Osprey Poco Unisex Hiking Child Carrier Pack – Blue Sky O/S

Osprey Poco Unisex Hiking Child Carrier Pack – Blue Sky O/S

Weight: | 3.56 kg |
Dimensions: | 30.71 x 13.78 x 12.6 cm; 3.56 Kilograms |
Model: | 5-455 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Composition: | Polyamide |
Dimensions: | 30.71 x 13.78 x 12.6 cm; 3.56 Kilograms |
Comodo, leggero e con tutti gli accessori incorporati..ottimo acquisto
Prodotto veramente ben fatto, dotato di ogni funzionalit per fare stare il passeggero comodo e sicuro. La borsa molto contenuta, adatta per portare l’essenziale per il piccolo. Consiglio l’acquisto a chi vuole spendere un po’ pi della media.
Arrivato un giorno prima del previsto. La recensione in realt una prima impressione, in quanto non stato ancora utilizzato. Lo zaino si presenta solido, robusto, dotato di sedile regolabile per il beb, molteplici tasche, retina parasole (sua componente) e telino parapioggia (accessorio in dotazione). Non ho rilevato scuciture o altri difetti. Al momento mi posso dire molto soddisfatta! Aggiorner la recensione nel caso, con l’utilizzo, dovessi riscontrare delle pecche.
Mochila surpreendeu pela positiva, bastante confortvel .
Aps primeiro teste tanto eu como a beb sentimos bem .
Zaino leggero , ben strutturato e ricco di scomparti per qualsiasi cosa . Lo zaino ha gi compreso anche la protezione per il sole e per la pioggia. Perfetto
Sehr leicht
Gut durchdachte Handhabung
Sicher und komfortabel fr das Kind
Regenschutz inklusive (nimmt allerdings Platz im Stauraum)
Con: (meckern auf hohem Niveau
Kein Flaschenhalter (Trinkblasenhalterung allerdings vorhanden)
Hftgurte knnten etwas ausgepolsterter sei
Elegimos est mochila por sus presentaciones. Ahora que llevamos varios meses usndola, puedo decir con experiencia que fue una muy buena compra. Resistente, cmoda (para el beb y para m), compacta… La recomiendo sin duda.
Absolutely amazing backpack. Our little girl enjoyed 6 hours a day hiking in the lakes in this pack. She didn’t get sore or uncomfortable and the very easy to use sunshade and waterproof add on were essential! Couldn’t recommend this more.
Por el precio que tiene est genial. Viene con todos los complementos que otras marcas te cobran por separado.
Let’s deal with the price first. Yes it is expensive. However, it is some serious bit of kit. I would recommend watching the video online as it is so adjustable it takes a while to work out the multitude of ways it can be adjusted. All of this means you can get it set up just right. We used this on holiday with my 10 month old grand daughter in it and she absolutely loved being able to see things at our height. The build in sun screen is fantastic and pops out in seconds. Takes a few goes to get it set just right but it’s so comfortable to wear. The quality is superb and you soon realise when you unpack it why it costs what it does. Once you have used it that is reinforced. Once she fell asleep in it and when we got indoors we left here in it asleep. Personally, I think it is worth every penny and worth all the glowing reviews it gets.
It is perfect! I did 13km difficult hike; my son is 12kg, I had no back pain or so on after the hike. I can highly recommend this product especially for not too tall people 🙂
Es una maravilla. Cmoda, resistente y con todos los complementos incluidos.
En la mochila inferior hay suficiente espacio para dos cantimploras y las cosas del beb.
Mi pareja mide 1,90 y yo 1,55 y nos vale para los dos.
I’m so happy we purchased this, our 7 month old loves going in it and it means we don’t just have to stick to the usual pram routes anymore – lots of fun!
I love the structure and fit of it and the fact I can get it on and off by myself. The inbuilt sunshade and rain cover are so handy and easy to pop on.
Fantastic product. My 14 month old loves this. Stand makes putting him in really easy.
My husband and I are short folks (5’3 and 5’5) and this carrier worked well for us carrying our 15 month old. It has several adjustable features to ensure that your child is secure and your back is protected. There is plenty of space to carry baby essentials and it is easy to take off and put on after some practice. We were pleased that a rain cover came with it as other carriers have this as an extra. Our grandson enjoyed riding in it and he had a good view.
Sonnenschutz und Regenberzieher sind schon inklusive und mssen nicht nochmal extra fr teuer Geld dazu gekauft werden.
Trgt sich sehr angenehm, Gewicht verteilt sich toll, schner stabiler Rahmen in dem das Kind sitzt. Manche wrden ihn als zu starr bezeichnen, wir finden es sehr gut, weil der Korpus dadurch rund um das Kind sehr viel Stabilitt gewinnt und das Kind sitzt auch schn nah am Trger dran, was den Schwerpunkt verbessert. Beides Punkte, die wir beim Marktfhrer vermissen und uns deshalb fr diese Kraxe entschieden haben.
Einziges Manko: Falls das Kind festere Schuhe anhat (also Richtung Bergschuhe = “klobiger”) ist das Ein- und Aussteigen alleine etwas schwierig, da die Lcher im Sitz etwas eng sind und die Fe/Schuhe leicht hngen bleiben. Hier wre eine Weitenverstellung noch wnschenswert
Unser Sohn fhlt sich wohl darin, wir finden sie super zum Tragen.
Bought this bag for a holiday with our toddler. Once got used to it and had fitted it properly it was brilliant. Toddler loves going in there, big enough to carry drinks and snacks and easy to put on and off. The rain cover and sun screen were quick and easy to use although recommend looking at rain cover before it’s needed!
Love this piece of kit, it’s been used many times already. Our little boy sits in it fine, and he really enjoys being carried around in it. The carrier is really comfortable on my back and I have walked for a good few miles with it. Only thing i feel it could improve on would be a bit more storage space for additional items, it has a few small pockets, just not much room for big items. I’ve also bought the reserviour as the item didn’t come with one.
Our 1 year old love going in it. We started taking him out in it from 9 months old. Has a little nap mid walk, no issues.
Really nicely made and put together.
Just enough storage for your basics.
If you’re into all day and weather hiking, then you might be better with the bigger pack storage capacity. But this one suits us fine for the few hours we pop out.
– gut und einfach auf- und abzusetzen
– angenehm zu tragen
– Kind fhlt sich sichtbar wohl
– wirkt qualitativ hochwertig (Osprey-Qualitt eben)
– Regenhlle und Sonnenschutz integriert
– Kind ist irgendwann eingeschlafen, da hing der Kopf etwas zur Seite. Werde das weiter beobachten und die Sitzposition etwas anpassen.
Sonst habe ich noch nichts feststellen knnen, bin insgesamt bislang (erst zwei relativ kurze Wanderungen) aber sehr zufrieden. Wir werden sicher diesen Sommer noch einige Touren gemeinsam angehen. Bei weiteren Erfahrungen werde ich hier auch noch Updates schreiben.