JOOLA,19110,Tischtennistisch AA8Tischtennis

JOOLA,19110,Tischtennistisch AA8Tischtennis FreizeittischInklusive Tischtennisnetz

Weight: | 18.14 Kilograms |
Size: | 168 x 84 x 76 cm |
Dimensions: | 99.82 x 99.57 x 10.16 cm; 22.68 Kilograms |
Brand: | JOOLA |
Model: | 19110 |
Colour: | Blue |
Pack Quantity: | 2 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Joola |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 99.82 x 99.57 x 10.16 cm; 22.68 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 2 |
Size: | 168 x 84 x 76 cm |
I was worried after reading some reviews mentioning that there was loose screws on the bottom of the table, but this table arrived new and undamaged for me so it may just be due to how it is shipped. It was quick to assemble and comes as two separate square tables which is convenient since it could be multipurpose.
After 3 months of use, it has still been a hit in the living room, so much so that we left it there to play table tennis everyday.
Super Tischtennisplatte fr alle, welche sich keine groe zulegen mchten. Man muss sich allerdings erst am Anfang dran gewhnen.
La taille est suffisante pour retrouver une impression de vrai ping pong. La table est en 2 partie ce qui facilite le dplacement cause du poids. La finition est impeccable.
After a reasonably delivery we were happy unpack it, without any problem, since it arrived in perfect condition.
Easy to assemble, we used it already several times. You should adjust your movement to its size, but it is easy.
With due care, it should be durable and serve our good fun.
Coli reu dans les dlais . L’emballage a d souffrir pendant le transport mais le contenu tait en parfait tat. Il ne faut pas plus de 2 minutes pour dballer et dplier la table ,aligner les 2 pans de celle-ci , de rgler la planitude au moyen de molettes places sous les pieds …et de commencer jouer ! Je suis donc pleinement satisfait de mon achat .
Great table for small basements. Other than the product arriving damaged on one corner the table is as advertised. Very sturdy tables and so far the legs seem good quality.
Der Tischtennistisch an sich ist eine sehr gute Alternative zu einem groem Tisch, welcher sehr viel Platz einnimmt. Die Qualitt ist fr diesen Preis uert gut – das einzige Probelm war, dass eine der Befestigungen bereits beschdigt war; Also die Schrauben aus dem Tisch floge
Die Platten haben an den beiden ueren Ecken einen Eckenschutz. Die Beine sind hhenverstellbar. Das Netz sitzt passend unter Spannung. Die Platte richt leider sehr chemisch, das ist leider nicht so toll, sie steht zum auslften drauen. Ansonsten macht sie einen sehr stabilen und hochwertigen Eindruck.
Ein ganz klares ja zum kaufen von mir.
Die ersten beiden Platten waren defekt und hatten unterschiedliche Farben auf beiden Seiten.
Die 3. ist ok. Von Joola erwartet man doch etwas mehr Qualitt, so ist das Verbinden der beiden Teile sehr wackelig.
Das Netz wird dann festgeklemmt (so Schraubklemmen) und hlt dadurch die beiden einzelnen Tische zusammen. Wenn man die Platte verschieben mchte, lsen sich die 2 Tischhlften halt meistens, aber das ist klar. Von allein (auch beim ranrempeln) verschiebt sich aber gar nichts.
Zur Gre: Also die Umstellung von einer groen auf diese “kleine” Platte ist schon deutlich strker als ich dachte. Die Kinder sind Tischtennis aus der Schule gewhnt und es bedarf einer kurzen Zeit um sich an die kleinere Gre zu gewhnen, denn anfangs gingen die Blle gern immer knapp ins Aus. Geschenkt bekam sie mein nun 7 jhriger zu seinem Geburtstag. Er spielt trotzdem gern daran und er kann mit seinen 132cm auch super daran stehen.
Wir nutzen sie vor allem drinnen und bei schnem Wetter geht es auch auf die Terrasse. Allerdings ist das Spielgefhl bei einer groen Platte doch nochmal anders.
Na mal sehen, wenn die Tischtennisfreude bestehen bleibt, zieht dann vielleicht doch noch eine normale Platte ein. Wer wenig Platz hat oder noch nicht sicher ist, ob die Freude langfristig ist, ist hier Qualitativ sehr gut beraten. Unterschtzt nur nicht das Gewicht der einzelnen Tische.
I’ve received the table a couple day ago. Bought it on boxing day discount. It arrived couple of days earlier than initially predicted. The product is fully assembled, and you can simply unfold the table and start. Unfortunately one let screw came already off, as shown in so many pics in other’s people reviews. The table stands still, and I have to careful when I fold it. It’s lot of fun, kids and myself enjoy it. If it would be bit bigger it would be better, but it is excellent product. No regrets and I would recommend it.
Excellent table just the right size for use in our garden . Good quality easy yo put up and down for storage
Arrived in a battered box and had to fix the legs together where the bolts had worked loose. Two screws have come out from underneath the table. These can’t be screwed back in. Other than that this has not effected the game play. Good size for a small table and the whole family are enjoying the table.
Really well constructed steel frame and easy to store! Hours of fun!
We live in Florida (no basements). We wanted a Ping Pong table for a long time but really don’t have the space for a full size table any where indoors. We thought of out doors but with; heat, rain, bugs etc. we decided against it. We came across this “Mid-Size” table by Joola. At first I was skeptical. I grew up in the North and always had a full size table. But we decided to give it a try as a holiday surprise for the family.
I can’t even begin to tell you what a great idea. The kids, adults, family and all visiting friends have had so much fun. The quality of the table is great. There was no assembly required except for normal placement of the table. It stows easily, any of the kids can do independently.
Most of all my bias of only able to have fun on a full size table was put to rest. It took a day or so to adjust but we have every bit of exiting games for experienced players. The newbies are all increasing their skills. I’m so glad we can do this inside vs. having to deal with the elements if we went with the out side table.
Thanks for the great product and loads of fun!
This is a sturdy, well-made table. Good quality for the price and easy to store if needed. My kids love this table. I like that it doesn’t take up so much space. It is a lot of fun to play on and it works perfect in our basement that isn’t that big.
Only complaint is that I had to order this table 3 times!!! The first two were so damaged that I had to return them. The first one had chipped paint on the top of the table. The second one came in a banged up box and looked like it had been dropped on the corners. Opened it up and two of the table corners were so smashed in. Was definitely dropped. What a hassle to return such a big item two times. The shipping was free but a huge hassle to return. Amazon was great to work with though and apologized as usual. I asked them to inspect the 3rd table before it was shipped so I wouldn’t have to return it again. That package came in great condition. If it wasn’t for the hassle of returning damaged tables before we got one in great shape, I would definitely give this table 5 stars.
This is a nice table for small areas. It is very easy to put together, and it plays well. It takes a bit of time to get used to the smaller size, but eventually you will have a lot of fun.
Our only problem was with the quality of the table. There were 3 loose screws (that hold the bottom frame to the top), and upon trying to fasten them, it became clear that they had been over-fastened in the factory, and thus did not grip into the top playing surface. But their effect on the table was minimal, and so it was not worth it for us to seek a replacement.
The second issue was cosmetic, but also this one indicates some lack of quality control in the assembly/factory process. The white paint that covers the edge of the table was spray-painted on, but without any attention to dripping along the outer edge of the table. Thus there were dried paint runs on the edge. Since this was most prevalent in the edge that is in-between the two playing surfaces (and thus only slightly affects the spacing of the joint between the two tables), we again did not feel it was sufficient to warrant an exchange.
So, in summary, great table but not enough attention to the detail of assembly and finish.
Most of the 5 minutes of setup time was in unpacking the box and discarding the materials. It really was a snap. It consists of two large, heavy card tables placed end to end, with a net between them. Simply unfold the legs, position the tables, then attach the net. Initially, the table legs seemed a bit wobbly even when locked, but once I had adjusted the feet to make each side level, then attached the net – effectively clamping the tables together, it suddenly felt and played like the legit table that it is. I believe the weight of the table top helps this as well. It really is a solid unit. And I find it to be the perfect size for indoors: not too small that you can’t hit the ball onto the playing surface, but not too large that you can’t comfortably maneuver to reach your shots.
That said, I’d suggest to the manufacturer to look at improving the locking mechanisms on the legs so that they are more rigid and lock into place with a bit more authority. I’d also suggest considering latches of some sort to help join the two tables together – maybe something like the latches used for table leaves – so that it’s not dependent on the net clamps.
Overall, I’m very satisfied though! Will update this if anything changes.
We received our Joola midsize table tennis table four days ago. My husband and I are around 60 years old each and got it in order to keep active, which it has proven to do; no more vegetating on the internet/ watching TV for hours on end (when we’re not at work or out hiking.) Neither of us has played in years. We played three different sessions during the first day. It was so fun that we couldn’t bear to stop. We’ve yet to play doubles.
The table is noticeably smaller than regulation size, but we feel that it makes the game a bit more challenging, having to be somewhat more precise in where we place the ball. Other than that, the table is wonderful. The net is taut and easy to attach. The hardness of surface causes the ball to bounce as well as any table we’ve ever played on and it’s level.
We received it by mail, a day late due to unforeseen trouble with the carrier. The box had a puncture incurred when under transport and has openings serving as handholds for the mail carrier, so that it was lucky that the bolt, screw and washers for one end of one leg which had come loose hadn’t fallen out, but stayed in the box so that I was able to reattach the loose leg with tools I had on hand at home. I would advise the company to make sure all the bolts and screws are properly tightened before boxing the table. Perhaps a bit thicker cardboard could be used for the box, as well, to avoid punctures. There was a minor scratch or two on the underside of the table which are not visible when the table is in use, nor do they have any affect on how the table functions.
The size is perfect for our little home. It’s good that it’s in two halves, so that it is easier to deal with when setting it up or putting it away, both of which are done within 5 minutes — I would say it takes only about 3 minutes. I can do it on my own with no trouble, though it is advised always to use two people to lift the table into the upright position; I’m 5’4″ and no weakling.
It is good that half of the table can be used as a card table, and that we’ll be able to use the table when we have more guests than our small dining table accommodates.
If it weren’t for the loose leg and scratches from transport when being mailed, I would give this table five stars.
Dieses Jahr waren wir oft Tischtennis spielen.berall wo ne Platte steht sind war auch mal da.Freibad,Park,Hfe etc.Aber eine normal groe Platte kommt aufgrund der Mae nicht infrage.Da bin ich auf diese Platte gestoen.Die Mae passten um die Platte mal im Flur oder im Frhjahr im Hof aufzustellen.Zunchst war ich skeptisch.Ich habe schon an einigen Mini/Midi TT Platten gespielt.Kurz gesagt es hat mich nie wirklich lnger begeistern knnen.Zu klein,schwierig aufzubauen,keine gute Quaitt.
Die ich JOOLA von den TT Schlgern und Bllen kenne und ich immer sehr zufrieden war von der Qualitt,war die erste Hrde genommen.Nun habe ich mir die Mae anhand unseres Kchentischs etwas veranschaulicht und bin zu dem Schluss gekommen,das reicht fr gro und klein.
Das Gewicht passte auch so das ein Erwachsener zum Aufbau reicht.Auch die Rezensionen klangen sehr gut.Keine Kufer a la “wurde mir kostenlos zur Verfgung” gestellt,Das ist bei mir das A und O bei Rezensionen.Also entschied ich mich die Platte zu bestellen.Mir war nicht sehr wohl dabei,da ich dachte zu klein.
Paar Tage vor heilig Abend kam die Platte an.Da ich echt viel um die Ohren hatte ,wurde die Platte bei der Schwiegermutter “geparkt”.Ich entschiedmich sogar dafr mir die Platte wie Alle erst heilig Abend beim Aufbau zu begutachten.Ich muss sagen,das erste Mal seit vielen Jahren stellte sich bei mir eine Art Vorfreude ein.Wie werden die Kinder reagieren,wie gro ist die Platte,waren die Bewertungen gerechtfertigt.
Nun der Weihnachtsmann war da und brachte den doch recht groen Karton mit.Jetzt war es raus.Eine TT Platte.Allerdings lasen die Jungs schon MIDI.Och nee ne Mini Platte wie langweilig.Ich sagte dann das ich unseren Kchentisch als Anhaltspunkt genommen hatte und die Platte sogar etwas grer ist,weil nicht MINI sondern MIDI.Also ans Werk,Karton auf und berraschung Nummer 1.Kein Klimbim,keine Einzelteile.Inhalt waren die 2 Hlften der Platten und die Netzgarnitur.berraschung Nummer 2.Die beiden Teile sind wirklich hervorragend verarbeitet.Das “Gestnge”wird nur zur Seite aufgeklappt und hlt bombenfest.Nichts knarzt,nichts quietscht,nichts wackelt.Ein Genu die Platte “aufzubauen”.Ohne Anleitung in 2 Minuten erledigt.
Nun stand sie da und wir kuckten uns Alle an und ich glaube Jeder dachte das Gleiche.Zu klein.Dann unterhielten wir uns wieder und tatschlich hatten Alle den selben Gedanken.Deshalb eins beachten.Diese Platte ist nicht vergleichbar mit einer normalen TT Platte.Ja sie ist sichtbar kleiner.Aber motzen ohne wenigstens mal gespielt zu haben war tabu.Auch beim ersten spielen war klar,es ist eine Umstellung.Trotz das wir Alle dachten zu klein,spielten wir einige Matches.Mit der Zeit wusste man wie die Angaben zu spielen sind ohne das diese gleich runter fielen.Auch das spielen selbst wurde von Stunde zu Stunde besser und wir haben uns entschlossen dieser Platte eine Chance zu geben.Heute is der 03.01,2017 und ich wei nicht wieviele Stunden wir bereits auuf der Platte uns haben.Eigentlich wird tglich an der Technik “gefeilt” um das Maximum rauszuholen.Und was soll ich klappt.Wir spielen mittlerweile sehr gut auf der “Kleinen”.Der Umstieg zurck auf eine groe Platte geht sehr sehr gut.Ich dachte wenn man lnger auf der “Kleinen” spielt hat man Probleme auf der “Groen”.Mitnichten.Klappt pefekt.
Diese Platte finde ich wirklich super.5 Sterne.Weil an der Platte eben Alles stimmt.Verarbeitung,Aufbau,Qualitt der verwendeten Materialien und mittlerweile sogar die Gre.Ich neige sogar dazu zu sagen,man verbessert das Spiel auch auf der Groen,wenn mans auf der “Kleinen” raus hat.Wir spielen eigentlich wenn es die Zeit zulsst tglich.Der Aufbau sowie der Abbau sind ein Kinderspiel.Die Platte kann auch mal Ste wegstecken ohne das gleich was kaputt geht.
Ich finde den Preis recht hoch aber muss auf jeden Fall dazu sagen,sie ist jeden Euro wert.Deshalb finde ich den Preis auch gerechtfertigt.Qualitt hat ihren Preis.Aus diesen Und all den oben genannten Grnden,klareKaufempfehlung und Sterne.
I bought the JOOLA Midsize Table Tennis Table for our family this summer. It’s a great solution for homes that are space-challenged, but also for players who demand a table that behaves like a full-size professional one. When you hear about a “junior” version of any piece of sports game equipment, you immediately think: flimsy, meant to last through the holiday season during which it was purchased, with game play only vaguely resembling the regulation-official version it was attempting to mimic. This table is solid, the folding u-shaped supports are brilliant. The net is easy to attach and remove, and when in place for that grudge match, it does not disappoint. Nobody can blame their embarrassing performance on this simple but snappy net and bracket set.
For sure, the game we play on the JOOLA Midsize table is different from a regulation-size game in a number of ways — it requires some acclimation and adjustment. But with that time spent in practice, we have emerged capable of long rally points, menacing English spin-backs and top-spin put-aways!
We leave the table up full-time in our dining room for the summer, as we usually eat out on the porch most evenings. But when we need to take it down to make room for other activities, it happens quickly and with no tools. The table halves can fit upright in a nearby closet until the clarion call “Ping-pong, anyone?” can be heard once again throughout the house.
This is a solid mid-sized table. Do check the measurements, as it is a tad smaller than I imagined it would be. That being said, it fits perfectly in the location I placed it. I often play table tennis at a friend’s home who has a larger surface. So playing on this smaller table allows me to hone and tighten my game.
This is actually two separate tables held together by the clamps of the net. So I imagine if one were so inclined, they could fine alternate uses for these tables. I can dismantle the tables in under a minute.Setting up is only slowed down by tightening the clamps on the net (which the manual does not instruct to do). It is self evident, but when writing a manual……..
This table travels fine in my truck, I have yet to try to fit in the trunk of my car.One final thought, the instruction manual (which isn’t needed) has 3 instructions in it, however the “author” managed to !@#$% 2 of them up. Embarrassing.
Finally, this table does not come with paddles or balls, so definitely include them in your purchase of this table. When you purchase balls, make sure they are rated two to three stars, as the rest are horrible to play with.
SO THIS WEEK: I got fed up and ordered this thing based on reviews and the words “no construction needed.” Thank goodness. This is a great piece of equipment for the money. The legs are sturdy and lock into place. It can easily be folded flat again and stored easily. It can be toted by a small person (I am 5feet tall). My kids are 8-10, it is a great size for them. They complained initially that it was smaller than what they had seen elsewhere, frankly, this fits them better than others we have tried out in a store. The surface is well made and the net and fixing posts are sturdy and easy. SO:
Quality, Easy, Ready Made, Nice Price, The right size for kids (or adults who just want to play).
I note others mention poor packaging. Mine was well packed and was in perfect shape.
Muy recomendada, adems estuve buscando por san Google por si la encontraba ms barata y fue imposible, lo mnimo fue en ebay Estados Unidos y se disparaba a 165 + 60 de envo…aqu en Amazon 124 solo y al tener Amazon premium…el envo gratuito, 3 das y en casa.
No os lo penseis, si tenis espacio es un gran regalo.
This table is perfect for me. It plays well, fits in the limited play space in my basement, packs up easily for moving outside or another house, is very sturdy and is just small enough that it gives me a chance against stronger players but is large enough to be fun for everyone.
I have wanted a ping pong table for a long time, but we just did not have the space for a full size table. My basement is large enough, though for this table. Because of the small size, you need less space around the table because you cannot wind up consistently for big shots. Once you adjust your playing style, the table is just as fun as a full size.
Outdoor tables always intrigued me since we are limited on space. Unfortunately a good outdoor ping pong table is very expensive and they look unwieldy. This Joola mid sized table is very easy to fold up into two card table sized pieces, so we can take it outside in no time and then return it inside when done. It is even small enough to go in the back of my station wagon for trips out. Reinstalling the net is a breeze.
This Joola table is made with particle board, but it is sturdy and gives a true bounce. I do not worry about breaking it, even when transporting it.
Good players will have a learning curve on this smaller surface. That is good for me, as I am not a good player and have defeated superior players. My reign does not last long, as after a few plays people get the hang of it and it provide very fun play for everyone.
My one complaint is the design of the hinges. The do not lock firmly in place and so the table does not feel as secure as it could. That being said, it is still a sturdy table that I expect to last a very long time.
Very portable but lacks a bit more space to make possible more agressive strokes. Perfect size would be 1,10 * 2,15.
But it is small. If you play ping pong like a catnipped feline trying to swat swooping birds out of the air you will miss the back of the table every time with your shots. On the plus side, playing on this was excellent training for my son and I before we visited his uncle’s house, where our newfound accuracy led to our complete domination of the family Christmas. A full side table was like putty in our hands. So this would be a good training tool if you are not yet at Forrest Gump levels of play.
Because it comes apart, we’ve also had fun pulling the sides apart and playing ping pong that way, like the halves are islands in the old floor-is-lava game we played on the furniture as kids. Different and compellingly ridiculous way to play.
Because the halves separate and are totally sturdy, this is also an excellent table for the following things, which we’ve used it for in our house: Axis & Allies – the 2-game entire world edition, card games or board games or puzzles that you want to do near dinner time when the dining room table must be cleared for action, Jenga-like games that might dent lesser furniture. I imagine you could use it as a table for all sorts of other things, too, if you had more varied interests/were much less nerdy than my family.
There have been shipping worries expressed in these reviews. It came in perfect condition for me, but because I was worried I had Amazon call me and they assured me I could return it without shipping charge if it was dented or cracked. If you are also worried, contact them.
I bought this table for a small apartment, and like some of the other reviewers, I was a little surprised at how small it is. But it’s the right height, the surface is excellent (though it does mark easily), and it fits very neatly into my room – in fact, I will be leaving it up rather than folding it away after use as I had expected to have to do. We’ve already had a lot of games on it, and it’s a great addition to our home.
The quality of the table top, the clamps and the net are good, though there were a few small dents and scratches on the sides of the table on arrival. The table comes in two pieces, i.e. two separate tables. When you place them together, they don’t meet very well, but the clamps for the net are surprisingly excellent at positioning and holding the two tables in place (though this design is a bit too delicate for moving the table around much once erected – the two tables risk coming apart when I pull it out from the wall for instance). The net itself is sturdy, looks good, and slips easily onto its holders. The main problem I have with the two tables is the folding legs, which look and feel as though they ought to click into position, but somehow do not. Instead they seem precariously up, and I have the ongoing fear that they will collapse if I put any pressure on the table as they are not locked/held into position. And in fact the hinges seem a little bent. Nothing’s happened yet, but I suspect it will, and I’m not sure whether it’s defective or a design flaw.