Logitech Zone 900 Over-Ear Wireless Bluetooth Headset

Logitech Zone 900 Over-Ear Wireless Bluetooth Headset with advanced noise-cancelling microphone, connect up to 6 wireless devices with one receiver, quick access to ANC and Bluetooth – Grey

Connect your smartphone and computer via Bluetooth and up to six Logi Unifying devices* with one receiver within 30 m range.
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Weight: | 180 g |
Size: | Unisize |
Dimensions: | 25.4 x 5.08 x 6.86 cm; 180 Grams |
Model: | 981-001101 |
Colour: | Grey |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Logitech |
Dimensions: | 25.4 x 5.08 x 6.86 cm; 180 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Size: | Unisize |
Works good for the conferencing. However, if listening music in a kitchen when microwave works the sounds gets interrupted, thus wouldn’t recommend it for that purpose. The accu is enough for the 8hours working day of listenning/conferencing.
I work from home most of the time, but when I am in the office there is a lot of background noise. These headphones are really good at excluding background noise for both the user and other people on calls. The flip up microphone can be used to mute calls. If use them at home I can mute a call, go to the kitchen to make a drink, and simply flip down the mic if I need to comment on the call. Compact enough on the train and plane too. I charge them wirelessly on my wireless phone charger. Compared to colleagues who use ear pods my voice quality is far better in noisier environments. When listening to music they are pretty good too.
Trs bon casque pour le boulot. Il manque toutefois 1 tmoins de charge restante. De plus le casque vous parle en anglais. Sinon le reste est trs bien.Il donne 1 impression de robustesse.
Il peut tre connect soit via Bluetooth soit avec le rcepteur Unifying fournit. Les deux fonctionnent trs bien, mais je garde une prfrence pour le rcepteur puisque j’ai pu y associer ma souris et clavier (des MX sans fil de chez Logitech galement) pour en avoir plus qu’un rcepteur sur le PC et aucun fil sur mon bureau.
J’ai trouv l’installation et le paramtrage trs facile avec le logiciel LogiTune. L’interface est pur et intuitif.
Le casque est confortable et se rgle facilement. Le porter pendant plusieurs heures ne me gne pas, les coussinets sont trs agrables. L’absence de fils ajoute un confort supplmentaire non ngligeable. Le fait de pouvoir couper le micro en le levant est excellent aussi.
La qualit du son est top, tant pour les appels en Visio que pour couter et visionner du contenu mdia. La suppression du bruit est efficace sans tre oppressant et on peut faire des rglages pour bien s’entendre et ne avoir pas crier.
La batterie dure relativement longtemps, le chargement sans fil est galement apprci. Les matriaux semble solides, la finition est premium.
Je recommande chaleureusement ce casque pour le tltravail ou le travail de bureau intense, et pour ne plus avoir de fils qui trainent sur le bureau. Combin avec les autres priphries MX de Logitech, le confort et l’purement du bureau est impeccable.
Cela reprsente certes un petit investissement, il s’agit d’un des casques les plus chers, mais je compte le garder longtemps et la qualit est l, je ne regrette absolument pas mon achat.
Quite posdibly the best headphones In The World… seriouslyfantastic performance, for music, editing, gaming and meetings i have put this set through its paces and oh boy has it delivered.
Just flawless performance, excellent battery life… using them 6/8 hoyurs a day, constantly, charged once a month and its just there for you.
Noise cancelling is great, to kerp you in the zone and undistracted.
Mic is great, with and excellent response range.
Detection under windiows 10 has been perfect.
These are clearly aimed at professionals working from home, perhaps with a noisy background environment. Sound quality is fantastic and make these well worth the money.
The mic does a great job of cutting out unwanted noise, plus the earphones do a similarly good job.
I’m an absolute Logitech fanboy – they are my go-to brand for any PC audio peripherals.
I love their proprietary wireless technology – it is 100% solid and reliable, unlike Bluetooth.
To start, the headset build quality is incredible – does not feel flimsy at all. The arms for folding down when not in use feel locked in place, you really have to apply a bit of pressure for them to click so theres no risk of it just flopping about when you take it off your head. The ear cups feel soft and well made, the only downside being is when you have been wearing them for about 2 hours or more you may start to experience some discomfort, but that could be said for any set of headphones. The buttons for ANC and Power/Bluetooth are easily located and don’t feel flimsy. The only bit on the build that may worry some would be the mic arm. Because this headset is designed to allow the mic boom to face either way for wearing on either the left or the right, the boom feels quite loose when sat up in the mute position. However as soon as you bring it down (I favour having the mic on my right side) it is sturdy and feels just as well built as the rest of the headset.
The sound quality itself is outstanding. There is only so much ANC can accomplish on a set of headphones which are on-ear as opposed to over-ear construction, but there is a remarkable difference between the settings for on and off. I trialled this along with the microphone by playing a few clips and making a few short audio recordings whilst playing music in the background to see how well it would perform. While it didn’t completely block out all noise, the ANC seriously reduced the amount of background noise I could hear and allowed me to keep concentrating. The sound coming through the headphones when watching YouTube, listening to music and on teams/webex calls is brilliant. Not the same quality as you would expect from your Bose QC35 II’s, but great for when logged onto the workstation for the day.
The microphone is amazing, it picks up your voice clearly and manages to block out all background noise unless it is only inches away from the mic. I trialled this with background music and had great success, the only thing making it through was when my phone sat right below me on the desk starting ringing at full volume.
Wireless charging is another great feature if you already have a couple of wireless charging pads for phones etc, for some it may seem like a gimmick but I like as few wires on my desk as possible, so being able to drop the headset onto a wireless charger between calls and keep it topped up on juice is ideal. It can either be sat on the charging pad folded or unfolded with no issue.
The software to use alongside the headset is fantastic. Alongside the built in hardware which mutes/unmutes the mic on teams when you alter the boom, the Logi Tune app is great for adjusting the likes of Sidetone so you can hear how loud you are whilst on the phone, adjust whether or not you want voice prompts to alert you to connections, microphone mute etc, and even an equaliser setting for when playing music.
The only gripe I have is the bag that Logitech issue with the headset. For dropping essentially 200 on a headset that I would like to have the option to use in the office as well as at home, I would have liked to have seen something similar to the soft shell case that comes with the Jabra Evolve2 65 headsets, rather than a string pull bag that offers no protection when in my rucksack.
However this being the only negative in a list of positives goes to show that you can’t really go wrong with this headset.
Given the premium price tag of these I would expect nothing short of excellence from this Logitech headset and whilst it does a lot right there are a couple of things that hold it back for me.
Connectivity is excellent; very easy to connect via Bluetooth and very stable. Also the sound quality when used as headphones is excellent with rich, warm sound reproduction when listening to music and the like. The ear cups are well padded, soft and comfortable and I really like like sizing of this headset – it looks elegant and premium and thankfully doesn’t look like I’m wearing a pair of ear defenders.
However there is movement in the headset if I move my head; there’s quite a bit of sway in them so I would have liked them to sit more securely on my head and over my ears.
The position of the microphone is good, with ample clearance from my face that makes it comfortable to use and not an annoyance. The microphone can be rotated up and out the way neatly when not in use.
The quality of voice calls using the headset isn’t quite as good as I was hoping though. Volume and stability are good but it sounds a bit muddier than I was hoping for given the price tag. Certainly nothing bad in terms of performance but I just expected a bit more clarity than it delivers given the context of its price point.
Overall very good headset with just a few quibbles that stop me from giving it 5 stars.
This headset is incredibly good. I was skeptical of Bluetooth headsets for calls as I tried a set before and they kept glitching and had bad audio latency. These are obviously optimised for online calls, but the audio quality is great for casual listening also. It has long battery life – I have gotten a few days use out of it with frequent use. The audio is well synced and the microphone quality is good too – my colleagues instantly noticed the improvement! It is on the expensive side in terms of headsets but I believe it will last a long time, and has multiple uses.
I think the sound when playing music and watching movies is great, but my ears are seventy years old and for an assessment of sound quality I defer to my twenty-something son who has some experience in this area. He says that the top end is muddy and that there are better over-ear headphones around for listening to music, but that’s not what they’re primarily designed for.
When using the headset as a multipurpose workspace unit the music quality may not be an issue as you switch between sources for work phone/zoom calls and casual music. In fact Logitech state that this is a “wireless headset specifically designed to enhance focus and productivity at home.”
The headset does have awesome noise cancelling for listening, both passive and active effects making their own contribution — I found that I was soon cocooned in a world of my own, oblivious to most external sound. The noise-cancelling microphone is useful for better reception by the caller and is a good design feature that the mic boom can be rotated in either direction for both left and right hand side operation.
The headset is light, comfortable and it stays on my head with no tendency to fall off. However, I find it strange to have a membrane that completely covers the earpiece, so that there is faux leather pressing across my whole ear. In very hot weather this arrangement isn’t so good either, as it can collect condensed perspiration.
Having two pairing options for the headset is very useful. All my devices paired easily via Bluetooth pairing and Wireless Dongle pairing, including: Windows 10 PC tower, Sony Blu-ray player, Moto G4 Android phone, Huawei Android tablet, laptop running Linux Ubuntu 20 and Windows 7 laptop (via wireless dongle, no Bluetooth driver for Windows 7).
I have tried to connect the headset by USB cable for sound, but have not been able to succeed. Not having a wired connection available means that the headset cannot be used on aeroplanes where Bluetooth connections are forbidden. Another missing feature is that there is no on-board volume control. All volume control must be done at the source side.
Wireless charging begins immediately the headset is placed on the charge pad. Tip: for the headset to balance with best stability on its blank side, push the ear cups fully in (smallest head size position).
The box includes a travel bag, charging lead and a unifying wireless dongle. The size of dongle means that it is fine plugged in the back of a desktop PC, but it gets in the way when moving a laptop in and out of a bag. However, to do their bit to save the planet, trees and paper, Logitech printed a set of instructions on the inside of the box. I took a photo of the instructions to store on my PC for future reference.
Software for the unifying dongle and the graphic equaliser for both Mac and PC is easy to download by clicking the links on the product page. The five channel graphic equaliser works well but the settings don’t ‘stick’ i.e. they remain set for the PC or laptop, but the headset is not then programmed to keep the settings after unplugging/disconnecting. This is a bit of an oversight, as there isn’t any software for Android or Linux.
En este caso estamos ante un producto que es claramente audio premium para la oficina o el teletrabajo. Veamos qu tal!
Al recibir el paquete de Amazon no me esperaba que fueran los auriculares … ya que el paquete no pesa absolutamente nada . Y s, tal y como era de esperar ante mi sorpresa inicial, los cascos pesan sper poco.
Siguiendo con el packaging, han optado por hacerlo todo de cartn, atendiendo una pauta de respeto hacia el medio ambiente, minimizando el uso de plstico. Y lo han hecho bien bonito, todo sea dicho, en ningn momento perdemos el feel de producto premium. Y tampoco nos vamos a engaar, en una oficina la mayora de cajas de productos de consumo y packaging de herramientas de trabajo acaban siendo recicladas, no son tems de coleccionismo como en otros mbitos.
El contenido de la caja es el siguiente:
Auriculares Logitech Zone 900
Receptor USB Zone 900 Reciever (Conexin USB-A. Compatible con Unifying)
Cable de carga USB-A a USB-C
Adaptador/Dongle USB-C a USB-A
Funda de transporte o almacenaje
Y aunque aparezca en las imgenes promocionales, hay que dejar claro que no incluye ningn pad de carga inalmbrica Qi, lo tendris que adquirir a parte. Por suerte se pueden encontrar muy econmicos actualmente.
Estticamente estos auriculares me parecen bien chulos ya que tienen una serie de caractersticas bastante nicas. Lo que ms me llama la atencin es el cable con funda de tela que queda por la parte interior de la diadema, haciendo una coleccin de doblados. A primera vista pens que era una decisin puramente esttica (ya que la textura gris es sper parecida a la de las StreamCam de la misma marca), pero en realidad no va por aqu la cosa.
A diferencia de la grandsima mayora de auriculares de diadema que hay en el mercado, cuando queremos ampliar o disminuir el tamao para adaptarlo a nuestra cabeza … no es la diadema que se expande o contrae. En este caso la diadema es siempre fija, son los auriculares que se deslizan alrededor de la diadema para adaptarse. Y es por ello que el cable est a la vista, en el modo ms extendido (formato de cabeza ms grande, para que nos entendamos) el cable queda recto sin dobletes. Toda una curiosidad de diseo, resuelta de una manera bien ingeniosa.
En cuanto a los auriculares en s, son de diseo totalmente sobrio y minimalista. Uno de los auriculares no tiene ningn botn, es absolutamente mnimo. Eso es debido a que toda la superfcie se utiliza como punto de carga inalmbrica al contacto, por lo que es normal que sea as. El otro auricular tiene todos los botones de funciones y el micrfono giratorio con eje el centro del auricular.
Y no me refiero al auricular izquierdo o derecho ya que estos auriculares permiten que nos los pongamos como nos venga en gana ya que los controles estn puestos estratgicamente en formato vertical, y el micrfono puede pivotar completamente hacia delante o hacia atrs. As pues si preferimos tener el micro y controles a la izquierda o a la derecha, simplemente nos ponemos los auriculares acorde a nuestro gusto. Una solucin bien ingeniosa y para todos los pblicos, me ha gustado
Siguiendo con los controles, podemos decir que tienen los habituales y esperados de cualquier par de auriculares que se precien. Como detalle me gusta que el + y el – tengan relieve ya que se pueden localizar muy fcilmente al tacto. Tambin es curioso que subir y bajar volumen es poco escalonado. Es decir, un toque sube o baja bastante el volumen (6 pasos, en Windows)
Ergonmicamente funcionan muy bien, especialmente debido al bajo peso. Se hacen bastante cmodos de llevar (eso s, haced algunas pruebas con la anchura de la diadema y el punto justo de apoyo de los auriculares contra las orejas), y las almohadillas son buenas y suficientemente blanditas. Que sean grises va bien en el aspecto de verlas sucias. Muchos auriculares tienen la tendencia a hacerlos en negro, y como son estilo polipiel en la parte que va en contacto con la oreja, ah se nota bastante el aceite que generan las orejas cuando nos quitamos los auriculares. He de decir que en este gris se nota menos, da menos mal efecto cuando nos los sacamos . La parte de la diadema tambin va con un poco de amortiguacin en la parte superior de la cabeza, ligeramente distinta, algo ms dura.
Por cierto, para ponerlos en modo carga inalmbrica como se ve en las fotos, hay que “partirlos” . Al principio da como miedo, ya que en ninguna parte se explica que hay que forzar el auricular hacia adentro en el eje de la diadema hasta que cede haciendo un “clack” . Eso tambin permite ponerlos bien en la funda de transporte.
Los auriculares son capaces de funcionar con cualquier dispositivo Bluetooth sin ms. Por ejemplo vincularlos con un telfono Android ha sido trivial y muy rpido, al igual que emparejar con un iPad. La primera vez me ha sonado un “Power On, 6 hours left” al encenderlos.
Pero con buena vista, Logitech ofrece en el conjunto un pincho USB, el Zone 900 Reciever. En Windows es tal cual enchufarlo, se configura todo solo, y no hace falta emparejar ni los cascos. Al encenderlos ya se escucha la frase “Dongle and Bluetooth connected”. Digo que muy bien por incluirlos, ya que en entornos de oficina no todos los PCs disponen de conexiones Bluetooth. A dems es compatible con la tecnologa Unifiying de la propia Logitech, por lo que con un solo pincho USB podemos utilizar el teclado, ratn y auriculares (siempre que sean de la misma marca y compatibles).
Como particularidad adicional del pincho USB, este se ilumina en blanco cuando los auriculares estn emparejados. Un detallito para saber que todo va bien
A nivel cobertura, he probado los auriculares en casa en modo teletrabajo, y he sido capaz de moverme por *casi* toda la casa sin perder seal de audio. Solamente en las partes ms alejadas se ha empezado a entrecortar. As que puedo valorar muy positivamente la potencia de seal.
Otra de las cosas que nos permite el pincho USB, es utilizar la aplicacin Logi Tune en Windows. Con esta aplicacin (tambin disponible en Android e iOS) podemos toquetear buena parte de configuraciones que nicamente tendremos acceso de esta manera. Desde la web de Logitech nos bajaremos el instalador (124Mb) y procederemos a instalar sin ningn tipo de problema.
Una vez la tenemos, nos aparece un video tutorial sper sencillo para configurar Zoom, MS Teams o Google Meet. Todo claramente orientado a la oficina, vamos.
Funciones destacadas de Logi Tune:
Tener visualmente en pantalla el estado de la batera (al 20% nos notifica de baja batera) y si el micro est activo o no
Cambiar la voz del prompt entre Ingls, Francs, Espaol, Alemn, Italiano y Portugus. An y as no me gusta en ES, habla demasiado despacio y prefiero tenerlo en EN. Tambin se puede desactivar del todo
Ecualizador de 5 vas manual -> Aunque de serie me gustan mucho, siempre le podemos dar un poco de bass extra
Volumen del Sidetone (el volumen de nuestra propia voz en conversaciones)
Actualizar el firmware de los auriculares
Aadir otros dispositivos Unifying
Cambiar las funciones del botn central del auricular (single press, double press, long press)
Autodiagnstico del auricular (con log para el departamento de IT)
Tiempo antes de entrar en suspensin
Prioridad de conexin (estable vs calidad)
Ver los dispositivos a los que est emparejado el auricular en ese mismo momento
Hay que decir que Logitech permite descargar un archivo MSI para que administadores de sistemas puedan modificar e instalar masivamente Logi Tune. Tambin gestionar administracin de reglas y roles, etc … Vamos que el departamento de IT estar contento con estas funciones
Y ya para acabar este apartado, quiero aprovechar para comentar un par de funciones adicionales de los auriculares.
Podemos silenciar el micrfono de dos maneras distintas. Una es levantando el mstil de este y ponindolo en vertical, paralelo a la diadema (lo tendremos notificado por los propios auriculares mediante voz). O sino si es para silenciar temporalmente, el micrfono tiene un botn en lateral cerca de la punta que tambin sirve para mute temporal.
Luego tenemos el tema del ANC, la cancelacin activa de ruido. Con un botn de la parte trasera del auricular lo podemos activar o desactivar. Es algo que no sabra ni decir si funciona, la verdad que no noto diferencia entre tenerlo activo o no. Y os garantizo que s de lo que me hablo ya que en otros headsets que tengo, es increble lo bien que va y lo cuantiosa que es la diferencia.
Lo primero que hice fue comprobar qu tal se escuchaba mi msica Y puedo decir que la primera impresin fue fantstica!
La calidad de voces y medios, es espectacular. Todo es claro y ntido en canciones de predominancia vocal. Hasta he notado sutiles efectos de eco en voces en canciones en las que nunca me haba percatado hasta ahora.
Ya pasando a mi test habitual de auriculares en la playlist especfica, os comento cmo se comportan en determinadas canciones y gneros.
Buen posicionamiento estreo en “Island in The Sun” de Weezer, medios y guitarra sper claros. Siguen cumpliendo perfectamente en la parte del “subidn”
Si vamos hacia un rock “sucio” y distorsionado como “Take me out” o “Do You Want To” de Franz Ferdinand, mantienen la compostura como si nada.
Y si nos acercamos a algo con muchos bajos y guitarreo machacn como por ejemplo en “You got a problem without knowing it” o “Radio Rebelde” de The Baboon Show, tambin lo sobreviven sin problemas. Oh y separando genialmente voz de instrumentos, que algunos auriculares sufren bastante con esto.
Lagwagon, Bad Religion, The Offspring, Geen Day, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Helloween, Paramore … todo correcto! De nuevo el resalto en medios a las voces les hace un gran favor a estos gneros. Y todo lo que sean baladas, suenan especialmente bien.
Como buen friki, siempre pruebo dos temazos: “El Imperio Contrataca” y la” Marcha Imperial”(interpretados por la London Symphony Orchestra). Muy bien para estas canciones, podemos diferenciar todos los instrumentos y su ubicacin en el espacio. Escalofros tambin con el tema principal de Star Trek, la nueva generacin
Con cosas ms “sencillas” con instrumentos solistas protagonistas, como por ejemplo “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence”, de Ryuichi Sakamoto … a uno se le cae la lagrimilla de lo bien que tiran
Jamiroquai es un clsico. Para mi gusto les falta un poquito de bajos (an y ecualizando en V) para dar ms contundencia y contraste. Pero es que con la nitidez tan buena de medios y agudos en “Virtual Insanity”, me doy por satisfecho.
“Get Lucky”, de Daft Punk: muy buena resolucin en todos los aspectos. Si ecualizamos un poco, podemos hacer que suene espectacular (al igual que todo el disco, vamos)
An y as poniendo a prueba los bajos con alguna cancin especfica como “Super Sonic” de Nulbarich, se comportan algo mejor en este aspecto.
He pasado por Safri Duo, Beni Benassi, Anamanaguchi, Eurobeat, chiptune en general he probado un poco de todo dentro de este mplio espectro. Personalmente les falta punch, contundencia en los bajos para mi gusto. Hay que decir que soy un poco “bass wh*re” por eso, jajaja. Pero vamos, en los gneros en que realmente uno espera que le retumbe la cabeza con los bajos, ah se quedan un poco cortos. Eso s, todo perfectamente disfrutable y probablemente es ms preferencia personal que otra cosa.
Supongo que su configuracin por defecto est pensada principalmente para voces para la parte de videoconferencias y dems. Por lo tanto cualquier gnero en que la voz sea protagonista os funcionar de fbula. Muy contento con la calidad musical general!
Por cierto, si tiris de msica en streaming, aunque tengis la calidad del stream al mximo, en muchos casos apreciaris los defectos de compresin con estos Zone 900
Este es el punto en que flojean estos auriculares, pero no deja de ser por una limitacin tecnolgica del protocolo Bluetooth. Y actualmente es inevitable … os explico:
Sin entrar en tecnicismos, BT tiene un ancho de banda limitado, la cantidad de informacin que se puede enviar en estas conexiones inalmbricas es baja. La solucin hasta ahora es enviar el audio comprimido utilizando distintos cdecs (cada uno con sus ventajas e inconvenientes). Actualmente hay que decir que estamos ya en un punto bueno en cuanto a la calidad de sonido, para msica va muy bien. Tema latencia y dems, an no se ha conseguido resolver ptimamente con esta tecnologa.
El problema viene cuando queremos enviar y recibir sonido a la vez, y a dems queremos que sea con un retardo bajo (alias: hacer llamadas y videollamadas en tiempo real). Actualmente Bluetooth 5 no da suficiente ancho de banda para poder hacer esto en condiciones de alta calidad. La nica solucin es comprimir ms el audio, hacer “que quepa” en ese ancho que usaremos bidireccionalmente, reduciendo la calidad.
Siendo as, y ms si lo comparamos con la genial calidad de estos auriculares en la escucha de msica, la calidad sonora en llamadas de voz es un poco triste. Sin poder llegarlo a valorar numricamente, estamos ante una calidad tipo “audio de whatsapp”, para que nos entendamos. Que s, es en general suficiente para conversar … pero esta calidad de sonido es muy baja si la comparamos con la musical.
Lo ideal habra sido que el pincho USB hubiera dado soporte a otro tipo de conexin inalmbrica ms rpida, como por ejemplo WiFi. Pero probablemente con esto se hubiera perdido mucha autonoma en los cascos, hubiera encarecido el producto, y se hubieran perdido las opciones y funcionalidad de Unifying. Imagino que no les ha quedado otra que tomar esa decisin.
Los Logitech Zone 900 son unos auriculares que a priori engaan. Al verse unos auriculares medianos/pequeos con un driver no demasiado grande, y tan ligeros … es fcil pensar rpidamente en que puedan ser normalillos
Pero lejos de las apariencias, estos auriculares son la caa en cuanto a escucha de msica se refiere. Se comportan estupendamente en prcticamente todos los gneros musicales que les puedas tirar. Si vuestra prioridad es la msica en la oficina y en el teletrabajo, os los puedo recomendar muy mucho. Ya si es para uso de oficina en general en videollamadas y conversaciones, son buenos, pero ah le tengo que poner un asterisco.
Lo que menos me ha gustado es la parte de la cancelacin de ruido, el ANC. Es que no se aprecia diferencia entre tenerlo activo y desactivarlo. Vale que las propias almohadillas funcionan bastante bien como aislamiento pasivo de ruido, pero es una funcionalidad que es importante tenerla y que funcione como se debe en un ambiente ruidoso. Si teletrabajis, pues no pasa nada ya que tampoco es imprescindible en casa (a no ser que el vecino haga obras). Pero en la oficina … ojo que es importante que funcione con el ruido que se genera a veces.
Habiendo dicho esto, mi veredicto queda en un 4,5. Dejando solamente puntuar en valores enteros y siendo crtico, me quedo con 4 . En caso que la parte del ANC se solucione mediante update o similares, retocar la opinin.
Dame un voto til si esta pedazo de opinin que me he currado te ha parecido interesante
The Logitech 900 Over-Ear Wireless Bluetooth Headset is nicely designed, looks cool and is made with good quality materials. The headset is great to use with my laptop, tablet and mobile phone. It’s very comfortable to use, the headband and ear-cups are soft and the headset is adjustable to get the best fit. It’s perfect for all-day use. I think the sound quality is pretty good, with nice volume, pleasing tones and bass. I found the microphone to be clear and does a great job of blocking out unwanted background noise. I love the flip-up mute mic feature. The headset can be charged via USB and also folds up for wireless charging. The foldable design makes it space-saving and portable. Controls on the headset work well. It has all the standard features I would expect, play, pause, volume up, answer calls etc. and a dedicated active noise cancelling noise button. Overall, a great quality headset with impressive wireless charging and noise-cancelling technology. However, for the price, I’m disappointed with the carry case included it doesn’t protect well.
Firstly, comfort. These are lightweight and very comfortable to wear for hours. I was worried that without a ski band on the headband, that I wouldn’t get on with these, but far from it. I’ve worn these for several hours, with no pain.
Next, is noise cancelling. Now, for me, full noise cancellation isn’t necessary, but it’s not as great as other headsets. BUT they do not have ear cups, so unless you have them completely flat against your ears, block out of external noises. It wasn’t an issue in my opinion.
Sound quality – these have handled everything I’ve thrown at them with no issues. Music (from classical, to rap, to heavy metal); podcasts, movies, tv shows, and voice chats. All have come out crystal clear, with nice bass levels and good quality highs. I also tried turning them up as loud as I could stand it and I was only at half volume and these things are LOUD without distortion!
Mic quality – I can’t hear myself, but I’ve had so many compliments from people about the clarity of my voice, and people asking what make my headset way. My boss has instructed some of the office staff (who take the most calls) to order a set each.
Battery life – As soon as you turn these on a little voice comes on and tells you if it’s at 100% charge or how many hours it has left. I have used these for a full day at work without running out of battery life, and that’s with a constant blue tooth connect to my phone.
Charging – these are versatile, with either USB-C or wireless. I love the wireless charge feature, as it means I can pop it on charge on my desk, and simply pick it up if I get a call, without having to worry about wires.
It comes with a nice soft fabric drawstring pouch to store it in. There is also a bluetooth dongle, in case your laptop/pc isn’t bluetooth enabled. It also allows logitech devices to all connect to the same dongle! I’m ordering a logitech wireless keyboard and mouse for work to take full advantage of this.
Overall, the ONLY con I can come up with is the price. At 209 at the time of writing, it’s a bit pricey, BUT you get what you pay for.
I am amazed at how comfortable this is. Comfort is very important for me as I spend endless hours on video calls for work (it was the same before COVID and working from home, so it will not improve as we come out of COVID).
Set-up was really easy. You pair it with your device as you would pair any other Bluetooth device. Pairing using the Logitech receiver rather than Bluetooth is a very similar process.
The sound quality is superb. I use it mainly for calls, but I have listened to some music, which also sounds good.
You control the headset using a small number of buttons, which means you have to learn how these work (e.g. a single press or holding a button down mean different things). One good feature is that you can mute and un-mute the microphone by raising he microphone bar up or bringing it down again.
It charges quickly and a charge lasts me a whole day (with charge to spare). It can be used whilst charging, but you would then be tethered to the power source (make sure you have a long enough cable!).
It has a decent range. I have used it mainly at home and I do not lose signal when I go to other rooms of the house.
It comes with a soft bag to store the headset in. You have to fold the earpieces in to fit it in the bag, and I would rather not do this every time I use it in case it wears loose (but maybe I’m being over-cautious).
It is quite pricey, but it seems to be very good quality, and you get what you pay for.
Ich nutze zwischenzeitlich seit ber 4 1/2 Jahren privat meine heigeliebten Sennheiser (PC 360 Special Edition) und das Headset hat mich bis heute nicht in Stich gelassen. Im Bro/ Homepffice nutze ich derzeit ein einfaches Logitech-Headset kabelgebunden. Umso gespannter war sich auf den Test des Premium-Heatsets von Logitech.
Also Headset gleich ausgepackt und los ging es mit dem Koppeln mit Surface / privates Smartphone Android / dienstliches Smartphone IPhone.
Gleich einmal bei einer Telefonkonferenz und einem MS Teams Meeting eingesetzt und das Ergebnis: Wie. Top Sparachqualitt sowohl im input (Mikrofon) als auch Output (Kopfhrer). Die Konferenzteilnehmer / Teams-Teilnehmer berichteten durch die Bank eine sehr gute Verstndlichkeit. Das Micro ist also schon einmal top. Tagsber hre ich mit dem Headset bers Android Smartphone gerne dann Spotify. Der Klag ist hier vllig in Ordnung. Was mir besonders gut gefllt ist der schnell mgliche Wechsel zwischen den gekoppelten Gerten.
Das Mikrofon untersttzt Noise Cancelling ubd isoliert so tatschlich sehr gut die Stimme von allen anderen Geruschen in der Umgebung.
Die Akkulaufzeit wird Herstellerseitig mit bis zu 14 Stunden beworben. Im mehrfachen Praxistest hielt das Headset bei mir auch gleich zu Beginn (Akkus brauchen ein paar Ladungen bis Maximalkapazitt erreicht) mindestens 10 Stunden bei intensiver Nutzung und ohne Zwischenlandung durch. Wenn man das Gert in der Mittagspause oder zwischen Terminen ldt, steigt natrlich die Nutzbarkeit enorm. Laufzeit ist also absolut top und die mgliche Ladung via Induktion echt praktisch.
Im Bro habe ich eh auf dem Schreibtisch ein Induktionsladegert um IPhone und Android Smartphone tagsber bequem laden zu knnen. Nun findet dort auch mal das Headset seinen Platz.
ber dem beigefgten Unifying-Empfnger knnen bis zu 6 kabellose Gerte verbunden werden. Muse und Tastaturen werden bis zu 10 Meter Entfernung untersttzt und Headsets bis zu 30 Meter.
Die Entfernung von bis zu 30 Metern mit den Headset kann ich besttigen. Echt klasse nun kann ich ohne an ein Kabel gebunden sein zu mssen auch whrend eines Telefonats mal das Bro verlassen und bspw. zum Scanner / Kopierer gehen. In Telkos laife ich auch gerne mal lm Bro herum oder sehe aus dem Fenster des Broturms.
Laut Beschreibung kann mittels Bluetooth oder dem Unifying-Empfnger eine Verbindung zum Computer, Tablet oder Smartphone hergestellt und nahtlos zwischen diesen Gerten gewechselt werden. Dies kann ich so besttigen.
Als kleines i-Tpfelchen habe ich das Headset dann noch bei einer kleinen Runde am Alienware Notebook eingesetzt und auch dort bin ich mit der Performance sehr zufrieden.
Fazit: ich bin rundum sehr zufrieden mit dem neuen Jeadset und mchte die gewonnene Flexibilitt aufgrund Kabelungebundenheit nicht mehr missen. Aktuell ist das Headset mit Dongle fr 219,99 Euro zu haben und ich berlege mir ein Zweites fr den dauerhaften Einsatz im Bro nachzukaufen. Gemessen an der sehr guten Leistung des Headsets und des Dongles halte ich den o. g. Preis fr in Ordnung, insofern das Headset ein paar Jhrchen durchhlt. Ich bin gespannt und werde in einem Update nach einer greren Zeitspanne hiervon berichten.
Ich hoffe meine ehrliche und unvoreingenommene Bewertung hat Ihnen weitergeholfen :-). Danke frs Lesen und viel Spa beim shoppen.
These are possibly the best set of headphones i’ve had. I use them for a few different applications and they excel in all.
1. Use with a radio transceiver – they connect directly to the radio via bluetooth, i can either use them in vox mode, with the handy mic mute function this is excellent, no buttons to push i simply flip the mic up and it is muted. Or i can use them via remote radio software and route the rx and tx audio through them, this works really good and i get good audio reports.
2, when i’m out in the garden mowing the lawn, the noise cancelling function nearly completely kills the sound of my mower, and range covers my entire garden with the phone placed anywhere, no dropouts. For music playback i would have liked a bit more bass, but a tweak with the app helps boost it a bit.
3. music playback and call via my phone direct, connection is instant and very clear
A feature i really like is that they announce how many hours of battery life is left when first switched on, really useful. Battery life is excellent, i have used them many times and only had to recharge a couple of times.
This is a small but powerful and feature rich headset. Firstly let me say that this is a Logitech headset, the brand name should speak for itself, as i’ve never been disappointed by them and have tried loads of their peripherals for years.
Out of the box, you get, the headset, a dongle, charging cable and a usb c converter.
Super easy to setup, you can use it by bluetooth or a wireless dongle, to be honest they both perform just as well as each other, based on range and latency, i believe they are exactly the same, i use bluetooth mode on more because my computer supports it and it’s less 1 usb port that i need to use.
This is a compact, over the ear headset with an extended mic, for it’s size it’s surprisingly comfortable as the cups can move around quite a bit and are really soft, so even when use for a long time they are still comfortable.
There are 5 buttons on the headset, volume up and down, which also double as your skip and rewind buttons if you press and hold them, there is a play pause button, an anc button and a mute button.
When you turn it on, there is a nice voice telling you the power is on and how long your battery is, mine always starts up saying 10 hours remaining even when i put it on a full charge, it does last for around 10 hours or so so it’s about right. It takes around 2 seconds to pair with my computer.
The microphone is decent, not amazing quality for anything serious like live streaming, but it’s really good on calls or general voice chat, there’s very little background noise pickup and you can either mute it with a button or it gets muted automatically when you turn it up, likewise it gets unmuted when you turn it to your mouth. I like this feature and i’m happy they added a decent mic in, as my other headset has a horrible mic.
The most important part, the sound quality! This is the reason why this headset costs what it costs, the audio quality is superb! I have to generally lower the volume down on my computer when using this headset as it outputs stuff at a much higher volume, the bass is also strong and there is no audio distortion, considering it’s an over the ear headset, it surprisingly does a good job at isolating the sound, there is no audible sound leak and you can’t hear much outside from it either.
The ANC is there, but sadly it’s not great, many headsets have this feature but sadly only very few do it really well, luckily for me i don’t need it, as i’m not in a noisy environment with this headset and thus the normal noise block is enough for me.
Last thoughts, this is a fantastic headset, it’s portable and compact, the battery is surprisingly long considering the small size, the audio quality is superior to many other bigger headsets, the comfort is good and so are the looks. You get a premium headset that is a decent all rounder, if you have the budget for it, it’s one i can recommend!
These office style headphones from Logitech are great whether you’re working from home or in the office.
Unlike ‘gamer’ headphones, they have a very subtle, professional design. They are a matte black with all the buttons sticking out just enough to give them a press. They are slim and lightweight, so they won’t look too eye-catching whilst you’re wearing them. They’re perfect for professional Zoom calls or work environments.
The sound quality on these for calls and listening to voice is brilliant. Everything is clear and sharp and crisp. You can easily make out what people are saying and who is saying it. Music is fine, but they’re clearly not designed for that – the levels aren’t as distinguishable as studio-style headphones, as you’d expect. Watching movies and YouTube videos with a mixture of voice, sounds, music, etc is a good experience – everything sounds as it should.
The microphone is very good, as you’d expect from a stem microphone. It records your voice well and everyone will hear you clearly. The raise the mic to mute system is great as you can quickly flick it up, chat with someone near by and go back to your call.
There’s a long list of features, but I have to say that the two biggest ones for me: the ANC sound and ANC mic weren’t particularly great. The ANC sound did block out a bit of noise, but it struggled to keep up with the noise on the computer (i.e. the level of sound coming from a Zoom meeting) and the washing machine in the background. When voices would drop, I’d quite easily hear the washing machine. So much so I had to double check that the ANC was actually on a few times. The mic was similar, I did some test recordings and if I was speaking and started tapping my desk or playing some music on my phone, the mic picked it up. So these two were disappointing.
The wireless connectivity was very impressive. I literally just plugged the USB dongle into my PC, turned the headphones on and we were away! The headphones and mic were both usable instantly and I think this is great if you plan on using these headphones on multiple computers even in multiple locations. If you have other Logitech products that support this dongle, you can have up to 6 of them running off this single USB port, which is pretty great and saves you a load of USB ports if you’ve a mouse, keyboard, headphones, etc. If you’re not using it on your PC, you can use the headphone’s BlueTooth connection to connect it to a tablet or even your phone. This was very easy to do, all you need to do is hold down the Bluetooth button on the headphones for a few moments and find them on your chosen device.
The buttons were very good. I found them easy to use and because they are clickable buttons it’s easy to know whether you’ve pressed something like the volume or the ANC ON/OFF (which you also get an audio-prompt for). Everything I needed was available at my fingertips and so there was little need to play around with the software on the PC.
Battery life on these is great. You get a solid 14 hours and it’s easy to charge them with the included USB C cable.
The comfort was fine. For business headphones, I’d say they were good, but they’re very minimalist. They are very thin and light and the headband is memory foam, but doesn’t offer too much comfort on the top of your head – it’s just kind of there. The leather-style ear cups sit on top of your ears, rather than over them, which I’m not a huge fan of – I felt after a while they were crushing my ears and making them hot, so I needed to take them off for a break more often than I would studio or gamer headphones.
I feel these headphones are a very good choice for business headphones where you’re using them primarily for work at home or in the office. Comfort is never ‘great’ in these style headphones, but if you’re in video conferences or the office and you want to look like a professional (rather than a gamer in the middle of an Overwatch match) then these are a very good choice of headphone that will suit your needs. The ease of connectivity across many devices is a big plus too!
The Zone 900 arrives in reasonably plain but effective packaging. Along with the headset there is a USB-A dongle, a USB-C – USB-A converter, a USB-A to USB-C charging cable and a small fabric bag to keep your headset safe (from dust at least) when not in use.
The headset is reasonably light – the earpieces are “sit on ear” – which is quite hard work if the weather is really warm as things can get a bit sweaty. Being in the UK helps with this – no heatwave is likely to last for too long. The pads on the ear pieces are very soft and comfortable. I am not sure if they can be replaced. The headset can of course be adjusted for size. Both sides can be folded for easier storage – and for placing in the fabric storage bag which is useful for transportation – but won’t provide full and complete protection.
In terms of connectivity the 900s are rather competent. I had no problem connecting to my phone (iPhone XS) in terms of Bluetooth. However that does not appear to get you anywhere in terms of listening to music/audio – this requires the Logi Tune app. Would that connect to the headset? Nope! However there was an app update overnight and subsequently connection was simple and easy and has been pretty much perfect since then.
No problem connecting via the supplied dongle – super quick and easy. For a PC (Windows 10) this was all that was needed and audio playback was a cinch. The dongle is a “unifying receiver” so if you have other compatible Logitech products (mice, keyboards) they can share a single dongle, which is tidy. The dongle has a white LED which goes red when microphone is muted (which is neat).
Using the headset for a Teams call was initially a little trying – I could not really hear my own voice – it being slightly muffled (not audible via microphone). Answer – use Logi Tune app to adjust the Sidetone level. Having set that as required – it was fine. Audio for calls is clear – and no complaints from other participants. I like that muting your microphone (either via the PC or by lifting the microphone boom on the headset) provides an (optional) voice alert. Generally I prefer an external mike – fine for at home – but in the office a headset is probably preferable – and these are good.
Audio quality generally is good. Music is clear and well defined – enough bass and treble to genuinely enjoy whatever you’re into – without being super hi-fi (not that I would necessarily know that if I heard it). Audio books (another weakness of mine) are excellent and clear as you’d expect. Audio can be paused/started by double tapping the central switch – and volume adjusted with up down toggle.
Phone calls are a breeze. Tap to answer – or via the phone – clear audio from the caller and – according to other parties – the microphone pickup is good at your end too. Tap again to end the call.
For business calls the dongle has an LED – illuminated white when headphone connected (otherwise off) – and not muted. Muting – which can be done the usual ways or by physically raising the mic boom – turns the LED red – which I find a reassuring/useful indicator when other indicators might be buried under windows.
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) is also available at the press of a switch (or via the phone app). ANC generally helps with suppressing continuous noise but of course is less effective against sudden or short noises. Qi charging is also possible – but I don’t have the kit available to assess how effective this is. With ANC on – listening volume can be lower and audio is definitely clearer.
In summary the Logitech Zone 900 is an excellent headset providing functionality across a range of areas – work/video meetings, music, phone and general audio needs – you won’t need to take it off all day.
Very comfortable and suitable to wear for the whole day.
I used this with my PC with the USB receiver and my mobile via Bluetooth. Bluetooth always takes precedent so if you phone rings, the headset switches to the mobile.
The nosie cancelling worked well for me for when I was on calls. I was particularly keen on the being able to flip the microphone up to mute.
Battery life was excellent, I easily gets two days heavy use out of as charge. I didn’t use the wireless charging but can confirm it did work. Battery life was announced on power on.
Whilst the Zon e900 is expensive, it is recommended. You get what you pay for.
I got these for work as I sometimes have to stroll about the office with a headset on and these are a mile better than my work supplied ones.
As you can see, they arrived very nicely boxed with everything held in place.
Although I got a “Vine member” letter with some software installation details, these are actually, as far as I can tell, plug and play and don’t really need much in the way of instructions.
Which is just as well as you don’t really get any!
You can however look online as you’ll want to know what all the buttons do (especially at this price!).
So a slight fail from Logitech there.
Installation is as easy as plugging the dongle into your PC and letting it install. This takes under a minute.
Then it’s just a simple matter of pressing the button on the headset to power it on (a nice voice tells yo when this has happened!) and selecting the headset from the speaker menu on your PC.
The head set is very comfortable and highly adjustable.
The “cans” even fold in so you can drop it on a wireless charger (not supplied though a USB C cable is should you wish to keep them wired and on a constant charge).
The padded earpieces are soft and comfortable to wear.
Sound is very clear and the volume can be adjusted by the side buttons easily.
The wireless function is excellent and I have been able to move from my desk 20ft away in another room without using any quality.
The power seems to last 3-4 days before they need a recharge (unless you are going to drop them on the charger each time).
Lastly, the noise cancellation is amazing. As soon as I drop these on, all the PC his and hum in the building drops away, just leaving muffled voices. It makes the office far more pleasant and I sometimes wear them even when I don’t need to!
All in all, although quite expensive, these are very high quality and I would already hate to be without them!
I have bought Logitech equipment for many years. Mouse, keyboards, gaming mouse for my sons, and headphones etc. Not once have I been disappointed. They are not the cheapest but there is a saying that you get what you pay for and there is something in that, I think. These are not cheap but not the most expensive either. First impression is that I am impressed. They can be charged wirelessly although I have not tried that. They are good build quality and they do look robust. They look like they will last well. They are easy to adjust to your head size and the microphone is easy to adjust to where you will want it. The headphones are lighter than some and heavier than others. These have a nice weight to them but are light which I hope makes sense. The weight is such that they are comfortable to wear and they will be comfortable to wear for hours. They fit well. They do feel really comfortable. The sound quality is really good. A nice detailed sound with good base and treble. You might be able to get better for listening to music but not by much in my opinion and almost certainly not at the cost of these. I tried it with various genres of music and was very pleased with the sound. Speech is very clear on them. I tied them phoning someone and they could hear me clearly. I tried doing so with music in the background and they could still hear me clearly and could hear the music in the background. So the noise cancellation does work well. It is said these have a good range away form the device and I tried that by going up the stairs and the person could still hear me clearly and I could still hear him. They are easy to use. The controls are simple. I like the fact that this comes with a USB and USB C adaptor. It demonstrates care and thought by the manufacturer. They are very portable as well. Quite simply, this is a top quality headset and of the quality I have come to expect from Logitech. Good for professional or personal use. Great battery life and they will last easily the working day and longer. I have no hesitation in recommending this headset. Excellent.
– Excellent headset for office use
– very comfortable to wear and fits just perfect over the ears and it feels just great, very happy on that end
– Packaging is well maintained and very neat
– Sound Quality and microphone is very good, works perfectly fine, great sound and music
– When wearing it, it adjusts to the ears automatically and very comfortably
– Thickness is also good, no problem with that
– Cushions on the headphones are amazing, they feel soft and the built quality is really good
– Black is a good colour of choice, looks appealing
– Supports Bluetooth as well
– Ears become really warm overtime (3+ hours) and feels less comfortable after, had that experience but can be subjective (as I have sensitive ears)
– Not foldable fully
The sound quality is very good, it has good bass and it blocks most of the sound coming in which is good for noice cancellation (despite not having any), it does pretty well on that spec, it is good.
I like the colour and design of these headset which looks super cool and futuristic! The mic especially appeals to me, as the microphone on these is very crisp and clear when talking! There is no frizz or staticness which is great. It does not feel too heavy on the ears. The sound quality very good and reliable at this price point.
However, I wish it still a better punch with sound quality but don’t get me wrong sound quality is good but I wish it gave more like better performance bass for the price but still
The quality is fair, as well as the headphones in itself.
Pricing at 209 is quite the money to spend for office use it is expensive for what I am getting but still there is good built quality and also noice cancellation enabled which I would say are very impressive features at this price point.
It adjusts by itself and I liked that little cool feature about it; these Logitech headphones do fold but not fully to my expectations like others which I have had in the past but this would’ve made it better if it was able to.
However, Packaging came really well and the cushions on the headphones are very soft but my ears do get exposed to a lot of trapped heat overtime and does heat my ears. Yet, wonderful headphones and would recommend, hope this helps to find your headphones!
The Logitech Zone 900 ticks my boxes as a great headset. Most importantly its comfortable; the ear pads are soft and it doesn’t squeeze my head. It is also very size adjustable. I am not a huge fan of the buttons to adjust the volume one the side of the headset; they work fine they just feel a bit too short press and click on what is otherwise a nice tactile feeling headset. My plantronics headset had a rotating dial that is a nicer user experience. The power and noise cancellation buttons both have a nice action; as does the mute button on the boom microphone.
Sound quality; the audio is great for calls. The microphone does a good job at isolating noise. Though i did have to dial the windows mic volume up to 100 for people to hear me clearly.
It is the first headset i have paired with my phone in a while and it does just fine for calls; and it makes for a reasonable pair of headphones too. It’s a bit of a pain switching between devices though. If you have music on your computer you might not take these off. The ANC when turned on seems to turn up the bass a little. It doesn’t do a very good job of blocking sounds though; as i type there is a bin lorry driving past my open window and i can hear it clearly.
The windows / iPhone apps let you configure a feature that plays your voice back in the headset. -side tone. It is a little touch but it does make a difference in how you hear yourself on calls compared to my last headset. If. You were in a big auditorium it could be particularly useful.
One feature that raises the user experience is the lift the microphone to mute. Its so easy to validate that you are muted or not. It is especially handy if you like to walk around the house whilst on a call (or are making a sneaky coffee.) There is a mute button on teh boom; and using either method the headset confirms audibly its muted. If you are near your computer the connector plug light goes from white to red when you are muted.
The connector is the first time i have seen Logitech’s unified wireless plug. This is a great idea and i do wonder why it took so long. With the one (big) Logitech dongle I was able to connect an MX mouse and my crown keyboard. You can do this via a dedicated app; or inside the Logi keyboard app. I really like this feature as I find bluetooth whilst convenient has a habit of sleeping or being laggy — especially when typing. This isn’t the case with the unifying dongle.
The battery life is pretty good; unlike my plantronics headset it announces the remaining life in hours every time you power it on. It also charges up super quickly over its USB socket. Less than an hour of charging added 6 hours of battery life. Fully charged the headset lasts 18 hours + which for me at the moment is super useful.
When I’m out of the office logi included a soft carry pouch; and if you have USB-C sockets on your computer they included a USB-A to C converter. Its a bit of a shame that it isn’t the other way around that the dongle is USB-C.
My plantronics headset is in a drawer and wont be coming out. This is an excellent headset; great sound, good microphones — and most of all its very comfortable to wear it for long periods of time.
These are great headphones with a rich sound which is handled well with all types of music. They also sound good when using them for video calls and at different volumes. The noise cancellation works well. Easy to use and comfortable. I haven’t tried them for long periods of time as I am not travelling quite so much but I feel they would be comfortable for longer periods.
I was delighted to be given the opportunity to test the Logitech Zone 900 headset, which arrived earlier than expected, yesterday. They are supplied in a smart and colourful box which is easily recycled (pic 1). The package includes the headset, a charge lead, a cloth storage bag, some instructions, a USB A receiver and a USB A to USB C adapter (pics 2-7). The headset is well made from metals and plastics. I like the low key grey finish and the soft comfortable ear pads. The headset may be folded for storage and the headband has a good amount of adjustment, which ensures a good fit. The microphone may be rotated upwards and out of the way, when not in use. So far all good and the quality certainly justifies the price.
Installation is fairly simple and I just followed the supplied set up guide. The receiver is paired with the headset in the factory so it is only necessary to download the Logitech Unifying Software, plug in the receiver and off you go. I do have a Logitech keyboard and mouse but these are not compatible with ‘Unifying’ and so the will have to remain using their own separate receiver.
I tested the noise cancelling by playing music from my computer’s speakers and then recording myself speaking and singing into the microphone. Well, it certainly works. My voice was loud and clear and any background noise and the music were well supressed. Impressive stuff. Then I listened to an audio book and played some music through the headset. Wow! Just wow. I would happily justify buying this headset just to use to listen to music on. The reproduction is really excellent. There is detail and bass a plenty, the treble is sweet and the overall sound is well balanced and musical. An improvement over my mid-priced AKGs and on a par with my reference, vintage Pioneer headphones. High praise indeed.
This headset would be ideal for on-line meetings, gaming and listening to music. It is even good enough to be used for on-line, amateur choirs or vocal recordings.
So first impressions are of a well made and well thought out product. Everything from the packaging, to the nice little design touches, to the quality of this product, is just on point (perfect). I like that the headset is both rechargeable and wireless, the microphone has a mute function and volume controls are built in to the left earcup. It supports wireless charging and with suitable, compatible ancillaries may be integrated into a suite of peripherals all using a single Unifying receiver. It is admittedly early days but I just love everything about the Zone 900 headset. I am struggling to find anything to nit pick about and there is nothing to criticise. Expensive perhaps, yes but this headset more than justify its price. The sound recorded from the microphone is top notch, as is the playback quality. All you need is in the box and the necessary software (for Windows 10) is quick and straight forward to download. They may also be linked to other compatible devices via Bluetooth (e.g. a tablet or a phone). Thoroughly and heartily recommended.
This business-oriented headset is compact, well-designed and flexible, though the sound quality is clean but unexciting for music listening, perhaps unimportant in a corporate context.
Physically this is an on-ear headset and quite comfortable and lightweight (180g or 6.38 oz). I found them fine for wearing for longish periods, though I’d love Logitech to steal the design from some of its gaming headsets, that have a separate fabric headband below the hoop as that is even more comfortable. I wear spectacles which is a slight problem, as the earpads can press the frame into your head, but my technique is to lift the frame a little so it is free of the earpads and that works for me. There is a boom microphone that swings down when required, and by default this auto unmutes when in place. The headphones fold for packing and a soft drawstring bag is supplied; Although this doesn’t offer much protection, the headphones don’t seem all that delicate.
Battery life is around 14 hours which is plenty for me. Wireless charging via the common Qi standard is supported.
Connectivity comes via either a USB receiver for PC or Mac, or Bluetooth. The USB receiver is Logitech’s Unifying receiver which means it supports several compatible devices such as mouse and keyboard, though not gaming devices. It is USB A but a USB C adapter is supplied. Bluetooth worked fine for me as well; it is Bluetooth 5.0.
These are noise cancelling headphones, with ANC turned on or off via a switch on one earcup. The earcups, by the way, are not labelled left and right, for the simple reason that they work either way round. I tried this and it is amazing; the left and right switches automatically. This is nice since you can have the controls and microphone boom on your preferred side. The controls on the back of the earcup also set volume and on/off, and a multi-purpose button does call/answer, or play/pause if double-tapped.
An app called LogiTune adds a few features. You can set custom equalization, turn voice prompts on or off, enable or disable rotate to mute for the microphone boom, set auto-off time (default is one hour), and rename the headset. There is a firmware checker which presumably springs into life if a firmware update is available. There is also a setting for Sidetone, meaning how much of your own voice you hear when on a call or conference. I like this feature, since I prefer to be able to hear myself, though the downside is that if Sidetone is high, the ANC becomes useless. It makes sense: the microphone picks up not only your voice but also everything else.
Despite the fact that they do most things right, I find it hard to enthuse about this headset. The ANC is only average, in terms of how much noise it eliminates, and the sound quality for music is neutral, clear, but not as detailed or dynamic as I was hoping. As a headset for work they are fine; as an all-round headset for music as well, not so great.