Necesitaba sacar unas piezas planas muy grandes, siempre salan con las marcas del fleje metlico, lo que estropeaba el acabado final.
Con este cristal eso termin! En mi caso lo pongo del revs, para que la parte lisa quede arriba, un poco de laca de pelo y queda muy bien pegado, eso s, luego sufres para sacar la pieza, yo pongo el cristal 5 minutos al congelador y sale sola.
Cmo precaucin, si tenis una impresora con la cama con calentadores que parecen goma, cmo la Ender 3 S1, si ponis el cristal del revs, cuesta mucho despegarlo de la cama, aconsejo quitar el granulado del cristal con acetona.
Buena adherencia. El cristal templado calidad/precio siempre va a ser uno de los mejores materiales como cama en las impresoras 3d FDM. Si tienes algn cristalero cerca, recomiendo pedir presupuesto ya que es muy posible que te lo haga a mejor precio y el resultado va a ser el mismo.
En el caso del PLA, no es necesario ni cama caliente ni laca, solo es necesario si vas a imprimir materiales tipo ABS o ASA.
The prints are now much smoother than the standard build plate. And the adhesion is amazing, to the point I need to let it cool to remove them sometimes.
100% recommend this glass bed! completely flat and absolutely beautiful first layer has changed my experience of printers. Stock Creality glass bed is rubbish and warped from factory however this one is perfect and have no adhesion issues with it at all.
I hated that with the original print bed, marks would be left and it would add a general ugliness to the printer. As well as that, it was just an awful surface that was so warped.
I decided to get this glass bed, and it works like an absolute dream. As soon as I first started printing, I could see an amazing first layer, just with a quick level. The surface quality on the bottom of prints is unlike anything I’ve seen before.
I would recommend flipping over the bed to the uncoated side, as it leaves even better quality on the bottom of your print, prints pop straight off after the bed cools, and it stays perfectly clean for longer. If you encounter any problems with bed adhesion, a wipe down with water or window cleaner, and a thin layer of glue stick does the trick.
A must buy, if you like a nice clean printer, with no effort of scraping prints off needed!
What can I say, the filament sticks fine, but it’s a pain when it gets dusty, I have to clean it before I can use it again. best to wash with host soapy water.
I was new to 3D printing and brought this glass bed because I thought it would fix the problems I was having with first layer adhesion. It didn’t. Getting bed levelling, z drop and temperatures dialed in fixed my issues, but this glass plate works nicely once you have everything else right, it takes longer to heat up than it’s metal counterpart and it stays hot for longer. On my Ender3 S1 the clips supplied with this kit work but are stretched to the max.
Was very sceptical about this before i brought it. Man i wish i had brought this the the first time i had adhesion issues. This plate is brilliant from the very first time i used this it has been perfect. The one thing i would recommend is replacing the clips it comes with with the Creality flat clips (avaliable on amazon). I did this as i have a modified fan shroud for my hot end that clashed with the as supplied clips.
If you are thinking of buying it for 3d printing. It’s amazing the quality on the base and the thermal control in the glass base is worth its weight in gold! I will never go back
Honestly I’ll never look back after using these, a must have if you want to preserve the underside detail of your print and removal is very simple.
They seem much more durable also as my reason for replacing my original bed is after constant use it began to wear through.
He de decir, que no cuesta nada meter los productos que compras en una caja o sobre de Amazon y no pegar en la misma caja original del producto todas las etiquetas con los datos de seguimiento y de la persona a la que va dirigida. Esas cosas hay que corregirlas. Dicho esto, paso a valorar el producto.
Dentro de una caja con la marca de la empresa impresa, nos llega esta cama para impresora 3D Ender 3, v2 y similares.
Camas de impresoras 3D hay muchas y de distintos materiales, algunas magnticas, otras con vidrio solo y estas otras de Creality que ademas de vidrio templado llevan una terminacin con forma de micropuntos en la parte de la impresin que ayudan a que las piezas se despeguen. Tambien nos vienen cuatro pinzas para sujetarla, mucho mas cmodas que no las grapas que trae la Ender 3 de serie, que te dejas los dedos en ellas.
A mi, es de las que he usado la que mejor resultado me ha dado y por eso repito con ella, porque as mientras se enfra una pieza puedo poner otra inmediatamente a imprimir, ahorrndome el tiempo que tarda en enfriarse para que la pieza se suelte por si misma, no me gusta titear de ella o meter la esptula, prefiero dejar que la fsica haga su trabajo, y cuando se haya comprimido tras haber perdido el calor, esta queda suelta.
En piezas en las que el Warping puede ser un problema, y eso puede y pasa con todas las camas y filamentos, lo mejor es echar un poco de laca, en mi caso uso una para impresoras, 3DLAC que podis encontrar aqu, en Amazon aunque puede servirte cualquier otra.
I bought 5his because recommend from manufactor 5hats an improvement to Ender 3 Pro,no matter what I tried it just is to high, even bought an upgrade springs for bed plate, which did not help either, personal I don’t think it suitable for Ender range,just look on blogs, lots of people having same issue
Ho voluto attendere un p prima di fare una recensione su questo bed in vetro.
Ottima adesione con ABS, PETG e PLA.
La pulizia dei residui di ABS un p picciosa, ma con dell’acetone viene via tutto.
Utilizzato fino a 110 gradi con la mia ender 3 pro e nessun problema a staccare qualsiasi stampa…. A PIATTO FREDDO!! Mi raccomando!!!
Un consiglio. Io l’ho installato sulla parte adesiva magnetica per il tappeto originale della ender 3 pro. Per ovviare al problema, perch mi successo, che il piatto in vetro rimanesse attaccato a questa superficie metallica, ho ritagliato un pezzo di carta forno e interposta tra il piatto in vetro.
Il piatto in vetro nn si attacca ed ho conservato l’opzione del tappeto originale Ender 3 pro.
I’ve been already using a knockoff glass plate with my Ender 3 Pro. But this one is flatter with highest and lowest points in between 0.1 mm (measured with Ender 3 Pro + BLTouch + OctoPrint + Bed Visualizer), compared the previous one this one looks fancier (that gives a higher quality feeling), the print sticks very good (if you struggle with the first layers, you just need to adjust the Z-Offset), and the first layers are always excellent. Btw, I don’t do BLTouch + Auto Bed Leveling which ruins the first layer if you ask me.
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent first layer each time
Tho I didn’t give it 5 stars on aspects, I do prefer it over the soft magnetic bed because temperature stays more consistent and does have a nicer finish but still have to use and adhesive to get good adhesio
Only had this for one day so far but it has fallen into the must have ender 3 add-ons. It is more level than the stock bed and heats up better. My first prints have come out immaculate. If you have any of the ender series, the must-haves are:
Bl touch
Silent motherboard (I think they may come with the later printers)
Upgraded stiffer bed springs.
I played (and fought) with the ender 3 pro printer for a year and now after this purchase along with the springs I have built a new bond with it. But remember if you dont have the must-haves, you too will be fighting with it.
Great bought this as was having an issue with my magnetic base printing a small part for a 3D build on my ender 3 pro once plate was on part printed perfectly. Recieved item same day as order and worked first time on the print I was having the issue with once the bed was re levelled.
One of thee best upgrades I’ve bought for my Ender 3. My Ender 3 originally came with a flexible magnetic plate and was OK… This glass plate is much, much better. Ive had far more successful prints with this glass bed. The prints stick easier to this bed rather than the magnetic one with its coating that is applied.
If there is one thing I would say about this to anyone who buys it, is to make sure you read the selling description.
For example, Make sure the glass bed is down to room temperature before removing your prints. Apart from it being safer to yourself down to the heat of the bed, the print is also easier to remove and less chance of you damaging the coating on the glass.
5.0 out of 5 stars Leave the bed to cool before removing your prints.
Probably the best value for money you’ll get on a glass bed. The textured side works perfectly well, I’m partial to a shine on the base of the print though, which it can also do!
Essentially you’re getting a dual textured bed, winner! Bought this to replace the standard mag bed on my E3Pro. It was warped badly, this sorted it!
As seems to be pretty common on the Ender 3 Pro, my base plate was warped (could level at the corners but still have incorrect levelling in the centre!). Replacing the magnetic bed with this glass one made levelling trivial and fixed all issues there. At this price I’m going to order a couple of spares for when/if the bed gets damaged.
Do note that it sticks to the magnetic layer on the base plate, so you may want to remove that or put foil over it or something.
Ich habe die Bauplattform fr meinen Alfawise U30 gekauft, da die Mae 235x235mm dieselben sind. Die originale Plattform hat auch gut funktioniert, allerdings habe ich (als blutiger Anfnger) gleich die Oberflche mit einem Cuttermesser beschdigt. Bei dieser Plattform war ich erst einmal skeptisch, da ich schon einmal diese Art gekauft und Pech damit hatte. Mittlerweile habe ich eine ganze Menge Teile damit gedruckt und die Plattform haftet noch, wie am ersten Tag.
Es gibt ein paar Dinge zu beachten. Diese Plattform ist wirklich sehr glatt und damit sollte das Leveling selbst bei einem Billigdrucker, wie der Alfawise U30, kein Problem sein. Das Leveling sollte man sehr sorgfltig durchfhren. Ich hatte es bei dieser Plattform anfangs nicht getan und habe prompt die Rechnung bekommen. Der Abstand Plattform/Extruder war zu gro eingestellt. Dann wird das Filament nur auf der Plattform abgelegt und hat KEINE Haftung. Den Richtwert “Papierstrke” sollte man unbedingt einhalten. Die zweite Sache ist, die Oberflche niemals mit bloen Hnden berhren. Im Ruhezustand lege ich immer die Schaumstoffplatte aus der Verpackung auf die Bauplattform. Zur Reinigung wird – glaube ich – Wasser mit Splmittel empfohlen. Ich musste die Platte bisher noch nicht reinigen. Diese hat zwar eine ausgezeichnete Haftung, aber wenn das Werkstck abgekhlt und richtig fest ist, kann man es gut von der Plattform lsen. Den Rest erledige ich mit einem Herdplattenschaber fr Ceranfelder. Das funktioniert ganz ordentlich. Wichtig: Werkstck nicht entfernen, wenn die Platte noch hei ist.
Necesitaba sacar unas piezas planas muy grandes, siempre salan con las marcas del fleje metlico, lo que estropeaba el acabado final.
Con este cristal eso termin! En mi caso lo pongo del revs, para que la parte lisa quede arriba, un poco de laca de pelo y queda muy bien pegado, eso s, luego sufres para sacar la pieza, yo pongo el cristal 5 minutos al congelador y sale sola.
Cmo precaucin, si tenis una impresora con la cama con calentadores que parecen goma, cmo la Ender 3 S1, si ponis el cristal del revs, cuesta mucho despegarlo de la cama, aconsejo quitar el granulado del cristal con acetona.
Buena adherencia. El cristal templado calidad/precio siempre va a ser uno de los mejores materiales como cama en las impresoras 3d FDM. Si tienes algn cristalero cerca, recomiendo pedir presupuesto ya que es muy posible que te lo haga a mejor precio y el resultado va a ser el mismo.
En el caso del PLA, no es necesario ni cama caliente ni laca, solo es necesario si vas a imprimir materiales tipo ABS o ASA.
Very easy to fit, just use the clips provided.
The prints are now much smoother than the standard build plate. And the adhesion is amazing, to the point I need to let it cool to remove them sometimes.
100% recommend this glass bed! completely flat and absolutely beautiful first layer has changed my experience of printers. Stock Creality glass bed is rubbish and warped from factory however this one is perfect and have no adhesion issues with it at all.
I hated that with the original print bed, marks would be left and it would add a general ugliness to the printer. As well as that, it was just an awful surface that was so warped.
I decided to get this glass bed, and it works like an absolute dream. As soon as I first started printing, I could see an amazing first layer, just with a quick level. The surface quality on the bottom of prints is unlike anything I’ve seen before.
I would recommend flipping over the bed to the uncoated side, as it leaves even better quality on the bottom of your print, prints pop straight off after the bed cools, and it stays perfectly clean for longer. If you encounter any problems with bed adhesion, a wipe down with water or window cleaner, and a thin layer of glue stick does the trick.
A must buy, if you like a nice clean printer, with no effort of scraping prints off needed!
What can I say, the filament sticks fine, but it’s a pain when it gets dusty, I have to clean it before I can use it again. best to wash with host soapy water.
I was new to 3D printing and brought this glass bed because I thought it would fix the problems I was having with first layer adhesion. It didn’t. Getting bed levelling, z drop and temperatures dialed in fixed my issues, but this glass plate works nicely once you have everything else right, it takes longer to heat up than it’s metal counterpart and it stays hot for longer. On my Ender3 S1 the clips supplied with this kit work but are stretched to the max.
Was very sceptical about this before i brought it. Man i wish i had brought this the the first time i had adhesion issues. This plate is brilliant from the very first time i used this it has been perfect. The one thing i would recommend is replacing the clips it comes with with the Creality flat clips (avaliable on amazon). I did this as i have a modified fan shroud for my hot end that clashed with the as supplied clips.
If you are thinking of buying it for 3d printing. It’s amazing the quality on the base and the thermal control in the glass base is worth its weight in gold! I will never go back
Honestly I’ll never look back after using these, a must have if you want to preserve the underside detail of your print and removal is very simple.
They seem much more durable also as my reason for replacing my original bed is after constant use it began to wear through.
Dentro de una caja con la marca de la empresa impresa, nos llega esta cama para impresora 3D Ender 3, v2 y similares.
Camas de impresoras 3D hay muchas y de distintos materiales, algunas magnticas, otras con vidrio solo y estas otras de Creality que ademas de vidrio templado llevan una terminacin con forma de micropuntos en la parte de la impresin que ayudan a que las piezas se despeguen. Tambien nos vienen cuatro pinzas para sujetarla, mucho mas cmodas que no las grapas que trae la Ender 3 de serie, que te dejas los dedos en ellas.
A mi, es de las que he usado la que mejor resultado me ha dado y por eso repito con ella, porque as mientras se enfra una pieza puedo poner otra inmediatamente a imprimir, ahorrndome el tiempo que tarda en enfriarse para que la pieza se suelte por si misma, no me gusta titear de ella o meter la esptula, prefiero dejar que la fsica haga su trabajo, y cuando se haya comprimido tras haber perdido el calor, esta queda suelta.
En piezas en las que el Warping puede ser un problema, y eso puede y pasa con todas las camas y filamentos, lo mejor es echar un poco de laca, en mi caso uso una para impresoras, 3DLAC que podis encontrar aqu, en Amazon aunque puede servirte cualquier otra.
Espero que esta resea te haya sido til .
I bought 5his because recommend from manufactor 5hats an improvement to Ender 3 Pro,no matter what I tried it just is to high, even bought an upgrade springs for bed plate, which did not help either, personal I don’t think it suitable for Ender range,just look on blogs, lots of people having same issue
Ottima adesione con ABS, PETG e PLA.
La pulizia dei residui di ABS un p picciosa, ma con dell’acetone viene via tutto.
Utilizzato fino a 110 gradi con la mia ender 3 pro e nessun problema a staccare qualsiasi stampa…. A PIATTO FREDDO!! Mi raccomando!!!
Un consiglio. Io l’ho installato sulla parte adesiva magnetica per il tappeto originale della ender 3 pro. Per ovviare al problema, perch mi successo, che il piatto in vetro rimanesse attaccato a questa superficie metallica, ho ritagliato un pezzo di carta forno e interposta tra il piatto in vetro.
Il piatto in vetro nn si attacca ed ho conservato l’opzione del tappeto originale Ender 3 pro.
I’ve been already using a knockoff glass plate with my Ender 3 Pro. But this one is flatter with highest and lowest points in between 0.1 mm (measured with Ender 3 Pro + BLTouch + OctoPrint + Bed Visualizer), compared the previous one this one looks fancier (that gives a higher quality feeling), the print sticks very good (if you struggle with the first layers, you just need to adjust the Z-Offset), and the first layers are always excellent. Btw, I don’t do BLTouch + Auto Bed Leveling which ruins the first layer if you ask me.
Tho I didn’t give it 5 stars on aspects, I do prefer it over the soft magnetic bed because temperature stays more consistent and does have a nicer finish but still have to use and adhesive to get good adhesio
Only had this for one day so far but it has fallen into the must have ender 3 add-ons. It is more level than the stock bed and heats up better. My first prints have come out immaculate. If you have any of the ender series, the must-haves are:
Bl touch
Silent motherboard (I think they may come with the later printers)
Upgraded stiffer bed springs.
I played (and fought) with the ender 3 pro printer for a year and now after this purchase along with the springs I have built a new bond with it. But remember if you dont have the must-haves, you too will be fighting with it.
Great bought this as was having an issue with my magnetic base printing a small part for a 3D build on my ender 3 pro once plate was on part printed perfectly. Recieved item same day as order and worked first time on the print I was having the issue with once the bed was re levelled.
One of thee best upgrades I’ve bought for my Ender 3. My Ender 3 originally came with a flexible magnetic plate and was OK… This glass plate is much, much better. Ive had far more successful prints with this glass bed. The prints stick easier to this bed rather than the magnetic one with its coating that is applied.
If there is one thing I would say about this to anyone who buys it, is to make sure you read the selling description.
For example, Make sure the glass bed is down to room temperature before removing your prints. Apart from it being safer to yourself down to the heat of the bed, the print is also easier to remove and less chance of you damaging the coating on the glass.
Essentially you’re getting a dual textured bed, winner! Bought this to replace the standard mag bed on my E3Pro. It was warped badly, this sorted it!
As seems to be pretty common on the Ender 3 Pro, my base plate was warped (could level at the corners but still have incorrect levelling in the centre!). Replacing the magnetic bed with this glass one made levelling trivial and fixed all issues there. At this price I’m going to order a couple of spares for when/if the bed gets damaged.
Do note that it sticks to the magnetic layer on the base plate, so you may want to remove that or put foil over it or something.
Es gibt ein paar Dinge zu beachten. Diese Plattform ist wirklich sehr glatt und damit sollte das Leveling selbst bei einem Billigdrucker, wie der Alfawise U30, kein Problem sein. Das Leveling sollte man sehr sorgfltig durchfhren. Ich hatte es bei dieser Plattform anfangs nicht getan und habe prompt die Rechnung bekommen. Der Abstand Plattform/Extruder war zu gro eingestellt. Dann wird das Filament nur auf der Plattform abgelegt und hat KEINE Haftung. Den Richtwert “Papierstrke” sollte man unbedingt einhalten. Die zweite Sache ist, die Oberflche niemals mit bloen Hnden berhren. Im Ruhezustand lege ich immer die Schaumstoffplatte aus der Verpackung auf die Bauplattform. Zur Reinigung wird – glaube ich – Wasser mit Splmittel empfohlen. Ich musste die Platte bisher noch nicht reinigen. Diese hat zwar eine ausgezeichnete Haftung, aber wenn das Werkstck abgekhlt und richtig fest ist, kann man es gut von der Plattform lsen. Den Rest erledige ich mit einem Herdplattenschaber fr Ceranfelder. Das funktioniert ganz ordentlich. Wichtig: Werkstck nicht entfernen, wenn die Platte noch hei ist.