la camara es una fantasia. pero algo que me molesta mucho es que para mi la bateria dura muy poco – dificilmente dura mas de un dia si lo utilizas a saco, como en vacacionec donde sacas muchas fotos y subes contenido en red social. pero el design es bonito, buena funcionalidad

  4. Anonymous says:


    Nulla da dire Google. Per ora mi spiace solo che nn ha un led di notifica ma una lacuna di tanti altri anche top di gamma.
    Ho riscontrato tutto quanto di positivo ho letto in giro. Nn sto usando il suo caricabatterie che nn ho comprato ma in effetti con il mio vecchio da 20W ci mette 1h15min per arrivare dal 50% al 100%

  5. Vic Hood says:


    Aprs bientt 5 mois d’utilisation, je suis satisfait de l’utilisation de mon Google PIXEL 7. La transition d’utilisation par rapport mon NOKIA 7+, dont la batterie a dclar forfait au bout de presque 5 annes d’utilisation intensive, s’est faite sans problmes (Android sans surcouche). Toutefois, je doute un peu que ce modle dure aussi longtemps que mon NOKIA 7+ et les milliers de photos qu’il m’a permis de prendre sans faiblir, les 128 Go de mmoire me semblant un peu justes aprs installation de toutes les applications (85 Go restent disponibles ce jour, ce qui reste encore confortable a priori).
    Par ailleurs, le saut qualitatif en qualit photo ne me semble pas vident, tant celle-ci me semblait satisfaisante avec mon NOKIA ; j’apprcie, bien sr, d’avoir retrouv les mmes traitements d’image que je connaissais.
    Pour le reste, totale satisfaction, pour le moment, avec mon PIXEL 7, qui vient juste de passer ANDROID 14.

  6. Leyla Brooke says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersPerfecto para quien?
    Para quien no busque un telfono con lo ms potente en procesadores, ni lo quiera para jugar a juegos pesadsimos durante mucho tiempo, tampoco necesite tener carga rpida, ni un ladrillo de 6,7″ de pantalla.
    Simplemente es perfecto como smartphone, haciendo de 10 las tareas usuales que ha de hacer un telfono.
    Instagram, email, YouTube, maps, Chrome, por supuesto WhatsApp, Spotify etc te van a funcionar de manera fluida. De igual manera se puede disfrutar de ver contenido multimedia ya que su pantalla es muy buena y su sistema de audio se escucha muy bien.
    Otro de sus puntos fuertes es su cmara fotogrfica. Nada que envidiar a mviles de ms de 1000, y su autonoma es ms que sobrada para que un usuario normal llegue con suficiencia al final del dia.
    Per donde realmente destaca es en su fluidez y manejo.
    Los pixel, como en su momento fueron los Nexus estn pensados, diseados y optimizados para moverse a la perfeccin por su sistema operativo.
    Android puro, sin capas pesadas con montones de intiles apps que solo hacen que lastrar el funcionamiento de los telfonos. Justamente por prescindir de todas estas cosas el telfono funciona tan bien an teniendo, supuestamente, un hardware inferior a otros fabricantes.
    Adems son los primeros en recibir las ltimas actualizaciones.
    En resumen, no creo que a da de hoy encuentres una mejor opcin por el dinero que cuesta.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersNach etlichen Jahren mit Huawei habe ich doch nicht mehr ohne Android leben knnen. Was gibt es also besseres um auf das nativste Android von allen umzusteigen:

    1. Design und Haptik: Das Pixel 7 ist schlank und sieht wirklich elegant aus. Die Haptik ist angenehm, und es liegt gut in der Hand. Die Qualitt des Gehuses vermittelt ein Premium-Gefhl. Auch mit einer Schutzhlle wirkt das Smartphone nicht zu dick und angenehm im Komfort.

    2. Kameraqualitt: Die Kamera ist erstaunlich. Die Bilder sind gestochen scharf, die Farben sind lebendig und die Low-Light-Performance ist beeindruckend. Mit den neuen Kamerafunktionen macht das Fotografieren einfach Spa und ist simpel.Auch der Magische Radierer kann sich von Google sehen lassen.

    3. Performance: Das Smartphone ist relativ schnell und reaktionsschnell. Apps ffnen sich sofort, und Multitasking ist ein Kinderspiel. Die Leistung des Snapdragon-Prozessors ist beeindruckend, vor allem wenn man mit Hilfe einiger Online-Tutorials in den Entwickleroptionen herumspielt.

    4. Display: Das OLED-Display ist atemberaubend. Die Farben sind lebendig, die Kontraste sind tief, und die Helligkeit ist mehr als ausreichend, um es auch bei hellem Tageslicht gut ablesen zu knnen.

    5. Software: Die reine Android-Oberflche ist ein Pluspunkt. Das Pixel 7 luft mit der neuesten Android-Version, und die Updates kommen schnell und regelmig. Die Benutzeroberflche ist sauber und benutzerfreundlich.

    6. Akkulaufzeit: Die Akkulaufzeit hat mich positiv berrascht. Selbst bei intensiver Nutzung komme ich problemlos durch den Tag.

    Insgesamt bin ich wirklich begeistert vom Pixel 7. Google hat hier ein beeindruckendes Smartphone geschaffen, das in Sachen Kameraqualitt, Leistung und Software berzeugt. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem erstklassigen und vor allem preis-attraktivem Android-Smartphone sind, ist das Pixel 7 definitiv eine berlegung wert. Es hat meine Erwartungen bertroffen, und ich freue mich auf die weitere Nutzung.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Super tlphone. Qualit photo au top pour le prix, il est fluide, c’est agrable de regarder une srie dessus, bonne luminosit. Petit bmol la batterie qui ne tiens des fois pas la journe entire ( quand je regarde 2h de srie dessus plus de la musique toute la journes donc en soit c’est quand mme raisonnable ). De plus, comme beaucoup le disent que ce soit reconnaissance faciale ou empreinte a marche vraiment seulement 1 fois sur 10 pas cool mais optionnel.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Wymienity telefon, bardzo szybko dziaa ze wszystkimi aplikacjami. wietny aparat. W zasadzie jedyn wad jest saby czytnik odciskw palcw wbudowany w ekran. Poprzednio miaem Xiaomi Redmi Note z czytnikiem wbudowanym w przycisk zasilania i dziaa perfekcyjnie — to chyba lepsze rozwizanie technologiczne ni w ekranie.

  10. Anonymous says:


    Der Google Pixel 7 ist ja nicht mehr so neu. Wir haben ihn vor 6 Wochen zu einem gnstigen Preis hier bei Amazon erworben. Er ist flott, smarter als Android Gerte anderer Hersteller, jedoch etwas dicker, liegt aber dennoch gut in der Hand. Beim Telefonieren versteht man seinen Gegenber hervorragend. Mit der Kamera sind wir auch sehr zufrieden. Also insgesamt absolut zufrieden und klare Kaufempfehlung, zumal das Smartphone aktuell deutlich gnstiger zu haben ist.

  11. Anonymous says:


    onnamment surpris. Super simple d’utilisation
    Toutes les fonctions y sont
    Bonne performance de la batterie au niveau de la tenue sur une journe
    1er essai avec un pixel du haut de gamme a pris de moyenne gamme
    C’est parfai

  12. KayleeColwell says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEnvoie rapide et bien emball.
    Je suis vraiment contente de ce tlphone (j’avais un Samsung A50). La qualit des photos est excellente, c’est d’ailleurs pour a que je l’ai achet.
    J’ai eu du mal a me faire a l’interface 100% Google mais c’est plutt sympas.
    La batterie tient plutt bien, si on ne joue pas toute la journe.
    Je recommande ce tlphone !

  13. Eric Franklin says:


    Android puro muy bueno ama el color verde y el bisel dorado alrededor del borde de la pantalla. toma muy buenas fotos y muchas actualizaciones. el telfono es agradable en mi mano. se siente bien. Me gustara que el telfono viniera con el protector de pantalla y el cargador de batera, pero hay que comprarlos. Dejar ms informacin cuando tenga la oportunidad de usar ms el telfono.

  14. VadaUnderhill says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWie erwartet top Handy. Der einzige Kritikpunkt ist der Fingerabdrucksensor, sporadisch hat er einfach keine Lust. In 9 von 10 fllen ohne Probleme und dann weigert er sich. Das Problem war mir bekannt, aber hrt sich schlimmer an als es ist.
    Akku ist dafr besser als erwartet, Bluetooth und Standortdienste dauerhaft aktiv, Bildschirm relativ hell eingestellt und mehrmals am Tag Navigation am laufen und trotzdem abends noch 60% brig.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo smartphone pixel 7 ottimo prodotto, senza le app di terze parti che rompono le scatole. Unico difetto la mancanza del jack audio. Per il resto si tratta uno telefono scattante veloce fluido ecc ecc

  16. RoxieEqnguyen says:


    Nell’utilizzo intensivo la batteria dura veramente 24 ore ..grande fruibilit e velocit..interfaccia molto elementare ma soddisfacente per l’utilizzo normale senza richiedere il massimo …per un uso quotidiano eccezionale…foto e video ottima quali

  17. Leo Sun says:


    El pixel 7 es un gran mvil. Lo que ms destaca es la cmara, creo q por su precio no se puede pedir ms (lo cog con una buena oferta). Me gusta mucho la integracin con el asistente y lo q ello conlleva. Es verdad que se calienta ms q otros mviles pero an no me ha supuesto un problema. Y la batera se gasta tb mas rpido de lo q me gustara pero dicen q tarda unas semanas en adaptarse a tu uso( cosa q entiendo q sea difcil trabajando en diferentes turnos cada da) Creo q no es un mvil para todo el mundo y depende mucho de gustos y preferencias del usuario. A mi ,por ahora, me encanta

  18. Alex VanderLinden says:


    Il telefono funzionale, costantemente aggiornato, fa ottime fotografie. L’unica pecca riguarda la batteria, che ha andamenti non costanti, e a volte si scarica molto in fretta. Anche la ricarica non ottimale, un po’ lenta anche con un caricabatterie da 25W. Avrei gradito che nelle confezioni fosse presente il suo adattatore da 30W, e per questa mancanza di 4 stelle su 5, altrimenti sarebbe stato perfetto.

  19. Jacob Ridley says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI’ve owned the S22 Ultra, Oneplus 11, Pixel 6a and the Meizu 20 Pro (Chinese Smartphone) and must say my favourite is the Pixel 7.

    – Battery Life
    – Camera
    – UI
    – You can root without losing warranty from Google

    – Screen still a bit behind other smartphones

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Been using my new phone for a good few days now. As described, not a mark on it. Works perfectly. Really impressed with the phone and very helpful seller. Would certainly use again thanks 🙂

  21. MarguerRoof says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersAfter reading many reviews, when at first neither the fingerprint reader or the face recognition worked my heart sank. I let it do its update and then deleted the face and fingerprint and started again. It now works perfectly! Its the perfect size for me and I love the pure Android experience. So much better than the many UIs out there that try to improve on something which is close to perfect. The cameras are as good if not better than the many reviews. I don’t play games so no comment there, but for everything else its about as perfect as a phone can get; for me at least. Highly recommended!

  22. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersCon la crisis de los 40 me compr este mvil aunque podra haber aguantado un poquito ms con el otro.

    Es increble, tambin es cierto que lo comparo con mviles que cuestan un tercio que son los que siempre he tenido pero no puedo estar ms contento.

    Va finsimo aunque no le doy una carga importante, mayormente YouTube.

    La cmara es increble, lo mejor que he visto, compite con mi Reflex y es rpida y echa unas fotos en las que hasta yo salgo guapo.

    Resistente a cadas, le ha tocado un dueo torpe y est como el primer da y gracias a su ip68 puedes lavarlo ponindolo en el grifo.

    No puedo estar ms contento, habr quien a sus 40 se compren un Ferrari pero no me da.

  23. JeraldCollingri says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this phone it has a high spec and great features at a very low price. Other phones I was looking at were a grand plus in price this phone is just as good and for less that half that.
    I am well impressed thanks.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice phone, not too big, not too small. Had help setting it up as I’m a bit of a technophobe but managed a good part of it on my own.

    It’s taken a bit of time & practice to learn how to navigate my way around the phone but it’s the same what ever phone I am getting….

    All in all I’m pleased & by buying the phone outright & finding a good SIM deal I have saved over 2 years 800.00 – not to be sneezed at!!!!!

  25. BennettMeeks says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersEverything about it is great.
    The fingerprint reader works first time nearly every time.
    The camera is amazing, even though sometimes the colour correction is too aggressive, the night-mode photos come out great too.
    The screen is also amazing, warning though if you come from samsung like I did then it may feel cheap and hollow if tapping on it with your nail but, you’ll forget some days in so don’t worry, the colours are also very nice.
    The back feels very nice, the pretruding metal doesn’t bother me at all, if you got smaller hands then it may be useful to rest the bottom on the top of your fingers, I got larger hands so it doesn’t really suit that purpose for me though.
    It’s a pixel phone, ofcourse it’s gonna be great, I paid around 500 for it and im a lot happier with it than when I paid double that years ago for my old samsung.

  26. Lynn La says:


    Vengo de un S10e aguantado 4 aitos y aunque iba perfectamente en rendimiento, dej de cargar y me lanc un poco anticipado a por el Pixel 7, que estaba ya decidida la compra, pero no saba que iba a gustarme tanto. Buensima cmara (aunque carece de modo o efecto Macro en la app de fotos por sus lentes algo ms limitadas que las del 7 Pro), pero cumple las expectativas. El rendimiento es excelente, la batera permite llegar perfectamente a la noche con un uso medio y los aadidos de las ROM Pixel a la experiencia de un Android limpio son los justos pero super tiles. Modo descanso, limitacin de la carga de batera mientras duermes, deteccin de accidentes, etc…

    Es un equilibrio, precio – calidad que es lo mejor del mercado, mejor que el 7a incluso con una oferta, ya que este se puede conseguir al PVP del 7a prcticamente.

  27. BridgetNisbett says:

     United Kingdom

    wow this phone has got me out of so many problems since i had it, i actually use all its features, Directions feature is amazing seeing your route as a little car while you move, helped us get unlost a lot, screen is beautiful, camaera is good, everyone else is amazed but quality of quick sanps editing software options are cool. This phone helped me catch up with phone culture without any learning or effeort. i really can do things that anyone without a pixel 7 cant. ha ha ha.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Google Pixel 7 has an amazing camera, the best I’ve seen on a phone.
    Battery is fantastic but it takes hours and I’m talking around 3 hours for the phone to charge.
    The software is really good and responsive with all apps and it’s impressive.
    You do not get a charger in the box. Only a wire to do the transfer of everything from your old phone, which I recommend as it’s 4 times faster than using Bluetooth.
    The fingerprint scanner is on the screen and its performance is mediocre at best. It reads the print 1 out of every 3/4 times on average.
    You get all your usual apps that are great.
    The calling performance is good like most phones at this price point.
    The absolute shining light of this phone is the camera and that’s the main reason you would purchase it. It’s fantastic.

    Bought the like new versio

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Took me a while to get used to it but now I wouldn’t be without it. The biggest problem is that you don’t get a charging cable or charger, no instructions either. 5g is a great addition especially when using the hotspot function.

  30. JeanninColosimo says:

     United Kingdom

    Having to update my phone recently I looked at a few devices but I am so pleased I choose the Google pixel .
    Fantastic camera quality for great pictures , I like taken snaps and saves carrying the camera around .
    Battery life was a must as my old phone a Motorola could easily withstand the likes of the well known brands and put them to shame . I have just tried it out on my pixel and got a full day and more without having to charge up . The only downside for me was the charger plug as one wasn’t provided but found one online no problem and scrolling back if you come from a phone that has a button like my old one did . To take you back it takes you a little to get use to .
    All in all I’m so happy with my pixel device and definitely recommend if your looking for a phone that looks stylish sleek and compete to the most well known brands on the marke

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersAs soon as you boot up the Pixel 7 you can feel the quality of it, from the keyboard to the camera. The phone has been designed with lots of fun little quirks which vary from the usual standard fare you get from the homogeneity of smartphones these days. The camera is as good as advertised and takes crystal clear pictures with plenty of functionality for more advanced video and picture taking. I’ve really enjoyed using the Pixel 7 after moving over from my OnePlus 6.

    I deduct a star from my rating due to 2 reasons. The first being that the battery life I have found to be rather disappointing for a new phone. It will easily get you through the day if not overtaxed, but struggles if gaming, playing music via Bluetooth headphones or extensively using Google maps. No fast charge adaptability also seems like a strange omission in these days.

    My second issue is the fingerprint scanner which is very unreliable. I’ve added the thumbprint in with 3 different versions and the phone still fails to pick it up a lot of the time. Compared to the OnePlus 6 fingerprint scanner on the back of the phone which always picked up my fingerprint, this has been pretty disappointing.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Firstly,premium feel,great sound from 2speakers great quality cameras ,back and front ,easy setup transferring data from iPhone took 40 minutes that’s 90 GB of music plus 500 MB photos and all contacts,and immediately sorted out duplicates,this is definitely the best android phone I’ve ever used, I’m an Apple person,but this phone is a dream superior call quality thanks to the 3G,option,if you want a great phone for 50% less than Apple iPhone go out and buy one,you won’t regret it.5 stars honestly.

  33. AngelinAHBJ says:

     United Kingdom

    Very impressed with the Google Pixel 7. Excellent camera and cool features, much better value than those new iPhones!

  34. Katie Teague says:

     United Kingdom

    I like this phone. Wery good cameras, working fast and without issue. But if you want to use phone all day. You need by power bank because battery in this phone wery weak.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    As a longtime (10 years minimum) Apple user, I decided that the cost of the new iPhones was prohibitive for me especially as I barely used any of the advanced features I would be paying for, so after using my partners Pixel 7 Pro, I decided to take the plunge and haven’t looked back. Striped down, bare bones Android is a joy to use, the phone is quick and responsive and I have had no issues with the phone as yet. This could be the phone that gets me to stay with Android for a long time, particularly n with the pixel line up (I’m already eyeing up the Pixel tablet when it’s released)

  36. Charlie Wagner says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s proving to be a good phone with a superb camera ( no problem with the lenses)

  37. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersVon Anfang an hatte ich Probleme meine vorher perfekt beim Honor Gert funktionierende SIM Karte mit dem Gert zu verbinden. Erst nach Bestellung einer Ersatzkarte war das Problem gelst !

    Auch bin ich berrascht, dass bei einem Google Gert die Speech to Text Funktion schlechter
    funktioniert ,als zuvor. Oder hat jemand ne Ahnung, warum es hufig Worte klein schreibt, die es nur in Groschreibung gibt (wie z.B. Namen) und auch Satzzeichen ,sowie “Neue Zeile” Befehle Probleme machen ?

    Auch schaltet sich die Google Spracherkennung gelegentlich ohne Aufforderung ein.
    Aber das alles hat unter Umstnden nichts mit dem Telefon an sich zu tun (?)

    Ansonsten bin ich durchaus zufrieden !

    Das Gert lsst sich zuverlssig entsperren und alle APS arbeiten perfekt und schnell .

    Auch die Fotoqualitt ist hervorragend ,allerdings bin ich kein Fan der integrierten
    Google Foto App und auch der Music Player war bei dem Honor Gert einfacher und besser.

    Preis Leistung auf jeden Fall immer noch positiv !

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersI was a bit concerned over battery life reviews but this couldn’t be further from the truth as battery life is good and can easily last 2 days with light use and easily managed a day with heavy use. Fingerprint works 4 out of 5 times so I can see why people mentioned this and face recognition is good. I have moved from IPhone 11 and the adaptor supplied for transfering data is a God send and made the process very easy even for a muppet like myself. I am sold on pixel now as this is so much better than iPhone for me and the price makes it no contest with no compromise. Try for yourself as you won’t be disappointed

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great phone let down by mediocre screen and connectivity issues

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersOverall the device is good. Really fast and the battery life is great.

    The finger print reader could be better. Sometimes it cannot read my finger print.

    My biggest issue with this device is it requires a PD charger and cable to charge fast. Worse it does not charge using a genuine Huawei cable. Also it does not like most of my wireless charger only charging at 5W.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersOverall, if you have the money and prefer the camera and editing in a phone combined being made by Google.

    Positives; finger print sensor and the phone itself are responsive, the brightness for low and high is good, camera is a definite positive, the 21W charging is very nice and it supports wireless charging and wireles battery sharing with other devices nice to have, STT is much better.

    Negatives; the AI for the photo removing objects from images is a hit or miss, finger print sensor can be easily “broken” by it or your finger being even slightly dirty or wet as well as sometimes in general it’s not great at it, no headphone jack is worth mentioning too, none upgradeable storage is also bad but 128GB has faired me well so far.

  42. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersAppareil reu rapidement (merci prime). Le tlphone est juste incroyable j’aime le design surtout son cot esthtique. Cot photo… le meilleur tlphone photo actuel (2022). Les plans sont incroyable les photo sont magique ainsi que les vidos. L’cran est trs fluide on arrive voir la diffrence entre le 60Hz et le 90Hz, cot luminosit il trs clair mme en plein soleil le seul bmol et l’empreinte digital qui n’est pas trs performant (attention lorsque que vous ajouter un verre tremp il faudra aller dans les paramtre et activer la sensibilit au maximum).Niveau batterie tient une journe facilement (sans recharger) juste faire attention pour les jeux gourmand de style “Genshin impact” car la batterie descend vite. Niveau performance et ram fait le travaille peut faire tourner tout les jeux du moment mais attention ne pas monter les graphisme fond car risque de surchauffe.
    Dans l’ensemble c’est un trs bon tlphone haut de gamme.

  43. KatrinaUSH says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our Usersi moved from oneplus 7 pro to pixel 7, BUT pixel 7 do feel like a downgrade, charging is too slow compare to my 4 year old oneplus,
    cannot access full brightness unless go under the sun with adaptive brightness, camera is very smart but results are kind of oversharpened (look like samsung), anyway it is snappy to use on daily so it is just okay, if this is what the market could offer at this price then i would say the market is going backwards


  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersI like that it is fast, responsive, and feels good. The screen size is just fine for me, moving down from my last phone of 6.5″, as I wanted something more like a phone rather than a tablet. It is good to have Android 13 on it, so getting latest features.

    I don’t like that you cannot remove the date off the home screen. Also, you can’t remove the search bar across the bottom of the home screen. In the box you get just a cable for charging with USB-C at both ends, which if you do not have where to plug it, then is useless.

    It is very slippery when you hold it in your hand and feels like you will drop it, or it will slip off your hand.

    The battery is OK so far. Here in the UK, having second SIM as an eSIM is a bit of a pain, but hopefully the networks will catch-up soon.

    Coming from Motorolla, will I stay with Google for my next phone, so far I am not sure. Ask me in a year’ time.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 25 From Our UsersI bought this one to replace my 4-year-old Pixel 3A. Feels premium in your hand – it is slightly smaller than my previous phone and the size was the deciding factor over Pixel 7 Pro. I did notice this “artificial intelligence” that they are buzzing about. One of things I noticed is that the camera knows somehow what picture resolution to use and have to admit that I agree with its choices and I like it. For a landscape it will choose bigger resolution – like 12 or more megapixels, for a picture of a shopping list it will use only 5 megapixels. Brilliant – who needs a high resolution photo of a shopping list?
    And there is more of such examples in every-day use that makes me like the phone. Google knows everything about me and it shows. Few years ago Google started sending us unusual amount of prenatal product commercials and article suggestions – we looked at each other with my wife and bought pregnancy test. Yep – Google knew before we did – that is no joke. I laughed so much when Pixel needed my permission to know my location during phone setup.
    I did comparison between old Pixel 3A XL camera and the new camera on Pixel 7. Pixel 7 has very nice wide angle, knows to reduce space usage for photos that do not need big resolution, does better job with imitating depth-of-field blur on portraits. But there are things that I like in Pixel 3A camera better – somehow they knew how to calibrate the colours vs sharpness and exposure. Pixel 7 is overdoing it sometimes. That photo of a shopping list for example: I put a post-it note on a desk and take picture of it from 10 inches distance. The 3cm space and text around the edges of the paper are out of focus with the very edge of the paper totally blurred. Very annoying – I tried to use DropBox Scan feature on one of my documents once and couldn’t because of it. It was no problem with pixel 3A. Overall though I like the phone. It stays cool no matter what I do with it. I cannot comment on processor speed etc. I never use it for gaming or other processor taxing activities.
    Battery life was full 26 hours when I was really using it a lot: recovering all apps and contents from my old pixel from the cloud, setting up all the apps and playing with it to learn about the new features (most of them meaningless). Now it lasts full 48 to 72 hours just checking emails, calendar and using maps for driving. Without turning on extreme battery saver. Extreme battery saver is another useless feature BTW. There is almost no difference to putting your phone on airplane mode or even turning it off completely. Life without a smartphone is no longer possible. You cannot pay for anything, you cannot book doctor appointment for your kid or confirm your identity to check-in for your flight.
    I love the wide-angle lens and wide angle in selfie-mode. It takes pictures at night only with street lights on and without using night mode. My four-year-old wouldn’t stay still through 15 seconds that the new night-mode needs. Awesome family pictures! For this reason alone I love the phone.

  46. FinleyWalch says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersDa amante di Android stock ho sempre voluto prendere un Pixel dopo le mie passate esperienze con la gamma Nexus. Per un motivo o per l’altro non li ho mai acquistati, in fase di recensioni avevano sempre dei piccoli (o grossi) difetti che mi hanno fatto sempre andare su altri prodotti. Android stock poi su altri vendor sempre meno utilizzato, ora che Oneplus si “Oppotizzata”, rimane solo Motorola praticamente.
    Con questo Pixel 7 alla fine mi son deciso e dai primi giorni di utilizzo non potrei essere pi soddisfatto. Premettendo che non gioco su cellulare quindi non mi soffermo su questo aspetto, al momento non ho nulla di cui lamentarmi: foto , fluidit, durata della batteria, feedback aptico, volume degli speaker sono tutte cose che mi hanno veramente soddisfatto. Non un battery phone ma per il mio uso ci faccio tranquillamente pi di un giorno senza problemi. Lato fluidit poi mi piace molto, non il telefono pi veloce che abbia mai provato ma sicuramente quello che mi da la sensazione di fluidit o burrosit (perdonatemi il temine) in ogni situazione ed i 90hz dello schermo per me fanno il loro lavoro. Le foto poi sono veramente belle: io ho usato sempre la Gcam su altri telefoni ed effettivamente un grosso aiuto, le foto aumentano di qualit rispetto all’app fotocamera stock dei vari brand ma usare questa app in maniera nativa su un Pixel raggiunge un livello ancora pi alto. Si punta e si scatta e si sa gi che il risultato sar ottimo.
    Naturalmente la perfezione non esiste e se posso indicarne due sono proprio lato foto : anche per il modello non pro si poteva fare un piccolo sforzo ed aggiungere l’autofocus sulla ultrawide per avere la funzionalit macro ( una piccola cosa ma che sarebbe stata carina anche sul fratellino pi piccolo per chi non ama i mega padelloni). L’altro invece riguarda il lens flare. In alcune situazioni , soprattutto con le foto notturne, potrebbe verificarsi di avere un p di lens flare derivate dalle luci dei lampioni od altre fonti di luce molto forti. Avrei dato quindi 4 stelle ma considerando che ho utilizzato un buono Amazon da 250 euro ed alla fine l’ho pagato 400 euro non posso che dare 5 stelle… per questo prezzo non c’ nulla di meglio. Anche a 650 euro non c’ molta concorrenza che possa intaccare questo telefono.