Razer Kaira Pro – Dual Wireless PlayStation 5 Headset

Razer Kaira Pro – Dual Wireless PlayStation 5 Headset with Haptics HyperSense, TriForce Titanium 50mm Driver, Detachable Hyperclear Supercardioid Mic, SmartSwitch, RGB Chroma Black-White

Razer HyperSense
Converting sound signals into vibrations in real time for heightened immersion
TriForce Titanium 50mm Drivers
Cutting-edge drivers that can tune highs, mids and lows separately for powerful, lifelike audio
Detachable HyperClear Mic
Delivers true voice clarity when needed and supported by mic monitoring and game/chat balance
Razer SmartSwitch
Easily toggle between 2.4 GHz and Bluetooth for total convenience while gaming
Powered by Chroma RGB
Adjust the headset’s lighting to enjoy greater customization and immersion

Toggle Gaming Mode via the Razer Audio App to reduce latency for smoother mobile gameplay. Utilize its Quick Connect feature to switch between previously connected devices with just one tap.
” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />Razer HyperSenseConverting sound signals into vibrations in real time, the Razer Kaira Pro provides tactile feedback from within the earcups with an intensity level that’s controlled via the Razer Audio App.
” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />Powered by Razer Chroma RGBPersonalize the headset’s lighting via the Razer Chroma RGB app on Android/iOS.
” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />Kaira X
Wired audio and comfort for next-gen PlayStation gaming
Dual Wireless PlayStation 5 headset for console and mobile gaming
Quick Charging Stand for PlayStation 5
Fully charges a PS5 DualSense Wireless Controller in under 3 hours
Dimensions: | 9 x 15.8 x 19.1 cm; 750 Grams |
Model: | Kaira Pro |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. |
Manufacture: | Razer |
Dimensions: | 9 x 15.8 x 19.1 cm; 750 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Razer Kaira – Auriculares inalmbricos dobles estndar para PlayStation 5
Comprado por unos 75. En alguna ocasin ha estado ms barato.
Sencillez de conexin con PS5 que era para lo que se compraron.
Calidad de sonido excelente.
Volvera a comprarlo.
Nachdem ich lange nach einem Kopfhrer fr meine PS5 gesucht habe, habe ich mich fr Razer entschieden und seit dem ersten Tag habe ich meine Entscheidung keine Sekunde bereut und habe nur Spa damit.
Die Hypersense Haptikfunktion ist einfach genial, vor allem wenn man Aktionsspiele (GTA, Cyberpunk, Battlefield..) spielt. Dass ein Kopfhrer grundstzlich eine Vibrationsfunktion hat, war fr mich ganz neu und funktioniert einfach perfekt. Die Strke dieser Funktion kann man in 3 Stufen auch per Knopf am Kopfhrer einstellen. Das, zusammen mit der sehr guten Tonqualitt bringt auch ein ganz interessantes Klangerlebnis, selbst wenn man ganz normal fernseht oder Musik hrt.
Man kann auch ganz schnell zwischen Bluetooth und 2.4 Ghz Wlan switchen, was auch sehr praktisch ist.
Das Built-in Mikrofon hat die Funktion, den Raumgerusch in den Kopfhrer weiterzugeben (also quasi Geruschunterdrckung, aber umgekehrt) und ich finde sie auch toll, damit ich mal jetzt die Tr klingeln hren kann 🙂
Die Equalizer und weitere Einstellungen kann man ganz gut ber die App machen (Bluetooth).
Optisch und ergonomisch ist das auch sehr schick und selbst nach 3 Stunden strt das Gert nicht am Kopf. Daher ist es absolut das Geld wert.
I was needing a new mic for gaming and I didn’t want to invest in a cheap one that would break easily so I found this and tried it out. The audio is really clear and let’s me really submerge myself in a game. It’s amazing! Feels really comfy to wear too.
Ich nutze das Headset fr Telco’s im Bro und kann bei weniger spannenden Themen auch problemlos ein paar Rume weiter gehen und mir neue Getrnke holen, ohne dass die Verbindung schlechter wrde.
J’ai voulu remplacer le casque platinum PS4 pour mettre un autre casque signature PS5.
J’ai commenc par le casque officiel PS5, du (plastique cheap, maintien pas assez sur la tte)
On m’a dit inzone H9, du (plastique cheap, maintien pas assez sur la tte et j’entends pas mes filles gueuler donc compliqu en cas de problme)
Puis gros craquage, Audeze Maxwell, bien mais sans plus (et trop lourd)
Puis vint ce casque : le son est de bonne qualit (comme les autres), le maintien sur la tte est excellent, il ne fait pas trop cheap mais surtout les vibration en plus apporte des nouvelles sensations !
Attention, ces options en plus des leds sur le casque tape sur la batterie.
L’hypersense m’a convaincu. La version high speed n’est pas ncessaire.
– Sehr bequem
-Akku hlt relativ lange (Nach 6-8 Stunden kam bei mir die Erste Wahrung das der Akku schwach wird)
– Kopfhrer haben einen Guten und klaren Klang
– Saubere Verarbeitung allgemein
– Die Sprachqualitt vom Mic ist leider nur Mittelmssig
Super qualit sa se remarque direct super bien emball !! De plus livraison en moins de 24h super rapide je recommande vivement !! Maintenant a voir dans le temps ce que sa donnera.
Hatte vorher bereits das Razer Kraken, das hatte nach langer Zeit nun ausgedient, hab mir nun fr die PS5 das Razor Kaira geholt und bin super zufrieden
* Totale Abschirmung nach auen
* Super Ton Qualitt
* Super Mikrofon Qualitt nach Rckmeldung vieler Gilden und Clanmember
* Lange Akkulaufzeit
* Auch bei Spielen wie Hunt Showdown hrst du 1a aus welcher Richtung etwas komm
Trs bon son
Plastique de trs bonne qualit
Souple et lger ne fait pas mal au crne mme aprs 2 ou 3 heures de jeux
Configuration facile sur PC
Compatible avec la PlayStation 5 avec un rendu 3D fantastique.
De bonne basse
Les aigus sont bons
Le micro fait trs bien son taf sur PC/PS5
Je vous le recommande en fonction de votre budget.
Connection en wifi ou en bluetooth c’est ce que je cherchais depuis longtemps.
possibilits de Connection avec la cl usb sur pc ou consoles.
Bluetooth, tlphone,tv ou autres
Qualit sonore rien dire de trs bonne Qualit.
Point ngatif pour moi le micro
Je recommande vraiment ce casque pour le ct gnral de toutes les possibilits que l’ ont peut faire avec
Ce casque gaming est confortable sur la dure. L’audio est bon, et l’enregistrement via le micro fonctionne bien.
Par contre sur PC sous Windows, oblig d’acheter un adaptateur mini-jack vers double mini-jack qui spare l’audio et le micro, car sinon cela ne fonctionnait pas. Dommage que cet adaptateur n’ait pas t fourni d’origine avec le casque.
Brilliant product highly recommend even connect to phone via bloothooth
Je ne vais pas crire un test complet ici mais franchement la qualit est au rendez-vous ! Un son qui est vraiment pas mal (c’est pas un casque studio non-plus) un rendus 3D au top surtout avec la tech de la PS5, niveau matriaux franchement a a l’air plutt costaud (a voir avec le temps). En tout cas pour tre joueur de jeux pointilleux qui demande de la prcision sonore et de jeux ROG/Aventure qui mettent en scne des musiques entranantes, ce casque est un rgale pour les deux ! Et puis pour finir, la techno des retours haptiques dans les oreillettes est vraiment sympa et subtiles !
Got this to give as a present so I have never used it
The relative uses it every day playing games etc
Really worth the money for 85 can’t beat that price on the same level as the blackshark v2 pro and half the price!!
I use this with the XBOX X and they are so comfortable – great mic – ears don’t sweat and the battery life is awesome…..
Easy to set up . Long battery life , quality sound and comfort . Playing COD you hear every footstep and weapon sounds are so good too . Overall well worth the money , buy cheap get cheap basically! Very happy with these headphones !
100% in love with these, very easy to use, connect to my Xbox with no problem and the sound is great, you can adjust the party volume or in game volume on the headset itself and the mic is clear and crisp.
I purchased this headset as an Emergency purchase as my HyperX broke. I am very happy with the purchase, it is very comfortable, the sound quality is great and the material on the ear muffs is a good material. It’s not that leathery stuff that peels after a while.
The headset is a little bit tight but it is still comfortable. This is great value for money. I highly recommend buying if you are unsure on what to buy if you are on a budget.
These for the money are quite good wireless headphones and cheap at the price too. The only one downside is could do with a little more support on the headband as to give more support after long use but this is my only gripe…well worth i
Not needing all the available features but I loved the ones I do use. I only play one game on my PS but these add to the fun and pleasure. At their full price I’d probably pay more attention to detail and consider other options but at present time they are nearly half price; making them a steal. Simple design and great sound and features as you’d expect from Razer.
I thought that this was going to be a gimmick but it’s not, the Taptic feedback gives it a new depth in games and using the 3D sound on the ps5 is fantastic. They help with direction on shooting games and the bass sound is really good. The thing I like the most is the app that helps with settings and RGB lighting settings. The battery is very good but as soon as you have the RGB and Taptic on the battery does take a beating but I’ve not had an issue with the battery. I do recommend.
Got them at a discount. Good set but they fall short, cutting out intermittently. They can be a bit tight but overall they are cheaper and feel better made than turtlebeach.
Sound quality is excellent but they are not the most comfortable for extended periods of use. The battery life is also rather disappointing. Also the instructions incorrectly refer to using the button on the left headphone to pair with the Xbox when in fact it is the button on the right headphone
Je cherchais un casque qui fasse wifi 2.4 et bluetooth et je suis tomber sur celui-ci.
Je prcise que je ne joue pas sur PS5 mais uniquement sur PC.
La connexion wifi ou bluetooth est rapide et trs stable. Le son est vraiment trs bon, je suis agrablement surpris. Je l’utilise aussi bien pour du gaming ou pour couter de la musique.
Les commande sur le casque sont assez intuitives et rpondent bien.
Pour les vibrations, je pensais ne pas les utiliser car assez gadget mais finalement en jeu c’est trs sympa et rajoute un sentiment d’immersion.
Au niveau du confort il est trs bien aussi, il est assez serrant (par rapport un Sony, Bose etc) mais a renforce bien l’isolation sonore et ce n’est pas dsagrable sur des longues sessions.
J’aime aussi le fait d’avoir 2 micros sur ce casque, on peut se contenter d’utiliser le micro intgr si on ne veut pas le micro “perche” devant la bouche. La qualit des micros est ok, sans plus. Mais pour des discussions sur Discord ou Teams c’est largement suffisant.
Bref, ce casque mriterait d’tre plus connu, il vaut largement son prix.
All is perfect! However the microphone is hyper sensitive, if using for Xbox then go to the store and download the “Razer headset set up” app on your Xbox to fix this
I purchased these for my daughter and she has been using these for seven months. The build quality is very good and they are showing very little signs of wear, and are used on average eight hours a week.
These do not have any sort of app so there is no ability for fine adjustment, but the sound quality out of the box is very good, and the voice chat quality nice and clear.
Overall my daughter really likes these, and for a budget wireless headset for Xbox I would recommend them. If you want customisable sound quality in a wireless headset then you won’t get it in this price range, so in my opinion these have very good sound quality out of the box and are very durable so ideal for a child.
I liked the fact that the sound was good and the mic was good so much so that I am searching for a pair of the razer kaira pro headset to go wireless and have the haptic feedback on the ear as well as the controller. Razer makes great products and I feel very proud to own them. The razer
kaira pro is a better headset than the razer kaira x and I look forward to purchasing this too. And I will be keeping my razer kaira x as they too are amazing.
This is a great headset and I’ve had no issues whatsoever.
It’s sturdy and high quality, comfortable and most importantly, it works as it should.
Unlike other wireless headsets I’ve tried, this head set doesn’t crackle, cut out and sound terrible. I recently bought another head set from another brand it it just doesn’t suit its 150 price tag, this headset however, is worth every penny.
The sound is great and clear, noise cancelling works well and the microphone quality is one of the better wireless microphones I’ve used.
It’s light but sturdy meaning this thing could take a beating and still work.
My partner was super excited to get this PS5 headphones. It was like a dream come true for him. The noise cancelling is just superb. The second you wear them; you literally disconnect with the world around. And it just doubles the joyful experience. It is really good quality. The sound quality is just superb. And the headphones are really comfortable to wear for long hours. It’s literally the best combination of comfort and sound quality.
My son has used this more than I have and as he’s used more Razer products than I have I’m writing his thoughts more than my own. I think it’s comfortable and the sound quality pretty good. My son thinks it’s probably one of the more comfortable Razer headsets he’s used and likes it more than previous ones he’s used. The microphone is very clear and the sound quality excellent. He’s used it with a PC and PS4. It’s not compatible with the XBox though, neither the Series S or the XBox One. They’re the only two models we can try it with. It’s excellent for streaming and multiplayer game play. We both recommend it.
Razer do make some outstanding products and these are no different. They can be used on PC and PS4 not just PS5. I have tested on all of these and there is no real difference. The sound is excellent. I do think the software could be improved a little, but the quality of the product is undeniable. Given it provides such an excellent performance, all the better. A fantastic pair of headphones. Will replace my Kraken headphones for gaming I think.
Music trialled:
PINK FLOYD… SHEEP (2011 digital remaster)
HELEN JANE LONG… EMBERS (various tracks)
I have a wonderful pair of Sony headphones that for some unknown reason have stopped connecting to my android. Gutted.
Luckily, this pair showed up on my list.
These are perfect. I trialled the above Rock songs at a high volume with a little extra bass on the graphic equaliser and Dolby Atmosphere on. OMG! The total sound experience is awesome.
Then with minimal volume it was the turn of Helen, while I read a short story by Polly Samson (for me they go hand in hand, Polly and Helen)
Yes and Jon & Vangelis have been played too, this evening. These headphones are perfect.
The Bluetooth connection is made in seconds with no apps required.
Absolutely incredible headphones. From the moment you open the box, you can tell these are something special. The box is full of protective foam, so also doubles as storage. When you get them out, they feel super premium, sturdy and extremely well made.
I connected to the Bluetooth on my mobile with absolutely no issues, and was pleased there’s also a couple of apps you can download for these, one being an equaliser, and one being a RGB app to customise the colour.
The haptic feedback is BEAUTIFUL. It gave me goosebumps. It doesn’t just vibrate for the sake of it, it’s soft when it needs to be, and follows every rhythm and every beat flawlessly. This can also be customised, so high/low/medium or even off.
On full volume the sound was crisp, smooth and I could hear every little detail. To the outside world, the sound is very minimal though, even with it cranked up.
These are absolutely worth every penny.
They do feel heavy when you first get them out of the box, but when you put them on your head, they are light as a feather, super comfortable and the cups are as soft as butter.
If you need a gaming headset, this is definitely the one for you.
I had ONE GAME of Fortnite in these, and there were sounds I’ve never heard before, by playing without a headset. I could hear every gunshot, every footstep and what direction they where coming from. In my opinion it improved my game. I even got a VR. I felt like I was actually in the game and totally immersed. I love these.
My only gripe is that the razer website is poor, and I couldn’t register my device, or even create a username.
But other than that, an incredible headset.
Then there’s the comfort, build and battery life. I’ve never had a pair of headphone be so damn comfy, adjust it, put it on your head and you’ll forget its even there after a while. Battery life is good as long as you haven’t got rgb on max etc. And finally the build quality is actually way more sturdy than steelseries (the plastic used on the housing is of higher density).
Overall If you can’t tell, I love this headset and I thoroughly recommend it to anyone looking for something to show off your ps5’s audio chops, or even if you like to watch movies on it like me.
I returned the TB Stealth 600 Gen2’s I had tried because they just weren’t for me, couple of random disconnects, clamping force too hard on the head and thought the sound was horrible, no mixing options etc….
Razer are a lot better, they are a lot comfier on the head, nicer earcups, they pair easily without a dongle, they have an app in Xbox for adjusting the sound to fine tune to your game.
The mic seems ok according to other players, they have no issues with sound quality. These also go a lot louder than the 600’s as I’m only running at about 50% volume.
Not sure about battery life yet as only got them but hopefully they don’t need constant charging.
Was a bit nervous about ordering another headset as I do love the sound of my favourite headset my HyperX Cloud Alphas but these are getting there, will take a bit of tuning yet.
Still recommed these though as an option to the thrifty who like me would begrudge spending money on Arctis 9X.