VASTEND V01 Wireless Reversing Camera HD 1080P 7'&#39

VASTEND V01 Wireless Reversing Camera HD 1080P 7'' Monitor & IP69 Waterproof Rear View Camera Stable Digital Signals

VASTEND V01 Wireless Reversing Camera HD 1080P 7'' Monitor & IP69 Waterproof Rear View Camera Stable Digital Signals, 150° Wide Angle Night Vision Reversing Camera Kit for Vans, Car, Trucks, RV

From the brand

RVBrandVideo RecordingWeatherLogo

Dimensions: 28.4 x 20.4 x 8.7 cm; 1.17 Kilograms
Model: DW-7010WS
Manufacture: VASTEND
Dimensions: 28.4 x 20.4 x 8.7 cm; 1.17 Kilograms
Origin: China

34 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Acquistato come retrocamera per il camper. Ottima risoluzione ed immagine nitida. Immediata l installazione dello schermo, un po’ pi complicata quella della telecamera se posta sulla parte superiore del veicolo in quanto pi complesso raggiungere una fonte di alimentazione.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Lieferung und Verpackung super. Anschlieen ohne Probleme auch fr Leute, die kein Englisch beherrschen. Habe die “Anlage” in einen Jumper eingebaut und auf Dauer+ geklemmt. Damit kann ich sie jederzeit einschalten und bei Notwendigkeit den rckw. Verkehr im Auge behalten. Bildqualitt ist super. Der Bildschirm ist recht gross. Die Kamera ist hinter der Heckscheibe , die getnt ist, installiert. bertrgt trotzdem ein lupenreines Bild. Probleme gibt es z.B. in der Tiefgarage. Da ist das Bild teilw. weg. Vielleicht duch Spiegelung in der Heckscheibe oder die Garagenbeleuchtung? ber Nachtfahrten kann ich mich noch nicht uern.
    Wegen der Probleme in der Tiefgarage nur 4*,
    aber trotzdem klare Kaufempfehlung und vom Preis rede ich gar nicht.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Top Gert!
    Einfache Montage!
    Super scharfes Bild in HD Quallitt!
    Kann ich nur empfehlen!
    Da man bis zu vier Kammeras anschlieen kann, werde ich mir demnchst noch eine Kammera bestellen und die unter dem Fahradtrger am Wohnmobil befestigen.

  4. Cecila87Bpvp says:


    I filmati sono senza audio e non capisco, anche perch nel menu di settaggio del monitor c’ la regolazione del volume e mi sembra che la telecamera non lo trasmetta, forse mi sbaglio

  5. Anonymous says:


    Wir haben sie hinten im Traktor eingebaut, um die anhngende Rundballenpresse gut im Blick zu haben, ohne sich stndig nach hinten drehen zu mssen. Sie funktioniert einwandfrei und erfllt ihren Zweck.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEinbau war problemlos, Bild ist in Ordnung. Minimale Verzgerung der Bildinformation im Vergleich zu einem kabelgebundenen System. Der Empfang meiner zustzlichen Rckfahrkamera am Anhnger des Wohnmobil ist ebenfalls gegeben… auf 18m. Da scheinen auch noch genug Reserven fr ungnstige Materialkonstellationen oder ungnstige Befestigung zu sein.

  7. Anonymous says:


    J’ai achet ce produit pour mettre dans mon van pour surveiller mes chevaux c’est parfait de jour comme de nuit
    Pour la camera Il suffi pour le branchement de trouver un positif (+) et une ngatif ( – la masse ) et le tour est jou moi pour le van je me suis repiqu sur l’clairage de celui ci et c’est parfait .
    Pour l’cran mme systme de branchement mais il faut trouver un positif aprs le contact de la clef j’ai pris l’autoradio donc un peu de travail dans l’habitacle pour un travail soign mais c’est faisable il faut juste prendre son temps .

    L’avantage que je trouve trs pratique sur cet cran c’est la possibilit de l’accrocher dfinitivement l’aide du support visser ou pas le support de la ventouse cela sera selon votre utilisation .
    La qualit et la taille de l’cran je trouve est parfaite .

    Produit conseil sans hsit merci et je vrai d’ailleurs commander une seconde camera pour voir la boule d’attelage pour me faciliter l’attelage .

    Si question hsitez pas m’crire bon achat tous

  8. Anonymous says:


    Eingebaut in einen 3,5t Koffer Sprinter macht die Kamera was sie soll.

    Wichtig war mir vor allem, dass die Kamera sofort verfgbar ist beim rckwrtsfahren und nicht erst ewig ldt. Angeklebt habe ich sie deshalb auch nicht am Rckfahrlicht sondern am Standlicht. Das kann man beim Fahrzeugstart einfach anmachen und die Kamera bleibt die Ganze Zeit verfgbar auch bei mehreren Gangwechseln beim Rangieren. Die Ladezeit am Anfang kann man in Sekunden an einer Hand abzhlen.

    Zwischen Kamera und Monitor liegen ca 6m. Verbindungsprobleme hatte ich nie.

    Leider ist durch hufigeres An und Abstecken ein Kabel gebrochen am Zigarettenanznder. Nach Reklamation wurde mir sofort ein Neues geschickt, sehr guter Kundenservice

  9. Anonymous says:


    Je l’ai mont sur mon camping car et j’en suis super content et l’image est nette mme la nuit.
    Avec un si beau cran c’est dommage qu’il n’est pas de bluetooth pour faire un partage tlphone

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Item arrived quickly and looks to be of good quality. All the fixtures to install were there, with options to install the monitor.
    Fitted myself in a couple of hours using the old wired harness cables for the camera power.
    My camera is wired to switch on from the dash, so I can monitor my motorcycle trailer when towing

  11. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersEn montada en un triler ( 16:50 metros ) el wifi de la cmara llega perfecto aun con la puerta cerrada y camiones aparcados a los lados . La resolucin es muy buena y la recepcin de imagen al ser wifi es inmediata , ahora a ver lo duracin , tiene buena pinta

    Todo correcto

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great price – and the quality of the picture is much better than factory fitted reversing cameras on cars.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersTelecamera e monitor di ottima fattura, semplicissimi da installare in meno di un’ora considerando i fori di montaggio e il collegamento alla presa elettrica della retromarcia, nota degna di merito data dalla visione veramente chiara e ben definita, sia di giorno sia di notte. Ho montato la rerocamera su un camper di 6,5 metri e non ho avuto nessun problema di ricezione, solo i tasti del monitor non sono molto reattivi ma una volta regolati secondo necessit non hanno pi bisogno di essere toccati quindi lo reputo un problema minore. Tempo di reazione dall’inserimento della retromarcia alla accensione della telecamera buono, meno di 3 secondi. Molto comoda la presa accendisigari che alimenta il monitor che dotata di tasto di accensione e spegnimento del monitor stesso, la telecamera si spegne automaticamente disinserendo la retromarcia. Possibilit di inserire una scheda SD per fotografare o registrare, utilizzo a cui non sono interessato ma non mi dispiace che sia presente questa funzione. Nel complesso lo reputo un ottimo prodotto. Assistenza post vendita rapida ed efficace, le istruzioni di montaggio sono in lingua tedesca ma mi hanno mandato per email le istruzioni in inglese risolvendo cos l’ultimo problema, il menu dello schermo multilingua, basta selezionare la lingua desiderata, tra le tante disponibili c’ anche l’italiano.
    AGGIORNAMENTO 13/03/23 Ho eliminato il collegamento tramite accendisigari a favore del cavetto fornito in dotazione e collegandolo a un tasto inutilizzato del cruscotto del camper per avere totale controllo della retrocamera, ho anche optato per il collegamento della retrocamera ad un fanale di posizione invece che alla retromarcia ottenendo uno “specchietto retrovisore” e constestulamente aggiungendo una SD da 128gb anche una dash cam posteriore che pu essere utile in caso di tamponamento.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    After searching for a few days decided to purchase this model , we are adding a trailer to our campervan so as well as reversing I wanted to keep an eye on the trailer whilst in transit en route to France etc , all was easy to fit , as it comes with loads of fittings and screws , the picture quality is 1st rate , we just have 1 camera but the unit can take up to 4 cameras so as a security system it would be top class , 5 stars for everything , as regards the fitting never even looked at the manual or youtube vid its that straight forward and simple , because we are using it as a monitor I just fed the cam a direct 12 volt feed instead of wiring through the reversing light .

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Installed this to my twin axle caravan to ensure can see to reverse but also monitor traffic behind me, so wired that it is continuously on. Easy to install, excellent picture, monitor is high quality and instant picture giving excellent rearview of a 27 foot long caravan behind my Volvo XC60. Have tried other cameras but nothing has matched this quality picture or ease of connection and stability of signal

  16. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersReu avec l’antenne de la camra pli, mais j’ai voulu tester avant de faire le retour au vendeur. Hyper facile monter en 15 mn tout est prt ! Je suis grutier mobile telescopique avec une flche de 37.4 M la camra est en bout de fleche. Sur la vido vous pouvez voir que sur l’cran on voit les barres de rception avec la camra qui est toujours fond malgr les 37 M donc voir plus que 37.4 M !! J’tais septique mais je ne regrette vraiment pas mon achat et je pense recommander une camra seul pour la mettre l’arrire de la grue pour les angles de braquage.

    Plus de 30 M de distance !

  17. TerrencURE says:


    Acquistato per installarlo su di una roulotte (9,5 mt di treno), in modo semplice e con connessione affidabile. Avevo bisogno per retromarcia e per sostituire estensioni specchietti retrovisori. Queste sono le cose positive che ho rilevato:
    + il segnale ricevuto stabile, l’immagine ben definita e con buoni colori. Campo di visualizzazione adatto anche per marcia come specchietto retrovisore
    + costruzione della telecamera e supporto solida. Ho messo per termo-restringente sul connettore dell’antennino della telecamera per proteggere da pioggia.
    + visore ampio e di facile installazione (messo sopra presa accendisigari, non ho bisogno di cablaggi in macchina). Doppia antenna di ricezione.
    + ampi accessori per installazione. Alla fine si deve solo collegare con cablaggio l’alimentazione della telecamera dietro roulotte ai 12volt (con chiave) interni della roulotte
    + telecamera protetta da inversione tensione e da ampi sbalzi della tensione di ingresso
    L’aggiornamento dell’immagine e il ritardo mi sembrano pi che accettabili per il mio uso.
    Aspetti migliorabili, forse un obiettivo appena un poco pi grandangolo.

    Semplicità e qualità

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very easy to install Picture quality very good making working environment safe

  19. MikelVUBEjci says:


    Habe mir die Kamera fr mein Reisemobil, (KaWa), als zweite Rkfahrkamera und “Rckspiegel” zugelegt, da mein Fzg. hinten kein Sichtfenster hat und die Kennzeichenkamera bei montiertem Fahrradtrger verdeckt wird. Montage und Installation vllig problemlos, nachdem ich eine weitere 12V-Steckdose hinten angebracht habe. Das Bild ist einwandfrei und klar, Kamera und Empfangsmonitor sind unmittelbar nach Start des Systems betriebsbereit. Ich habe die Kamera mit starken Magneten auf dem Dach befestigt, bisher getestet bei bis zu 100km/h – problemlos. Da ich die Steckdose an Dauerstrom angeschlossen habe, dient die Kamera nun als Rckspiegel, zeigt also immer beim Fahrbetrieb den rckwrtigen Bereich. Schalte ich den Wagen aus, bzw. das Bordnetz aus, ist auch die Kamera aus, bzw. ich ziehe Stecker fr Monitor und Kamera einfach ab. Sehr komfortabel und eine zustzliche Sicherheit. Den mglichen Aufnahmebetrieb habe ich noch nicht getestet, will aber bei Touren mit Panoramasicht auch mal Sequenzen aufnehmen, da ich die Kamera einfach drehen kann.
    Bedienung ist einfach und selbsterklrend, eine deutsche Anleitung oder eine Umstellung auf deutsch fehlt zwar, strt mich aber nicht. Die mitgelieferten Kleinteile, Kabel, Blendschutz pp. sind ok, einzig ein weiterer Zigarettenanznd- oder USB-Stecker fr die Kamera ( oder anders herum fr den Monitor) fehlen.
    Fazit: Bisher sehr zufrieden, Langzeiterfahrungen habe ich noch nicht.

  20. Anonymous says:


    Ottima risoluzione della videocamera e dello schermo, fornito di staffe e materiali per il montaggio, viti e cavetti con pi opzioni non metto 5 stelle perch la velocit di aggiornamento delle immagini leggermente lenta

  21. LidiaPBPVucvnlh says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersUna buena compra. La compre para ver los caballos dentro del remolque durante su transporte, pens que la pantalla seria mas pequea pero esta genial, buena imagen, facilisima de instalar y puede dividirse la pantalla para ver hasta 4 camaras a la vez, muy recomendable.

    Interior remolque de caballos

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I bought this to use to keep and eye on my horse whilst travelling and also help reversing.

    Picture quality is perfect and amazing!

    Easy to install and very easy to use

    Best purchase ever!!

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    A decent set up at a reasonable price. Comes in a plain cardboard box with everything inside. You get the camera, a 7 inch monitor screen, mounting brackets and all the wirings/cables required. Simple enough to set up and fit your vehicle. You get a good clear picture from the camera which is instantly picked up and shown on the monitor. The monitor is powered by an adaptor that goes in the cigarette lighter and can be mounted on the bracket or stuck to the windscreen via the suction cup. Waterproof so no worry of the image not coming up or being distorted. With night vision, you can still have a clear full view of what’s going on. It can take an sd card, which isn’t included, to record videos. It also supports the function of having a total of 4 camera linked to the screen. Really love how the screen is so large, you can see clearly without struggling to see the screen. Perfect for all types of vehicles; cars to lorrys, vans, horse boxes, campers ect.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I have to say, this is a very good reversing camera for the price. I use it for my car, who does not? It’s waterproof and has wide angle viewing which is great. The cameras are also high definition and work perfectly in dark conditions.
    The product is really good quality, but the size is a little big for small cars.

    Keep an eye out with i

  25. KennithLahr says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    First and foremost, it’s a well built device, both the dash screen and the reversing camera. The camera image is excellent.

    It’s a really nice piece of kit.

    Installation is relatively straightforward if you have a reasonable understanding of car electrics. You may have to drill the bodywork and fit a grommet. You will need to ensure that the hole that is drilled is rustproofed and painted especially if you are passing the wire through the underside of the car. Take note that this will probably invalidate any paint and rust warranties the car has. You might argue with the manufacturer over it.

    While it only takes a connection to a reversing light and an earth point to to power the camera care should be taken that it’s compatible with the “CAN bus” system on the vehicle, especially if you have one that can tell you if you need a bulb changed. Messing with voltages on a system where the car talks to itself could in theory throw up electrical errors. For instance when I had a tow bar installed I had to have the car reprogrammed to recognise it had one. It a minor point but something to think about.

    So, I like the product, it’s well made, has good Wi-Fi connectivity and is less time consuming to fit than one that is hard wired.

    Unfortunately the screen is pretty large and finding a space for it somewhere on the dash without it covering over switches or obscuring the view from the driving position is difficult. I have tried to find some location that I can mount it in my small van ( my car already has this facility ) and I just cannot find a place for the screen.

    On top of the console it blocks my view out, I can’t mount it near the headlining above the windscreen. Nowhere on the dash is available as it will cover the vehicle info screen, electric window switches, light buttons, menu buttons, passenger airbag, central gearstick or instrument cluster.

    It’s a really good product but mounting the screen is problematic. You may get fined if it obstructs your view ahead in any way. A suction mount is not appropriate if you get stopped and it obscures your view out in any way. If the screen had been half the size there would have been no mounting issues. From my point of view the only way to mount it would be on the top of the dash but it restricts my view of the road from my driving position.

    As it is there is nowhere I can put it and that’s a real shame because it’s a really good piece of kit. You might have a vehicle that it suits, if you do I would hesitate in recommending it.

    So I give it a full four star rating on quality. It will suit some vehicles but not all.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This wireless reversing camera HD 1080 has 7” monitor, and it is IP69 waterproof product. Has rear view camera stable digital signals, 150 wide angle night vision reversing camera kit for vans, car, trucks, RV. What you will get in this package:
    1x 7inch Monitor
    1x Camera
    1x 3.5M Lighter adapter
    1x Sunshade
    1x Windshield mount
    1x U bracket
    2x T-Taps
    2x 3M Camera Power Cord
    3x Antenna
    1x Manual
    Very easy installation: Power the monitor by the included cigarette lighter or fuse box, ACC, radio, Ignition switch.
    Connect the camera to a continuous power source like tail light/running light/license plate light for monitoring, or connect to backup light for reversing only.
    Supports adding 1 to 4 cameras, you can use single screen, split screen or quad screen.
    Video recording and night vision is great quality I have to admit. Good avlue for money, that’s why I can easily recommend it to anyone.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have not fitted it but the quality of the camera and the screen is one of the best I have seen will be fitting it very soon and will give a update when fitted and some pictures

    Have fitted it and the picture quality is so good fitted to a motor home very pleased
    I have not received my free camera WHY if you do not send it please tell me why

  28. AletheaMartinov says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Superb quality in picture and manufacturing…..easy to install…and easy to use….thankyou milepeak…

  29. AlishaOhvpq says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The quality is good but cannot get rid of the constant pink tinge picture, for instance trees and bushes are pink not green. Can anybody help me.

  30. BernadetteBamfo says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I fitted this kit to my Motorhome in place of an older wired system whose video quality was never brilliant and had become unreliable over the last few months. Really happy with the MILEPEAK kit. Much easier to install than the wired unit. The video quality is excellent, much better than I expected as my van is 22 ft long and has a full Aluminium shell.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Easy to install. Worked straight out of the box. Used it for monitoring the horses in transit, so didn’t connect it to reverse switch just connected it to a fused live. Good quality.

  32. LilianFOJpfg says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    We fitted this reversing camera kit to our articulated lorry to help train new drivers. It is excellent! The build quality is superb and image quality is crisp and clear.

    We initially bought one kit as a trial but when we saw how good it was we immediately bought another two to fit to our other training vehicles.

    Highly recommended.

  33. Rob Clymo says:


    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersIch war auf der Suche nach einer Funk-Rckfahrkamera fr unseren Wohnwagen.
    Dabei bin ich ber Gerte von Markenherstellern mit guten Rezessionen hier bei Amazon gestolpert.
    Also habe ich ein System bestellt und war gleich beim Testen von dem schlechten Bild sehr enttuscht.
    Nun wollte ich einem Kamerasystem ohne Bewertungen eine Chance geben, das zugleich von den technischen Details besser ist und um einiges gnstiger. Ich wollte ein gutes HD-Bild, eine hohe verlustfreie bertragung, die Mglichkeit mehrere Kameras anzuschlieen und Videoaufzeichnung.
    Somit viel die Wahl auf diese Kamera. Schon der erste Test war berwltigend !! Das Bild super scharf, ausgewogen und detailreich. Beim Testen standen Kamera und Monitor mehr als 15m voneinander entfernt. Die Verbindung klappte auf Anhieb und die bertragung war fast verzgerungsfrei. Damit war fr mich klar das ich diese Kamera behalten werde und fest installieren werde.
    Auch der Einbau war super einfach und schnell erledigt. Den Monitor habe ich vor den Rckspiegel gesetzt. So nimmt er keine zustzliche Sicht und ist an einem “gewohnten Ort” fr den Rckblick. Auch der Beifahrer hat damit den rckwrtigen Verkehr im Blick und kann im Bedarfsfall eine Aufnahme starten. Die Kamera selbst habe ich an der Kennzeichenbeleuchtung des Wohnwagen angeschlossen.
    Nun freue ich mich auf die erste Fahrt, verbunden mit einem besseren Sicherheitsgefhl.

    Perfektes HD-Bild bei einer sehr hohen Reichweite

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This system is very good and more sturdy and alot easy to wire up