Hape Music Motion | Wooden Quadrilla Marble Run Construction
Hape Music Motion | Wooden Quadrilla Marble Run Construction STEAM Toy Playset for Kids
About Hape
Hape toys are designed for children. Each product is developed to enhance a child’s developmental skills. Hape believes that the future begins and belongs to our children. It is our duty to leave them with infinite possibilities, not unsolvable problems. Our toys are created to inspire play, learning, and exploration of the world we live in; through responsible business practices we aspire to leave the world in a better condition than when we received it.
Dimensions: | 51.99 x 34.01 x 8 cm; 2.63 Kilograms |
Model: | E6012 |
Material: | Wooden |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Pack Quantity: | 97 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 4 years and up |
Assembly: | No |
Dimensions: | 51.99 x 34.01 x 8 cm; 2.63 Kilograms |
Material: | Wooden |
Quantity: | 97 |
Good quality marble run blocks. My kids likes it a lot. Difficult to assemble for toddlers
Bought for my autistic grandson. The chime bars capture his attention, and he loves marble runs. His sister enjoys working out how to build a run and encourages him to play.
My kids and myself absolutely love the marble runs but I must admit that I was utterly disappointed today when it said “made in China” on the box recieved. My own fault not doing my homework but very surprised as well. I though Germans were prouder and smarter than that.
We are having a good time making marble runs! These sets are just wonderful!
I love this marble run but have to say that I wish the pieces that are pretending to be wood were actually wood. My four year old and I spend an obscene amount of time building it.
Awesome and fun activity for adults and kids alike. You can follow the instructions or you can adventure and test out your own. Quality in the construction as they are sturdy.
Los nios encantados;aunque con una sola caja no da para mucho.
I really like this track. It is pretty easy to use and pretty fun too.
The problem I had with it is the specialized parts. There’s these little plastic circles used to block the extra holes in the long pieces, if you don’t plug them then the marble just falls through. Well you’re only give 4 of them. Which isn’t enough if you ask me. If you want to make something big and try to use all the straight pieces or try to use the really long piece in a different way than on the box you’re probably going to end up using all the plugs before you’re done.
It is still a good track though.
Hape non delude mai. Avevamo gi altri set di questa bellissima pista, ma questo davvero stupendo!!!! Consigliatissimo! Bimba di quasi 4 anni e bimbo di quasi 2 anni li adorano (ci giochiamo sempre insieme e ci divertiamo tanto a inventare sempre nuovi percorsi). E ci giocheranno per tanti anni. Gioco stupendo! Set fantastico! Arrivato con un doppio (anzi triplo) imballaggio: scatola amazon, scatola hape, scatola quadrilla. Top.
This marble run is fun for all of us, kids and adults alike We get lots of use from this set which we have added to the quadrilla set Many different ways to make it, my 3 year old can make a small set himself I love the songs it makes and how interchangeable it is We will play with this for many years and be able to then hand it down as it is well made and durable
Tip: we use a big under the bed (wide, long and low sides) tote bin to build this in, easy clean up and marbles don’t escape
Brilliant activity. My 5 year loves it and spends ages playing with it. Great quality and well made. Looking forward to Choosing some add ins
This is our 4th Hape marble run. Excellent quality. It’s a great addition to our collection. We’ve had them for a couple years and our now 5 year old still loves playing with them. He makes lots of unique designs.
Super kreatives Spielzeug. Der Klang ist sehr gut. Wenn viele Kugeln durchrasseln, wird es auch laut. Das muss man als Eltern halt aushalten oder selbst mitspielen. Am meisten Spa macht es, wenn man es mit anderen Hape Murmelbahnsets kombiniert. Hier im Bild zum Beispiel mit dem Burgset und dem Skate Park.
Ich habe die Kugelbahn fr meine dreijhrige Tochter zu Weihnachten gekauft. Mir war durchaus bewusst, dass Sie nicht in der Lage sein wird, die Bahn aufzubauen. Ich wollte das sie lediglich damit spielen kann und da wir nur eine gnstige aus Plastik haben, wollte ich in etwas investieren, das auch noch nach ein paar Jahren Spa macht. Toll ist, dass man unterschiedliche Sets kombinieren kann und somit die Bahn immer weiter wachsen und sich verndern kann. Leider war ich etwas von der Stabilitt enttuscht. Die gibt es nmlich gar nicht. Man legt die Teile nur sehr locker aufeinander. Dadurch fllt das Gebilde bei der kleinsten Berhrung in sich zusammen. Fr meine grobmotorische Tochter nicht geeignet. Wir werden die Bahn noch mal in den Schrank packen und nchstes Jahr wieder raus holen. Insgesamt war ich aber von dem schnen Klang der Stbe berrascht.
We had the other type of Quadrilla, the Roundabout. My boy (4,5) loved building it, so we ordered the Music Motion too.
It was a good decision, my boy was very happy! Now we can start building it together 🙂
I bought this for my daughter who is way to young for it, but I’m still impressed with the quality of the product. I look forward to her enjoying it!
Son loves it. A bit avanced for him tho. Has asked to play with it every day since purchase
I love this toy. My children are 6, 3 and 6 months and I know this toy is going to last us for years. I’m already looking at getting another set. It’s enjoyable for all of us and I can see how it will develop their logic and reasoning as they grow. I also love how the music that it makes sounds. My only quibble, is that there are only 6 notes instead of the 8 in an octave. The music mixer additional set that you an buy contains 8, so I don’t know why this set only has 6.
Abbiamo gi altri tipi di questa pista per le biglie ma ogni aggiunta permette di creare nuove costruzioni. L unica cosa diversa sono gli acceleratori e gli spessori che non sono pi in legno ma in plastica… adatto comunque per i bimbi pi piccoli se aiutati nella costruzione da un adulto o per i bimbi pi grandi che possono seguire gli esempi da soli o inventare la pista che preferiscono
Beautiful construction, and many options for building in the package. My 8 year old was able to figure it out after a few builds. My 8 and 5 year olds play together with it. It sounds pretty too, so fun for adults to watch. Won’t break either.
Love it my son has 3 collection boxs of different size kits i got one for my nephew for xmas and his bday is in march will get another set then if he likes it!
A mi hijo le encanta (7 aos). Ya tena el circuito de Roundabout y lo hemos completado con este. Mi hijo cambia de sitio las placas de xilfono para buscar distintas melodas. Disfruta mucho.
Compr este juego para dos nias y un nio de cinco y siete aos. Les encantan las construcciones y las canicas, as que me pareci una combinacin fabulosa. Y ha sido todo un xito! Les encanta, no paran de jugar y crear posibilidades y ya imaginan cmo puede ser aadirle curvas o rampas, as que tendr que comprar otros de la serie…. Adems la calidad es fabulosa, tanto el color como los sonidos y los materiales son excelentes. Todo un acierto!
Che bellezza, far scendere le biglie e sentire la musica! Davvero una bella idea.io farei i cubi per tenere su i binari pi grossi per rendere la pista pi stabile
Our friends had this at their house and our kids LOVED it so we bought it as a Christmas present for them. It’s hours of fun and creative play! We can’t wait to add on to it with some spiral wooden ramps!
Artikel besticht durch Einfachheit und ebenso Stabilitt beim Aufbau und anschlieendem anwenden. Die Mglichkeiten beim Aufbau sind in der Grundausstattung schon vielseitig, knnen wahlweise durch weiteres Zubehr ergnzt werden. Die Anlage verschiebt sich auch bei der Anwendung nicht, bleibt so stabil, auch die Klangerlebnisse knnen angepasst werden. Erfordert gute Konzentration, bringt aber Spa whrend der Beschftigung. Ein gut durchdachter Artikel.
Sturdy, tuned, very well designed! I foresee Years of fun for my kids, they love it and so do I. I’ve combined it with the vertigo set to make bigger runs
Ich bin von Quadrilla schon seit einigen Jahren begeistert. Damals hat der Groe eine Bahn bekommen und nun hat der Kleine diese Bahn als Ergnzung bekommen. Nachdem beide das Prinzip verstanden hatten, haben sie direkt drauf los gebaut. Und durch die Klnge, die die Bahn nun erzeugt, ist sie natrlich noch einmal interessanter geworden. Was mir allerdings aufgefallen ist, ist, dass die Beschleuniger im Gegensatz zu vor zwei Jahren jetzt aus Plastik sind statt aus Holz. Aber das tut der Funktionalitt keinen Abbruch.
This is a fun addition, but I think the Music Mixer set is a better value. We have both sets. This set is good if you don’t have other Quadrilla pieces to use (though you will have a very limited run this way). If you already have a Quadrilla set, the music mixer gives you more of the music making pieces.
Wir haben uns nach langer berlegung fr die Quadrilla entschieden, weil uns das System gefllt und die Murmelbahn vielseitig aufbaubar ist. Wir kombinieren die “Music Motion” mit der “Wirlpool”. Diese beiden Sets zusammen ergeben schon beachtliche Bauwerke, die unser 6-jhriger ganz gut alleine hinbekommt und die Klangstbe der Music Motion machen das Ganze erst richtig interessant. Ein wirklich lustiges Geklimper, das unseren Kindern (3 und 6 Jahre) viel Spa macht, auch fr Eltern-Ohren angenehm ist, und immer wieder zum Aufbauen anregt.
Mein Neffe hat nun schon zum dritten Mal sets von der Hape Quadrille Kugelbahn von mir bekommen und ich muss sagen der Preis ist zwar nicht sehr niedrig aber die Qualitt der Kugelbahn ist sehr hochwertig und meinen Neffen mit fnf Jahren macht es sehr viel Spa
– Nachteil
-das sie recht schnell verrutschen kann und man sie mit 5 Jahren nicht unbedingt alleine aufbauen kann! Zustzlich wre schn wenn man einige Kurven extra nachbestellen knnte!
Haben die Ergnzung zustzlich zur Vertigo unserer 6jhrigen geschenkt, wir sind alle sehr begeistert, alle Kinder die seither auf Besuch waren bauen und konstruieren sehr gerne mit den Bahnen, die Music Motion ist eine schne Ergnzung in super Qualitt…am liebsten werden 100 Murmeln gleichzeitig durch die Bahn gelassen verursacht etwas Krach, aber meine beiden Kinder 6 und 8 haben rieen Spa damit und das ist die Hauptsache! Klare Kaufempfehlung
Excellent quality toy with heaps of play potential. A great addition to other sets or on its own.
Tenemos ms circuitos de la misma marca, pero este musical, para ampliar los que ya tenemos de matrcula de honor.
Tambin por si solo supone un circuito muy divertido por las seis notas musicales que incluye, pero lo mejor es poder combinarlo con el resto.
My boys got this along with the Vertigo kit for their fourth birthday, and I believe we’ve been playing “marble maze” about three times a week ever since! They can’t build on their own yet, but I have them hand me the pieces for me to build. Soon I hope to have them reading the instructions to me! Very nice toy for family time. Also a very good sensory experience: one the maze is built, the sound of the constantly moving marbles is very soothing, and the music notes make it even better.
Bought as a present for a 3 year old. We (the parents) had fun playing with it but the 3 year of was much too young to appreciate and not quite dexterous enough to play herself.
This is a great addition to a Quadrilla set. I would not recommend purchasing the set alone (the Vertigo, Challenger or Autobahn are great starters). The important pieces are the 6 musical bars with 6 yellow blocks or red accelerators that attach to musical bars and, my personal mom favorite, the marble catcher!
I thought this purchase would be a home run hit, but I was surprised that our 3 year old did not enjoy the musical component. Our 3 year old is exhibiting some sensory challenges. The rhythmic sound of the marbles seem to be soothing, but the musical bars are jarring to his senses. I would hesitate to purchase the Music Motion for a sensory sensitive child.
This is such a fun toy! My kids love it. It would be fun all by itself as it comes with enough tracks to make a decent run. I was confused by sone of the other reviews and the lack of description, but it actually comes with over 90 pieces. I found a used run by Hape on Craig’s list and bought this one too. My kids adore the chimes. They sound great and ad so much to their play time. I highly recommend this toy!
Es ist eine einfach tolle Murmelbahn, sehr individuell zusammenbaubar, damit immer wieder spannend fr die Kleinen. Allerdings ist die Bahn noch nichts fr die ganz Kleinen (nix fr unter 3 Jahre), da die einzelnen Elemente locker auf dem anderen sitzen, aber wenn die Kleinen das gemerkt haben werden sie auch umsichtiger beim Spielen mit der Bahn.
Die einzelnen Quadrilla Ksten sind miteinander kombinierbar und man kann grere Bahnen bauen.
Wir haben mittlerweile 3 Ksten 🙂
This was a Christmas present for my grandchildren aged 5 and 2 and was bought as an add-on to a basic set. It was expensive but is played with nearly every day. It is a really creative toy as the pieces can be set up to play different tunes with different intervals between the notes. The grown ups have a great time building marble runs for the children to play with and which they can alter and “improve” for themselves. It is a really well made toy and one which will provide a lot of fun for many years (judging by how much fun the grown ups are also having with it!)
Hape makes a solid, beautiful product! This marble run is so much fun for the whole family to play with. It was purchased for my three year old son who really likes to build things and is quite skilled for his age. However, everyone who comes to our house (grandparents, cousins, my adult friends, my sons friends) all enjoy building cool marble runs! The instruction book gives good picture instructions for building various runs, but the real fun comes in building a creation of your own. We actually have 3 sets that we combine to make epic marble runs! Best. Toy. Ever.
Our family enjoys this toy! We bought it to entertain grandchildren. The six year old moved to creating his own designs rather quickly and I love the reasoning and observational skills used in building. We do have to be careful not to bump it and plan stabilization techniques. We also bought the Round About and now use them together after building each separately for a week or so and learning how each piece works. The marble catchers are a great improvement to this set. I am glad that we bought the Round About at the same time because one set is never enough!
Amazing toy!! 4yr old absolutly loved it. Excellent quality.. Amazing design and loads of hours of fun. The music the toy makes when the marbles run through is delightful! Although pricey defeney worth it.
Best toy I’ve bought for a long time.
This was a gift for my 6 year old for Christmas but my 3.5 year old loves playing with it as well. It comes with an instruction book to follow examples to build. My son is really into Legos and following the instructions to build so he likes building the marble runs as well. The xylophone pieces are a nice addition but it is a little noisy and it needs to be set up on a stable surface. We are using a train table. After having it a few days my son expressed that he wished it had a spiral. We ordered an add on piece, the Hape Whirlwind, and it can be incorporated as well. A lot of people say that this set isn’t much fun alone and where I can see that one of the larger sets would be a lot of fun, this set is just fine for less money especially with the way kids move from one toy to the next. I do like how the pieces rest inside one another to help steady them. They can fall over with rough play but it hasn’t been too much of an issue for us. It is an expensive purchase but it is something that would last and would have good resale value.
Lots of fun for the entire family. Loved it so much I just bought another set! We currently set it up on the hardwood floor but are going to set it up on the kids train table now.
Great toy. I have kids who love to build things so this is great for them. The music pieces add such a nice touch. My 5 year old can follow the directions and build on his own (my husband could not follow the directions). It is one of the smaller sets so each track is a fast build. It is frustrating that you can knock it over very easily.
Luckily, I already have another Hape marble run. This is such a great toy. I almost think I bought it for myself, but somehow my son likes it more than I do. This model as a standalone might not be as interesting…but the musical pieces are a great addition to any of the larger sets.
Great purchase for 6 year old son who loves making things. Keeps coming out of the box again and again. We have bought the cyclone extension pack which I also recommend.
Santa brought this for my 3 year old and we ALL love it. The building material is fantastic, all blocks marbles and various pieces are extremely durable. While other reviews complain about a structures sturdiness, it can fall over easily(especially since we build on carpet most of the time) it’s creating the various mazes that is the fun.
Everyday my son asks to build another maze and my whole family can’t wait to do it. We plan on purchasing more packs in the future!!
Hape oder Haba…..? Diese Frage haben wir uns auch gestellt und uns fr Hape Quadrilla entschieden. Aus folgenden Grund:
Die Quader der Bahn greifen mit einem kleinen Ring in den darunter liegenden Quader, so wird gewhrleistet das die Bahn nicht bei der kleinsten unsachgemssen Berhrung umfllt. Bei Haba liegen die Quader wir gewhnliche Bausteine aufeinander und fallen sofort um, wenn man daranstt.
Viel Spa fr groe und kleine Leute! Unsere Tochter ist 5 Jahre alt und kann nach der beiliegende Anleitung selbstndig eine Bahn aufbauen. Frder die Kreativitt, das rumliche Denken und garantiert Spa!!!!!
Empfehlung: Kaufen!!!
Man muss schon aufpassen und auch bei Amazon die Kritiken aufmerksam lesen, um die Vorteile der Quadrilla Technik zu erkennen.
– Die definierte Geschwindigkeit der Kugeln und damit ein Verbleiben der Kugeln auf der Bahn bei den verschiedensten Aufbauten. Erreicht wird das durch immer waagerechte Laufbahnen und spezielle Beschleunigungsbausteine. Das knnen auch schon Vierjhrige aufbauen und anschlieend ohne Frust bespielen.
– Die Bau Elemente sind so “verzahnt”, dass diese nicht gegeneinander verrutschen und so die gesamte Murmelbahn eine Stabilitt hat, die einen sauberen Lauf der Kugeln ermglicht. Natrlich fllt die Bahn um, wenn man krftig dagegen stt. Auch wenn man die Kugeln zu dicht hintereinander startet, gibt es manchmal ein schnes Malheur.
– Die Music Motion Bahn ist eine wundervolle Idee, neben all den anderen attraktiven Baustzen
Bei den Preisen fr die Baustze sollte man ein wenig recherchieren. Da gibt es manchmal nicht nachvollziehbare deutliche Unterschiede. Bei der angegebenen Zahl der Elemente pro Kasten zhlen die Kugeln oft genauso wie komplexe Holzbausteine. Da hilft dann die Detailbeschreibung zur Beurteilung des Angebotes.
Making ” music” as the marbles work their way through your construction adds to the experience. The only down side is that the externally mounted chime is more likely to derail a marble, particularly if the marble has lost speed, than a normal drop.
This is a great looking and well crafted set. Got it for my 4 year old for his birthday. He wanted one of these marble sets by Hape and asked many times for one. He just has not played with it much (only two or three times in a 2 month time span) since getting it, which is disappointing for the price I paid for this set.
This marble run is amazingly fun for both my 3 year old and myself! We fell in love with it right out of the box. I was looking for a marble run that would be durable and interesting at the same time. A lot of the plastic marble runs I researched didn’t seem to be very durable or stay together too well. Plus you get the plastic pinging sound, not the more relished wood sound. I also checked out the Blocks and Marbles set which is made of wood and while it seemed durable, it didn’t have any neat musical features like this one and the marbles were rather small. The Quadrilla set was the happy medium between all of them: durability and cool features!
My 3 year old has always loved mazes and puzzles and while I thought he might be a little young for it, it turned out to be a hit. It’s a little too advanced for him to build anything complex, but he did end up building a one-tier structure by himself that worked.
Here are some of the pros and cons:
– Durable wood
– Quality made
– Normal sized marbles are used (If you’re familiar with the Channel Craft Toy Tin Marbles Game marbles, they’re the same size)
– Blocks have different features (straight down, switch, left/right, under)
– Haven’t had a marble get stuck yet
– Lots of different designs limited only by your imagination
– The rails are flat but the marbles make it across with a boost from the red pieces with no problem.
– Musical tones are fun to play with and each makes a different note (A, B, C, D, E, G)
– It is easy to knock down if you bump it, but in its defense the pieces don’t sit flush against each other either. Each of the blocks has a lip that sits down into the one below it. That helps to give it more stability.
This set makes a great addition to the other Quadrilla marble sets. You can also use it by itself, but there are a lot more possibilities if you mix it up with the Basic set or something a little more involved like the Twist set. This is also the only set that includes trays for catching the marbles at the bottom. It would be great if they sold them as a separate accessory, but at least for now this is the only set that has them. The notes play when a marble strikes one of the xylophone chimes on its way through the marble run. You can mix and match them to make different notes play or buy a couple sets to make a musical score.
Here are the pieces are included in this set:
2 red blocks, 1 orange block, 2 blue blocks, 1 natural block, 6 cut out yellow blocks, 6 red spacer parts (for the yellow blocks), 15 purple blocks, 7 natural bottom blocks, 5 hole covers, 4 rectangular accelerators, 4 half rectangular accelerators, 4 circular accelerators, 5 standard accelerators, 1 red xylophone key (G), 1 orange xylophone key (A), 1 yellow xylophone key (B), 1 green xylophone key (C), 1 blue xylophone key (D), 1 teal xylophone key (E), 20 marbles
I can’t say it enough… love, love, love this marble run! This is a quality marble run set that you and your family will get many fun years out of.
Incredible! Great addition to our basic set.The only model that comes with marble trays (finally!). Hours of fun! The xylophone style “blocks” are marvelous and you could get really creative. Thinking about buying a second one (even a third) to create songs short versions.
Quadrilla marble run sets are probably my favorite toys from all of my son’s inventory.And he’s spoiled! Promotes creativity and construction skills. Old fashioned toy that fascinates and that could last for future generations.Hard to find.Pricey but worth it.