X-Sense Wireless Interconnected Smoke Detector, Fire Alarm

X-Sense Wireless Interconnected Smoke Detector, Fire Alarm with 10-Year Battery Life and Transmission Range of over 820 ft, SD20-W, 3-PACK

Test/Silence via the Remote Control
The X-Sense RC01 Pro remote controller (sold separately) is compatible with all X-Sense Link+ wireless alarms. Once they are connected, simply push the button on the remote to test or silence all interlinked alarms, with no need to stretch to reach the silence button on the device.
Quickly Locate the Source Alarm
When one device is triggered, all other units in the interlinked system will also go off. To identify the source alarm, simply press the test/silence button on one of the alarms. If all the alarms go silent, the alarm you pressed is the source alarm, but if one alarm is still going off then that alarm is the source alarm.
Customizable Wireless Network
All the X-Sense Link+ alarms in a multi-pack are pre-connected. You can add a new device to the existing network, disconnect the devices to create new groups, or connect two separate devices. To connect the alarms, quickly press the test/silence button on either unit 4 times and then press the test/silence button on the other unit twice.
Weight: | 730 g |
Size: | 3-PACK (RF Interconnected) |
Dimensions: | 12 x 12 x 4.1 cm; 730 Grams |
Model: | SD20-W |
Part: | SD20-W |
Colour: | White |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Lithium Metal |
Manufacture: | X-Sense |
Dimensions: | 12 x 12 x 4.1 cm; 730 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 3-PACK (RF Interconnected) |
Da voreingestellt, einfach zu montieren bzw. zu installieren. Bisher “geruschlos”, hoffentlich bleibt’s einige Jahre auch so, was man von deutlich teureren Teilen eines Mitbewerbers leider nicht behaupten kann.
Der X-Sense vernetzte Rauchmelder hat mich mit seinen beeindruckenden Funktionen und der hohen Zuverlssigkeit vollstndig berzeugt. Dieser Rauchmelder bietet eine Reihe von Merkmalen, die ihn zu einer ausgezeichneten Wahl fr den Brandschutz in meinem Zuhause machen.
Die herausragende Funktion dieses Rauchmelders ist die eingebaute Lithiumbatterie mit einer beeindruckenden Betriebsdauer von 10 Jahren. Dies bedeutet, dass ich die Batterie whrend der gesamten Lebensdauer des Rauchmelders nicht austauschen muss. Dies ist nicht nur bequem, sondern auch kostensparend.
Die Mglichkeit, bis zu 24 X-Sense Link+ Melder miteinander zu verbinden, ist eine weitere bemerkenswerte Eigenschaft dieses Rauchmelders. Dadurch kann ich verschiedene Melder wie Rauch-, Kohlenmonoxid- und kombinierte Melder in meinem Zuhause miteinander vernetzen. Dies bietet eine erhhte Sicherheit, da alle Gerte im Netzwerk synchronisiert sind und im Falle eines Alarms gemeinsam einen lauten Alarmton mit 85 dB ausgeben.
Die Funkrauchmelder sind wirklich klasse. Natrlich sind Sie nicht billig, aber ich denke, das Geld wert. Habe natrlich noch keinen “live”-Einsatz gehabt (zum Glck!), aber die Rauchmelder machen qualitativ einen top Eindruck. Die Einrichtung ist sehr schnell gemacht (das “Koppeln” der Rauchmelder ist absolut easy) und auch fr Laien problemlos durchfhrbar.
Die Montage ist simpel und eine hervorragende Beschreibung liegt bei.
Ich habe bei mir 8 Stck verbaut und getestet – arbeiten in der Testfunktion einwandfrei – jeder einzelne. Hab das durch die Funk-Fernbedienung (extra erhltlich) erweitert, und auch die ist top.
Kann ich gesamt also nur empfehlen. Mal sehen, ob die sauber die 10 versprochenen Jahre durchhalten 🙂
… mit der Testfunktion. Die Reichweite ist ok und die Lautstrke auch
The alarm is very loud makes you feel safe long life too
Etwas grer als andere Melder berdecken Sie ohne weitere Renovierungsmanahmen die Stelle an der die alten Melder montiert waren. Sie sind schn laut. Es war problemlos die Melder des 3er Packs an das 6er Pack anzulernen. In einen Pack sind bereits alle Melder vernetzt. Sie verfgen ber eine Repeaterfunktion, so dass wir in unserem Reihenhaus mit Dachboden, 1. OG, EG und Keller mit Stahlbetondecken keine Probleme hatten 9 Melder zu koppeln.
Die Lieferung kam im vorgegeben Zeitraum an. Die Bedienungsanleitung ist sehr verstndlich und in mehreren Sprachen (auch Deutsch). Die Rauchmelder sind gut verpackt und lassen sich sehr einfach montieren. Die Vernetzung hat auch super geklappt und mit dem Piep-Test war soweit auch alles in Ordnung. Die Montage, an die Decke, ist wie bei anderen Artikeln sehr simpel. Wrde empfehlen mehrerer dieser Rauchmelder zu kaufen, damit man berall ein System hat.
Diese Rauchmelder sind bereits miteinander verbunden, so dass keine Probleme bei Installation auftreten.
Ich hatte vorher bei einem anderen Hndler Rauchmelder gekauft, welche erst miteinander vernetzt werden mussten. Das hat nicht geklappt. Ebenso beim Austausch dieser Melder gegen neue. Die gleichen Probleme.
Diese Melder von X-Sense sind bereits vernetzt und mssen nur eingeschaltet werden. Super einfach. Da
zahlt man gerne die 30 Euro mehr.
I wanted to protect my family from any fires in the home looked at many options hard wiring different makes to the x sense but these came out on top. So easy to install and interlink to each other. The cost is a fraction from aico and these are within the regulations needed. One happy customer. Have been recommending these to family and friends.
Have nothing to dislike about these
Brauchte fr den Arbeitsbereich neue vernetzbare Rauchmelder. Damals bei der Erstinstallation, konnte die Vernetzung nur vom Elektriker gemacht werden und musste dem Brandschutzamt vorgelegt werden . Heute Gott sei Dank einfacher…Eine Sicherheitsfirma hat mir einen Kostenvoranschlag ber 800,- fr 5 Rauchmelder mit Montage und Vernetzung angeboten…Nein Danke!
Nun habe ich glcklicherweise hier bei Amazon selbst vernetzbare Rauchmelder ,nach der richtigen vom Brandschutz geforderten Din Norm , zu einem vernnftigen Preis gefunden. Ich bin bestimmt kein Technik Freak, aber das mit dem Vernetzen der Rauchmelder untereinander war so einfach, da ich es problemlos geschafft habe. Und auch die Montage an der Decke war berhaupt kein Problem. Daaanke, das dieses Problem so einfach gelst werden konnte. 100% Kaufempfehlung
easy to install and link together and with the heat alarm. Tests ok but haven’t tested with smoke. The units are a lot larger than the ones I had before, I don’t know why they have to be quite so big as it’s mostly empty inside. Let’s hope the batteries last as my last FireAngels were rubbish.
Habe bereits mehrere Rauchmelder von XSense, nun wollte ich das System im Haus um vernetzte Rauchmelder erweitern. Denn was bringt es einem, wenn es im Keller piept aber man schlft unter dem Dach. Rauchmelder sind gut verarbeitet und funktionieren bislang wie angekndigt. Sie sind leider etwas grer als manche vergleichbare Produkte aber letztlich kucken sie sich genauso weg wie kleinere. Kann ich empfehlen.
These are great,
Come with good instructions,
Easy to install,
Well made,
Great for peace of mind,
Don’t forget to test every now and again!
Habe mir das dreier Packet gekauft um zwei im Keller zu installieren und einen im ersten Stock .
Beim Test haben alle drei gewarnt ! Bin sehr zufrieden. Alle drei waren auch schon vernetzt !
Really easy to install and work well – I’ve had mine in use for a while with no issues at all. Good peace of mind – well made and definitely good to have.
I had no problem in installing these. The instructions were clear. There is a swich on the back which enables the battery to work. This must be pressed if the unit is to be tested. I found it easier to put it in the holder to rest the unit. Also, there is a slight delay between pushing the test button and the alarm sounding. Originally, I thought the unit did not work because I expected the alarm to sound as the test button was pressed which it does not.
Good quality smoke alarms that are well made, have a loud alarm and are easy to install.
As they are all connected to each other if one goes off they all go off and in my opinion this is brilliant as it gives extra peace of mind.
At just under 60 at the time of this review I feel is a good price and you cannot really put a price on your safety.
Highly recommended from me and very pleased with these.
Fast delivery, easy to set up and install, I’ve not had them long enough yet to comment on the battery life but so far they are working fine; I haven’t had to test them yet I hopefully I never will.
These seemed very easy to fit with the linked magnetic plates so no drilling into the ceiling. All instantly linked and working.
I think every home should have an interlinked fire alarm. The fire alarm should also have a sealed battery that should last for the duration of the lifespan of the alarm which is ten years and these fire alarm sets satisfy both conditions.
The earliest fire alarm has saved lives and these being three in the package, ensures that these are present in the rooms which are generally used during daytime and also on each story.
The fire alarm have good range and can easily cover more than a normal house size. Please note that this is a smoke alarm and you should get a different alarm for CO2 identification.
The alarms is said to work only when it is installed, however you can test it without actually need to install it. Every alarm has a small button in the back which when pressed you can test it out by pressing the big button on the front.
It is very easy to pair these fire alarms. You will need to use with only two device while pairing. Press the test button quickly four times and the LED light starts flashing and enters into pairing mode. Now press the test button quickly twice on the second device. Once the pairing is successful, both the device sounds once and exits. To pair more devices, you will need to repeat the same action on one of the paired devices and the new device.
The alarm are should be fitted to the ceiling. All the fittings are included in the package. All it needs
Each alarm makes a real loud noise and is advised to test out every week at least once.
is a couple of small drills and you are good to go.
Once these are installed, you are good for ten years. Please note that the batteries are not replaceable, so you will need to get another alarm after ten years.
I feel 78.99 is a great price for the set of three interconnected fire alarms
The main reason why I picked these was the fact that they all connect to each other and now no matter where they are placed in our home, should any smoke arise they will all signal their alarm giving you more response time to be sure you and your family are in safety within seconds.
As with larger homes it takes more time to hear the alarms at a distance to react to them.
These are certainly brilliant smoke alarms and worth the purchase as you just cannot put a price on life.
This is a great product with advanced technology and a great price.
With the ten year battery, this puts us at ease since we now have more detectors to cover the garage, laundry room, and sections of the house.
The photoelectric smoke alarm is very easy to test only by pressed the button more than 5 seconds, the low battery will have a signal alarm which will recall you to change a new battery.
The smoke alarm don’t contain any radioactive material and won’t cause harm .
When activate press test button and hold it for more than three seconds until LED lights, and release it within two seconds, smoke detector will generate a beep indicating that it is successfully activated.
Smoke alarm won’t work if activation fails.
I like the idea that when the alarm beeps you can do a silent test and then you which one beeps.
I’m so pleased with them and feel safer.
These seem well made and have a clean modern design. Very easy to install and, as they came already paired to each other, no setting up of the wifi connect was required. The instructions are clear, concise and easy to understand so adding and pairing additional detectors looks very simple.
At the time of writing these were on sale for 79 for a pack of three which is not bad considering no replacement batteries are required and is certainly worth the price for the peace of mind. Not being able to replace the battery is a mixed blessing perhaps when one considers the green footprint and the need for future recycling then again one should really be replacing safety devices such as smoke/heat/CO/gas detectors at least every 10 years anyway.
They are very loud, and we have them installed throughout the house so all areas are covered, so we can now be alerted early whenever and wherever a potential dangerous situation starts to develop. When smoke/fumes is sensed by any one of the detectors they all sound the alarm simultaneously then by pressing the ‘silence’ button on any one of them the alarm will stop sounding on the remote units but will continue sounding on the detector which initially triggered the alarm (this can then be silenced separately if desired), thus you are able to pinpoint the area where the potential hazard has arisen.
This set of three smoke alarms connect to give you protection across an average sized property. They feature a 10 year life battery and come supplied with wall plugs and screws to fit. They cover a range of over 820ft and are 12cm in diameter by 4cm it height.
White in colour they have a vent that spans the whole of the diameter of the base and a test button that is easy to reach when the smoke alarm is in situ.
At 78.99 (June ’22) for the set of three that brings each smoke alarm in at 26.33, I would say this was a mid range price but this set has the connect-ability which is a very big plus point. So on that basis this set become even better value for money. If you’re replacing your smoke alarms this is a good set to get, in the long term it works out at 66p per month so I am more than happy to recommend.
We have X-Sense smoke and carbon monoxide alarm with LCD display installed in kitchen 2.5 years ago and we are very happy with it.
Now set of 3 interlinked smoke alarms came so we can install them in other rooms of the house.
The trio was very easy to set up and link one to another. They look great, modern, very good quality. When pressed test button, each makes very loud beeping sounds, which means is working as described. It’s so loud, it would wake up our neighbours too. Alarm comes with fittings and manual instruction which clearly shows how to use them and how to interlink them together. Smoke alarms has sleek body with a base which we attach to the ceiling. Battery is built in and should last for 10 years.
We feel now more protected and hopefully we never will experience any fire and dangerous smoke…
Can highly recommend these products. This brand is reliable and trustworthy.
I have these X-Sense wireless interconnected smoke detectors/fire alarms in the pack of 3.
They are cheaper in the bulk than to buy separately.
These smoke detectors look and feel well made from a good quality plastic.
I found them easy to mount and set up. They came with the user guide.
I like their simple design.
They came with 10-year battery life.
I’ve swapped my existing smoke detectors for them as they are interconnected, so if one alarm goes off all of them will.
I have bungalow, so they worked perfectly well during testing as there is no huge distances between them.
But according to the description they have a huge range up to 250m, so I’m considering to buy another set to mount in outbuildings.
The alarm sound is loud, what is a big plus, all three together make even louder noise.
Up to 24 smoke detectors can be connected together.
Well made, worth every price for the pice of mind.
This is a triple pack of wireless interconnected smoke alarms that I received courtesy of X-Sense,via Amazon Vine for review purposes.This particular model is the SD20-W and is currently selling for 78.99 on Amazon,which equates to circa 26.33 per unit.
The alarms are easy to install and set up and very loud(85 decibels) so likely to wake even the heaviest of sleepers.Furthermore,they can be interconnected so if one goes al 3 go off.This could buy you the extra element of time in the event of a fire-so is a sound safety feature.
Another feature worthy of note is the 10 Year Lithium battery provided,which means you will not need to keep on replacing the smoke alarm battery -once installed.
All in all,a top product that I am happy to recommend.
My rating is 5 Stars.
So easy to install as they already come connected.
It just a case of sticking them on the ceiling and it’s best using some screws as well for backup.
I tested them out and they are quite loud.
Most definately worth the money.
These are being used by our son who already had two interconnected CO alarms from X-Sense. These match those, are easy to fit, and are small enough to be unobtrusive and attractive. The connection is easy and solid and works well.
It took less than 10mins to link and install these alarms, very simple to do, basically press and hold the button as per instructions.
I opted to install with double side stick pads, they are light enough for this and after 2 days they have still not dropped off.
With the sharp 85dB sound they are loud enough to waken the heaviest sleeper.
Reasonably priced and simple to fit, you can’t ask for any better.
Arrived as advertised and fitted easily. Can’t say about battery life as only just fitted.