APC Back UPS 950VA – BX950MI – UPS Battery Backup & Surge

APC Back UPS 950VA - BX950MI - UPS Battery Backup & Surge Protector

APC Back UPS 950VA – BX950MI – UPS Battery Backup & Surge Protector, Backup Battery with AVR, Dataline Protection, Uniterruptible Power Supply, Black

FrontFront & BackConnectedEquipmentLiving Room

Home Office

Work from home & remote learning devices:

  • Modem / Router
  • PC Desktop Computer
  • PC Monitor
  • Network-attached Storage

Home Entertainment

Living room essentials:

  • Modem / Router
  • TV Box
  • Television
  • Music Speaker

Smart Home

IoT electronics:

  • Modem / Router
  • Smart Speaker
  • Home Security / Surveillance Camera

Entry-level desktop with 20″ LED monitor + internet modem and router 64 mins 80 mins 88 mins 140 mins 174 mins
Mid-Range PC with 20″ LED + Laptop + network gateway + internet modem and router 16 mins 19 mins 25.8 mins 35 mins 59 mins
Performance PC with 24″ LED monitor + external powered speakers + internet and router 5.4 mins 7.5 mins 8.7 mins 16.2 mins 25 mins

Dimensions: 19 x 43 x 24 cm; 6.1 Kilograms
Model: BX950MI
Manufacture: APC by Schneider Electric
Dimensions: 19 x 43 x 24 cm; 6.1 Kilograms
Origin: China

24 Responses

  1. preet says:


    Como usuario preocupado por la seguridad de mis dispositivos electrnicos, este SAI ha sido una compra esencial a mi configuracin. Este Sistema de Alimentacin Ininterrumpida (SAI) ha demostrado ser una solucin confiable para garantizar que mis equipos estn protegidos en todo momento.

    Una de las caractersticas ms notables de este SAI es su capacidad de suministrar 750 VA / 410 Watt, lo que le permite mantener funcionando mis dispositivos durante cortes de energa repentinos. Esto es especialmente valioso cuando trabajo en tareas importantes en mi computadora y no puedo permitirme perder ningn dato. Adems, cuenta con tomas IEC que ofrecen flexibilidad en la conexin de dispositivos, permitindome conectar fcilmente equipos con enchufes IEC C13 y C14.

    Tambin aprecio el AVR (Regulador Automtico de Voltaje) incorporado, que protege mis equipos contra subidas y cadas de tensin.

    La instalacin fue sencilla y rpida. Solo tuve que conectar mis dispositivos al SAI y enchufar el SAI a la toma de corriente. Adems, el LED en la parte frontal proporciona informacin til sobre el estado de la batera y el consumo de energa en tiempo real.

    La duracin de la batera es impresionante, permitindome mantener mis dispositivos funcionando durante un tiempo considerable durante un corte de energa. Esto me da la tranquilidad de saber que mis datos y trabajos en curso estn protegidos.

    Adems, este SAI incluye un software que permite supervisar el nivel de carga del SAI de manera conveniente y un cable USB para realizar un apagado controlado del PC de manera automatizada en caso de un corte de energa prolongado. Esto agrega un nivel adicional de proteccin para mis datos y equipos.

    Quizs la nica pega es el nivel de ruido en caso de uso de la carga. Es realmente ALTO. Pero en condiciones de trabajo normales, apenas se percibe ningn zumbido.

    Este SAI es una inversin inteligente para cualquiera que valore la seguridad de sus dispositivos electrnicos. Proporciona una proteccin robusta contra cortes de energa y fluctuaciones de voltaje, y su facilidad de uso lo convierte en una excelente opcin para usuarios domsticos y pequeas oficinas. Lo recomiendo encarecidamente!

    Si ests interesado en el modelo con tomas “Shuko”, puedes encontrar ms informacin y adquirirlo desde este enlace : https://amzn.to/3PL6HpY

    Si necesitas realizar la conversin desde tomas IEC a Shuko, puedes consultar un conversor de IEC a Shuko : https://amzn.to/3rpfl3N

  2. Jake Meaney says:


    uso da 15 anni prodotti apc e mi son sempre trovato bene ogni 5 anni lo cambio in quanto lo trovo in offerta e mi conviene invece di cambiare la batteria la batteria e ‘ la RBC17 e costa 65 originale
    l’ unica cosa che non mi piace di questo nuovo modello e ‘ che e’ molto illuminato e di sera da’ fastidio
    e inoltre per accenderlo e per spegnerlo occorre tenuto il pulsante x circa 5 secondi e differenza di tutti gli altri che si accendeva e spegneva subito alla pressione del tasto

  3. Anonymous says:


    Sostituzione di un vecchio UPS che dava problemi, molto bello alla vista, riconosciuto da NAS Synology DS118, per ora tutto bene anche se ancora non provato senza corrente, molto silenzioso

  4. Dhara Singh says:


    Ero alla ricerca di una unit UPS efficiente e semplice per proteggere il NAS dello studio che acceso 24/7, il router ed un piccolo server. Questa unit mi ha soddisfatto per il prezzo e per le prestazioni. Evita sbalzi di tensione alle apparecchiature collegate e nel caso di blackout, mi garantisce almeno 30min di autonomia (nella speranza che nel mentre, torni la corrente). Un buon prodotto che mi ha convinto e che ricomprerei

  5. IlanaTardent says:


    Utilis pour onduler deux machines : mon PC, base de Ryzen 9 5950X et GTX 1080Ti (pour le moment), et mon serveur (Xenon E5 2620). Il supporte les deux en fonctionnement simultan, mme en jeu sur mon PC, sans alarme. Ce ne sera peut-tre plus la mme le jour o je changerai de GPU mais pour le moment, il fait le job !
    Si l’onduleur est reli au PC via l’USB, une application est disponible pour affiner la sensibilit, jeter un oeil sur les caractristiques en temps rel (puissance soutire, consommation sur une priode).
    Aprs plusieurs mois d’utilisation, je suis en tout cas content de mon achat !

  6. pdjones says:


    Solita qualit APC mi chiedo soltanto perch non escono pi i cavi. Siamo andati da un cliente per montarli e una volta arrivati l, abbiamo visto la bella sorpresa, tutti sprovvisti di cavetteria, siamo dovuti correre in un negozio per acquistarli. Per il resto, tutto nella norma, il led verde di funzionamento potevano inserirlo anche meno potente, fa una luce che illumina una stanza.

  7. DwainCooke says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGruppo di continuit che mi continua a salvare dagli sbalzi di corrente e le interruzione che ultimamente avengono in zona e mi riesce a tenere acceso tranquillamente il NAS, il pc e lo schermo contemporanemente per parecchio tempo. Sembra molto solido e ne sono felice. L’unico neo sono i led che ha nella parte anteriore sono molto potenti tanto che la sera illuminano la stanza. Non credo si possa regolare la loro potenza. dovr mettere qualcosa che lo oscura (tipo scotch nero) su quelle bande. per il resto non si sente assolutamente nulla anche se l’ho posizionato sotto un mobile e dovrebbe fare qualche rumore. molto soddisfatto

    obusto e utilissimo. unico neo la luminoistà dei led anteriori

  8. DeliaSpofforth says:


    A distanza di qualche mese posso dire di essere molto soddisfatto, non solo per averlo pagato molto meno del prezzo di listino, ma soprattutto perch funziona perfettamente ed ha un sistema di diagnostica interno veramente fatto bene.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good budget UPS for my home network rack. Fits in my 600mm deep cab with the help of se right -angle cables (not supplied).
    Connects to QNAP NAS over USB without problems to allow it to gracefully shut down in the event of power failure.

    There is a review saying the battery is not replaceable but the APC website states a part number of RBC17 as a replacement battery so I think this is an error.

    Usual APC quality

  10. RaymondAnnunzia says:


    Prodotto arrivato ben imballato, corredato da ottimo software.
    Leggo errate recensioni sulla luminosit delle barre verdi…. Semplicemente una volta accesso, ripremente il bottone di accensione e spegnimento, e le barre diminuiranno la luminosit! Avrei anch’io preferito si potessero spegnere del tutto, ma almeno abbassando la luminosit non sono umn pugno in un’occhio!

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Not much to say really. Very easy to install and configure. Doesn’t make a noise. Just does its job. Connectivity via USB to my NAS is also very handy for smart monitoring and shut down / wake up

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI’m using this UPS to power my 2u x86 server as well as my networking gear including my POE switches for my WiFi APs. Needless to say, if the power goes out.. my WiFi will be usable 🙂

    The UPS works perfectly so far, I haven’t had any issues. My rack currently pulls less than 50 watts and since I went for the 950VA one, it estimates about 50 minutes of backup. Where I live, we do not get powercuts often. Maybe once every two years. However, being an old home, the fuse panel trips every few months. The UPS will ensure my server data doesn’t become corrupted if this happens. The UPS also has a USB cable so you can shut your computer down automatically when your UPS has a certain amount of power left (like 5 minutes).

    Here are some helpful things to note:
    – The UPS has a few settings that are configurable via the power chute app (windows only), allowing you to configure the alarm for certain times or disable it fully as well as changing the voltage at which the UPS will switch to battery (for power dips).

    – Initially, the UPS only lasted a 10 minutes or so. You need to power cycle the UPS 2 or 3 times before it will last the quoted time. (Charge it to 100%, disconnect it from mains and drain it to 0 then repeat 2 or 3 times).

    Oh, this wasn’t a problem for me, but the UPS doesn’t come with a power cable for Mains -> UPS but does come with one for UPS -> PC. Presumably, if you’re using this for a PC then you’ll just use your PC cable for the UPS.

    The power connector OUTPUT from the UPS is a C14 connector.

    The power connector INPUT to the UPS (from your mains) is a C13.

    The UPS comes with a C13 to C14, but not a UK socket to c13 or a c14 to uk socket. You’ll need to buy a UK plug to c13 to use the UPS if you DO NOT have a PC plug you can use already. (some Monitors, Printers, TVs use this plug too so you might have one laying around anyway)

  13. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersDie Installation ist denkbar einfach, auspacken, gelben Akku-Verbindungsstecker umklappen und einstecken, einschalten, fertig.
    Das Gehuse wird handwarm, das ist aber normal und liegt anscheinend an der verwendeten Akku-Technologie. Ca. 15W habe ich als Leerlaufverbrauch ohne angeschlossene Last gemessen.
    Die Kaltgerte-Anschlsse sind fr meinen Zweck ideal, die Stromversorgung eines Synology-NAS soll damit hauptschlich sichergestellt werden.
    Per beiliegendem USB-Kabel habe ich die USV mit dem NAS verbunden, sofort wurde sie erkannt, die von dem NAS geschtzte Batterielaufzeit ist fast eine Stunde. Bei sinkender Batteriekapazitt der USV fhrt der NAS automatisch herunter, Datenverlust wird somit vermieden.
    PC, Router, Switch, etc. knnen mit dieser USV natrlich auch noch einige Zeit betrieben werden.
    Fr mich ist diese USV die ideale Vorsorge fr Stromschwankungen oder kurzfristige Netzausflle.

    Perfekte kleine USV für die NAS

  14. ElvaChiuushfy says:


    Lo conseguir a buen precio por unos 90 en BlackFriday y he testeado que funciona correctamente, tiene unas luces verdes que por la noche pueden molestar pero bueno a mi no me afecta. Luego funciona correctamente. Prob a desconectar del enchufe entra a tiempo y aguanta con 2 ordenadores y dos pantallas. Uno de ellos con una RTX4080. Da hasta 650W de pico. Con un solo Ordenador y el router te puede dar buena autonomia. Pero lo suyo es evitar picos de tension y poder apagar el pc de manera segura.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI have used Schneider Electric UPSs in the past and have always found them to be reliable. I last ordered this UPS and was unpleasantly surprised that it was made in China and on top of that with a Chinese battery in it. I hope this is not a problem, but Schneider Electric’s level seems to have dropped.

    Nice UPS but with China battery

  16. Frenalyn Untalan says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought a BX950MI unit for my pc workstation and monitor. Easy to set up. Comes with a IEC C13 to C14 cable (kettle type plug, male to female) and usb cable. I bought an additional cable for my monitor. Downloaded powerchute software from manufacturers website to set-up and monitor the UPS. Using Win11 do get a User Account Control message every time I want to open the software GUI (dont seem to be able to set an exception) – this isn’t a problem though, just a little annoying. The software does load on startup. Next day had a blackout within my neighbourhood! (quite rare occurrence, maybe once a year). UPS did it’s stuff and it set my PC to hibernate (power off). Little annoyances (1) green strip lights on front are a bit bright (as other reviewers have mentioned -black tape will help), (2) pressing of power button is accompanied by rather loud beep – not sure if I can turn this off in the software. Power draw is 20-30 W while PC is on and UPS on full battery. Device can be turned off with 2(?) second button press so will do this after ive switched PC off. Very pleased with the purchase so far.

  17. Larae07Wguim says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersI got this to power my QNAP NAS in case the power goes out. From best to worst

    – it looks quite nice and as a unit for sitting under a tv, doesn’t stand out but the light is a little bright.
    – USB support is excellent and doesn’t need anything special to work out of the box. the qnap saw it straight away and started using it plus my windows pc saw the battery as soon as i plugged it in and started acting like a laptop, which is excellent and allows you some very special power management based on percent of charge and if the power goes off.
    – When the power goes out, while it isn’t full sine, it’s not quite as aggressive as some of the other units i’ve used. you can still hear that it’s not full sine but it doesn’t sound like it’s wringing the neck of the devices connected to it.
    – Run time is acceptable, i’ve gotten 10 minutes out of it with more to spare (with about 200w load) and for my use that’s all i need, i can’t comment on full run time but as this unit uses lead acid batteries i wouldn’t ever recommend running them completely flat as that will damage them.
    – This unit does run quite warm, the AVR circutry seems to give off a fair bit of heat so if you’re putting it in a cupboard make sure that there’s a fan blowing some air over the unit, i don’t think i’d like to see what would happen if the lead acid batteries start boiling.
    and the worst
    – You can’t change the batteries yourself, i’m sure you can order the replacements but the actual unit is designed in such a way that it’s not trivial to replace the batteries, which in my eyes is just stupid. for something that will last max 3 years, that’s a poor move from APC and doesn’t inspire confidence. for me that’s not a big thing as i will be upgrading to another full sine unit in the future but that still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. i wish i knew this before i brought the unit because it’s just as important to be able to service the unit as is the quality of how it works.

    Overall, you’ll be well served by the unit for low priority stuff and the USB support is excellent, just a shame about the batteries.

  18. Rebecca Parker says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to setup just needed a couple of cables with right connections. Just beware not to overload as there is no circuit breaker. If pushed it will die. However APC tech support are brilliant.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersWhen the unit gets close to the fan temperature, it will on and off the fan repeatedly in the space of 2 seconds which is incredibly annoying on a warm day.

    It wouldn’t have broke the bank for the fan to have been voltage, or PWM controlled, but no, this is on/off on *exactly* the same temperature (instead of on at 25C and off at 19C like any normal designer would have implemented). Nope these guys have to be extra special and turned their design skills up to 9000 for the most annoying temperature controlled fan ever.

    Other than that it seems to work ok.

  20. StacyX50efxuar says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI bought this to replace my old one as the battery had expired. It did its job perfectly so I bought the latest version this time. Don’t get me wrong its perfect for its job however be aware of the Green LEDS that could illuminate the Albert hall! – Apparently you can dim them on newer models, well thats not the case with mine so its masking tape to the rescue which is a bit tacky. Why they added this “feature” I will never know.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersThe unit does what it says on the tin. Provides an uninterruptible supply of electrical power. It also does something the description only hints at: the green “I am on” light on the front panel lights up the power button, two strips on the front panel, AND BATHES THE REST OF THE ROOM IN A BRIGHT GREEN GLOW bright enough to be seen through closed curtains at night from outside the building.

    The manufacturer appears to have realized this is an issue, because the manual downloadable at its website is one revision higher than the one which came with the unit. The manual from the website sets out a button press sequence with which to dim the green light. Sadly, the unit I received seems to be old stock, and the button press sequence doesn’t work. Therefore black duct tape, placed over the light strips on the front panel, is the second best solution. The light is so bright, it shines through the black duct tape, but it is much reduced.

    Do: Buy a roll of black duct tape with this one.
    Don’t: Buy this unit if you live in a studio flat or sleep in the same room as it, because the light will keep you awake at night.

  22. VirginiaThigpen says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersI have bought a LOT of UPS’s over the years, I lived in Shetland in one of the more rural spots where you would get power outages for short periods on average once every month or so..

    SO I tended to have a UPS on the Boiler, on the PC setup and the broadband router and the most important part of the UPS for me was having a MUTE button on the front so I could carry on during power disruptions without the UPS beeping every 30 seconds driving me insane…

    So recently when I was looking for a decent UPS for my PC setup I found that the Mute buttons seem to have disappeared from a LOT of APC UPS’s and I trust APC… but looking at a couple of Youtube videos I saw a guy configure the “mute” button by connecting the USB cable and installing the powerchute software and then silencing the unit.

    Upshot is I took a risk, ordered the 1600va version of this “easy” UPS, installed that daft powerchute software and configured it NOT to beep. and found that it IS a good UPS (then uninstalled the powerchute software.. and it is still a silent UPS).

    Other then that it is a decent unit, It does NOT come with a kettle lead of itself.. so make sure you have a spare! and it comes with a single IEC female to male adaptor cable, so you will need more of those to… added expense, but this is a cheaper home consumer unit to I was expecting that.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBonjour,
    J’ai achet cet onduleur pour le remplacement d’un ancien de la mme marque achet il y a plus de 5 ans et qui m’a fait des problmes (batteries, bip intempestif).
    J’aime ce produit et la qualit constante donc je suis revenu cette marque.
    J’aime beaucoup le design (noir et allong.
    Seul bmol, les leds vertes sont un peu trop voyantes mais bon on s’y fait (je suis particulier et pas pro don l’onduleur est dans un pice de vie).
    Pour l’instant, je suis ravi de cet achat et espre que dans la dure, il sera satisfaisant (je vous tiendrais au courant).
    Bons achats,

  24. TEU says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPro’s:
    – price
    – brand is well known
    – simple and easy to install
    – stinks for weeks (kind of an electronic smell)
    – no LAN Port
    – can’t think of anything else

    I bought this simply cause around Harrogate we had a few power cuts and it did annoy me that my openhab crashed every time, so this is the solution, all the “smart home” stuff now is powered via UPS, tested it for 20min lost 18% battery so i am sure it would last about 1hr.

    Very please with it!