AmazonCommercial Commercial Bun Pan Bakery Rack – 10 Shee

AmazonCommercial Commercial Bun Pan Bakery Rack – 10 Shee
Amazon Commercial Bakery Rack

Swivel Castors
The lightweight rack moves around easily thanks to its rubber-coated swivel castors. Locking brakes on two of the wheels ensure secure placement.
What are the dimensions of this rack?
The rack measures 66 x 51 x 97 cm (LxWxH).
Is the rack durable?
Yes, it’s made from stainless steel, and the tray slides have been welded to the frame posts.
Is it easy to move around?
Yes, it’s easy to move around thanks to its smooth-rolling castors. Two of the wheels have locking brakes.

Weight: | 8.62 kg |
Size: | 10 tiers |
Dimensions: | 66 x 51 x 97 cm (LxWxH) |
Model: | ASPR-10KD |
Part: | ASPR-10KD |
Colour: | Silver |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Manufacture: | Amazon Commercial |
Dimensions: | 66 x 51 x 97 cm (LxWxH) |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 10 tiers |
I can’t tell you how much I love this rack. It was very easy to put together and is very sturdy. It is also a great price, run don’t walk to order this!
It came with everything needed to assemble and the instructions were easy to follow. Great quality! I’m going to buy more.
It was easy to put together. Perfect for my needs.
Bought for organization in my hobby room. Easy to assemble. Very happy with purchase.
I couldn’t find written directions for this item, but even without it it only took me about 15 minutes from start to finish to assemble it. It fits a large Bakers rack perfectly and they slide in and out without issue. 2 of the casters move freely and 2 lock.
This bread cart is good for my shop. It’s relatively cheaper compared to other sellers of the similar product.
This bun rack is just like the racks we used in culinary school in the Baking Lab. Sturdy, and easy to put together. It works for half sheet pans and full sheet pans. You can also place two 1/4 sheet pans on a half sheet pan or full sheet pan. I am so happy with this rack.
So glad I got this. Extra space for cookie sheets. One warning the stardard cookie sheets I have are too short. Had to buy 1/2 sheet pans or use my pampered chef cooking racks.
I wasn’t sure if this would be any good since baker’s racks are expensive. This is sturdy but lightweight enough to be really stable while maneuvering. You can slide in sheet trays or half-sheet trays. Which works for baking and cooking, which can be helpful if you don’t have much counter space in your kitchen. And when you’re not cooking, you can use it for other things. Art supplies, craft supplies, or you could even use it as for starting seedlings. I have a friend who wrapped her baking wrap up with plastic and made it into a greenhouse. I have no plans to do that, but it works for her. This is a nice cart.
Chiunque abbia un’attivit di ristorazione o, magari una pasticceria, necessita di queste tipologie di strumenti, proprio perch si riescono a gestire tanti vassoi in poco spazio e, cosa ancora pi importante, trasportarli senza rischiare che caschi tutto a terra. Se sei qui, significa che sei in cerca di una buona rastrelliera… allora andiamo a scoprire le caratteristiche di questa e, poi, trarrai le tue valutazioni.
L’articolo arriva in un grande box di cartone spesso ed all’interno, ben protetta, c’ la rastrelliera da montare ed il libretto delle istruzioni illustrato in varie lingue:
– Italiano.
– Inglese.
– Francese.
– Tedesco.
– Spagnolo.
– Olandese.
– Cinese.
Le guide sono gi saldate sui montanti laterali, che appaiono fin da subito di buona qualit e molto resistenti. Abbiamo, poi, quattro ruote di colore viola scuro e rivestite in gomma (molto eleganti ed estremamente robuste) e due di esse hanno i freni di bloccaggio, in modo da poter tenere ferma la rastrelliera e scongiurare che possa muoversi a causa di una leggera pendenza o, urto accidentale.
La struttura, una volta montata (ci vogliono circa 30 minuti, una volta aperto lo scatolo di cartone) appare essere molto solida… infatti costituita da acciaio inox e le barre tubolari di supporto trasversali garantiscono stabilit, ma non per questo pi pesante, anzi… ha una struttura leggera e le ruote girano agevolmente e sono molto fluide.
Le guide, non presentano angoli vivi, hanno anche i bordi esterni smussati, per evitare che qualche operatore possa accidentalmente tagliarsi e possono supportare fino a 10 teglie da ristorazione di dimensioni standard, alla volta.
Cosa aggiungere… ah s… questa rastrelliera vanta alti standard di qualit, tanto da avere il certificato internazionale “NFS” (conforme ai severi standard e regolamentazioni di salute pubblica della F.D.A).
Gli standard NSF si applicano, anche in Europa, ad attrezzature commerciali alimentari ed ai loro componenti componenti/parti, oltre che ai materiali utilizzati nella loro costruzione. I requisiti per ricevere questo certificato internazionale includono:
– Revisione dei materiali (rispetto ai requisiti internazionali).
– Revisione di design e della sua costruzione (per la sicurezza e per la sua pulibilit).
– Test delle prestazioni relative alla totale sicurezza in campo alimentare.
– Un’ispezione, non organizzata, del sito di produzione da parte degli ispettori.
– Ti consiglio di utilizzare una chiave a cricchetto per il montaggio della bulloneria.
– Valuta se montare le due ruote frenanti (Lettera F, del manuale d’istruzione) su un lato, oppure frontalmente o posteriormente.
– Certificato internazionale “NFS”.
– Possono essere trasportate ben 10 teglie per la panificazione/ristorazione di dimensioni standard.
– Facile da trasportare, visto che la struttura leggera, ma allo stesso tempo robusta e solida.
– 2 ruote fluide con freni bloccanti (puoi decidere se e quando bloccare/sbloccare la rastrelliera, in maniera davvero semplice e sicura).
– Operazioni di montaggio molto intuitive e veloci.
– Per il momento non ho rilevato nulla da segnalarti.
Scritto ci, arriviamo alla domanda cruciale…
Questo articolo ha complessivamente superato il mio personale giudizio?!
S! Penso sia indispensabile il suo utilizzo in una pasticceria, un ristorante ed un panificio (per citarne alcuni), ma anche per chi lavora da casa e necessita di un posto in cui poggiare le teglie durante la lavorazione e, dopo, per il loro trasporto. Rapporto qualit/prezzo, ok. Penso che per circa 137 (costo attuale) sia un eccellente investimento per migliorare l’efficienza lavorativa del presente e del futuro.
Quindi, per tutto ci scritto (basandomi sull’articolo arrivato), il mio personale giudizio eccellente… 5 stelle su 5.
Ps: In caso di novit effettuer un aggiornamento.
Ti saluto con l’augurio d’aver risposto alle tue domande, dubbi o semplicemente alle tue curiosit… grazie per aver letto le mie parole ed un grazie speciale, anticipatamente, anche se riterrai questa mia recensione utile…
Alla prossima!
Der Aufbau vom Brtchenregal war einfach uns selbsterklrend, eine Anleitung gibt es dazu aber die wurde nicht bentigt, innerhalb von nur 20 Minuten hatte ich das Brtchenregal aufgebaut. Das Brtchenregal bietet Platz fr bis zu 10 Bleche.
Das Amazon Commercial kommerzielles, 10-stckiges Backblech-/Brtchenregal ist sehr gut verarbeitet und Preis/Leistung ist TOP. (80). Ich bin zufrieden und werde mir sogar noch eins bestellen.
Used in my small baking business.
It’s very easy to install. The instructions are detailed and easy to follow. It took me about 10 minutes to fully assemble it.
It holds full sized sheet trays or two half size trays per shelf. It holds 10 full size pans/ 20 half-size pans.
The cart is a great tool. It is perfect to make room for all the prep, baking and cooling of the bakery.
The cart is also lightweight but sturdy. The wheels are smooth to go. It can be easily moved around with 10 baking pans and bakery on it.
Really there are only a few parts to assemble, held together by 6 nuts you can tighten with a socket wrench. That’s it. The instructions are quite clear, although I have a quibble with one thing–they show the two locking wheels on the right side of the unit. I followed this, but am now wondering why. It makes more sense to have both locking wheels either on the front or on the back, or maybe even diagonally, with one on a front corner and the other on the opposite back corner. I locked the wheels after assembling and standing this up, and having them both on one side means it doesn’t really lock in place. After all, you are far more likely to move this forward and backward than side-to-side. I don’t get it.
As to the rack itself, it’s great. Seems sturdy enough, although I took some photos that show the welding. I have to say, despite working in restaurants and bakeries and using baker’s racks, I never noticed how well- constructed they were (or not). You can look at the pictures of this one and decide for yourself if this looks reasonably sturdy. Seems fine to me, but I’m just using it at home. And I do love it. I have long wanted one of these. They’re great not just for cooling baked goods, but for storing things. Just slide a few sheet pans on there and you can store your excess bakeware and all the pots and pan you normally hide in your oven 🙂 My quest in life at this point is for more storage space and better ways to utilize and organize the space I do have.
Half sheet pans fit well on this, as you can see in the photo. You can fit two in each slot. Whole pans take up one slot by themselves. Quarter and eighth sheet pans are too small to fit, unless you put them on top of something else.
Given that a rack that holds 20 sheets is not any wider than this, only taller, I would opt for that size if I had the choice. After all, it’s twice the space without taking up more floor space.
Very easy assembly process. Rack is sturdy and even on the floor. Works great for holding various sizes of trays and isn’t too big to store when not in use. The metal itself is very strong and sturdy. My only constructive critique is that some of the edges, as pictured, are a little sharp if you catch them the wrong way with your hand. The price point is very reasonable. I definitely recommend this counter space life saver!
Carro de muy buena calidad, buensima, a un precio estupendo.
Viene desmontado pero se monta fcilmente de forma rpida.
Tiene mucha estabilidad y buenas ruedas, que incluyen frenos.
Los materiales se ven de calidad y la fabricacin es muy buena. Est muy bien terminado.
Muy buen producto a un precio ajustadsimo.
As another review points out, the directions are reversed and the thin bars go across the top rather than the bottom. Once that is figured out everything is fine but it’s a hassle to find that out halfway through assembly.
Cette chelle ptisserie est de composition robuste, le mtal et les assemblages sont qualitatifs.
Les roulettes sont grandes, elles ont mme un frein !
L’chelle arrive assembler mais 4 boulons plus tard c’est fait, rien de chronophage !
Les grilles ptisserie du commerce professionnel rentrent parfaitement dessus.
Elle semble faite pour durer, finalement dommage qu’elle ne soit pas plus haute !
Je recommande
J’espre que mon commentaire sera utile votre dcisio
Se recibe completamente desmontado, pero se monta en menos de cinco minutos, instrucciones muy fciles de seguir y sin complicaciones.
No incluye las bandejas, solo el soporte.
Las ruedas de gran tamao van suaves y maniobra con facilidad. El carro es totalmente de acero inoxidable bien terminado, sin rebabas ni zonas cortantes.
La verdad que para el precio que tiene, en comparacin con la competencia y su acabado es una opcin excelente, veo difcil mejorar la relacin calidad precio.
I wanted one of these racks for so long. I finally bought one when I saw the price. It’s really sturdy and easyish to set up. The instructions are incorrect on the placement of the bars but I figured it out and it was easy to assemble. I love, love, love this rack. It makes it so much easier for my cookie baking. Now my kitchen isn’t littered with cookies and trays. They’re all in one spot now. This rack has saved my marriage (not really, it would take more than a messy kitchen to break us up). You won’t regret this purchase especially considering it’s almost half the price of others.
The cart went together quickly and easily. It seems sturdy and the large caster wheels make it highly maneuverable and very easy to move around.
Assembly tip: the instructions suggest using a crescent wrench to tighten the bolts. Personal experience suggests that if that type of wrench slips, it will easily scratch/mar the cart. I found the smaller head bolts to be 10mm metric and the larger head ones are 14mm. I used box-end wrench and it went together super quick. A socket wrench would work too.
Caution: The u-clamps that hold the top bars are square cut and can be sharp. You can file them down a bit or even sandpaper can work as it is soft aluminum.
Really great! I have an unusual use for this rack – and it is working out awesome! And the price was excellent. I am delighted.