Final Fantasy XVI Includes 6 Faction Embroidered Patches

Final Fantasy XVI (PlayStation 5) – Includes 6 Faction Embroidered Patches (Exclusive to

Final Fantasy XVI (PlayStation 5) – Includes 6 Faction Embroidered Patches (Exclusive to
I know some people say that this not a true FF game because it’s not turn based, but I’ve been playing FF games since FF7 on the PS1 and I can promise you that this is 100% Final Fantasy.
The game is not perfect, it has a lot of flaws, from the choppy frame rate in performance mode to poor level design for the story missions, but the graphics are amazing, the characters, story, everything else is top tier. And the combat is highly addictive.
I like the game for what it is and I don’t hate it for what it isn’t. But it feels very limiting at times, with constant invisible walls that will leave you longing to explore what’s on the other side of them, and a lack of any optional dungeons to conquer. Like I said, the game is really good for what it is, and that’s the issue – you’re having such a good time playing that you wish there was more to do and explore.
The Eikon fights are exhilarating though.
Overall, very solid entry in the FF series especially after FF15’s story feeling so diluted and disjointed. Definitely a game worthy of your time.
Epic and all consuming, Final Fantasy XVI wants to be a darker, more subversive spin on classic Final Fantasy tropes. It doesn’t quite reach that plus it’s open world and level design feel like a regression but contrasted by its balletic combat and a story full of pain, emotion and love, it is absolutely worth the 50+ hours required.
as a hardcore final fantasy fan whos played all of them i have waited for another classic one to come out and this is def it! great story, great characters and so much fun! well done square enix!
This is a brilliant game the storyline, the gameplay as well as they characters and are fantastic. Though one character will definitely steal the show for you which is Torgal the dog, and yes he is able to be petted and a very god boy.
The fighting mechanic s are very fast and able to change things on the fly. Also Depending how you like to play there are accessories you can use that change the game play to suit the players liking.
I’ve been playing Final Fantasy since my sister rented 7 from the video store. I’ve played most since then and while I haven’t finished some as they were not the game for me it does not stop the fun I have with the games that are. I love games that make you play more than once and you enjoy playing more than once and this game is one of those. In the first week I finished the game and then went onto play it on Final Fantasy mode and fell in love all over again.
It has Game of throne’s and Witcher vibes with the perfect touch of fantasy and reality.
The characters grow and you see how each develops to becoming their best selves and THERES A DOG BEST FRIEND!!! What’s not to love.
Finally! This game makes it worthwhile having a PS5!
Graphics are insanely cool, the new battle system is simpler and more intuitive, so the battles flow smoothly from the story. I absolutely LOVE the addition of sarcasm and humour from the characters, it’s very relatable and highly entertaining. This is the best FF release in many years, great to see it back into a full fantasy realm, no modern vehicles etc.
This isn’t the FF you grew up with. I don’t mean that as a cheesy tag-line, it’s more of a message to myself. If I want the classic turn based combat, go elsewhere.
What this is, is pure excitement injected into my veins through a controller. The story is excellent and heart wrenching, the graphics are superb, and whilst combat against normal enemies occasionally has a chance to get stale (especially if you can’t get yourself out of the habit of grinding, which really isn’t needed in this game) the boss battles?
This game is the standard at which I’ll measure every future boss battle I play. This is a game that understands what an epic confrontation is supposed to feel like.
The only complaint I have is the pacing of the side quests. Not the actual quests themselves, just the distribution in the story. Whilst a lot of the early ones basically amount to fetch quests, the mid to late game ones are brilliant…. but they’re spaced out so poorly. You don’t get any for ages, then it’s like the game suddenly realises it needs to wrap everything up before the final fight. I completed every side quest the second they became available, and after clearing the map before the final fight, a whole new set unlocked themselves, which feels like poor design to me. It felt less like a victory lap and more like running chores. If the content of them wasn’t so damn good I would have probably skipped them and always wondered if I’d missed something out.
If you’ve ever played an action game, or enjoyed a sword and sorcery movie, I would recommend picking this up.
They have put so much into telling a good story and the combat is actually pretty good, the side quests have actual reasons for existing with bounty hunts for those that want to challenge themselves. They may have stepped away from turn based but for the first time in a long time they nailed the story. Sadly I feel like the balance between gameplay and story is a bit off but I didn’t mind. This game takes about 40 full hours (if not more) just to complete the story, with another 30 hours to platinum if you are into tha
Great story, great music, amazing characters, fantastic gameplay, this is definitely one of the best Final Fantasy games from Square Enix. I enjoyed all 60 hours of the game and I already want to play again.
This is my first Final Fantasy game and I found it to be very enjoyable. The gameplay gets more and more fun as you get more abilities and the story is amazing.
Since ff7 i have never had so much fun in final fantasy universe! Yes there’s few things which could be better, like framerate which is going to be patched soon i think, but by no means is bad, just could be little bit better. And customisation which is little more than basic. But story and fights, i mean BOSS FIGHTS are sooo good that you forget about all tiny clunky details! One of the best final fantasy to date! And i have played them all since 7th! Must have!
I watched the opening cut scene. Walked into another cut scene. My PlayStation said I’ve never been so hot. I turned it off and have been afraid to play the game since.
4 stars for the unique experience
I’ve played Final Fantasy since I discovered VII for the original PS and have loved the unique way each game has been developed and presented.
I got my copy of XVI on release day with the patches and code from Amazon. Started playing straight away. Eikon battle to kick off – wow! Phoenix vs Ifrit. What a start! The story then commenced and learning the gameplay started.
I’ve played a few hours now and am currently on an adventure with Cid (yay, an early appearance) and Torgal (my dog). Battles are relatively quick and controls are not difficult to master. However, I’m knocking off 1 star at present as I am finding just too much story/cut scenes for my liking at this early stage. To clarify, I started on normal mode which is story plus action. I dread to think what story mode would be like! I just want to get on with exploring, battling and moving around the world map (like FFXV) to level up (my joy with FF games). However, being able to pause pretty much anywhere is helpful. No more shouting “I’ll get dinner on a.s.a.p.” to my hungry children because I’m stuck at a part I can’t get past without hunting a save point or abandoning the game mid-cut scene.
There have already been a few Missions which is a positive for me as I loved those side-quests and challenges in FFXV. I like exploring and so these additional elements are a big tick from me.
I can see why Square went for the 18 rating for the language used although, in fairness, it is appropriate to the characters you are playing. You wouldn’t expect a ‘knight’ faced with a gargantuan Titan Eikon to just say “blinking heck, look at the size of that” now would you. However the violence in the battles is nothing new.
Whilst I don’t feel as initially invested in this game as I have some others, and my desire to play it isn’t at the expense of other games currently available, I’m pleased to have it and hope that as time moves on and maps open up, it will become a game to thoroughly engage with.
#Crafting and loot non existent.
#Customization nearly non existent (weapon models do change)
#Characters can most of the time be bland and very boring outside on main cinematic cutscenes.
#Zero weapon variation, you only have one weapon. This is actually kind of a plus though. Although admittedly i did hate it as first.
The good.
#Boss fights
#BOSS fights
These are some of the best boss fights i have seen in any game in my entire life. Never have i played a game in the past decade where a boss fights leaves my jaw on the floor. Every Eikon fight gets better. But it took me 19 hours to get to the boss that sold this game as GTOY for me and Game of the Decade. When you buy you’ll think only of the negatives maybe for the first 10 hours. You’ll think to yourself ‘why am i even playing this game’. Then you will hit the boss. LMAO this isn’t even the final boss. AND boiiiiiiiiiii you wil go crazy, it is INSANNNNEEEEEEEE. okay i just finished it so there’s probably 200 cc of adrenaline and dopamine running through my body. Trust me when you get to the boss im referring to you will know, and you will understand why this review is all over the place.
The combat in this game is fantastic. Enemies do feel bullet spongy at times, and whilst it isn’t without it’s floors, there isn’t a single thing i would change about it.
The story is average, im sorry but it’s true, if it weren’t for the crazy good cutscenes a lot of people would be complaining. That being said it is there and it helps build this sense of mystery i have never seen in a final fantasy game (and yes i’ve played all of them).
Man i don’t know what to say, just buy the game. Please, you need to experience this asap. I can’t believe how good this game is. It is wildly inconsistent, when it’s bad it is bad. But when it is good, it is the best thing you will have/may ever play in your life (AT least until the next ff game like this comes out). It is such a huge leap forward for the genre and gaming in general that it will likely make everything else have a sour taste to it. You have to get passed the boss that im talking about before you understand how much of a masterpiece this game is. So please stick with it until you reach it, if you decide it’s not for you, i’ll think your insane, but to each their own.
The voice acting is a little bit annoying but I can forgive that.
Fighting Eikons is so spectacular and cinematic.
This is the best Final Fantasy game to date. Combat is great. Soundtrack is awesome and I can’t wait to play more of it in the morning.
Starfield is Xboxs last hope. Let’s hope its better than Besthedas last game which was Fallout 76.
Yeah, Naoki Yoshida remembers that as well. That’s why he starts Final Fantasy XVI with an apocalyptical showdown between two fire blazing eikons while Masayoshi Soken blasts out the most apocalyptically epic soundtrack this side of a major Nightwish concert.
Needless to say, its a compelling introduction (and an even more successful demo for a lot of people by the sounds of it!)
I’ve been playing the Final Fantasy games for decades, and yes I greatly miss the whimsical fantasy of IX, or the turn based battles of X, but XVI…it burns, it blazes with confidence both in its action set pieces and story – but also in the quieter moments between characters, loved ones and enemies alike.
This is a ‘dark fantasy’ approach, which means you can expect lots of cussing, some surprisingly suggestive moments and blood…lots of blood and some truly shocking moments. In even better news, there are no stupid car to push around, no tie-in anime prequal, no e-book novel or CGI film garbage to buy separately. Final Fantasy XVI is Final Fantasy XVI the game, its all here, nothing missing. Combat is fast, responsive and really shows the Devil May Cry input that’s gone into it – is it as good as that? No, but over a 40hr game, it’s much better then it has a right to be.
Just to be clear, I’ve not spent 40hrs on it, so view this as an early impressions piece…
What’s Good?
+ Compelling Storytelling – Final Fantasy has always been about telling a good yarn. Even when things get a bit convoluted (anyone remember Time Compression?), Final Fantasy games can be full of great plot twists and beats. FFXVI proudly stands up to this legacy, with a strong story and excellent, focussed cast of characters. Cutscenes can be frequent and lengthy, but thankfully are mostly very enjoyable and lavishly produced. The story will surprise you – mostly in a good way oh and the new active-time feature where you can pause and read story beats is much appreciated to parents like me who have to snatch gameplay where and when we can…
+ PS5 Production – Not holding this back for the PS4 has afforded Final Fantasy XVI to take strides in phenomenal graphical fidelity. Yes, legacy of its time as a PS4 development can be seen, but broadly this is one fine, looking game. There is a 4K ‘Graphics’ option which targets 30FPS, and a ‘Performance’ mode that targets 60FPS. Neither quite hits the sweet spot sadly and your mileage may vary – but I would recommend Graphics personally.
+ Sound Design – Firstly the voice acting is superb, some of the best seen in a while. In particular, Clive, Jill and Cid are standout performances – I could listen to Ralph Ineson (Cid’s) thick Yorkshire drawl for hours (which is fortunate as it happens). As per above, Soken’s soundtrack is of amazing quality that the 8 disc soundtrack can’t be released soon enough. Where he finds the time and energy to churn out so many bangers on top of his work for Final Fantasy XVI I’ll never know…
+ Combat – Its good actually! Switching between elemental modes, closing in on enemies, flicking out combos, staggers and more – its great! Yes, bashing square will largely bring you to success with most foes, but there are a couple of good challenges in there. The QTA events and massive eikon battles are perhaps more ‘pure spectacle’ then pure gameplay, but I’m fine with that personally – I mean, I enjoyed Asuras Wraith back in the day.
+ Game of Thrones much – Back in Final Fantasy XII you could argue that the political storyline in the background was far more interesting then whatever Vann was prattling on about. In FFXVI the individual nations and lead characters step right out of Game of Thrones and their story, and the conflicts between them is a major, and really interesting plot to tell. The darker, more visceral story telling, lifted straight from Game of Thrones is mostly used to great effect…
Whats Meh?
– Game of Thrones – Is that a direwolf? Is that Cersai? Oh my gosh, did you really do a gentle giant character that picks up and carries an injured person without calling them Hodor? Yeah – it sometimes gets a bit much shall we say. But hey, its better then the second half of Game of Thrones lets be fair.
– Performance/Graphics – Its acceptable but not great. Graphics has notable FPS drops (strangely mostly out of combat) and Performance struggles at times. Hopefully this will be improved, otherwise the PC version will end up notably superior I suspect.
What’s bad?
– Honestly, can’t think of anything here
In conclusion.
This is just early impressions but Final Fantasy XVI bleeds pure confidence in the story its telling, the characters its moving and the battles that are shaking your screen. After the weird disjoined story of XV, the launch of XIV and, whatever the heck XIII was supposed to be – XVI really offers a hope for the future, and its one that I hope Naoki Yoshida will continue to be lead on.