Electric Cleaning Brush, Handheld spin scrubber, 360°

Electric Cleaning Brush, Handheld spin scrubber, 360° floor scrubber with 5 Brush Heads for Bathroom,350 RPM Motor for deep Cleaning, shower cleaning tools for Tiles, Sinks and Cars,kitche
From the brand

Weight: | 780 g |
Dimensions: | 27.3 x 16.5 x 9.6 cm; 780 Grams |
Brand: | BOOHENKA |
Model: | 001 |
Colour: | Beige |
Dimensions: | 27.3 x 16.5 x 9.6 cm; 780 Grams |
Ich kann nach mehreren Monaten eigentlich nur positives berichten, fast jedenfalls…
Also das Teil hat ordentlich Power, so dass sich die Brste auch dann noch mhelos gleichbleibend schnell rotiert, wenn man richtig Druck auf den zu reinigenden Gegenstand oder Fleck ausbt… TOP!
Der Akku hlt auch ausreichend lang durch… TOP
Auch nach mehreren Tagen im Freien gekoppelt mit stndigen Regenschauern funktioniert die Brste noch einwandfrei… TOP! Hlt also bestimmt lange Zeit.
Persnlich habe ich sie zur Felgenreinigung und zum sauber machen im Bad genutzt bisher und… es geht wirklich einiges leichter von Hand als mhsam selbst zu schrubben… TOP!
Einziges Manko:
Es liegen zwar die verschiedensten Aufsteckbrsten bei aber diese nutzen sich auch relativ schnell ab, sind schnell nicht mehr schn sauber weiss, sondern verdreckt und da stellt sich die Frage, wo man jetzt und auch auf lange Sicht gesehen Ersatzbrsten erhlt!?
Danke fr das Lesen meiner Rezension. Hoffentlich konnte ich dir damit helfe
Bin zufrieden, bis auf eins, bei einer brste sind teilweise die Borsten raus gegangen.
L’apparecchio ben fatto. La qualit della plastica molto buona e si avverte essere spessa e robusta. La velocit ottimale, n troppo n poco, il motore potente tanto che pur premendo sulla superficie che si sta pulendo, la spazzola continua a ruotare. Le setole arrivano negli angoli, nelle intercapedini e negli spazi pi impensati con risultati sorprendenti. Per me un grandissimo aiuto, tanto che ne ho ordinato un secondo da regalare. Spero solo che il set di spazzole di ricambio torni disponibile a breve.
Totalmente soddisfatto!
Ottimo come sempre anche il servizio di consegna Amazon Prime, ordinato e arrivato in meno di 24 ore. Una garanzia.
This product was very helpful during our end of tenancy cleaning as it was useful to remove soap scum & tiles. Battery life is also good. Would recommend i
Easy to use and very functional, this was an excellent gift for my daughter, the first thing we did was clean the dining room chairs because her cats had them very dirty, they turned out like new, it can be used on any surface, it’s perfect recommended 100 %
Not a bad brush, got it to scrub tiled floors in a new house. The battery lasted about 40 minutes after a full night on the charger. The brushes are a little too soft for my liking, I wish the bristles were more coarse. It does slow down or even stops spinning if you press too hard. Overall for the price it’s pretty decent. Definitely will do a better job in the shower or bathtub than on the floors.
Delivery fast Easy to put on and exchange the head brush. I have tried to brush the carpet today, It is working well and cleaned the stains from the carpet.
This electric brush is pretty much a game changer when it comes to cleaning. No more using your hands for scrubbing. Good that it comes with different types of heads for different surfaces. Easy to use. It’s really a gamble for the price paid.
This item definitely exceeded my expectations, using this device made my life way easier in a kitchen when I were struggling with scraping of some of the pans, the brushes included allow you to do more than just one task and 1 of them is for polishing but I’m not really keen to try it since I have a proper polishing machine.
Some of the heads can be a bit useful when I’m valeting my car carpets. I would recommend this product for anyone who wants to make their cleaning a bit easier.
Ideal fr leichtere Verschmutzungen.. Mehr Druck fhrt zur Abschaltung des Gertes.
I must say, this cleaning brush set is one of the best purchases I’ve made in long time. The variety of brush heads included make it adaptable to different cleaning needs, allowing me to tackle various tasks with ease. I particularly enjoy using it to clean bathtub and tile grout. The electric brush is effective and proves to be a fantastic tool for saving both time and effort. The results have been consistently impressive, making cleaning a much more enjoyable and efficient experience.
Electric busts are ideal for joints and tiles. I ordered the product for a tile mirror that needed to be thoroughly cleaned before painting. Cleaning the tiles was simple with a little detergent. They were quickly and easily cleaned. You couldn’t have done it with just a bust and some scrubbing. As a result, I now use the bathroom bust at least once a week. There are always surfaces that can be cleaned quickly. I’m extremely impressed. This is made possible by the various essays. A long charging cable is included, and the brush charges quickly as well.
Just clean my kitchen wall in less than half an hour with 10 present of the effort I usually do. Also great for other surfaces cleaning .
I highly recommend the tool for anyone who regularly cleans the bathroom sink, bathtub or other tile surface! It has multiple brush heads which can easily adapt to any curve of the sink etc.. I used to have old toothbrush to clean these things but with the electrical one it’s much more efficient! Highly recommended!
Mi aspettavo altro ma il suo dovere lo fa. Senza infamia senza lode
Devo dire che quando ho acquistato questa spazzola non avevo molte aspettative….invece mi sono ricreduta!
un’ottima spazzola,molto efficace,grazie alle varie testine intercabiabili si pu pulire qualunque cosa si voglia.L’ho testata subito sui sanitari e sulle scarpe da ginnastica dei miei figli,con un ottimo risultato.Il venditore molto cortese e affidabile.Quindi la consiglio senz’altro.
Die Handhabung ist einfach und die Reinigungswirkung ist groartig. Die verschiedenen Aufstze passen sich fr die unterschiedlichen bedrfnissen an und ich bemerke eine deutliche bessere Ergebnisse in der Sauberkeit was ich mit dieser Brste sauber gemacht habe. Ich wrde diese Reinigungsbrste jedem empfehlen, der nach einer grndlichen Reinigung sucht.
Fr mich einfach ein top Gert.
Die Lieferung war schnell und gut verpackt.
Mit dieser multifunktionalen Brste kann man berall verwenden und besonders die hat 5 verschiedene Kopfbrsten!
Passt gut in der Hand und einfach Kabellose, bequem ohne viel Kraft zu verwenden.
Ich bin damit super Zufrieden und kann nur weiterempfehle
Ich habe mir diese elektrische Brste bestellt um die Lamellen meiner Terasenberdachung zu reinigen. Das konnte ich bisher leider Wetterbedingt nicht machen. Darum habe ich die Reinigungsbrste in unserer Dusche an den Flieen ausprobiert. Das Reinigungsergebnis ist gut. Die Brste kommt mit einem vor Wasser geschtzten Ladeanschluss, der Akku war vorgeladen und hat auch eine recht gute Laufzeit. An Zubehr war auer den Brstenaufstze auch eine Art Polierpad dabei.