Invicta Pro Diver 8932OB Quartz Watch – 37 mm

Invicta Pro Diver 8932OB Quartz Watch – 37 mm

Dimensions: | 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm; 121 Grams |
Model: | 8932OB |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Metal batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Invicta |
Department: | Women's |
Dimensions: | 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm; 121 Grams |
Una cosa importante da dire, che mi sarei aspettato il quadrante pi grande di come si presentato. Un po’ piccolo per il polso da uomo, in fatti dalla foto che vi ho inviato si vede la differenza. Del resto molto fine ed elegante.
Non avrei mai pensato di acquistare un orologio, visto che trattasi di accessorio da me mai considerato. Tuttavia introdotto all’argomento da un collega di lavoro, ho deciso di darmi una possibilit. Ho deciso di acquistare questo Invicta perch conciliava la mia volont di non spendere troppo con un’estetica che subito mi ha attirato. Ora non esco mai senza, lo considero un acquisto azzeccatissimo, sono particolarmente soddisfatto della dimensione del quadrante: un 37mm che si adatta al mio polso minuto. Consigliato.
Was a gift and the person that received it is very satisfied.
Tough, Manly, Military, Robust, Quartz accuracy. No Screw down crown, which does not give a lot of surity when it comes to water resistance. For daily wear, not swimming or diving or fighting fires, you can do no better for value for your money.
It’s a very solid tribute to a certain watch and does a very great job for it’s price. I bought this for my brother in law and he absolutely loves it.
This quartz watch is a great value with only one short coming. It’s not water resistant at all. I would not take it in the shower or wash your hands with it on. If this watch came with a screw down crown like their Automatics do this would be an awesome everyday watch for my small wrist.
Bought this watch as a cheap alternative while my Seiko kinetic was being repaired. Very reliable, keeps time and looks great. For the price, excellant value
This is my first and probably last Invicta. That being said, for under $60.00, I have absolutely zero complaints. Usually with a quartz watch at this price point you’re lucky if the second hand matches up with the indices. No issue here. Also, the bracelet is a better quality than I expected. It comes in at 37.5mm so if you have larger wrists it’s going to wear small, but it’s a great size for me. I doubt the 200m water resistance, but I have no intentions on testing it in the water anyway. All in all, it’s a good value.
Dies ist nicht meine erste Invicta, allerdings die erste in diesem etwas kleineren Format. So wie bei allen anderen Modellen, macht die Verarbeitung auch bei dieser Unisex-Version einen recht soliden und wertigen Eindruck. Ganz zufrieden bin ich aber dennoch nicht mit dieser Uhr. Denn da in der Produktbeschreibung nichts Abweichendes erwhnt war, habe ich angenommen, da die generell zu Uhren dieser Marke in der Produktbeschreibung gemachten Angaben, zutreffen wrden – und das eben insbesondere auch in Bezug auf die Ausfhrung der Krone. Da dieses Modell entgegen dieser Angaben nun leider doch nicht ber eine verschraubte Krone verfgt, ist folglich umso rgerlicher, denn bei einem entsprechenden Hinweis darauf, htte ich diese Uhr sicherlich nicht gekauft.
Und das aus gutem Grund, steht doch zurecht zu befrchten, da dieses Modell infolge der nicht verschraubten Krone nicht mal ansatzweise wasserfest sein drfte, von unbeschadet zu berstehenden Einstzen beim Schwimmen oder gar bei etwaigen Tauchgngen ohnehin ganz zu schweigen. Doch das scheint wohl eine generelle Schwachstelle bei fast allen Uhren dieser Marke zu sein, denn auch wenn das eine oder andere Modell aus der wahrlich recht umfangreichen Invicta-Modellpallette durchaus einigermaen wasserdicht zu sein scheint, erreicht doch kein einziges der Modell auch nur ansatzweise die auf dem jeweiligen Ziffernblatt angegebene Tauchtiefen-Bestndigkeit.
Sofern man sich ber diese Konzession also im Klaren ist, erhlt man/frau ansonsten mit einer Invicta aber zumeist eine durchaus robuste und alltagstaugliche Uhr. Und das gilt nicht zuletzt auch fr die eine oder andere Automatik-Variante dieser Marke, die, sofern mit einem Seiko-Laufwerk ausgestattet, durch berdurchschnittliche Genauigkeit und Zuverlssigkeit zu beeindrucken vermgen.
This watch is excellent quality. It looks and feels much more expensive than it was.
Watch is good bang for the buck.
Had to order an Amazon watch bracelet kit to adjust the links , went quick and smooth.
The watch now fits great. Feels good.
Looks hip. Even the millennials have complimented the watch. Looking forward to swimming in it.
+ High quality of materials and workmanship
+ Highly accurate quartz movement <1spd, much better than the automatics, where you're lucky to get 10spd, or even a Rolex
+ Second hand actually hits indices
+ Dead ringer for a Rolex Submariner design
- The rotatable bezel is too stiff to be of much use
- Time and date setting are a bit flimsy
- The date cyclops is dark and readable only from narrow viewing angle. The 40+mm models are much better here
-- The crown cannot be screwed down, as on the 40+mm models. It's hard to believe this can be water resistant to 200m, but I won't be testing it. Can Invicta really guarantee water resistance to 200m?
Non pesantissimo, non attendetevi un mattone in acciaio inox massiccio ma nemmeno un giocattolo di latta. L’evidente “homage” al notissimo ed apprezzato marchio svizzero ne fa un oggetto molto molto elegante a dispetto del prezzo degno di una sorpresa 100% plastica da uovo di Pasqua. Tutto meno che un giocattolo, infatti in acciaio inox ed molto ma molto bellino.
La lunetta girevole e ruota solo in senso antiorario ed accompagnata da scatti molto netti e precisi.
Data la sua misura da 37,5 questo orologio adatto a chi ha un polso non molto grande.
L’ho acquistato scontato per 40, non perch ne avessi bisogno, sono appassionato di orologi in generale (pi senza essere fanatico) ma mi incuriosiva molto l’oggetto e non ho saputo resistere.
Una volta aperta la classica scatola gialla Invicta che lo contiene, sono rimasto colpito molto positivamente.
Credo per il prezzo pagato sia assolutamente impossibile far meglio.
Vedremo la durata nel tempo di questo economico segnatempo ma bisogna ammettere che al polso fa un gran figurone.
Chiaramente se vi mettete a cercar difetti col microscopio, qualcosa salter inevitabilmente fuori: ad esempio la lente magnificatrice sul diario non un granch, ma sarebbe anche sbagliato pretendere un oggetto “perfettissimo” per due soldi.
Una volta al polso, l’occhio subito appagato dal quadrante molto carino e dalla fattura complessiva dell’orologio che comunque abbastanza accurata.
Certo, come detto, di metallo leggero e anche il bracciale non massiccio pur avendo un aspetto importante.
L’unica cosa che stona negli orologi Invicta in generale , secondo la mia opinione, il nome del marchio impresso sulla cassa, ma la caratteristica di Invicta.
Io mi sento di dire che – se riuscite ad acquistarlo scontato a 40 – assolutamente un “must to have”
Sono contento di non aver saputo resistere all’acquisto.
It appears to be very well made – attractive watch – a man’s watch! Invicta has watches made/assembled in two areas: one, Swiss made and two, Japanese made. The Swiss made ones are much better – especially if you actually wear your watch to swim in/use in showers/anywhere there is a lot of water involved. The ones made/assembled in Japan are still very good watches, but I would not recommend you wearing this watch when swimming in either a pool or the ocean. Experience has taught me, just because a watch says it is good to 200 meters/660 feet of depth doesn’t really mean you can go that deep or wear in the ocean for long periods of time – you will be disappointed!
I bought this quartz watch due to discount price from Amazon before 2020 Christmas. The 37.5mm diameter is a good fit to my 6.5 inches wrist. Have been wearing this watch for 2 weeks, comfortable, very accurate for time, solid and look smart as the expensive branded watch. No intention to wear this watch for a dive but find not issue in daily wearing. A good value watch from Invicta!
I mainly wanted to get the quartz watch’s precise timekeeping experience and not have to re-set the time every week like I do on automatical/mechanical watches.
After 2 months it has gained only 1 second! Plus, who could resist a $48 sale price tag for a compact stainless steel dive watch with Japanese (Seiko PC32A) movement! At 37mm the 8932ob is a smaller size than the 40mm 8926ob, but surprisingly I hardly notice I am wearing this new watch after wearing the bigger 8926ob almost all year. It’s like I have the same watch.
One big difference from the automatic versions is that there is no screw-down crown, but for my uses I don’t need one. So it’s not a true dive watch but I do use the diver bezel as a timer for everyday activities such as my walks.
Due to the 8932’s smaller and slimmer profile I also don’t have to worry as much about bumping it against walls and doorknobs.
The seconds hand only sometimes hits the markers on the dial, but it’s not a big issue to me. Some people may find it annoying though. I have an Invicta Speedway quartz watch that never hits the markers.
One issue I have with the movement is that it does feel sort of cheap when setting the time. When I push the crown back in, the minute hand jumps around a bit, so I have to keep setting it again. It reminds me of those cheap watches with Chinese movements. Again, not a big deal since you won’t be setting the time often.
If you have smaller wrists and don’t like the maintenance of mechanical watches but like having a timing bezel, then this is the watch for you. And who cares if the haters say it is a shameless copy or homage to the Rolex Submariner. If it suits your lifestyle and looks nice to you, then that’s all that matters.
This is a gift for Christmas that is the reason why I didn’t give it five stars, stylish looking & affordable. I’m sure our son will like it..
Revised: our son loved this watch & has been using it often not used near water & works well.
A nice looking piece, at this price point seems very good value. Really easily to adjust and set, the band and face is the perfect size for me personally. Very sporty look and a great purchase from Amazo
Actualizacin Octubre 2019. Sigue deteniendose cada vez que dejo de usarlo dos o tres das, lo que hace fastidioso tener que ajustar hora y sobretodo fecha ya que la corona no se siente de buena calidad y es dificil atinarle a la altura para solo mover la fecha.
Es raro que cuando lo uso seguido no se detiene, tanto as que hasta llegu a pensar que me haban enviado la versin automatica. Todava no me animo a ir a cambiarle la bateria ya que estoy usandolo mas a menudo sin que se detenga, pero me sucedi 4 veces que se detuvo si lo dejaba guardado.
Es una buena opcin por su costo pero tuve el modelo similar automatico (me lo robaron hace varios meses, por eso compr este esperando la misma calidad pero sin la maquina automatica) y se nota la diferencia de calidad.
No soy experto en precisin pero si se siente bastante baja gama el tornillo para ajustar la hora y no he podido ajustarla con exactitud.
El visor de fecha parece estar un poco raro en el aumento que da, es dificil distinguir el nmero.
Apenas me lleg. No me quejo, pero si se siente gama media tirando a baja.
An as estoy satisfecho debido al precio.
Actualizar si veo algo adicional
Product however, is absolute value for money. I won’t mention the pros as I paid merely 60 bucks for this, but there are some flaws that I can point out:
1. Crown is slightly too ‘loose’, had one occasion so far where I accidentally ‘unscrewed’ the crown and adjusted the time on my watch without knowing. Probably happened when I was removing / putting on the watch. I tend to do that even outside.
2. The clasp is extremely tight. And I mean really tight. It was hard to take it off, until I decided to adjust the protruding metal piece that the clasp catches on with a small plier. Sure, I got some scratches, but it’s a place no one can see, and it’s a 60 dollar watch. Most importantly, it feels a lot better now. Secure without being too tight.
All in all, I’m satisfied with this purchase.
It’s also a good size for a woman’s hand, but as a big watch !
It will be much better without the big crystal lens at “3” o’clock .
This 37 mm ‘unisex’ watch is not as small as I expected in that the lug-to-lug dimension (i.e. the rigid part which does not bend to follow the shape of your wrist) is 48 mm. This Invicta is a replacement for a Seiko divers watch which had a larger bezel size of 41 mm but a lug dimension of only 45 mm and so sits a little easier on my slim wrist. I am happy enough with this watch but I would probably have been happier with the 8926OB which has the larger bezel but probably a no greater lug measurement.
Invicta 8932OB Pro Diver Analogue Quartz black dial, rotating anti clockwise 38mm dia bezel.
Good looking watch. Hasn’t lost a second in two weeks. Bought to replace knackered 40 year old Seiko Sports 100 which was just too expensive to repair at 108.
Only three niggles.
1. The watch does not have a screw down crown.
2. The online watch manual is incorrect when setting date/time.The first position for the GENTLY pulled out crown is for setting the date – this position is easily missed. The second position is for stopping the watch and setting the time.
3. The bezel was very stiff but after watching “Invicta Watch Mod Part 3 of 3”,
you will see that the bezel is held in place by a 12 sided open ended wire polygon and that one end of the wire acts as a ratchet within the grooves at the back of the bezel as it rotates anti clockwise. My guess is that as you work the bezel, any burrs on the end of the wire get knocked off and rotation gets progressively easier. Perseverance is required. Very surprised to find this problem as it is so easily remedied during manufacture with a de-burring operation and a smear of grease. Not bad though for a 57 watch from USA Amazon!
Prompt service, very competitive price, extremely pleased with my purchase.