Amazon Aware Outdoor Recycled Wood Tami Square Stool, Brow

Amazon Aware Outdoor Recycled Wood Tami Square Stool, Brow

Dimensions: | 38.1 x 38.1 x 48.26 cm; 10.28 Kilograms |
Model: | PL10010 WH |
Part: | PL10010 WH |
Manufacture: | Amazon |
Dimensions: | 38.1 x 38.1 x 48.26 cm; 10.28 Kilograms |
The second stool I bought, the checkered one, was bought as new. This one is nice, as well, but it has some flaws. It has random spacing that could bother some, but not a deal breaker for me. I bought it while on sale, so although not perfect, I feel good about the buy.
These stools are recycled wood & handmade, so they won’t be perfect, maybe perfectly imperfect 🙂
Overall, I recommend
This Amazon Aware Outdoor Recycled Wood Square Stool is very neat and can be used for multiple functions. I have it outside on my patio as a middle table to place drinks and it makes my brown patio chairs pop! It is sturdy but I think it could be more sturdy as it does tend to move a tiny bit. Very comfortable and I am able to place a book and a drink while enjoying time on the patio. Great value for money and a good quality product.
Came ready assembled looks nice but workmanship could have been better. Looks nice with a plant on in the corner of garde
Der Hocker ist einfach top.
Ich habe mich mehr sehr ber die Testmglichkeit gefreut, da er perfekt auf unsere Terrasse passt.
Egal ob zum Sitzen oder aktuell bei uns als Blumenbank fr einen schweren Topf.
Er ist sehr robust und macht einen guten qualitativ hochwertigen Eindruck.
Schade finde ich nur, dass es hier keine Mglichkeit gibt, eine Seite zu ffnen.
Ein kleiner stauraum wre auch sehr praktisch gewesen.
Es ist lediglich ein Wrfel, den man als Hocker, Stellflche, Tisch oder was einem sonst noch so einfllt, nutzen kann.
Preislich finde ich ihn zwar recht hoch, aber wenn man so viel Geld ausgeben mchte, dann ist ja schon zu empfehlen.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Beautiful recycled wood outdoor table for your patio or deck.
I ordered this initially to use as a plant stand outside, however I liked the look of it so much that I decided to use it as a center piece for my outdoor chairs and love the way it turned out.
It’s simple yet beautiful and matched almost any outdoor decor. I topped mine with an outdoor candle light and use it at night when I’m outside reading.
The table is sturdy and is ready right out of the box. Highly suggest you give this a try! You won’t be disappointed
Vielseitig verwendbar, aber
Dieser Hocker kam in einer schnen und sicheren Verpackung.
Ich mag das Design, die Form und die Gre dieses Hockers.
Er kann vielseitig eingesetzt werden, z.B. als Couchtisch, Balkontisch oder auch zum Sitzen.
Leider kommen paar Holz teilen davan aus.
Good to add as a spare seat in garden or act as a stool to place my drink next to the egg chair. The made is in good quality. The outside is wooden and inside is hollow. There are four flat round button under the stool. It is not heavy to lift therefore easy to move around to your desire place. Colour won’t comes off in rain. I am happy to have it in my garden.
Der sehr robuste und aus recyceltem Kiefernholz – im brigen ein nachhaltiges Konzept das meinerseits sehr viel Zuspruch findet – hergestellte Hocker, bietet keinen Anlass zur Beanstandung. Mein Exemplar erweist sich, was die Verarbeitung anbelangt, als sehr gelungen und frei von Mngeln. Bei meiner Bestellung habe ich mich fr die braune Farb-Variante entschieden. Die Optik entspricht den in der Artikelbeschreibung hinterlegten Produktfotos. Ich empfinde den Tami-Hocker insgesamt als sehr dekorativ und nutze ihn fr eine meiner groen Grnlilien.
Laut Artikelbeschreibung kommt das Amazon Aware-Produkt mit einem maximalen Gewicht von 109kg problemlos zurecht, weshalb es auch als Sitzmglichkeit genutzt werden kann. Ob drinnen oder drauen, je nach eigenem Belieben, der schicke Hocker fgt sich prima ins Gesamtbild ein. Bei uns steht er drauen, auf einem der zwei Balkone, er wird aber, mitsamt der Grnlilie darauf, schon bald nach drinnen umziehen. Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden und kann meine vorbehaltlose Kaufempfehlung aussprechen, sowie 5 perfekte Sterne vergeben!
Der Hocker kommt einfach verpackt zuhaue an.
Die Gre ist gut zum sitzen, allerdings sollte man ein Kissen oder hnliches zu nehmen.
Die Verarbeitung ist ok, man sieht berall die Ngel womit die Leisten befestigt wurden. Teils stehen die Kpfe etwas ab.
Auch der Zuschnitt der Holzleisten ist die der beste, ausgefranste Kanten oder abgesplitterten Stcken.
Die Optik ist schick, aber dafr das der Hocker knapp 90 kostet ist die Qualitt eher so lala.
So etwas kann man auch selber bauen mit Holzresten….
hier wurde spezielles Treibholz wohl verwendet was natrlich ein etwas anderes Design und Finish hat.
Muss man wissen ob es einem 80-90 Wert ist ein Hocker aus alten Holzstcken.
A rustic design made from reclaimed wood which gives it its own distinct look. It weighs less than I expected so it will need to be weighted down if kept outside. At the moment I am using it as a coffee table on my patio, though I will probably bring it inside for the Winter and and put a plant on it..
Sehr zufrieden mit diesem Amazon Aware Hocker aus recyceltem Holz. Sieht wirklich gut aus und ist solide. Es ist nicht nur ein schner Hocker, sondern auch ein Pflanzenstnder und mit einem Kissen wre es eine perfekte Ottomane.
Ich hatte das in der Absicht, es als Pflanzenstnder zu verwenden, etwas, das ich immer brauche, aber als ich es ffnete, wurde mir klar, dass es weit mehr als das war. Es ist schwer, krftig, sieht sehr gut aus. Es
sieht auf meiner Terrasse toll aus und passt hervorragend zu meinen Mbeln. Gut verarbeitet und solide. Perfekt fr mich.
Es ist so einfach, beim Gieen meiner Pflanzen einen Schlauch abzuspritzen, und im Gegensatz zu einigen Gartenmbeln ist es schwer genug, um nicht im Wind herumzuwehen. Es wre auch wirklich ein schner Pflanzenstnder, wenn Sie ihn dafr verwenden wrden!
This is a really cool piece of outdoor furtniture. Made with pressure treated pallet timber I was surprised how well made and sturdy it is.
First off it looks great and I am currently using it as a table/plant stand in my garden where it fits in perfectly. It can withstand the outside weather but for longevity it’s reccomended to keep it under cover/indoors during the worst of the UK weather – having said that I’ve kept mine outside since receiving it and it’s weathered a few storms with ease without any detrimental effects.
Its pretty lightweight but strong and I can sit on it without worry (I weigh approx 87kg). It can handle heavier than this according to the description so it’s pretty impressive.
Build quality and attention to detail is good and mine arrived in perfect condition.
Its currently priced around 70 which I think is just slightly too expensive for what it is and I think around 50 would be more reasonable – as such it gets 4 stars.
Ce joli tabouret extrieur est fait en bois de palette de pin recycl. Je trouve que le rendu est plutt sympa avec effectivement un effet rustique que j’aime beaucoup. En revanche, j’ai un doute concernant sa longvit et je ne sais pas si le bois a t trait donc en priode de pluie il faudra penser le rentrer. Je ne suis pas sre que ce soit trs bon de le laisser non plus en plein soleil peut-tre que le bois vieillit mal voir dans le temps. Pour l’instant le tabouret me parat assez solide.
Le point ngatif pour moi reste le prix que je trouve assez lev pour du bois recycl.
This stool is multifunctional. It can be used indoors or outdoors, as a stool or side table. I like the look of it, it is simple but industrial looking.
It goes well in the garden and people have been showing preference sitting on it which is a plus.
Overall the quality is decent and it should last a long time if you cover it during the winter.
Der Hocker ist super stabil und hat im Shabby Stil eine tolle Optik!
Wir nutzen ihn nun super gerne auch fr Fotos und Shootings im Innenbereich.
Klasse Teil!
Wir knnen ihn absolut weiterempfehlen 🙂
Ce tabouret tronc, est vraiment d’une qualit laquelle je ne m’attendais pas du tout.
Au poid, on sent que c’est vraiement du bon bois et trs rsistant.
D’une trs jolie finition, ils sont agrables regarder et utilisation, pour divers utilisation possible.
Ici on les utilise comme tabouret.
Notamment, je recommande de peut-tre les protger avec un vernis transparent sinon cela se tache.
Je vous le recommande vraiment sans hsitation, vous ne serez pas du.
Ein schner Hocker aus recyceltem Holz.
Ob innen oder auen, er macht berall eine gute Figur und ldt zum sitzen ein.
Er ist aber auch als Tisch sehr gut nutzbar.
Die Produktion ist ordentlich und hochwertig, auch die Gre ist super.
Preis/Leistung passt.
Wir sind sehr zufrieden.
5 Sterne.
I don’t quite know if I like this Amazon Aware Outdoor Recycled Wooden Tami Square Stool or loath it.
It’s different, that’s for sure and it’s interesting. Certainly it’s cleverly pinned together, but the component pieces of wood are too uneven and roughly finished for me to consider it indoor furniture and it’s serving as a patio stool/table, see my photo. Although I have applied several coats of clear varnish to encourage rain to run off and thus aid longevity, the numerous gaps between pieces inevitably form moisture traps, and moisture is the mortal enemy of wood.
Mine arrived minus one of the four (nailed on) feet, no problem, I ordered a set of four replacements from amazon.
Now I’ve decided I like it enough to give it four stars, such patient construction ingenuity deserves a reward.
Estructura de madera reciclada (supongo que de palets o similar) que se peude utilizar como taburete, como pequea mesa, o como un simple soporte para colocar alguna planta o dcoracin.
Los acabados no son malos, pero ni de lejos est tan bien acbado como en las imgenes, se nota que est hecho a mano. El color chocolate est bien, adems es ms fcil de repintar si lo necesitas o de arreglar los desperfectos.
Es rectangular, con un tamao de 48 cm de alto, y 38 cm de ancho y fondo.
Las tablillas que lo forman no estn perfectamente alineadas, como parece en la foto, ni perfectamente lijadas, ni perfectamente pintadas… realmente no es perfecto en ningn aspecto, cosa normal por otro lado en artculos hechos a mano, dependiendo del empeo que se ponga en ellos. Yo tengo una estantera hecha de palets por mi misma, que est mucho mejor acabada, bien lijada y bien alineada. Obviamente tiene mucho trabajo, por eso estas cosas son caras, pero la verdad es que lo esperaba mejor terminado.
Estticamente queda bien, da un toque rstico, que puede quedar muy bien tanto en interior como en exterior.
Hay que tener en cuenta, que es un espacio muerto donde lo pongas, ya que al ser cerrado no tienes posibilidad de aprovecharlo para almacenaje.
Yo de momento lo he puesto de mesita auxiliar en la terraza, queda a cubierto y no hay problemas de humedad, adems pega perfectamente con el color de las barandillas y la puerta.
En definitiva, no est mal, el precio no es caro para el trabajo que tiene, pero tampoco es barato teniendo en cuenta que los acabados son bastante mejorables.
The most helpful thing I can say is that you get exactly what you expect from the pictures. In my view it’s a really attractive garden stool, hard for sitting on, obviously, so you may want a cushion, but it’s not rough or full of splinters. It’s a little smaller than I expected but big enough.
The price is high but you must remember, the huge quantities of cheap garden furniture in the shops are nearly always made from ultra cheap materials.
Rather than a stool, I prefer to use it as a plant stand. It raises my plant off the floor and gives it more prominence.
Comes fully assembled. Well packaged and no plastic! Minimal cardboard and paper only.
The colour of the wood is light for recycled wood so I think the wood has been aged to look this way. I like that the patterns are not matching, each part is different. It does look like it has been put together from different parts to form a new product such as this stool. It is quite light to move around, but heavy enough not to be blown away if left outdoors.
I would consider applying a coat of clear varnish to increase the longevity, but I don’t want to lose the matte effect.
Expensive for the price point, but paying for the sustainability certification I suspect.
Klar sieht dieser Hocker etwas “rough” aus, mit dem aufgearbeiteten Driftholz, aber ich finde den “Amazon Aware Tami-Hocker aus recyceltem Holz” richtig schick, zumal ich auf den Shabby-Style stehe.
Der sehr solide Hocker kommt fertig montiert – er besteht wirklich aus ganz vielen einzelnen Holzstcken, welche mit einer hellen Patina versehen sind. Die Holzteile sind durchaus sorgfltig zusammengefgt, aber es gibt schon einige kleine Unregelmigkeiten, die dem Hocken einen gewissen Charme verleihen.
Er dient auf unserer Terrasse als zustzliche Sitzgelegenheit oder Ablage neben dem Liegestuhl.
Der Nachhaltigkeits-Aspekt ist ein absoluter Pluspunkt, und wie gesagt: ich liebe den Style – deswegen natrlich fnf Sterne!
This is a well made, lovely item.
It’s very stylish.
I’m using it as a table next to my garden chairs.
It’s really good for this as it’s very stable.
It has also been used as a stool.
It’s well worth a try as a lovely piece for the garden.
Perfecto para el jardin o el porche, ya que vale bien de taburete o de mesilla auxiliar asi como para poner macetas o jardineras
La razon de las 4 estrellas es porque me parece un poco simplon para el precio que tiene.
Vale que es de madera reciclada, y que lo puedes usar para un monton de cosas, pero por este precio me gustaria ver unos acabados un poco mas cuidados.
VIene perfectamente montado para que lo puedas usar nada mas recibirlo.
No es perfectamente liso ni en los laterales ni en la parte superior, pero eso es parte de su gracia, ya que puedes ver las distintas piezas.
La verdad es que la he adquirido pensando en una mesa auxiliar a la mesa principal pero tiene otras funciones que lo hacen ms verstil ya que puede servirnos como taburete con resistencia de hasta 106 kg, o jardinera de rincn para crear un espacio para nuestras plantas o jarrones con flores.
En mi caso la he colocado en la terraza donde le damos las tres funciones que he definido , ya que la tengo normalmente con una planta pero la puedo emplear como mesa auxiliar o taburete en caso de necesidad.
Fabricado en madera de pino convenientemente tratado procedente de pallets reciclados y terminado en un color blanquecino, cuenta con la aprobacin de Amazon de “Climate Pledge Friendly”, neutros n huella de carbono y respetuosos con el medio ambiente. El embalaje es perfecto con cartones de alta densidad que han protegido la mesa durante el transporte para recibirla en perfecto estado.
Estticamente me parece impecable uniendo rusticidad con originalidad, dando un tono diferente tu porche, terraza o incluso saln. Tiene 48 cm de alto y 38×38 cm de base, lo que lo hace de un tamao adecuado para ponerlo en cualquier sitio sin que ocupe mucho espacio.
No me ha convencido su precio, creo que ms de 86 por un elemento adems reciclado es excesivo por lo simple de su estructura. Si se hubiera fabricado con tapa extrable podra servirnos para guardar tiles y tendra as ms funcionalidad.
Por otro lado, las terminaciones entre la maderas tienen huecos amplios donde el polvo y la suciedad se incrusta (sobre todo si lo usamos en el exterior), haciendo que la mesa se afee y estropee. Solo llevo dos semanas de uso y ya lo noto como ha ido penetrando la suciedad y especialmente el polvo. Por ello he protegido la parte superior, al menos, con un hule de plstico transparente que protege pero deja que se vea la mesa.
Estas han sido mis impresiones, en las que destaca la originalidad pero a un precio elevado y sobre todo es sucia para colocarla en exteriores sin proteger.
Espero haberte ayudado con mi opinin basada en mi experiencia de uso
4.5* Beautiful outdoor wooden stool
This looks gorgeous in any garden, mine wasn’t the most prettiest to begin with but wow this has really complimented it all! With additional plants added on top, it really highlights an area perfectly.
The stool is a gorgeous colour and design. Made from recycled driftwood, all panelled, weighty, hollow but strong and sturdy, I’d say durable too. The size is quite good, roughly 38cm x 38cm x 48cm.
Other than this being a little more in price than I’d have thought, I think it’s worth recommending. The design is beautiful, it’s well made and strong, it brings life to a dull area of any garden too. I know I’ll end up getting another!
This is a really lovely stool/plant stand/occasional table that serves to do what ever you choose!
It is very heavy though, which is good in terms of stability and sturdiness, less so if you plan to move it!
My only disappointment with it is the fact that it could have been designed with storage in mind, with a removable top. That would have made it considerably more useful!
Well made, great packaging, great quality and value – highly recommended.
Ce tabouret carr en bois de pin recycl est trs beau. Il peut faire office galement de table basse. Son design rustique en fait un lment de dcoration au jardin trs sympa. Il faudra nanmoins le protger des intempries ,car sinon,il risque de trs vite se dtriorer. De petites imperfections peuvent apparatre dans les finitions,mais cela ne nuit pas son visuel . Le prix nanmoins peut sembler un peu excessif.
Trs beau tabouret de jardin (ou idal aussi pour une vranda).
Attention, il est trs bien fini et il est rempli de tous les cots (le fond n’est pas creux), il est donc trs solide (charge annonce supporte de 108Kg), et il est aussi lourd, il ne va pas s’envoler avec du vent (11Kg).
Il est fabriqu en bois recycl, on peut donc saluer l’intrt cologique du produit.
Produit de qualit, nous le recommandons, vraiment top pour mettre sur une terrasse.
uno sgabello fatto di legno riciclato, di tavole assemblate in maniera irregolare, dall’aspetto rustico, vissuto, in altre parole diremmo vintage.
arrivato in una scatola ben protetto e imballato, avvolto nella carta velina.
L’aspetto un po’ grezzo. Sembra quasi uno sgabello di una casa rurale di montagna.
Allo stesso tempo robusto, pesante e trasmette un certo fascino.
Stiamo dando per scontato che ti piacciono gli oggetti rustici, il legno invecchiato e irregolare.
Perch se non hai questi gusti meglio guardare altrove.
dotato di quattro piedini in gomma per non graffiare il pavimento.
Il legno evidentemente stato trattato per resistere al sole e alle intemperie.
Il venditore infatti consiglia di pulirlo con acqua e sapone e successivamente di trattarlo con dell’impregnante per legno.
Se si guarda all’oggetto fine a se stesso, il prezzo potrebbe sembrare eccessivo.
Se vai invece oltre il legno riciclato e senti il fascino dell’oggetto vissuto, irregolare, grezzo ma affidabile, allora quanto richiesto ti sembrer corretto.
Se questo sgabello lo trovassi in una casa di montagna nella Val di Fiemme in Trentino, ti sembrerebbe un oggetto importante che ti porteresti a casa al doppio del prezzo attuale senza pensarci due volte.
Quanto appena detto potrebbe sembrare un po’ poetico, ma oggetti come questo ti portano un po’ fuori dal tempo e ti fanno rivivere storie passate.
Noi l’avevamo ordinato per il giardino ma abbiamo deciso di metterlo in salotto a fianco al divano come tavolino per appoggiarci, libri, telecomando, tazze di t, ecc.
Ci auguriamo di essere stati utili.
Grazie alla prossima. Ciao..
Questo sgabello che pu essere tranquillamente utilizzato come un piccolo tavolino o un porta vasi, fatto con legno riciclato tipo quelli dei pallet ed assemblato in modo rustico e grezzo con delle rifiniture fatte a posta poco precise.
Molto robusto e solido di forma cubica, sembra quasi una cassa panca ma non lo .
Infatti e completamente chiuso ed un peccato perch nel suo interno poteva contenere degli oggetti e sarebbe diventato ancora pi versatile.
Infatti gli faro delle modifiche, cercher di aprire la parte superiore e metter da un lato delle cerniere per poterlo aprire e metterci quello che voglio.
Consiglio anche al venditore per un aggiornamento di questo sgabello.
Le due basi quella di sopra e quella si sotto sono inchiodate con dei piccoli chiodini mentre tutto il corpo sembra essere incollato, internamente vuoto e non possibile vedere come fatto.
Perfetto per essere posizionato sia all’interno ma soprattutto all’esterno di una casa magari su un balcone, giardino o veranda, nonostante si tratta di legno trattato per essere messo fuori, consiglio di non posizionarlo direttamente alle intemperie ma con un minimo di protezione o al massimo passare una mano di impregnante che lo protegge ulteriormente.
Uno stile semplice e country che da un tocco rustico e di abbellimento dove verr posizionato
Il suo prezzo proposto nel mese di agosto 2022 di circa 86 euro che onestamente lo trovo un po’ alto e sicuramente da rivedere.
Nel complesso rimane un buon complemento d’arredo che vale la pena di essere preso in considerazione
I got this to sit alongside a teak garden bench and liked the fact that it can be used as a side table or a stool – it certainly seems well made and can take plenty of weight. Kudos for the packaging, both in terms of the fact that it was very well packed and also the fact that all of the packaging was cardboard (with a small amount of paper) and therefore easy recyclable. The only thing to say is that the colour is a little different to what I was expecting – despite being billed as ‘cocoa’, it almost seems black in some lights or a very dark green at other times. This isn’t really an issue for me but if you are trying to match it closely with other pieces of your existing furniture, it could be an issue. Overall, good value and well made.
I chose the dark wood for this box as it more or less matched my other garden furniture. So, what can you say about a wooden box? Well, it does look quite cool. It’s nice to sit on or use as a table for drinks and nibbles. It’s also a pretty decent Cajon drum! Just sit on it and knock some beats out on the sides. And because it’s hollow, It will improve the sound of any audio speakers you put on top of it! It looks kinda rustic and I’m hoping it’ll stand up to the British weather. It looks and feels well crafted and came really well packaged. It does seem quite expensive for what it is and it’s not something I’d ever have put on my wish list, but I like it and I expect it’ll get plenty of comments when we have people over for parties.
This is absolutely wonderful and I love the fact that it arrived built too, so no need to pup together! The manufacturer has a selection of colours and styles to choose from and being solid it is great for both adults and children of all sizes. I have actually got this as sort of a 50/50 use of stool at busy times and a side table on less busy times on my summer house. Fits in with the wooden vibes and love that it has a climate pledge banner! Seems to be a high quality product that should last a long time!
Si vous souhaitez une table basse d’appoint, ou mme un tabouret, ou encore un support pour barre de son ou box, cet article est fait pour vous.
Trs bien fait, avec des lamelles de bois type “rcup” vieilli, le design mode loft est bien prsent.
Le seul reproche est le prix, pour du bois de rcup, on touche le fond concernant le prix qui frle l’inadmissible (86 pour quelques morceaux de bois fort jolis mais bon, rien d’exceptionnel)…
Verdict : 4 toiles.
This is a recycled wooden garden stool with a climate neutral certificate. Looking inside the box is a leaflet indicating this item is made in Vietnam. The construction is made of reclaimed wood like pine from wooden pallets.
Things I liked:
– It’s definitely hand made so every stool is unique
– solid build (mainly metal staples to hide how it’s constructed) with good weight to it
– tiled effect with rustic finish
– kiln dried and pressure treated to give it some outdoor longevity
– rubber leg rings (to keep wooden base dry)
Overall, this makes a great addition to my outdoor patio furniture. Its natural material and rustic look blends to the garden environment. If you want to make it child friendly, then i recommend to sand down the edges to avoid any accidents (e.g wooden splinters on child’s finger etc). I will also be using this as mini table stand when I next do a garden BBQ.
This product is absolutely fantastic. In today’s world it’s great tower products doing their bit for the planet and this is one of those product’s. Its called the tami square stool but can definitely be used as a stool or a table. The driftwood whitewash look is fantastic and would be a great addition to anyone’s garden. The item itself is solid and of real good quality I have complete faith it will withstand the crazy Scotland weather. Top of the stool or table has a lovely smooth finish to it. Highly recommend this product.
Highly recommend! Best online furniture order I have ever received! It is beautiful, multi-functional, high quality construction, and environmentally friendly.