Blephasol Sensitive Eyelids Eye Lotion | Make up remover

Blephasol Micellar Eyelid Cleansing Lotion 100ml | Effective and Gentle Cleansing for Make-Up Removal, Inflamed and Sensitive Eyelids | Soap & Alcohol-Free
From the brand

Supporting your eye health
Weight: | 5 Grams |
Dimensions: | 4.5 x 4.5 x 14 cm; 4.54 Grams |
Brand: | Blephasol |
Model: | 335-5120 |
Colour: | As Shown in the Image |
Manufacture: | Thea Pharmaceuticals Limited |
Dimensions: | 4.5 x 4.5 x 14 cm; 4.54 Grams |
Origin: | United States |
Volume: | 100 Millilitres |
I have been using these for a few weeks after applying a heat mask as part of my routine morning and before bed for my dry eyes. I use a cotton pad and squirt a bit of this onto them and then massage my eyelids with it.
These have not caused any irritation and I can see it effectively cleaning my eyelids which sometimes do visibly get dirty. I also like how you don’t have to wash it off as it just dries off. Definitely recommend!
Perfect for freshening up my eyes in the morning, especially when I wake up with that morning eye discharge. This cleansing water has truly made a difference. Applying it with cotton pads, giving it a minute, leaves my eyes feeling clean and comfortable. Highly recommend!
eye doc recommended blephasol to gently get rid of eyelid crusts. use it morning and night, it does the job beautifully. just put a bit on a cotton pad, different for each eye and gently wipe fron inner corner out. you can see the crusties on the pads. highly recommnd.
Symptoms of blepharitis include sore eyelids, itchy eyes and a gritty feeling in the eyes.
Blephasol is used for cleaning the eyelids & lashes.
This product is very good at gently cleansing the eye area and also great at removing makeup.
Some people may have a reaction to this but it is usually very rare.
This is the best one on the market and I use it daily to clean the dry skin around my eyelids.
I find it works well and has a soothing effect.
Give it a try, it’s great stuff..
Been using this for some years now, always keeps your eyes feeling great.
Very effective and soothing. Really helps. Just wish it was available on prescription. Lasts for a long time. 2 months at least.
I use every night and it is perfect for makeup removal on sensitive eyes.
Was a little hesitant knowing how sensitive my eyes are, but very surprised no stinging feelings, would like to try the rest of products they do .
I hate the chemicals that are used in most products for removing eye makeup. A friend uses this product for blepharitis, and found it good for removing eye make up to. I like the ingredients – and it is clearly safe for the eye area – so this is my go to eye makeup remover – will also prevent blepheritis.
I use this as I have very sensitive eye’s. If I do put make-up on it takes it off easily.
I have been advised several years ago to start using it for my blepharitis but whenever I wanted to get it from pharmacy they had to order it because it was never in stock and then I had to wait a few days to go and collect it so I was very happy when I found it on Amazon!
My flare ups can last for months so I use a lot of this lotion. At the moment I am subscribed for delivery each month. I use it for my daily eye cleaning routine at least twice a day, more often if needed. It is not a magical product as some of the disappointed customers probably expected judging by their reviews. It is a lotion used for eye cleansing and cleansing plays the biggest part in managing blepharitis and relieving the symptoms.
I also noticed it is good for kids’ ’emergencies’. My son panics when he gets something in his eye and if I can’t help him because I can’t see anything I just give him a cotton pad moistened with Blephasol so he can put it against his closed eyelid and gently massage out whatever is in his eye. He would rub his eye anyway but this way it seems it’s safer and more higienic and it puts him in control (he is 6) rather than me manipulating with his eye.
I am happy with Blephasol and would recommend it to anyone not only having eye condition but also to anyone with sensitive eyes who just wants to look after them well.
I Use this twice daily and has worked wonders on my blepharitis, great non sting solution for lash/ eye hygeine
This stuff saves my life! So good for cleaning lashes and lids. Haven’t had a flare up when regularly using.
Bought this product for Blephritis. It arrived quick. The price was a fraction of what I paid when I bought from the Optician.
Used individual wipes and eye drops for a while but didn’t get on with them.
Used a few drops on a make-up wipe morning and evening. My dry eye problem improved massively in 3 days. I can now only use in the morning and have no dry eye issues.
I can recommend this product.
Only is is the cost generally on here and in the shops, is this something that can be looked at as I go through it like wate
I use this eye lotion twice a day after using a heated eye mask. I’m sure it cleans my eyelids effectively, it stings a little if I get some in my eye when I’m cleaned my lashes with a cotton bud. On a makeup remover pad it’s great and feels cool and calming.
We went through the first bottle quite quick so we are working on using it moderately. Much cheaper to buy the bottle than buy the wipes version of this. Less waste and can be used for eye cleansing by anyone.
I have hayfever, eczema on my eye lids if stressed and my eyes are (were!!) constantly itchy, so not great when you’re trying to wear mascara. The product cleans off every drop of makeup and your eyes feel extremely clean.
I notice some people in their reviews said they had bad reactions, but this certainly has not happened me, and I have extremely sensitive eyes. There is certainly truth in the statement that not all products work the same for everyone, but if you’re like me and searching for something, anything for relief for dry, itchy and sore eyes, just try this! If there is a chance it will work as well for you as it has for me then it’s worth the risk!!!
I suffer from eye eczema which flares up every couple of years. I usually solve it with Elocon, which is a steroid cream. This year my doctor wouldn’t give that to me, so I’ve been suffering since May trying everything I can for some relief, it turned into blepharitis and most mornings my eyes look like someone injected botox into my lash line where they are so swollen. I find that it clears up for a week and then it comes back with a vengeance and I get depressed because I look like a monster and my eyes feel terrible no matter what I do. And as someone who likes to wear makeup and experiment with colours etc, I especially get frustrated.
Now. Why have I only given it 4 stars? Because I don’t know if THIS is what has made my eyes better, or if it was other things I was putting on my eyes. This product definitely provides relief and a cooling sensation on your eyes, but I can’t say if it has actually cleared up my blepharitis because I’ve been using rosehip oil and steroid creams on my eyelid eczema. It also sometimes heals randomly and then comes back 2 weeks later (as it seems to be allergy based). My eyes are 90% better, but still feel rubbish in the morning. I have no eczema or swelling, but I do still have some gunk to wipe off in the morning. (normal I guess) This product DEFINITELY helps, but I cannot say if it’s actively cleared it up.
Another reason I only rate it 4 stars is because you don’t get a lot of product for the price, and it only lasts 2 months on the side of the packaging. I’ve been using it for about a week and a half, morning and night, and I only use one cotton pad and flip it over to save product. And already I can feel the halfway mark approaching in the bottle.
Overall I will say if you have blepharitis, buy this because it really helps your eyes feel better and less sore. It gets rid of mascara you didn’t know was still there after cleansing, and it’s very gentle. I will be buying it again despite the price, because if you’re like me and can’t stand suffering any longer, if something works you don’t mind paying for it.
My adult son & I both have blocked-gland dry-eyes (diagnosed by good optician) & so were recommended to use this – but it’s much cheaper here than from optician’s!
We were recommended to first use a hand-hot wet flannel over closed eyes for 10 minutes (to “melt” the waxy gunk plugging the gland ducts [this is presumably a solidified version of the oily tear layer that they secrete]) & then to gently rub the lower eyelids in a circular motion to hopefully at least partly squeeze the gunk out of the gland-ducts & after that, we were told, we should put a little Blephasol on a bit of cotton wool & wipe the lower eyelids with it, pushing down slightly inside the lower eyelid — so I looked up eye anatomy & this instruction is because the oily-tear-layer secreting glands are just inside the lower eyelid.
What we actually do is:
we ignore the warm-compress stage &
instead of using a bit of cotton wool we use a cotton-bud, very carefully NOT poking it into the eye of course! &
instead of pushing down slightly into the lower eyelid, we pull down the lower eyelid a bit (by pulling on either the skin underneath it or on the lower eyelashes) – we reckon this is much safer than pushing anything inside the eyelid, however slightly inside.
My son (who has this worse than I have), says his eyes have never felt so good! – & he said this after only using it for 2 days! – & they’ve continued to improve – & he now takes the Blephasol with him wherever he goes when he’s away overnight!
I looked up why it works & its micelles attach chemically to oils/waxes, hence its ability to, it seems, pull out of the gland-ducts, bit by bit, the oily-tear-layer that’s gone waxy — & being as the oily-tear-layer’s function is to stop the watery-tear-layer from evaporating, this is why people with this type of dry eye have runny eyes, as the eyes are trying to compensate for the lack of oily layer & for the watery layer evaporating over-quickly, but can’t do as good a job without the oily layer & so the eyes are still uncomfy (& in my case my lids were sticking to my eyeballs overnight, most unpleasant! – I had to rub them hard to un-stick them before opening them!).
One very minor groan – being as it’s nicely free from preservatives, I’m surprised it doesn’t say to use it up within 2 months of opening (as with other preservative-free eye drops, such as hyaluronic acid – incidentally that actually made my eyes worse! – made them go from glands being “mostly blocked” to “completely blocked”!) & so I’m surprised it doesn’t come in say 5 x 20ml bottles instead of 1 x 100ml bottle — but on the other hand, I’m glad that it’ll theoretically last longer, cos it’s unlikely that even 2 of us will get through all 100ml in just 2 months! – as you only need a teeny bit on the cotton bud.
UPDATE JULY 2015 — a personal theory — all feedback on this theory welcome!
Our good optician added that it’s so far unknown why some people get these blocked tear glands & others don’t. My personal theory is that it’s something to do with pollen allergy or sensitivity, as the few people I know who have this all have hayfever – so I postulate the theory that the pollen sensitivity makes the people produce antibodies &/or more hyaluronic acid (very long-chained chemical found in tears, makes tears less watery & more likely to stay spread over the eyes, once spread by eyelids) & that the antibodies &/or hyaluronic acid combine with the oily layer produced by the glands in the lower eyelids, thus altering the oil in those glands from oily to waxy, thus blocking those glands, thus causing the blocked-duct dry-eyes. Of course the allergy or sensitivity needn’t necessarily be to pollen, as it could be to cat dander or dust mites, etc., although I’d imagine those are less airborne.
Anyone any thoughts on this?
I originally heard about the Eye Bag (also sold on here) that could be used instead of a hot flannel as a warm compress. When I bought the eye bag it offered me Blephasol and some eye lid wipes as a kit which I thought I’d try. I was not confident they would work. Nothing has in the past.
I’m happy to say that since using them all my symptoms have gone and at worse are easily managed. I use the eye bag for 5 mins morning and night followed by a lid massage and then clean with the eye wipes then I will use Blephasol once or twice every couple of days.
I must add that using the “No Tears” Baby Shampoo and a cotton bud to clean my eyes did not work! It only aggrevated my symptoms. This was recommended my my GP of all people. Stop using them!
I am a very happy camper now :)))) Highly recommended.
Around five years ago, my right eye suddenly became very red. There was no pain or real discomfort, but the whole eye was blood red and certainly looked worse then it felt. After a few weeks, I made an appointment with the Doctor, who referred me to the eye clinic at my local hospital. Over the course of the next 18 months or so, I saw three different consultants, who diagnosed three different conditions. The first said it was Episcleritis, the second that it was Blepharitis and the third that it was simply an allergy, though showed no real appetite for determining what the allergy might be.
During this period, I was prescribed endless courses of tablets, eye drops and gels as well as being given advice on cleanliness relating to the eyes. None of the drops made any difference until I was prescribed steroid drops. Within 10 minutes, the redness had receded. I continued cleaning the eyes morning and night with a couple of drops of baby shampoo in hot water, but felt that the problem had gone and that the steroids had solved the condition. That was until my left eye became very red and I went through the whole cycle of events again – starting with the Doctor, through to different consultants at the hospital. There is an understandable reluctance to prescribe steroid drops for the eyes, as prolonged use can lead to cataracts in later life, so I was once again prescribed a variety of drops and gels in the hope that something might make a difference. At every hospital appointment, my eyes were checked thoroughly and I was told that they were perfectly healthy. The only real relief I got was when one of the Hospital consultants recommended a MGDRx Eye Bag. I got one from a local optician and used it morning and night (it goes into the microwave for 30 seconds and you then lie with it over your eyes for 10 minutes). This draws out a lot of the excess oil from the eyes that can cause Blepharitis and after washing away the oil, my eyes always felt better, although the redness persisted. I’ve since found out that the eye bag is also available on Amazon and I’d highly recommend it.
After a couple of years of appointments, with both eyes being affected intermittently (though strangely enough, never at the same time), I got to a point where the redness in the eyes was reduced, and was sent packing by the hospital. I knew the condition, whatever it was, was still there because I could feel it, but the eye did look better. I also felt I had exhausted everything the eye clinic could do for me and that this might just be something I would have to live with. I continued with the cleaning routine, but not with any drops or medication of any kind.
Over the next few months, I would get redness in the eyes and also itching and occasional discomfort (at times it felt as if I had something in my eye, when I clearly didn’t), but honestly felt I was wasting my time trying again with either the Doctor or the hospital. Then, one lunchtime at work, I did an internet search on Episcleritis and Blepharitis just in case I’d missed something. I had. A product called Blephasol that was sold by Amazon and that seemed to be surrounded by five star reviews. I would try anything if it helped my condition, so I ordered 100ml of the lotion telling myself that I shouldn’t get my hopes up and that in all likeliness, it would make no real difference to my problem.
I’ve been using Blephasol for two months now and the improvement has been remarkable. I clean morning and night with the lotion on cotton pads (one for each eye), rubbing in a circular motion and pulling the bottom lid down to clean underneath the lid – this is important and clearly makes a difference. I could see an improvement after just a few days of using Blephasol, but two months on, the redness has all but disappeared and the eyes feel much more comfortable. I have since ordered another three bottles of Blephasol and although I guess the condition could return at any stage, I honestly feel that as long as I’m using this product, it will remain stable. My delight at discovering Blephasol is mixed with frustration at having spent years trying endless NHS-prescribed products that achieved precisely nothing. I have absolutely no idea why the NHS are not using Blephasol to treat conditions like Blepharitis and even Episcleritis.
Blephasol has changed my life for the better and there are not too many impulse purchases you can say that for. I only hope that there are other sufferers out there who might come across the reviews on here and find the relief that I have. My only regret in writing this review, is that I cannot give the product more than five stars.