PLBBJH Lawn Leveling Rake 30″x10″,Weighs Up To 14 Lbs

PLBBJH Lawn Leveling Rake 30″x10″,Weighs Up To 14 Lbs, – Upgraded Stainless Steel Thick Pole with Effort-Saving Handle, Leveling Lawn/Sand/Soil for Garden Golf Course


Dimensions: | 75 x 25 x 8 cm; 6.98 Kilograms |
Model: | AAA |
Part: | AAA |
Manufacture: | PLBBJH |
Dimensions: | 75 x 25 x 8 cm; 6.98 Kilograms |
Un bell’attrezzo , soddisfatto dell’acquisto sembra bello robusto e resistente il tempo dir la sua.
Non certo economico ma il suo lavoro dopo un breve utilizzo lo fa bene , un po’ pesante ma il bastone lungo permette di spandere molto in lungo il materiale , sia sabbia o terra o addirittura ghiaia, anche se con quest’ultima diventa un po’ pesante il lavoro.
I tubi si avvitano con un cacciavite che troverete nella confezione. Non so pi che altro dire. Per ora consigliato
Repaired a lawn badly damaged by Golden Retrievers over the years. About 50% tufts and 50% holes/gaps. Sowed grass seeds then covered with top soil. Used the rake to spread the soil and fill the holes/gaps. Did an excellent job. Lawn now level to the height of the remaining grass and can see the grass shoots coming through.
Would definitely recommend
This lawn top dressing leveller is quite heavy and does the job nicely. It is a little unwieldly to manoeuvre around and I found it best to go back and forth in one direction, then again at 90 deg. The handle is in 3 parts and seems quite robust. I had to put a couple of washers as spacers where the swivel connects to the levelling frame. I give 4 stars as the cross bar welding is only spot, rather than seam, welded, and looks likely to fail at some point in the future. If that happens then it’ll be a bit of a chore for me to find a local stainless steel welder to carry out a repair.
Der Zusammenbau war einfachst.
Dann gleich neue Erde einrechnen mit dem Rakel. Perfekt liegt er am Boden und macht seine Arbeit.
Es dauert etwas bis man den Flow raus hat um ermdungsfrei arbeiten zu knnen.
Keine Probleme. Funktioniert super. Durch das Eigengewicht erzielt man hervorragende Ergebnisse
Sand und Erde lsst sich gut verteilen und damit Unebenheiten im Rasen beseitigen. Das Gert ist schwer, vor allem der Stiel. Dadurch hpft es nicht ber hingeschttete Haufen, sondern verteilt das Gut leicht. Der Stiel ist sehr lang, damit ist der Winkel zum schieben flach und macht die Verteilung einfach. Verarbeitung ist sehr gut und der Preis fr die Edelstahlausfhrung ist okay.
Frohes Schaffen, Gre Erhard
Buon prodotto , solido ed efficace. Stende bene il terriccio senza distruggere il prato
Usato per stendere del terriccio sul prato in risemina lo consiglio molto utile
Credo sia un ottimo prodotto, non costa poco, ma credo che per chi ne far un grosso uso, saranno soldi spesi bene
First time I have used one of these and wish I had done so before. I applied top soil and compost to top dress the lawn. This tool levelled out sections without too much effort on my part. Fortunately it rained for most of the next week to bed in the dressing. When it dried I mowed the lawn again and could see the impact of this tool. The lawn was really well levelled out. Next step is to re-seed the areas where there were significant dips which have now been levelled with soil and need new grass.
Only word of caution – the build quality of this seems pretty good – this means that the tool may be slightly heavy for some and using it over large areas could be a bit of a workout.
Nice and heavy, feels very sturdy with a nice long handle (that could be shortened if required).
Only tried it out for a short period as the weather is so wet but happy with my first test.
Das Rakel ist sehr stabil, hat einen langen Stiel und lst sich gut handhaben. Auch das Werkzeug das man zum Zusammenbau bentigt ist dabei. Macht die Rasenpflege um einiges leichter. Klare Kaufempfehlung!
Easy to put together and does a great levelling job. Won’t rust so will outlast me comfortably !
Massiver Edelstahl, etwas kleiner als die blichen Rasenrakel, aber fr mich deshalb sogar besser. Am meisten berrascht war ich vom Stiel. Dickes Edelstahlrohr mit langem Feingewinde. Gute Qualitt!
Der Rakel macht ein absoluten robusten Eindruck. Der geht nicht kaputt. Alles in VA Blech. Knotenbleche sind auch verschweit. TOP!
Wenn etwas zu bemngeln war dann nur weil es keine Aufbauanleitung gab. Aber wer dafr eine Aufbauanleitung braucht dem ist nicht zu helfen.