fitpolo Smart watches for Men,Smart watch Women GPS Activity

fitpolo Smart watches for Men,Smart watch Women GPS Activity Tracker, Step Counter, Sleep Monitor, Stopwatch,Calorie Counter, IP68 Waterproof Outdoor Sports Smartwatch for Android iOS Phones

Dimensions: | 4 x 4 x 2 cm; 5 Grams |
Model: | X18 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Metal batteries required. |
Manufacture: | Fitpolo |
Dimensions: | 4 x 4 x 2 cm; 5 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Ordered this watch as it was identical to my old one which just broke into pieces, can’t really figure out how it happened was just putting my handbag on my shoulder and oh watch fell into pieces. I was wanting the same brand and type in order to keep my data and to save time and the faff of trying to get the hang of a different make model and app. I am very pleased with my new watch. Very quick delivery and well packaged.
Ich hatte die Smartwatch letztes Jahr fr meine Tochter (9 Jahre) bestellt. Sie hat gut gepasst, das Akku hat lang gehalten, alles prima. Nach Ablauf der Garantie (wieso ist diese nur 1 Jahr?!) hatte meine Tochter sie im Schwimmbad (laut Beschreibung ist sie ja wasserdicht) an. Seitdem funktioniert sie nicht mehr. Der Hersteller reagiert auf meine Nachfrage bisher nicht.
Excellent, straight to the point activity watch. Connects to veryfitpro (which in turn can sync.woth Google fit).
Excellent battery life.
Really easy to use, good size for ladies and comfy to wear. So good the whole family now has them!
It finally gave up working all of a sudden last week so I immediately bought the same one again. I don’t use loads of functions on these watches- just time and step counter and I use it as a torch when looking in a dark drawer or going to the loo at night! I love its simplicity.
Only one complaint really and that’s there’s only 4 watch faces to choose from and two of them don’t have the date on them. I think that would be an easy thing to improve and make it more personalised.
Easy to wear and set up. Looks good and seems to be accurate.
I have got this watch for Christmas, the watch looks really good, I like the design and the ease of use. Unfortunately after two weeks of use, the button on the side stopped functioning, I got in touch with the seller, and they offer a replacement, which has arrived promptly. The new watch works as it should.
Size of screen is great. Does what I need it to – counts steps which I find to be pretty accurate. Use the alarm too. Has a dimmer for night time which is ideal. I would recommend.
Ich verstehe die negativen Kommentare GARNICHT! Ich wollte die Uhr deswegen erst garnicht kaufen da es mich abgeschreckt hat. Aber ich bin froh das doch gemacht zu haben. Es hat super viele Funktionen. Man kann Nachrichten lesen (nicht beantworten) & sieht wenn Anrufe reinkommen.
In terms of value for money, this is definitely one of the best if the the best you can get.
I love this watch, I’ve had it a week so far and the battery is still only on 64%, lasts for ages and it’s so easy to use!
The app was easy to install and sync to watch, looks just like an apple watch at a 3rd of the cost!
Counts my steps, heart rate and has various different exercise modes on it. Very impressed.
So far I have I been using the watch for about 4 days. So far I really like it. It is comfy to ware and relatively easy to use once you have a little play around with it. Connect my phone to the watch was very easy as soon as the app was downloaded.
I still haven’t managed to figure out how to get messages on the watch but that’s could just be me, I’m not great with technology. I got the watch for me to get an idea of how active I am and so far I am pleased with the results it appears to me accurate with activity level and step count. The sleep tracker thought I wouldn’t say is great but gives a rough idea. Battery live is amazing I charged it when I first got it and still got 3/4 battery. Over all for the price it is decent and I’m happy
Der Akku ist aktuell nach 3 Tagen bei 65%. Also super Akku
Gleichzeitig habe ich auch eine fr mich bestellt gehabt, in normaler Grsse. Auf dem 2. Bild sieht man, dass der Grssenunterschied kaum zu sehen ist.
Meine Uhr hatte ich zurck geschickt, da ich mich doch fr eine andere entschieden habe.
Dennoch kann ich die Uhr definitiv empfehlen.
Si je lance la fonction chronomtre, impossible d’accder l’heure, mme en appuyant plusieurs fois sur le bouton de la montre. Dommage, mais pour environ 35, c’est un rapport qualit/prix imbattable.
Par ailleurs, je n’ose pas prendre une douche avec cette montre bien qu’elle soit etanche l’eau douce !
Je suis trs satisfait de cet acha
j’ai achet cette montre essentiellement pour calculer les performances sportifs (musculation et foot) et elle fait le job, c’est une jolie montre trs bon design et elle est lgre. c’est ce que je recherchais…
Aprs quelques jours d’utilisation je suis entirement satisfait, je recommande