Canon imageFORMULA R4
Canon imageFORMULA R4
Easy installation and set up
Install your scanner in just a few simple steps with an integrated all-in-one installer. Automatic software update function ensures your CaptureOnTouch application and Canon drivers are always up to date to ensure quality and reliability at all times.
Maximise productivity
Save time with fast double-sided scanning of up to 40 pages per minute. Advanced image processing features such as auto size detection, document de-skew, text orientation and colour detection mean there’s no need to sort documents or frequently change settings while scanning.
Superior quality and design
A stylish, ultra-compact desktop device that delivers consistently superior image quality. Capture fine details with advanced text enhancement, producing sharp copies with greater readability, ideal for documents with faint light text or patterned backgrounds.
Accurate and Consistent
Scan a batch of mixed documents of any shape and size in one easy process with Canon’s reliable 60-sheet feeder, capable of scanning everything from standard A4 documents to thick and thin papers like ID cards, receipts, post cards and documents up to 3m long.
Weight: | 2.8 kg |
Dimensions: | 29 x 25.1 x 24.4 cm; 2.8 Kilograms |
Brand: | Canon |
Model: | 4229C002 |
Colour: | White |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | CANON GED |
Dimensions: | 29 x 25.1 x 24.4 cm; 2.8 Kilograms |
I was extremely impressed with the quality of the product and the ease of use. I am terrible at technology, but I was able to scan two albums worth of photos in two hours. The picture quality is fantastic as well. Would highly recommend!
I can’t change the post office of my choice to return the item because there their reader doesn’t work. But I went to another post office and I could return it without any problem.
Canon LiDE 400 has been around for a few years now and for good reason. It does what it’s supposed to do and it does it well. Place a load of photographs on the scanner, at the same time, and it will save each photo as a separate file. When scanning paper to PDF’s you can scan as many pages as you want, one at a time, then press the finish button and it will save them all as one PDF. For the quality of the scans you would have to buy an expensive All in One printer. My cousin was so impressed I ordered another for him.
This is a great, low cost scanner. It is reasonably easy to use once you get used to not having to switch it on. It powers up when you plug the USB into your computer, lap top or tablet. Just select what you want it to do and off it goes. I found the picture quality surprisingly good for such a low cost item. Haven’t found any problems so far.
This Scanner produced good quality scans of the photographic prints I was scanning it is quick to scan,
and worked without problem with my Windows 11 Laptop using the Scan App. The only reason it does not get a five is because the feel and build feels quite cheap.
I bought this to replace an old Canon LiDE 25 scanner which has served faithfully for many years but only has Windows 7 drivers.
This one is a revelation by comparison – it scans pages as fast as I can load them, unlike the old one where I had to wait for a rather slow scan and the USB transfer to complete. This one the scan is extremely fast and the USB transfer seems instantaneous. Now I regret not buying it sooner for the time it would have saved me.
I use scanners mostly for document capture to PDF, this one makes it easy because one button adds extra pages to the PDF in progress and another button completes the PDF and writes the file. There’s no need to touch the computer to generate a bunch of multi-page PDF documents.
This is my second lide 400 i got it to replace my first one that stopped working very good scanner but will not work on a windows 11 pc fine on windows 10 if anyone has a useable driver can you send me a link to its location plz
Packaged well, this is a small scanner which operates in exactly the same way as most others. There are options to copy, scan to PDF etc., but what it is lacking is a power button. However, it operates entirely from the USB port of the PC and has no external power supply, so maybe this is understandable as it will only draw power from the PC, so long as it is able.
Set up is a breeze, in Windows 10/11 just plug in to the PC and it will set itself up. It was ready to go immediately. Quick start guide looks useful for anyone unsure of the set up.
All good and scans exactly as expected.
The old and trusted Canoscan LIDE700 finally packed up, and looking around for a replacement I found this. It’s a dream to install, easy to use, and a bargain price. Quick response and quiet. Everything I need.
I’m using the LiDE 400 with an iMac running OS Ventura and Hamrick’s Vuescan scanner app. No set up problems using this combination and results are fine judging by the initial set of scans I’ve done.
Habe lange nach einem Scanner gesucht, der Portabel, einfach zu bedienen ist und ohne Treiberinstallation. Genau das bietet der Scanner, leider gehrt dieses Gert damit zu den Ausnahmen im Markt. Warum eigentlich ?
Kann diesen Scanner fr jeden Empfehlen, der keine Treiber und Programme des Herstellers installieren oder updaten mchte.
Totalmente recomendable.
* Buena calidad
* Fcil de usar
* No hacer ruido
* No ocupa espacio
* No pesa
Lo tiene todo! Estoy encantada con l.
Happy with this little machine. I bought it for the compactness and it is very small and easy to store. Scans are good and the OCR feature works well.
Sometimes it doesn’t pull in the last page when you scan a batch of paper but it is easy to append more pages to a document. Really happy
My previous scanner is/was a Canon, now over 15 years old. A new i7 PC with Windows 11 Pro has pushed me into buying a new Canon LiDE 400 colour flatbed scanner. I have downloaded the latest software and all aspects of the scanner work perfectly. The cost is good for such a device but frankly, spread over 10 years, say, the cost is nothing. History suggests this one will also be 100% reliable.
Fr den normalen Hausgebrauch ein toller Scanner. Scannen, speichern, fertig. Ohne viel Schnickschnack zum Verstndnis fr etwas nicht mehr der neusten Technik mchtigen Leute. Was ich noch sehr schn finde ist, dass das kleine, handliche Teil keinen eigenen Stromanschlu bentigt und wirklich mehrere Bltter ohne Probleme hintereinander einzieht.
Bought at short notice when existing scanner finally burnt out (through over-use!). Easy to set up, small footprint and 40 ppm double sided scanning. Would buy again.
Had a bigger Canon scanner previously but after 10 years it was getting a bit tired and emotional.
Don’t do as much scanning as I used to so went for this instead. Incredibly easy to use but not as robust as my previous machine. Will probably serve me well but if you do a lot of scanning I’d recommend going for a bigger Cano
Absolutely brilliant and the software is great and simple to use.
This is easily the fastest and easiest scanning unit I’ve ever used. My other half works in a law firm and she’s always scanning bundles of documents, honestly, the amount of paperwork is crazy. Anyway, with her working some days from home this is perfect for her to scan documents whereas normally she would have to wait till she’s back in office. The scanner is super easy to use and the ADF works perfectly. Scanning speed is crazy fast and another one of the great things about this machine. This would be perfect for someone who works in law as you’ll likely need to scan bundles of documents as part of your job and this is the best thing for the job. It would also be ideal for small office as well as the home. Quality of the scans is spot on, even on the fastest setting, it’s more than good enough.
I had a printer/scanner which had a temperamental document feeder and, even when it worked, was quite slow. This compact device zips through double-sided documents very quickly and produces high quality images, saving loads of time.
Prior to having this incredible scanner from Canon, I used to rely on a mobile app to scan all documents I have. I always thought the mobile app is sufficient as the phone camera is reliable and of high quality. Soon after getting this Canon imageFormula R10 scanner, I realised how mistaken I was. The difference this scanner brings to the comparison is remarkable and therefore I ended up ditching the old method in favour of this scanner.
What impressed me most is the portability, the speed of scanning, and the convenience that this scanner provides. I don’t need to check if angles are covered in the frame of the camera, whether the angle of the camera is accurate, whether the lighting is adequate, and whether I can scan without having a watermark on my scans. This scanner does everything and does it perfectly and in the most hassle-free way possible. It is very fast and reliable. I never had to rescan documents or cards as the first time is always the right time. I can also scan two sided documents easily, that’s just an extra convenience.
I tried this with my iPhone, MacBook, and my Windows Desktop. It worked flawlessly without any issue. If you plan to get this to use in different locations with your phone then make sure the phone is iOS as Android phones are not supported yet. A bit of a downside but something that might change in the future.
All in all, a reliable scanner with impeccable performance.
It’s excellent for data processing, converting documents into digital files
Perfect for a small office that deals with a lot of letters
Der imageFormula R10 von Canon (247 Euro ist ein tragbarer Scanner mit Blatteinzug fr mehrere Seiten, der in erster Linie fr den Anschluss an einen Laptop unterwegs gedacht ist. Ihm fehlt jegliche Art von drahtloser Konnektivitt, sodass man ihn nicht in einem Netzwerk oder mit den meisten Handheld-Gerten verwenden kann. Wenn man nur mehrseitige Dokumente zuverlssig und genau auf den Laptop scannen mchte, ist der imageFormula R10 eine preiswerte Wahl.
Auerdem gibt es kein Zubehr, um das man sich Gedanken machen msste. Der R10 bentigt weder eine Batterie noch eine externe Stromversorgung – er wird ber das mitgelieferte 1,7 m lange USB-2-Kabel mit Strom versorgt. Es mssen auch keine Treiber oder Programme installiert werden: Wenn man den R10 an einen Host-Computer mit Windows oder macOS anschliet, erscheint ein ber USB angeschlossenes Laufwerk mit der integrierten CaptureOnTouch Lite Scan-App, auf die man einfach doppelklicken muss, um den Scanvorgang zu starten.
Obwohl der Scanner klein ist, ist er beeindruckend leistungsfhig. Er liefert Schwarzwei- und Farbscans mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 12 Seiten pro Minute bzw. 9 Seiten pro Minute, was gar nicht so schlecht ist. Der Haupteinzug kann Papier mit einem Gewicht von bis zu 128 g/m verarbeiten und verfgt ber einen speziellen Schlitz an der Vorderseite zum Scannen von geprgten Karten mit einer Dicke von bis zu 1,4 mm, und da es sich um einen Duplex-Mechanismus handelt, kann er beide Seiten einer Seite in einem Durchgang scannen. Das Design umfasst sogar einen automatischen Dokumenteneinzug (ADF) fr 20 Seiten – etwas, das wir von einem so kleinen Scanner nicht erwartet htten. Das einzige, was fehlt, ist ein Ausgabefach. Man muss also vorne etwas Platz lassen, um die Dokumente aufzufangen, nachdem sie durch den Scanner gelaufen sind.
Die Software von Canon ist einfach zu bedienen. Wie die meisten Scansuiten verwendet sie Dokumentprofile, um Kombinationen von Einstellungen zu speichern, darunter Farb- oder Schwarzwei-Scannen, Auflsung, ein- oder beidseitige Erfassung, berspringen leerer Seiten und Bilddrehung. Man kann die Ausgabe feinabstimmen, indem man Helligkeit, Kontrast und Hintergrundglttung anpasst, und die Voreinstellungen zur spteren Verwendung speichern. Diese Voreinstellungen werden auf dem Scanner selbst gespeichert, so dass sie immer verfgbar sind, unabhngig davon, an welches Gert der Scanner angeschlossen ist.
Scans knnen in allen gngigen Ausgabeformaten gespeichert werden, einschlielich JPEG, TIFF und durchsuchbarem PDF; allerdings kann die Software nur lokal scannen. Wenn man in die Cloud scannen mchte, muss man einen lokalen Synchronisationsordner als Ziel auswhlen und warten. Es gibt auch keine Mglichkeit, Dokumente auf dem Scanner selbst zu speichern, obwohl dies aus Sicht des Datenschutzes wohl eine gute Sache ist.
Alles in allem ist der ImageFormula R10 ein beeindruckendes Gert. Seine geringe Gre, sein minimales Gewicht und die clevere integrierte Software bedeuten, dass man ihn einfach dorthin mitnehmen kann, wo er gebraucht wird, und seine Dokumente digitalisieren kann, ohne etwas installieren zu mssen.
Positiv / Negativ
Kompakte Bauweise
Schneller Scan (12 Seiten pro Minute)
20 Blatt-Zufuhr
Kein externes Netzteil notwendig (Versorgung ber USB)
Gute Auflsung fr Dokumente (600 dpi)
Automatische Papierformaterkennung
berspringt leere Seiten
Kein USB-C
Kein TWAIN oder WIA Treiber
Ich digitalisiere viel. Jede Gehaltsabrechnung, wichtige Briefe, Rechnungen, Unterlagen werden direkt gescannt. Auf dem Tisch steht ein alter Fujitsu fi-5110C Dokumentenscanner, der seine Arbeit gut macht, aber auch enorm viel Platz in Anspruch nimmt. Da ich ihn nicht jeden Tag benutze, hat mich das schon gestrt. Endlich kann der Platz fr den Canon Scanner machen, der um einiges kompakter ist. Zudem ist er nicht auf eine externe Spannungsversorgung angewiesen und kann einfach ber USB versorgt werden. Damit sind der Aufbau und der Abbau einfacher, falls man ihn einfach verstauen mchte.
Die Bedienung ist simpel und selbsterklrend. Nach dem Anschlieen meldet sich der Scanner wie ein USB-Stick am PC. Darauf befindet sich das Tool zum Scannen (CaptureOnTouch Lite).
Fr mich der grte Nachteil des Scanners ist der fehlende TWAIN Treiber. Dadurch wird der Scanner vom Betriebssystem nicht als Scanner erkannt und man kann keine andere Scan-Software nutzen, sondern muss CaptureOnTouch Lite nutzen. Ich habe immer NAPS2 genutzt und war zufrieden. Nun bin ich gezwungen, das Tool zu wechseln.
Dennoch werde ich den Canon Scanner nutzen, weil er einfach kaum Platz auf dem Schreibtisch belegt und den Tool-Wechsel werde ich irgendwie verkraften.
Ich hoffe, dass ich mit meinem Review helfen und ntzliches fr eine Kaufentscheidung liefern konnte?
It is light and small so takes up little desk space. The whole thing is not much larger than A4.
It is easy to set up its basic features. If all you want to do is scan pages of text or handwriting this will do the job. For these purposes it is just fine.
Others have commented on how hard it is to set up for high definition scans of things like colour transparencies or negatives, where you may want to greatly enlarge the scanned image. If you do want to do that, you should probably look elsewhere.
I was actually thinking why such a big thing is to advertise a document scanner as portable. But it kind of make sense now when slowly we are going to work in hybrid, some days from home some days from the office. I haven’t used a scanner for many years and it’s great to see the technology improved significantly, the speed of the scanner is way faster than 10 years ago while the size of the machine shrinks to half. This scanner is just slightly wider than an A4 size paper, it’s super portable, doesn’t require acres of desk space. It’s 285 x 95mm, and at less than 1Kg.
When I opened the box, first I thought they forgot to put the accessories in it. Basically, there was only the scanner an USB A type to micro-USB cable and the user manual. So where is a DC charger, where is the CD with the driver? Well, you don’t need any of this, The R10 doesn’t need an external power supply, gets all the power it needs over the supplied 1.7m USB cable. And when you plug the R10 into your computer, a USB-connected drive appears containing the embedded CaptureOnTouch Lite scanning app, which you simply double-click to start scanning. That’s how simple it is. And it’s the same on Windows and macOS as well.
It can be used for mono and colour scan with the speed of 12ppm and 9ppm (paper per minute). If it this number doesn’t mean to much for you then let me translate for you: it’s fast as hell. The main feeder can handle paper weights up to 128gsm, with a dedicated front slot for scanning embossed cards up to 1.4mm thick, and since it’s a duplex mechanism it can scan both sides of a page in one go. Featured with an automatic document feeder with a capacity of a 20-page.
The scanned documents can be saved on any of the well know formats such like JPEG, TIFF and searchable PDF. The Plastic card scanning feature is something I never used or seven seen before. If you insert a card into the slot, the scanner will sip it in like an ATM does with your bank card, scans both sides and spits it back.
Overall, the Canon R10 scanner is super impressive, very quiet but powerful and almost packed with all the features you need for a light office use or for personal use.
Small but strong
Perfect to carry from home to the work office and even to the garden studio. The only thing it’s missing is a carry case which is a real shame for a device that’s marketed as transportable.
Virtually slimline and inconspicuous – not nearly as slimline as the MacBook Air. It is however, light in weight and a breeze to carry even on the tube – in my backpack, not hugely protected from knocks and bumps.
It’s just at home with A4s, as it is with the most slender and flimsy receipts and even ID cards.
It scans both sides of the paper at once if you need it to. Picture quality is very good when scanned and the software doesn’t require you to be a tech wizard.
It was a simple setup with preloaded software and the ability to download the CaptureOnTouch Lite software to our MacBook.
I am still unsure whether the android smartphone app from the Play Store called ‘Canon CatureOnTouch Mobile’, supports this Canon R10 model. I have emailed Canon and will report back with an update as I haven’t managed to allow it to configure with the android yet, though I might be doing something wrong…
Update – Canon’s Response:
“In response to your enquiry, regarding your Canon IMAGEFORMULA R10 Scanner, I would like to inform you the following:
1. Canon CuptureOnTouch Mobile App is a free application that lets you scan directly to iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices via a Wi-Fi network. That means you cannot download the application on an android device. Furthermore, your scanner is compatible with USB 2.0 connection method.
2. Your Scanner is compatible with the following Bundled Software:
– Built-in CaptureOnTouch Lite Scanning software (Windows 8.1 / 10 – 32bit/64bit)
-Built-in CaptureOnTouch Lite Scanning software (macOS 10.12 / 10.13/ 10.14/ 10.15)
3. The latest firmware version will update CaptureOnTouch Lite to the latest version (as regards as mac computers).”
The inability of software not currently compatible with android devices, makes the portability pretty much redundant to android users. Who quite rightly, want the same features made available to them, as they are for Apple users – with an app that delivers quick turnaround, On-the-Go.
I hope they can develop an app in the Play store soon.
You can scan many documents very rapidly and the colour balance is very good. You will be required to upload a software for it prior to use but it is very simple to do and does not take much time. I hope my review was helpful
I’m very impressed with this scanner. It’s small enough to fit on most desks and is easy to install.
I’ve included a video showing documents being scanned on both sides. This was done with one pass through the machine.
A few things I really like:
You can set up the software to automatically ignore plain paper so you have no blank pages in your final pdf.
The scanner automatically detects the page orientation, so if you’ve a document which has portrait and landscape pages, it can arrange the pdf in a similar way. This can be turned off if you don’t like that feature.
When scanning you can view the scans as they are processed. Once complete you can rotate pages prior to saving if needed.
I found the best set up was to have it on auto detect for the quality.
I do think this is a great desktop scanner, suitable for my place of work.
You have various options for where you can save the final scans, saving time on transferring pdfs from a general scans folder.
I bought this scanner to scan documents and passports etc at home, I had to pay over the odds for is as they are out of stock everywhere except amazon which was double the price.
its advertised as a 4800 dpi scanner however the max dpi available in both windows fax and scan, and the downloadable Canon software was 600 dpi, plenty for me as my printer can only print in 600dpi anyway. Other reviews suggest higher DPI settings can be achieved in alternate operating systems.
The quality of the scans however is very good for both printed documents, hand written letters or photos.
The scanner software that is downloadable from Canon does have some nice features, such as turning the scans into text searchable PDF’s, this even worked for birth certificates and Thai language documents so I was quite impressed with that.
The scanner is very slim and lightweight which is why I ordered this particular model.
It is quite loud when scanning compared to more expensive devices I have used but as its not regularly used its not a problem for me.
Really pleased with our Canon for our home office. Fantastic little scanner. I was looking for a desktop scanner that could scan multiple documents quickly all at once and this does it brilliantly
It is so easy to install and use and is very compact so it doesn’t take up any room at all. Really fast scanning of both sides of the A4 paper documents and took only one page through faultlessly every time.
The item has freed up a lot of our time. We had a back log of paperwork and our current scanner was extremely slow. This item is a must have for those who receive a lot of post
The scanner is smaller than expected, which was a pleasant surprise, as it takes up very little room on my desk. Would definitely recommend this product. Really pleased with it.
I bought this to scan a box full of old family snaps. I installed it on Windows 10 in minutes and scanned first photos. You can place one or more (I’ve done up to 5) photos face down on the scan plate, close the lid and press the Auto Scan button. It produces a file for each photo, cropped and straightened, couldn’t be easier. Some people say it doesn’t work with Windows 10. Rubbish, it works fine, just follow the simple instructions. Unlock the scanner (switch underneath), download and run the software from, plug the scanner into a USB port when prompted and you’re done. Once installed it takes about 15 seconds to warm up, scan, crop and straighten the photos on the scanner and transfer them to your PC.
I was being led down the path of buying a special photo scanner but this does the job brilliantly for quarter of the price. The resolution may not be enough for professional photographers but for family snaps it’s more than good enough.
The software installation went fine until I plugged the scanner into a USB2.0 port on my PC. Although the PC detected the scanner, the software did not. I then plugged the scanner into a USB3.0 port and the software detected it without a problem. Not sure why this happened. Did the USB2.0 port not provide enough current to make the scanner work properly? Your guess is as good as mine. The software supplied with the scanner is nothing special, but does the job. I concur with those who said they could not set the software to scan at maximum resolution. Tried everything but could not make it happen. To be honest, for what I want, I don’t actually need to scan at maximum resolution. If you do, I suggest you look for another scanner otherwise you will be pulling your hair out trying to get it to scan at maximum resolution. Apart from the resolution issue, the software is fairly intuitive and so reasonably easy to configure it to your needs. Having the buttons on the front of the scanner to launch the scanner in its various modes is particularly useful. Scan to PDF is particularly nice and allows you to produce multiple-page PDFs with ease. You can select the destination for the scanned documents independently for each user login on your PC. The scanner is quite noisy however. You can set a ‘quiet mode’ which reduces the noise at the expense of not running as fast. Not a big issue though. All-in-all I am very happy with my purchase.
The canoscan program doesn’t work well in MacBook. In order to scan on mac you should use image capture program which is already installed on mac. The scanning resolution is very good and the colors of scanning artwork (markers and pastel pencils) do match to the actual colors in real life.
The main disadvantage is that I didn’t manage to scan in 4800 dpi resolution. The max it let me scan was 2400 dpi. And also some missing functions on canoscan program on MacBook. But its a fine result fir scanning artwork for the price so far. And the colors are accurate which is great.
I have two computers one of which I use almost entirely for my hobby of photography. That one has its own all-in-one printer. My other computer I use for everyday stuff, shopping, paying bills, surfing the net and emails and writing etc. This one has its own very fast, black and white and very economical powder printer. But print is all it does and what I needed was a scanner/copier as otherwise I was having to jump from one computer to another if I had something like a document or receipt I wanted to scan or copy. Being a bit short of space this flat bed scanner seemed perfect.
It arrived the day after I ordered it via Prime. After reading some of the reviews it was with some trepidation that I began the set-up as it seemed odds on it would not work with Windows 10. However in exactly 3 minutes it was up and running. There is one decision to make; decide what you want to do with the disc which is obviously RUN. Then one instruction to follow when prompted which is to connect the USB cable. And there you go! Its probably not the best flat-bed scanner in the world given the price but I tried a few scans, its simple to use and the quality is perfectly adequate for anybody’s needs.
I have no hesitation in recommending this product.
A scanner is one of those irritating things that I only use a handful of times a year and sits gathering dust the rest of the time, so finding one that is cheap and easy to use while delivering quality scans is key.
This little gem from Canon worked quickly and seamlessly with my Macs, being recognised immediately by the computers and working within minutes.
The output from the scanner is crisp and sharp and the colours are pretty much faithful to the source material, makeing it great for digitising your old photos.
A couple of minor quibbles:
1. It’s advertised as a USB-C scanner. What they don’t make clear is the scanner is USB-C but the supplied cable is USB-C to USB-A, so if you have a new mac laptop, you’ll need to source a USB-C to USB-C cable if you don’t have a spare one.
2. I can’t seem to get anything more than 600dpi scans when using this. While 600dpi is perfect in most cases, I would like to have 1200dpi scans of some old photos.
These things aside, this is the perfect scanner for most people… that is, until Canon decide to stop supporting it in a few years and you have to bin yet another perfectly working scanner.
Bought this printer for when I am on the go and need to scan documents, as the scanner apps on my phone weren’t quite cutting it. The setup is super simple, just plug it into your USB and download the driver, which normally automatically install anyways 🙂
So far I have been quite impressed with how quickly you can, it isn’t as fast as a normal sized scanner, but is still fast enough in my opinion.
Noise wise the scanner is a little loud, but that isn’t something that bothers me, but might to some people so thought I would mention it.
The quality of the scans are very good, but I have found that they tend to be a bit dark, so I have to constantly manually adjust the brightness, which you can do on the scanner’s app. So because of that I have given it 4/5 stars because I do think it is good value for money, but it could be better.