HUION 2022 Kamvas Pro 16 2.5K QHD Graphics Drawing Tablet

HUION 2022 Kamvas Pro 16 2.5K QHD Graphics Drawing Tablet with Screen

HUION 2022 Kamvas Pro 16 2.5K QHD Graphics Drawing Tablet with Screen, 145% sRGB and Full Lamination Pen Display with Battery-Free Pen, Compatible with Windows, Mac & Android

From the brand

HUIONK24K24Pro 16 2.5KKamvas Pro 16 (2.5K)K16K16K13K13H950PH950PHS610HS610H420XH420XH430PH430P

Inspiroy H430P

Dimensions: 43.6 x 24.7 x 1 cm; 3.4 Kilograms
Manufacture: HUION
Dimensions: 43.6 x 24.7 x 1 cm; 3.4 Kilograms
Origin: China

25 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Il prodotto ottimo, molto grande.
    La configurazione rapida ci vogliono 5 minuti, consiglio vivamente di avere un computer da abbinare che abbia ottime caratteristiche per un uso ottimale.
    Il touch screen rapido la penna fa a pieno il suo dovere.

  2. BrennaCorser says:


    Honntement, je suis pat par la qualit et la prcision de l’cran.
    Facile installer et paramtrer, elle tait prte pour le travail en moins d’une heure.
    Je l’utilise avec Keita. Aucun problme rencontr.
    Pour l’instant, j’en suis enchant.

  3. EleanorOconnell says:

     United Kingdom

    For context, I have only used this product with Clip Studio Paint and Krita so if you’re using other software your mileage may vary. I had originally bought this product as I had finished doing a renovation project and needed a new hobby, so I thought why not dive in to digital drawing. Even for a total novice like myself, the set up and installation was easy to do and after some playing around with the settings of the software above, I was able to set myself away following drawing tutorials.

    The product itself has a great build quality with a reassuring weight behind it despite it’s slimness. it also curved edges and well designed and meaty buttons that have a satisfying click to them when pressed fully. Initially, I did have an issue where none of the onscreen movements of the tablet matched where I was clicking with the pen this turned out to be because I was extending displays with my 4K monitor, setting the display settings to duplicate or setting the resolution of my monitor down to 2K fixed this. With that workaround in place, the tablet itself always felt responsive when I used it with either of the software mentioned above and matched my movements with the pen without any noticeable lag. The pen feels OK in the hand, but I did have a habit of knocking one of the buttons on the pen and accidentally switching to the eraser by mistake. I think this is more down to me having never used a graphics tablet before rather than it being down to a poorly designed pen.

    It does come with a stand that does feel a bit cheap and flimsy by comparison but I never experienced any issues with it, just feels off by comparison.

    The tablet has decent customisation options in terms of contrast, colour and brightness but after having a bit of a play around I reverted to the default settings as it looked fine out of the box with my set up anyway. Colour accuracy also looked spot on to me, and actually caused me to realise that my PC monitor actually needed calibrating.

    Overall, this was a really great product for someone totally new to graphics tablets and digital art!

  4. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIch hatte das Grafiktablett bestellt um mein altes displayloses Wacom zu ersetzen.
    Zunchst gab die Installation Probleme auf, da nicht klar erlutert wurde dass man sowohl USB als auch Display Kabel bentigt, das USB fr den Stift und das Display-Kabel (HDMI oder DV-I) fr das Tablett braucht.

    Desweiteren musst der Stift selbst noch im Programm fr das Tablett auf das tablett eingestellt/programmiert werden, da er automatisch auf meinem Hauptmonitor bezogen wurde. Was man auch zunchst nicht wei wenn man zuvor nicht solch Tablett hatte und im Handbuch steht nichts dergleichen.

    Der Support war jedoch echt super freundlich und sehr hilfsbereit und hat alles perfekt erklrt! Sehr zu empfehlen der Support, ist besser als das Handbuch wo einiges drin Fehlt an Informationen.

    Das 20Pro bt jedoch an HD ein, der Support behauptet dass es an den Tasten auen lge, was aber keinerlei Sinn ergibt. Ich denke es liegt am Display selbst, da es ja rauer sein muss damit der Stift vernnftig Grip hat.

    Mein Ergebniss der Review, fr Hobbiesten sehr zu empfehlen, fr Profis — welches es fr die Arbeit brauchen wrde ich ein hherwertigeres mit besserer Auflsung empfehlen, da diese doch relativ schwammig ist. Fr mich als Hobby-Knstler reicht dies vollkommen und ich bin sehr zufrieden!

    Die Stift Hrte, Empfindlichkeit kann man im Programm fr das Tablett selbst noch feinjustieren, sehr zu empfehlen, da man wenn man feine Striche braucht ein ticken nach unten gehen sollte, wie ich es bemerkt habe, anders ist es zu grob und zu gro.

    Die Ersatzminen befinden sich im Siftehalter, was auch nirgends vermerkt steht, falls noch wer diese sucht. Der Handschuh ist kaum zu gebrauchen, an der handflche ist er mir viel zu gro, fr meine echt kleinen Hnde, aber die Fingerlnge passt gerade so, noch krzer und sie wren zu kurz. Wer grere bzw lngere Finger hat als ich passt nicht hinein. Was keinen Sinn ergibt, dass die Handschuhe fr breite Hnde aber kurze Finger konzipiert sind? Ergobt keinen Sinn, finde ich, aber ist okay, ich habe ich meine Spezialhandschuhe selbst.

    Fr den Preis gibt es nichts zu bemngeln, auch nicht dass das Gummi vom Stift Staub anzieht, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes.

    (Bitte bitte Amazon lscht nicht wieder die aktualisierte Review zur alten, das nervt)

    Nach Anfnglichen Problemen ist es echt gu

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Compact and colourful display, this tablet has been a pleasure to use for personal and professional use !
    While i did have some issues, customer support was very helpful in fixing my problems.
    Happy with my purchase 🙂

  6. KoryDVUGye says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I really pushed the boat out buying this, which replaces a much much cheaper non-display tablet. Quality construction and very accurate, I’ve been missing out all these years!

    Highly recommend.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    For the quality/price i simply think is the best graphic table on the market at moment!

  8. TonyaStine says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I’m tight with my money so that is the only reason I did not rate it great value for money; but it is if you compare it to similar products. Items like these however are all still way over priced. This product in all aspects is top notch and even better than my expectations, absolutely amazing. Thank you.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersMy first go on this thing. I was concerned about the cursor being annoying but when you change the brush size on the free online art app ‘krita’ the cursor is like a dot, and not obtrusive at all. It was a pleasure just switching the brush size, opacity, rubber, colour swatch and rubber so easily. The drawing experience is amazing. Smooth, sharp lines or big bold strokes, softened with feathering airbrush or not.

    I just did this sketch in about and hour and half enjoying freedom. If there is any con, is that there is no limit and you can easily lose hours painting over and over.

    Only con is you need to be aware of your computer performance limitations and that is not a given considering artists aren’t automatically computer savvy.

    For example, I had some lag issues only yesterday where the cursor would get stuck during drawing leading me to think it is the huion problem. I thought maybe there is a limit on the memory. (ctrl alt delete on windows) shows the task monitor and on thar how much vmem (virtual memory) is used. 1700gb. My ram is 16g and only 7g used, and my cpu 2ghz i7 and only 40% used yet it was stuck. So I thought to close all other software and then look to change my ‘undo’ limit in krita. The default was 200. I changed it to 50, restarted krita and then I did not have any more freezing.

    Only problem going forward will be that A3 size canvas on this device using a large brush on an already existing 3hr painting with many airbrush shades of colours may work with this laptop setup, it will likely be problamanetic again if it were 4 times this size: A1. For this I’d need 4ghz desktop, with probably 64g ram or more and maybe limit my undo to 20.

    Surprisingly inspiring.

  10. PabloCasnwy says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersAfter a lot of research, I decided to buy this tablet instead of the similarly-priced Wacom 16″ and I’m so glad I did. The Quad-HD screen resolution is great and I don’t think there’s much point in buying anything of lesser quality, regardless of budget restrictions. So far, the Huion has lived up to my expectations in every way. One very important factor for me is the feel of the stylus on the screen and the Huion does not disappoint. If you use one of the felt nibs provided, the drawing experience is comparable to how a felt pen feels on vellum, or slightly textured paper. It really makes drawing a breeze compared to the ‘skating on glass’ feel of an iPad Pro. Excellent stuff!
    I do need to point out two things which may not be obvious to drawing tablet newbies like myself; I have a Mac, and although it doesn’t seem to be mentioned anywhere in the quick start guide etc. that comes with the tablet, you need to switch on screen mirroring in your System Preferences, or it simply won’t work. Secondly, I had a slightly frustrating time assigning the smart keys until I realised that you need to keep the same ‘Keyboard Key’ button clicked as you assign each function. Felt pretty silly when I realised, but there you go!
    Overall, a great product, better than the competition and well worth the money.

  11. Eden9849oefnesy says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNot had any problems with this. The drivers seem pretty solid and work with all the software I’ve tried (Adobe, Painter etc). You can’t use a Wacom tablet on the same PC as the drivers clash, but you can install the Wacom first then the Huion if you want to use a Wacom Expresskey device as well as the Huion.

  12. Catherine Winters says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersBeing honest we had never heard of the brand HUION before and at 530 were very usure what to expect.

    My partner is an artist and a technological genius, the complete opposite of me so I handed him over and watched as the eyes glazed over and nirvana was reached.

    You get everything you need to be up and running quickly in the box with stand, pen and spare nibs, and all the correct leads, we connected the tablet up and I went off to read a book.

    So far we are very impressed, the screen quality is amazing and because it is not a touch screen per se working only with the pen there can be no accidental touches ruining everything or at least setting it back.

    Just as you would expect there is a huge range of customization with colour/brightness/contrast etc so you really can set it up to whatever your comfort level is.

    Everything feels really well made and designed to be intuitive, there has been no issue with any of the graphic software used so far and the pen literally glides across the screen making it both enjoyable and far less stressful.

    Both the pen and the buttons on the tablet have a satisfyingly chunky feel to them making them feel solid durable and built to last, if we have a minor complaint then it is the stand which feels a little cheap in comparison so we are looking to alternatives there as we do not want to risk damaging the tablet at all.

    This is not a brand we know and the price is quite high at just under 530 but everything about it is carefully and thoughtfully designed, my partner is having the time of their life and enjoying this so much that the price seems completely worth it, for beginners it may be a bit much but for those for whom this is a passion or a pursuit I do think this could turn out to be extremely good value.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThis is an excellent drawing tablet, in the box you get the tablet and metal stand, pen and stand, extra nibs and all the power and connection leads you need as well as a glove. To operate the tablet you need to connect it to a computer or mobile device and then it will automatically find it and act as a second screen and drawing tablet.
    I have so far tried it with my phone and a windows PC and both worked well. I connected it to my Android phone via the USB C out and it worked really well, please note for this you phone needs to support video via the USB C out. On Android it worked smoothly, my phone saw the external tablet and connected without issue.
    It was a similar story on PC, no issues at all. However I did install the driver software which enables you to control the custom buttons on the tablet and the buttons on the pen. It also enables you to text and change sensitivity, a simple app but works well.
    The screen has a matt finish which is great as it is not too reflective. Colours are vibrant and bright. If you hold down the power button you bring up a menu where you can alter the screen modes, for example change the contrast, brightness and even the colour space, a handy feature. The tablet also doubles up as a second screen. You can really see the benefit of a 2.5k display, especially for drawing, one thing to note is the display does not work on touch just when using the pen.
    The pen feels good with a nice weight to it, it glides nicely across the screen and works well with all the paint/ drawing programs I have used it with. There are two buttons on the pen and it is nice to hold. My only issue with it is the pen is chunky just above the nib so sometimes it can be tricky to see the nib on the screen but it’s a very minor gripe. It would just have been nice for the end of the pen to be thinner while still retaining the nice grip. I do like the texture around the bottom of the pen though it makes gripping easy.
    The buttons on the tablet all feel nice, they are clicky and feel high quality, as do the buttons on the pen.
    The build quality is excellent with a laminated display so there are no gaps (the display is right under your pen). The back is metal and gives a nice and rigid base, four little pads also sit on the back so enable you to lay the tablet down flat and draw without the metal hitting a surface below or the tablet slipping and these work well.
    The supplied stand is again metal and it is fine, you flip the stand and push it into one of the notches on the base to set the tilt level and just pull down the bottom to act as a little cradle to hold the tablet, it definitely does a job. Personally I feel the stand does not quite match the quality of the tablet but it is is decent enough, the metal could have been a bit thicker though,
    This is an excellent tablet if you are looking for a drawing tablet with a screen that is of a high quality build, good display and easy to use. The high price tag of 529 as of June 2022 means this is a premium product and it succeeds, if your an artist and need something like this then it is highly recommended.

    Excellent drawing tablet, colourful and vibrant scree

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Been using it for over a year now for drawing and photo editing, don’t want to ever go back to a normal tablet, I’d recommend it to both artists and photographers

  15. pelkobarin says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersDurante il lockdown dello scorso anno mio figlio si scoperto molto dotato nel disegno (fumetti, manga etc), sta frequentando un corso da un noto fumettista e per i suoi 18 anni mi ha chiesto come regalo una tavoletta grafica per poter disegnare al pc.
    L’indecisione era tra la classica Cintiq 16 (che il docente usa da anni quindi “garantita”) e questa (provata dal docente e giudicata buona, ma testata per poco tempo per “garantirla”). Alla fine viste le ottime recensioni, il prezzo inferiore di circa 100 euro, lo schermo pi grande, le rassicurazioni del docente, la scelta caduta sulla KAMVAS PRO 20.
    E’arrivata nei tempi previsti ed imballata con cura. All’interno della confezione c’ tutto quello che serve, tavoletta, alimentatore con prese EU e UK, penna con portapenne e punte di ricambio, due guanti, cavo usb, cavo hdmi, cavo vga. La prima cosa che si nota che veramente grande e abbastanza pesante, per posizionarla al meglio serve una scrivania di dimensioni adeguate, il meccanismo di inclinazione potrebbe essere pi solido, ma finora non ha dato cenni di cedimento e sembra funzionare bene.
    Come PC ho usato un vecchio notebook con windows7 e l’istallazione stata semplice e immediata, nonostante sul manuale venga considerato solo il collegamento tramite hdmi, visto che il mio pc ne era sprovvisto, ho usato senza problemi il cavo vga (in dotazione). Anche la configurazione e la personalizzazione dei tasti semplice ed intuitiva.
    So che non il suo lavoro quindi non me ne lamento, ma visto l’investimento non proprio irrisorio avrei gradito una sezione audio in modo da poterlo usare anche come monitor per altri device hdmi
    Mio figlio la usa da una settimana e ne entusiasta, ci si trovato subito bene ed riuscito a fare disegni “notevoli” fin da subito. Per noi un mondo nuovo quindi non possiamo fare un paragone con altre tavolette, ma per le nostre esigenze si sta rivelando un ottimo acquisto.

  16. LouannWooden says:

     United Kingdom

    For the price you pay its very good. Make sure to check your monitor to see the colours as they do differ slightly from the huion display, I’ve been able to see past this and still create nicely.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBought this to replace my previous screen, also a Huion, which id had for around 6 years. The screen is absolutely gorgeous and it was actually very easy to set up. Recommended for artists of all kinds.

  18. Christopher Maynard says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought drawing monitor for my daughter as she’s doing art at uni. After weeks of of comparing all the Huion’s vs the Wacom’s we decided the Kamvas Pro20 offered all the things she would need at a reasonable price. Unfortunately when she connected it to laptop there was what seemed to be a crack or mark on the left lower area, It was not on surface but behind the screen. We have returned it to Amazon but have ordered a replacement, hopefully this will be ok.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this item on 6 July having just got back into art after a 40 year hiatus. I had seen a product review on youtube which reviewed the tablet postively. It was very easy to attach the stand and install the necessary drivers in Windows 10. The product came with 1 pen, 10 extra nibs and 2 gloves. I profiled the moniter for color accuracy using an i-one display profiler and it made only minor adjustments to the out of box settings. The tablet was recognised in both Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint which i both use. Very intuitive to use and very responsive (no visible lag( and a great step up from the wacom tablet i was using previously for photoshop which was one without a screen. Very happy with my purchase and would recommend

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersI bought this tablet so I could work from home during lock-down. I have a Wacom cintiq in the office but couldn’t justify the price of one those for home, so after reading some reviews I decided on Huion Kamvas pro 20 2019. It was extra good value as it had a 70 voucher which made it just over 400. The unit it itself feels very well made and the stand is stable and easy to adjust though I have since mounted it on a monitor arm using the vesa connection to allow me to move it out of the way easily. The pen is battery free and is responsive and the pressure sensitivity works well and is comfortable to hold. The screen is bright and sharp, others have mentioned refresh rate and ghosting with the display, there is some ghosting if you move the image fast, but then there is on my other monitors and I haven’t found this to be a problem for me when using the tablet. To me the tablet feels very comparable in quality and function to my Cintiq and the fact that its a fraction of the price makes it even more impressive. Very happy with my purchase and I am enjoying using it.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great tablet and excellent value for money

  21. ElmerPTAWk says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersHi Folks, My name is Samuel Alves and I’m a professional artist in the games industry. I decided to do this review in order to help some of you to make the right choice.

    Before buying this tablet I was used to work with other more known professional brands like wacoms and ipads, and when I saw this tablet from huion I was a bit afraid of getting it. For me this was a brand that I have never heard about. But I still decided to give it a chance.

    I have been using this tablet for over a year now and this are my thoughts and opinions about this product.
    The first thing that catch my eye was how good the colours are, they are definitely on point. the calibration is good and the system to adjusted it is simple to use. the other thing is that this tablet looks very professional and the build in material feels very good too. The size of the screen for me is perfect, I use to work on a 22 inches and it tends to be to big to move around but this is a nice size. also the stand that comes with this tablet its really good and comfortable and the funny thing is that other big tablet brands are now using the same stand.

    I never had any issues with the drivers and they also have options that lets you customize all the buttons on the screen and an option that I praise a lot that allows the user to deactivate windows ink, for those who have some experience know that in some painting programs it is better to have this option available. otherwise you have to do it manually, but huion help us by making this option more available and simple.

    Now in relation to the pen, when I first tried it I was really happy. For someone that is used to using expensive tablets this can give you the same good experience and in same cases even better. The 8192 levels of pressure are impressive and super responsive which gives you a really good control over your lines. This pens is super comfortable to use and after a day of work I never had any pain on my hand but obviously this also depends on the way you grab it. Maybe the only negative aspect of this pen is that it doesn’t feel has sturdy as other brands but I think it’s just because it feels a bit lighter than other pens, but after a few minutes of usage you get super use to it.
    Another awesome feature in this tablet is the unnoticeable texture on the screen and the reason to why this is important is because it helps you to have a better control over your brush strokes, for example imagine drawing with a pen on paper and now imagine drawing on a glass surface, the control on paper is far superior making it easier for an artist to draw intentional lines.

    Now to make you even more reassured, when I had a minor issue with my pen, Huion solved it within a few days, and they are really helpful, not even a week past and my problem got solved.

    Hope this review help everyone that felt like me before getting this tablet.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBought on Black Friday but only given to my son as a present recently. My son has previously had a basic Wacom but loves this one. He’s currently using tracer to get the idea of drawing the characters first. There are short cut keys on the side and the screen size is amazing. Comes with stand, glove and pen. Good value for money. Did lots of research on the drawing tablet and it comes out comparable to Wacom for half the price. You also get a two year warranty. Highly recommended

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis is an amazing tablet. The quality is excellent and I cannot rate this highly enough. My only criticism is that the slider can only be assigned one action for both sliders. It would have been nice to have zoom one side and brush size the other rather than taking up 2 buttons to control the brush size. I really like the fact the ports have been moved to the side now so when you’re adjusting your screen position, the cables don’t get in the way.
    Honestly this is the best value tablet on the market.

  24. StanleyDEA says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersEsta tableta me ha cambiado la forma de trabajar en 3D de una forma increible y que no me esperaba.
    Trabajar con una tableta con pantalla hace tus trazos mucho mas precisos.
    La relacin calidad precio es increible, es una tableta bien construida, resistente, con 16 botones configurables totalmente y dos deslizadores.
    La pantalla al principio pareca un poco descalibrada en cuanto a contraste, pero a traves de la aplicacin de nvidia se configura facilmente y ahora ofrece un contraste y colores profesionales.
    los niveles de presin funcionan mejor que en las tabletas convencionales, puedes notar la presin y hacer gradientes de forma super sencilla.
    Otro punto a favor es que las conexiones estn por el lado haciendo que los cables no se queden enganchados bajo la tableta o el soporte como ocurre con otros modelos.
    Y que tiene vga, Hdmi y DisplayPort, asi que podrs conectarlo a cualquier grafica de varias formas.

    El soporte incluido es robusto y las gomas que trae abajo la tableta hace que no est en contacto con la mesa protegiendola, adems, se puede cambiar la inclinacin con una sola mano de forma comoda.
    El lapiz tiene unos botones facilmente accesibles, el lapiz de otros modelos de Huion tena los botones demasiado a ras del lapiz y haca un poco incomodo clickarlos en este sobresalen lo justo para que los encuentres, adems el lapiz EMR no se le acaba nunca la batera.

    La nica pega que le encuentro es, que si no ests mirando la pantalla de frente se puede apreciar un poco de brillo en las esquinas, nada que resulte excesivamete molesto.

    Review Huion Kamvas pro 20 2019

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI’m an animator, and I also use this for study/sketch drawings too.
    I used the old GT-190 for years, without any error, but this new one is a massive improvement and totally solved all my minor beefs with the older one. (Glass thickness, low resolution, and having to charge the pen)
    if it ever breaks I’ll come back and amend my review