Topcony 5MP Human Detection CCTV Camera Outdoor, 360&deg

Topcony 5MP Human Detection CCTV Camera Outdoor

Topcony 5MP Human Detection CCTV Camera Outdoor, 360° Pan-Tilt PTZ Auto-Tracking Security Camera Wireless, WiFi IP Camera, Colorful Night Vision, Sound-Light Alarm, 2-way Audio, Phone/PC, SD/Cloud

From the brand

cctv cameracctv cameraTopcony 360° Human Detection Security Camera Outdoor, Auto Tracking CCTV Camera with 1080P Color ...Topcony 360° Human Detection Security Camera Outdoor, Intelligent Auto Track CCTV Camera Wireless...cctv camera

Weight: 850 g
Dimensions: 14.5 x 12.5 x 11 cm; 850 Grams
Model: TY50
Colour: White
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Topcony
Dimensions: 14.5 x 12.5 x 11 cm; 850 Grams

30 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Dopo 3 mesi di utilizzo posso dire che la videocamera ha delle caratteristiche ottime per la fascia di prezzo: buona visione notturna sia infrarossi che a colori (la luce LED inoltre un ulteriore deterrente se la usate per videosorveglianza); APP ben progettata con diverse regolazioni ed impostazioni; buona tenuta agli agenti atmosferici; rispetto ad altre videocamere, nella stessa fascia di prezzo, stabile con la connessione WiFi (la connessione via cavo ethernet sempre da preferire a mio parere); ampia possibilit di regolazione dei sensori di movimento e riconoscimento umano AI.

  2. CharlenM94 says:


    Cumple perfectamente con todas las funciones que se describen. Tarde poco en configurarla conectada a la wifi. Es muy intuitiva en el manejo. Y me encanta el sistema de altavoz y de micrfono. Se ilumina en el momento que detecta movimiento y esto ayuda mucho a la hora de entrar a casa.

  3. KassandMacfarla says:


    Ho gi in altra videocamera topcony installata e posso dire, dopo qualche mese non hai mai dato problemi, ho acquistato questo modello ben fatto, facile installazione, ottime immagini, nel complessivo ne sono pienissimamente soddisfatto.
    Spedizione super e imballaggio da 10, scatola sigillata.
    Se avr ancora bisogno contatter direttamente topcony.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Tengo una TY10 con dos aos de servicio ininterrumpido y sin fallo,est TY50 que aparece en la foto la acabo de estrenar, mucho mejor que la otra, mayor calidad de imagen,la lente es ms panormica,lleva un algoritmo IA que detecta presencia humana, prcticamente no genera falsas alarmas,la TY10 lo detecta todo,est tambin si desactivas el botn IA. El montaje es ms fcil,solo se atornilla una pletina,la cmara se acopla a ella. Lo ms interesante de ambos modelos es que se pueden manejar desde fuera de la red wifi,solo tenis que dejar encendido el router y activar los datos mviles en la app camhipro,no recibiris notificaciones a travs de la app si estis fuera de la red wifi. Una maravilla teniendo en cuenta el precio. Ah la tenis en la foto, trabajando con 44 a la sombra.

    Excelente Marca.

  5. FredricEdmonson says:


    J’en ai pris 3 et je suis amplement satisfait, a rpond mes attentes. La qualit est trs bonne.
    Le seul bmol c’est l’emplacement de la carte sd qui n’est pas assez discrte donc il faut penser mettre la camra en hauteur et hors de porte.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Boa cmera no geral, boa construo e aspecto, imagem dia e noite bastante agradvel, fcil configurar, tem web interface, rtsp e Onvif o que uma mais valia por permitir outras configuraes e usos. A melhorar permitir ligar spotlight se detectar movimentos. Como gostei comprei outra.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Die Kamera macht was sie soll, alle Funktionen sind zugnglich und die Cloud braucht kein Mensch dabei. Fr die Aufzeichnung gengt auch eine 64GB Karte (reicht locker fr eine Woche daueraufzeichnung). Fr den Preis eine ganz klare Kaufempfehlung.
    Nachdem ich jetzt insgesamt 3 Kameras im Einsatz habe kann ich die zum Teil negativen Bewertungen nicht nachvollziehen. Selbst im Dauereinsatz ohne Neustart der Kamera reagieren diese jederzeit auf alles was ich in der APP an Steuerung mache, keine Abstrze oder hnliches. Es bleibt bei der klaren Kaufempfehlung. Wenn die Cam doch mal einfriert empfiehlt der geneigte FiSi doch mal das W-Lan in der Umgebung auf berlagerungen zu berprfen und unter uns, so ein Router Neustart bewirkt beizeiten Wunder.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Die Kamera wurde schnell geliefert . Mit der Einrichtung gab es keine Probleme. Die Bilder und Videos sind super scharf.
    Man kann die Aufnahme- und Alarmzeit individuell einstellen.
    Die Verbindung zum Router funktioniert ausgezeichnet( ca. 8m ). Auch die Nachtaufnahme ist in
    Mit der App knnen alle Einstellungen (Gegensprechanlage, Schwenken usw.) fr meine Bedrfnisse vorgenommen werden.
    Alles in allem eine gute Kaufempfehlung fr wenig Geld.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Insgesamt: sehr gute Kamera.
    Kamera wird bei mir ber WLAN betrieben !
    Bildqualitt an Tage und Nachts wirklich sehr gut.
    Installation und Anmeldung im WLAN funktionierten problemlos. Zugriff mit Smartphone ber CamHi App funktioniert gut.
    Wenn Smartphone im gleichen WLAN ist wie die Kamera, dann Umsetzung der Befehle (wie z.B. Schwenken oder Anfahren vorher abgespeicherter Kamerapositionen) in Echtzeit.
    Bei Zugriff ber Mobilfunknetz (also wenn man nicht zu Hause ist) geschiet die Umsetzung etwas zeitversetzt.
    Direkter Zugriff ber Webbrowser unter Eingabe der IP-Adresse (die automatisch vom Router, bei mir FritzBox 7590, vergeben wird) funktioniert auch einwandfrei.
    Einstellungen und Kontrolle der Kamera ber Windows-Software HiP2P-Client sehr gut.
    Formatierung der SD-Karte empfehle ich im HiP2P-Client durchzufhren. Da funktioniert es einwandfrei. ber CamHi App funktioniert es bei mir nicht. Liegt wohl an der App, nicht an der Kamera.
    Die Abspeicherung der Bild- und Videodaten auf SD-Karte und ber FTP auf eine an FritzBox angeschlossene USB-Festplatte funktioniert auch tadellos.
    Fazit: ich bin mit der Kamera sehr zufrieden.
    Das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis ist top.
    Kann die Kamera wirklich empfehlen !

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great security camera with lots of features. Easy to watch playback recorded data and the colour night vision is amazing.

  11. StantonGirdlest says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great product for the price – works very well on the Android App. Excellent support from the team who replied to my query regarding using the PC software.
    Does the job! Picture quality is very good – particularly in HD.

    Very good value

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This my second Topcony camera this one being near version, installation was very very easy and picture has a very wide angle.Colour night vision is very good . Alarms are quite sensitive if you don’t have the humanoid setting on but I like to record anything that moves.
    The only negative comment is the camera is easily removed from its wall bracket, I fabricated a steel bracket to stop this happening and to stop someone pinching it ,other than that a great camera

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I installed the camera at my drive way and the camera has nice picture quality, notification works fine. Good quality overall.

  14. doughealth7 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Not too bad to set up but very poor instructions on how to use it and nothing online. worked it out in the end. quick response to smartphone for alarms, bit sensitive but gradually finding the settings that work for me

  15. Anonymous says:


    Direi sostanzialmente un buon prodotto, semplicissimo da installare, ottima la qualit video, non mi fa impazzire la qualit delle plastiche esterne che lo rendono un prodotto leggero ma spero altrettanto robusto (come la precedente TY20), agli agenti atmosferici esterni. La app su smartphone facile, intuitiva e fa bene il suo dovere. Non altrettanto intuitivo il sw client per Windows per dopo qualche impostazione funziona anche quello. Conosco molto bene il marchio Topcony e in generale il mondo delle iPCAM, quandi sono andato a colpo sicuro. Non mi sento in questo momento di segnalare difetti particolari o grossolani che in ogni caso sarebbero stati evidenti da subito. E’ ovvio che potrei fornire una recensione pi granulare tra 3-4 mesi, dopo aver testato per bene molte delle funzionalit che questa CAM pu offrire. Nel complesso soddisfatto di questa TY50.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Easy to set up.? like the way the cameras can pan in different directions. Very clear pictures in day and night.

  17. musclebuildingsupplements43 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    We got 3 of these cameras for the house and are still currently finding our way around using them to their full potential.
    Two of the cameras wouldn’t connect to the Wi-Fi so we got a booster and that sorted it. The pictures on the cameras are excellent, very clear, even at night, especially when the alarm has been triggered as it goes from night mode to full colour.
    We have it set up for ‘human recognition tracking’ and for the most part it works, however, it’s currently still picking up our cats (hence 4 stars and not 5). We will just keep altering the sensitivity until we get it right.
    The cable that is attached to the camera is quite short and there is also a very short Ethernet and camera reset button cable attached to the camera, due to this, we slightly altered the position of the cameras from where we original wanted them as we didn’t want extra cable on show.
    We looked at a lot of cameras before buying them and these were the ones that were best for us.
    Despite a couple of minor issues, we are pleased with our purchase and would buy them again.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI had the older model of this brand’s camera, and thought I would try this newer version. And what an amazing peice of kit!
    Easy to set up, user-friendly and I had it connected with my phone in minutes.
    Great quality camera, looks and feels robust, simply built to last.

  19. CorazonFPHR says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    No dislikes at all. Top quality product all round from the packaging to quality itself.

  20. Mikenmandy says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Excellent product with beneficial features. Would Highly recommend this CCTV Camera. Brilliant customer service.

  21. DarrenKymftvk says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Excellent communication, excellent advice and excellent product I will be buying another one.

  22. KerrieZFSsf says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersProduct arrived on time and was well packaged. It was easy to set up and install. Daytime picture quality is excellent and night time quality extremely good. Human recognition feature appears to work very well. I would recommend this product to anyone requiring a low cost but highly effective security camera.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Une fois de plus, J’ai achet une camra Topcony (TY50) et je suis bien content de mon achat. Dj elle se mixte sans problme avec les autres modles de la marque. La qualit d’image est trs bonne et la distance de dtection pour la vision nocturne de 15m me suffit largement. J’apprcie la possibilit de faire des zones de dtection avec sa rotation de 355 degrs. Je l’ai install avec un cble rj45 car je ne voulais pas trop utiliser mon wifi dj bien rempli. Ce que j’apprcie aussi c’est la facilit d’utilisation sur plusieurs tlphones ou tablettes, une fois le logiciel Camhipro charg il suffit de scanner le QRcode d’un appareil l’autre pour charger les cameras sur l’autre tlphone par exemple. J’ai rajout une micro carte sd de 128 Giga, elle est protge par un cache tanche, malgr que la camra soit installe au-dessous d’un toit, elle est certifie IP66 ce qui est trs bien pour viter toute humidit. Je ne vois pas de mauvais point donner cette camra c’est un trs bon rapport qualit prix. Sans parler du logiciel Camhipro avec ces multiples possibilits de rglage

    Rapport qualité prix

  24. Anonymous says:


    Achat effectu dans le cadre de l’acquisition d’un logement la compagne, j’ai dans un premier temps voulu scuris mon habitation tant donn que je ne suis pas toujours prsent sur place(rsidence secondaire).

    Il me fallait une camra avec des caractristiques suffisantes en termes de qualit d’image et d’angle de vision (grand jardin).

    Ayant dj achet une camra de la marque Topcony, je savais que le produit allait tre de qualit.

    Malgr a, j’ai t encore agrablement surpris de sa robustesse ! Le produit, lorsqu’il est fix, tient extrmement bien mme quand il y a du vent, je ne ressens aucun tremblement de la camra. La rotation 360 me permet de couvrir tous les angles de mon habitation et comme j’ai une surface extrieure plutt consquente, il me fallait ce type d’appareil.

    Concernant la vision dj, on profite d’une qualit de 5mp (en moyenne, c’est 2mp sur les autres camras.) mais en plus, j’ai la possibilit de voir en couleur dans le noir complet et a, c’est un plus quand on souhaite bien voir dans le noir et qu’il n’y aucun clairage a proximit. La dtection de mouvement permet la camra de rester en mouvement en continu et de suivre la personne afin de garantir une meilleure scurit et une gestion de l’espace.

    Que du positif d’autant que la camra est sold et que son prix est plus qu’abordable ! Fonc


  25. Consumer Reports says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI purchased this camera to replace an old non IP one, the camera is light and strongly made, it proved easy to install and setup with the app. Three features I particularly like are the AI motion tracking and the three night modes, the tracking is really sensitive to human movement both day and night. The colour night mode is great and there is also infra red and Ordinary mode. A visitor/intruder alarm shines a very bright white led light and emits an optional loud sound. The image and sound quality are excellent, but I would have liked a slightly longer zoom. This camera does all I need and more. I consider it to be very good value.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI wanted a way to ensure nothing gets missed but the vision area needed to capture was too wide for one normal camera so i had 2 choices, either install a few cameras or install a much higher spec one that can follow any movement therefore eliminating any blind spots.

    It will pick up on any human interaction and follow that person wherever they may go and record them weather it be in the middle of the night or during the day.

    You have the option of having the floodlights come on or to use the IR, i prefer the IR as mine is a little high up, but if it was in a more enclosed space the flood lights would work better.

    You can also control everything directly from your phone including reviewing footage or just live viewing where you can move the pan tilt zoom option around to suit yourself.

  27. alecrosenberg says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Premetto che ho altre videocamere Topconi e mi sono trovato fino ad ora molto bene.
    Mi sono deciso ad acquistare la nuova videocamera a 5 megapixel per migliorare la qualit delle immagini sia notturne che diurne. La fotocamera come si vede dalle foto bella ed solida.
    stata migliorata oltre che nei pixel anche per il montaggio infatti come si vede nelle foto della presentazione della videocamera, prima si monta la placca di plastica al muro e poi si inserisce la videocamera nella guida e il gioco fatto. Gli attacchi per la corrente, la connessione per la rete sono semplicissimo ed anche con la protezione antipioggia. Inoltre c’ un tasto sempre collegato al filo per resettare la videocamera e riportarla alle impostazioni di fabbrica, senza dover aprire lo sportellino sotto la videocamera dove c’ un altro un altro tasto reset e l’alloggiamento per la micro sd che non compresa. Le immagini sono molto nitide. Ho allegato un video delle varie angolazioni della videocamera, ma ho dovuto un po’ ridurlo perch non riuscivo a caricarlo, per cui tenetene conto quando lo visionate. (Le immagini vi garantisco sono molto piu nitide rispetto al video, con piu’ possibilit di notare i vari particolari, tipo una targa o le persone che entrano nel raggio della videocamera)
    La visione notturana pu essere settata in tre modi: infrarossi, colore e intelligente (infrarossi, l’immagine in bianco/nero, ma molto chiara e nitida. A colori, si accende un faro led che illumina tutta l’area coperta e l’immagine riulta anch’essa chiara nitida e a colori, da notare che se p settatpo a colori i led rimangono sempre accesi. Il modo m igliore, secondo me quello intelligente che al momento della rilevazione umanoide si accende il faro led e l’immagine nitida viene registrata a colori. C l’audio bidirezionale ed anche la sirena di allarme, che ovviamente puo’ essere inserita oppure no. La registrazione continua 24 su 24 ore e 7 giorni su 7, ma pu essere personalizzata come uno desidera. Le registrazioni vengono salvate sulla micro sd da 128 e volendo anche sul cloud, ma credo sia necessario un abbonamento. Le registrazioni vengono sovrascritte mano mano che la scheda piena.
    Si possono scattare immagini dall’app dedicata che funziona alla perfezione con una configurazione semplicissima, da fare invidia a molte altre app. Si poossono registrare video, regolare le immagini, possono essere specchiate o capovolte, c’ lo zoom a fuoco regolazione del volume e il tracciamento mobile, il che significa che il soggetto viene sempre seguito in modo tale da rimanere sempre in primo piano. Si puo’ anche circoscrivere l’area da far controllare dalla videocamera.
    La videocamera impermeabile, le altre videocamere che ho sono esposte al freddo, polvere e vento e pioggia e non mi hanno mai dato problemi.
    Concludendo, sono sicuro di consigliare questa videocamera, oltretutto adesso c’ un buono sconto di 30 euro il che non guasta e porta la telecamera a 69,99. Amazon come sempre veloce e puntuale a consegnare la merce. Mi arrivata in un solo giorno.

    Ottima videocamera

  28. KaleyShealy says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI had their previous camera and recently upgraded to 5MP. This captures really good details. The tracking works fairly well is most situations. The low light performance is noticeably better. Overall. this is value for money if you need a camera without paying for subscription and still want high end features. I am very pleased with it.

    Excellent security camera with super details. Easy to set up

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good for home security unfortunately This days required more then usually a camera that record your home security and or your other security like garage etc
    This is for a fair price and amazing for the price compared to a lot of higher price cameras and brand
    I have 2 similar like this and never let me down
    You can follow from your app even ifyou just want to check from anywhere in the world
    I am very pleased with this produc

  30. YFC Contributor says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI was looking for a bit extra security after a vehicle was broken into. The camera app is easy to work so makes adjusting the camera to where I want to view easy. It was a standard installation and easy to set up. You can add extra cameras onto the app very simply. It automatically tracks people and camera follows them and zooms in, this function can be turned off too and you can manually set it. I find the picture quality decent and night vision good. It has lights on it so it’s very visible in the dark, a great deterrent.

    Very happy with the camera