Sony NW-WM1AM2 – Walkman Digital Music Player
Sony NW-WM1AM2 – Walkman Digital Music Player with High-Resolution with Android 11, Touch Screen, Bluetooth & Wi-Fi – Black

An evolution in pure listening pleasure
Lose yourself in high-quality sound that’s even more dynamic and transparent, with a richer, more expansive sound field. Coupled with the ease of downloading and streaming music, it takes your listening enjoyment to a whole new level.
Pure sound, free from interference
Enjoy pure, stable sound safeguarded by a rigid aluminium alloy frame that resists electrical noise.
Faithful sound reproduction
Our S-Master HX digital amp technology supports balanced, high-power output, for full-bodied sound.
More ways to enjoy your music
The DSD Remastering Engine resamples your digital PCM audio into 11.2-MHz ultra-high-frequency DSD.
Your music, enhanced in real time
Savour richer sound with AI-assisted real-time upscaling of your compressed digital music files.
Every note as the artist intended
Get closer to the original studio recording with Hi-Res Audio, reproduced at a higher rate than CD.
Savour supreme quality with Native DSD
Enjoy 11.2 MHz Native DSD playback when using balanced headphones.
A superior listening experience, without wires
Our premium wireless codec LDAC lets you enjoy true High-Resolution Audio quality via Bluetooth.
Unlock the richness of MQA audio
The NW-WM1AM2 includes MQA technology, which enables native playback of MQA audio files.

Long battery life
Immerse yourself in your music with up to 17 hours (MP3 128 kbps) of non-stop 96 kHz FLAC High-Resolution Audio playback.
Can I use the NW-WM1AM2 as a DAC for the high-resolution music on my computer?
Both the NW-WM1ZM2 and NW-WM1AM2 can be used as a USB-DAC for your PC or any other music player with USB output. Simply plug your Walkman in via USB (using the supplied cable) and select “USB DAC Connection” from the pop-up window.
What type of solder is used in the NW-WM1AM2?
Both the NW-WM1ZM2 and NW-WM1AM2 feature a newly developed solder containing gold. This leads to improved sound localisation and a wider sound space.
Is 360 Reality Audio supported on the NW-WM1AM2?
360 Reality Audio is supported on both the NW-WM1ZM2 and NW-WM1AM2.
Do I need Hi-Res headphones to enjoy Hi-Res Audio/Hi-Res Audio Wireless?
Headphones must be Hi-Res-compatible to enjoy Hi-Res Audio and Hi-Res Audio Wireless-compatible to enjoy Hi-Res via Bluetooth.
I enjoy the sound of vinyl music. Is there a way to get this feeling on the NW-WM1AM2?
Both the NW-WM1ZM2 and NW-WM1AM2 feature the “Vinyl Processor” option, which gives the warmth and character of vinyl back to your digital tracks.
Choose the Walkman that’s right for you

Chassis material: Gold plated oxygen-free copper (OFC)
Internal wiring: Kimber Kable
Weight: 490 g
Internal storage: 256 GB
OFC milled block: Yes
Dimensions: | 14.14 x 7.56 x 2.08 cm; 496 Grams |
Model: | NWWM1AM2.CEW |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Sony |
Dimensions: | 14.14 x 7.56 x 2.08 cm; 496 Grams |
Ich habe den NW-WM1AM2 vor 4 Wochen zusammen mit den Sony WF- 1000 XM5 Kopfhrer gekauft und muss sagen, dass er das Geld absolut wert ist. Verbunden ber LDAC und mit ordentlichen Musikdateien im DSD oder FLAC Hi-Res Format ist das Hrerlebnis einfach wunderbar. Leute, wenn ihr das Kleingeld fr diesen Player habt und Musik mit hchster Auflsung hren mchtet, dann kauft euch diesen Player. Ihr werdet es sicherlich nicht bereuen.
Denna r den mest makalsa spelaren jag gt, denna r fullstndigt fantastisk.
Gr inte att beskriva ljudet, men det r helt fantastiskt.
Volym begrnsad
r en stor nackdel, men kr du med IEMs s r denna mer n tillrcklig.
Har provat
Sennheiser OverEar S660S2, inte tillrcklig fr att driva, det gr men det blir inte hgt.
Focal Celestee fungerar helt utmrkt.
Sennheiser IE600 IEMs fungerar perfekt.
Fiio FX15 IEMs fungerar perfekt.
Astell & Kern Zero1 fungerar perfekt.
Kr du IEMs s r det inga problem alls.
Kr du overear s mste du kra ltt drivna lurar.
Jag rekommenderar denna spelare starkt fr iem anvndare.
Helt klart 10/10 skulle ge den 12/10 om jag kunde, den har det dr magiska Sony ljudet p steroider.
Edit: Sedan r 4.4mm uttaget det som rknas som standard och inte 3.5mm.
4.4mm har mer umph s att sga, och det r bara i 4.4mm uttaget du fr tillgng till vnster och hger kanal seperation, som r en grej jag inte visste var en grej.
Kr du med Vinyl processor osv p, plus har en eq p fr du hgre musik ocks.
En eq setting r individuell men denna som jag har p tredje bilden, vet jag 2 av mina vnner anvnder som jag rekommenderat.
Stt p allt frrutom samma volym funktionen, och kr med denna eq setting
Men som jag skrev innan, detta r inte fr hungriga overear hrlurar.
Du fr inte bttre ljud nr du kr Bluetooth eller billiga trdade.
Det r en high-end DAP s du fr ut mest om du kr high-end IEMs,och 4.4mm balanserad, kr du low-end IEMs eller vanliga trdade, s kr med en mobil/dongle/Sony 306 DAP
Ngra funderingar.
Det r trkigt att den inte klarar av hungriga hrlurar, och ngot man borde kunna vlja sjlv, tex jag kan kra vldigt hgt med mina IEMs, men kommer inte upp i speciellt hg musik nr jag lyssnar p mina Sennheiser S660S2, jag har iofs en Cayin N3 Ultra DAP och Cayin RU7 DAC/AMP s mig str det inte, och jag r primrt en IEM person, jag har vldigt sllan med mig eller p mig overear hrlurar nr jag r utanfr hemmet, men samtidigt s vill man kunna kra sina hrlurar oavsett mrke eller styrka nr man betalar mellan 1200/1500, men mig str det inte.
Nr det kommer till IEMs och denna dap s r det som sagt mer n tillrcklig hg musik, jag kr p mellan 90-97/120 vilket r vldigt hgt, kr du hgre vilket mnga gr s kommer du att f problem med din hrsel.
Detta r en vldigt bra DAP och en DAP som ligger mig vldigt varmt om hjrtat, men serist sagt till dig som tnker eller funderar ver om du ska kpa denna DAP s r det enligt mig en DAP fr IEMs i princip enbart och inget annat och ska endast kras p 4.4mm uttaget och lite dyrare iems, det finnas liksom ingen anledning till att kpa en DAP fr 1200-1500$ fr att sedan kra 300$ IEMs.
Var noga med volymen s du inte skadar din hrsel, du ska ha dina ron lnge,mnga idag har problem med tinnitus och nedsatt hrsel pga av fr hg musik, det var ett program om detta fr ett tag sedan p radio att allt fler och fler unga har problem med sin hrsel.
Njd med mitt kp
Sverige 2024/Juni/29
Ich schtze den Sony NW-WM1AM2 wegen seiner extrem guten Wiedergabe von Musik. Dazu tragen mehrere Aspekte bei:
– Untersttzung von HiRes Musik mit einem sehr guten, internen DAC
– Ausgabe ber USB an externen DAC
– Untersttzung von qualitativ hochwertigen Bluetooth Codexes wie aptX-HD oder LDAC
– Untersttzung von 3.5 mm Klinke (unbalanced) und 4.4 mm Pentaconn (balanced)
– Gute Akkuleistung
Im Vergleich zu normaler Ausgabe ber ein Smartphone spielt der Sony Digital Audio Player in einer ganz anderen Liga, speziell fr Feingeister und Liebhaber von Klassischer Musik, Folk, Blues oder Jazz. Wenn jemand seinen Schwerpunkt in lauter Pop, Rap, Hardrock-Musik hat, ist der Sony Geldverschwendung.
Miaem pierwsz generacj odtwarzacza, porwnujc jest lepiej w kadym aspekcie. Wikszy wywietlacz, lepsze kolory i rozdzielczo. No ale najwaniejsze to jako odtwarznej muzyki a tu jakosc dzwieku mozna porwna do dobrych urzdze stacjonarnych ! Jeli chodzi o moc to jest wystarczajca do normalnego suchania. Wic dziwie si tym opini e mao mocy, No chyba e kto chce sobie sluch uszkodzi. Ja sucham na suchawka sony z1r i Sennheiser HD 800 S i nigdy nie przekraczam 100/120. Jeli kto ma faktycznie trudne do wysterowania sluchawki i sucha bardzo gono to mona poczy przez wbudowany DAC. Odtwarzacz wart kadej zotwki MIAZGA ! ! ! 10/10
So. Vanilla Android. Turn on, log in, install your apps. I only have one: Qobuz, straight away downloaded a playlist for offline listening and I was good to go. So far so good.
I don’t have balanced headphones. I use Jerry Harvey customs (13 Pro) and a AKG 872. Both pro headphones but, although over the years I listened to all sorts, some many times more expensive, I would not trade either.
Android experience – a bit slow. Not as bad as 507 but there is a lag. Keep in mind, vanilla Android so probably plenty of things to tune and tweak but I am not an Android power user so this is my experience out of the box.
The build quality is great. Hefty but sitting well in the palm, solidly built, quality look and feel. Gone the cheap feel of the 507 back. The screen is decent and entirely usable but not up to high end smartphone standards.
The battery life is improved compared to the previous generation (507) – with high resolution Qobuz an hour translates in about 10- 15% of battery life, give or take. And the standby is gentle on the battery.
The sound quality is extremely impressive. There are no obvious faults – it’s a mature presentation that doesn’t favour certain aspects of reproduction. It’s a refined, well balanced sound, with the right amount of low end, a smooth treble and a great midrange. If one activates DSD oversampling the treble can be pushed in fatiguing territory but the direct sound is well judged and I can’t emphasise this enough. This wipes the floor with AQ Cobalt and, from memory, beats the ADI 2, a favourite among aspiring headphone listeners, as well.
Now on to the controversial matter of volume capping. Keep in mind, I like to listen at around 65-70dB and in order to achieve it I have to keep the volume at 65-70 with my JH 13 Pro. The AKG however require 100, sometimes more (out of 120). For me, this is enough but if you like your music loud and you have power hungry headphones, it is definitely going to be an issue.
I agree with most reviewers in this respect – Sony has to acknowledge that this is not a wireless headphone so they can’t anticipate what volume can be reached with a particular headphone. What are they capping? My JH 13 Pro, which can easily go beyond 100dB + even with the current power output? Or the AKG which can probably only be pushed as far as 80-85dB? It’s mind boggling why a company would spend years of research and resources to achieve this level of performance, and then sabotage their own work with a volume cap which compromises the experience with all but toy headphones.
Sony, why don’t we use a Sennheiser HD650 to set the volume cap? Or an Audeze for that matter? I expect that the DAP will struggle with anything over 100ohm impedance and, while this can primarily be seen as a portable source, it is good enough to be used as a desktop rig. If only Sony would unleash its power.
So here is my conclusion, based on my experience with my toys: despite the volume cap, this is the best portable source I have had or heard to date. It reaches desktop performance, although a Bartok it is not. If you have a pair of efficient IEMs, this is HiFi in your pocket with the advantage of the myriad Android apps – meaning that it will work with any and all streaming services, on and offline, without any issues. The Android experience is passable, although not as smooth as one would want/expect from a 1400 DAP. But to be fair it is usable and, so far, I haven’t had any hiccups with it. However if you plan to buy this for your 600ohm home cans, consider a US or Japanese version. I think the DAP is worth the money as long as it serves the purpose and in my case it does. But if you are that person, with those headphones, do not waste your time. Sony would rather have you go through the trouble of importing a usable version of the DAP than offer you the performance you paid for here, in UK. Thank you Sony. And shame on you Sony.
Update Feb 2022. While still loving the sound quality I became increasingly unhappy with the slugish performance of a 1000 DAP, the low power output and seeing that a new generation (the 306 and 707) is being released at a lower price point with a faster processor and Android 12, while Sony made it clear that the WM1AM2 will never be updated to Android 12, I decided to send mine back. Sony has to try harder at this price point.
Die Klangqualitt ist natrlich viel besser als bei meiner vorherigen Smartphone/Mobile DAC-Kombination.
Zwei kleine Dinge, die mir an dem Gert nicht gefallen. Die Qualitt des LCD-Bildschirms ist im Vergleich zu modernen Smartphones unterdurchschnittlich und erinnert mich an meine PocketPC-Zeit vor 20 Jahren. Der Akkuverbrauch im Standby-Modus (Vampire Drain) ist enorm. Angefangen hat es mit 1% pro Stunde. Nach vielen, vielen Android-Tweaks habe ich es geschafft, ihn auf +-0,5% pro Stunde zu senken. Auch das nicht lschbare Google-Search-Bar Widget ist ein wenig nervig. Root und ADB sind keine Option, da ich das Gert nicht zum Briefbeschwerer machen mchte.
Der Akkuverbrauch beim Hren von Tidal+ Offline liegt bei mir bei +-7% pro Stunde. Der Akkuverbrauch mit UAPP und Tidal+ Streaming liegt bei +-8% pro Stunde. Das reicht um einen Abend von 8-10 Stunden mit Musik zu fllen ohne Nachladen.
Alles in allem bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meinem ersten DAP. Der einzige Nachteil, den ich derzeit sehe, ist die Tatsache, da ich meine Schallplattensammlung wahrscheinlich weniger hren werde.