Maclaren Quest Arc Jason Woodside lightweight compact

Maclaren Quest Arc Jason Woodside lightweight compact umbrella stroller. Newborn up to 25 kg, UPF 50+ extendable waterproof hood, single handle, reclining seat, wheels suspension. Includes raincove

Global Safety Standard
Maclaren takes pride in safety and durability and for over 50 years we have been dedicated to creating premium products that are safe, stylish and innovative. We enhanced our safety features by moving to one Global Safety Standard. This standard means that all Maclaren buggies meet or exceed the highest safety standards mandated anywhere in the world.
Aftersales Assistance
Our strollers are built upon the expectation that when you purchase a Maclaren you receive a product of quality, engineered to withstand years of use. If during your lifetime of use, you find a defect in material or workmanship, or the product should fail to function with proper use and care, we will gladly repair or replace it. Register your buggy within 60 days of your purchase to have access to this feature.
Replaceable Parts
Maintain your buggy’s performance with self-service replaceable parts. High-wear items like wheels, grips, seats, and hoods are available for purchase. Engineered for your Maclaren – they fit like no other parts can.
Weight: | 7.5 kg |
Dimensions: | 78.6 x 46 x 106.8 cm; 7.5 Kilograms |
Model: | WP1G045142 |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Composition: | Polyester, Grade Aluminium |
Dimensions: | 78.6 x 46 x 106.8 cm; 7.5 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Lo mejor es lo fcil de manejar y plegar. Por ponerle una pega es que el bloqueo de giro de las ruedas delanteras lo puede activar el nio sin querer.
il secondo passeggino Maclaren che prendiamo, o meglio, il primo ci stato regalato da una parente ed essendo usato e strausato per anni era ormai un po’ usurato perci abbiamo deciso di acquistarne uno nuovo, pur avendo un altro passeggino del trio nascita questo davvero comodo in quanto super leggero, stabile e si apre e chiude con un click. Su Amazon ho trovato altri passeggini leggeri ma ho voluto riprendere questo attratta anche molto dal prezzo minore rispetto a quello del negozio che si aggira sui 400 . Acquisto ancora una volta azzeccatissimo! Rispetto alla vecchia versione anche migliorato la cappottina antisole e antivento si abbassa completamente, imbottitura stupefacente e rifiniture bellissime per non parlare della stabilit delle ruote che per essere un passeggino leggero con ruote piccole davvero super!
New handle difficult to fold.
Pocket for phone/purse access impeded by strap to fold stroller.
Harness shoulder straps cannot be easily released from buckle to insert a liner or cosy toes, the stroller can’t be folded them in place.
Wheels are great and stroller easy to fold and unfold, definitely not one handed though. On the whole a little disappointed.
Lightweight , easy to put up and take down with one hand.
Really comfortable for young baby in lie down position. Excellent quality
La compre para nia de 2 aos porque la que tenia se rompi. En comparacin la que tenia de otra marca se ve ms duradera, pero para mi gusto es un poco pesada y el mango es un poco alto, seria un punto que pudiera reclinarse. La primera vez que la pliegas cuesta un poco pero una vez visto el mecanismo ya es fcil. El resto todo bien, si buscas una silla todo terreno parece la adecuada.
La silla en general est genial, es ligera fcil de plegr y estticamente la veo bonita.
El nico pero es que el freno est puesto muy abajo, de manera que cuando bajas un escaln choca y a la larga pienso que el freno se va a romper, aunque si llevas cuidado no le das.
La silla es super ligera y va muy bien.
Tiene el respaldo muy corto, 42cm.
Para un bebe de ao y medio como el mio de estatura normal y 10kg en pocos meses se le quedar pequea y no me gustara que fuese con la cabeza por fuera.
Merece la pena si se compra cuando dejan de usar capazo, que ah si podrs darle uso.
En mi caso, como segunda silla no me merece la pena.
De nada vale que aguante tanto peso si se queda corta de tamao.
Le dossier du sige ne me semble pas trs haut, la tte commence dpasser alors que mon fils n’a que 15 mois donc voir
Reue aujourd’hui, dans les dlais, j’ai pu la tester en ville sur plus de 5km et parfait on a pris une grosse averse et bb est rest confortablement l’abri malgr l’oubli du protge anti-pluie trs maniable, pratique, je suis trs satisfaite
Elle a dj t utilise sur route, chemin de terre, pavs, graviers, sable…
Elle est chouette
Canopi super, trs grand, descend et protege compltement
L’toile en moins, c’est juste pour la longueur de la poussette plie, je dois la mettre de travers ds mon petit coffre de 208 mais ds la voiture de Papa c niquel
Fab stroller lightweight and quality all in one !
More expensive than other lightweight strollers but can see why. Very good quality will last.
Muy buena calidad y muy manejable.
La compr tras comprar una de otra marca y si lo se no haba tirado el dinero comprando la primera.
Esta se monta y se desmonta mucho ms fcil que otras que he probado y se maneja mucho menor sin duda.
Es nescesario usar las dos manos para poder llevarla, esto es lo que menos me gusta de estas sillas, no te dejan una mano libre, pero por contra la manejabilidad es super buena.
En cuanto a materiales y telas, me gusta que sea tan ligera y tambin me gusta que la tela es resistente y se puede limpiar con un simple pao.
Las ruedas son un poco pequeas y si pillas un escaln es facil que se enganche, pero para ciudad estan muy bien. Un poco ms grandes sera lo suyo.
Me gusta que el cesto sea grande para poder llevar ropa y cositas.
Una silla muy conocida y que la fama se la ha ganado a pulso.
El precio un poco elevado para ser 4 hierros y un caho de tela la verdad
No, dicindolo totalmente en serio, creo que la silla merece mucho la pena, ya que las calidades y ajustes son muy buenos. El mullido del asiento, el rodamiento de las ruedas, el grosor de la capota, el pedal de freno, la amortiguacin… Se nota que son de calidad.
Yo la compr por 245 en Amazon Warehouse (reacondicionado), cuyo estado indicaba “Como nuevo”.
Sin embargo, no estaba como nuevo, sino que se notaba uso en las ruedas. Por este motivo la devolvimos, pero la silla se vea a primera vista que era buena.
Ahora, la pregunta es: realmente merece la pena pagar 300 cuando hay otros modelos por 100? Esto es lo que cada cual debe valorar y responder.
MAIS : attention aux petits trottoirs franchir ou aux pavs. Parfois a passe et parfois la poussette bascule en avant!
Peut tre un probleme de conception des roues un peu trop petites ou au centre de gravit trop en avant…
AUTRE POINT AGAANT : le blocage (ligne droite) des roues avant se fait au niveau des pieds de l enfant, s il joue avec, il faut rgulirement les dbloquer. Pourquoi avoir mis ce blocage a sa porte?
Estamos muy contentos en general con ella, la silla es cara pero la calidad es de lo mejorcito, de ahi su precio.
Va muy suave, pesa poco, la capota es enorme y con filtros solares, los arneses son muy seguros, el manillar comodsimo.
Como contras dire que las rueditas se enganchan muy facialmente en los bordillos aunque sean pequeos y hay que levantar. El freno a veces se me queda enganchado y la tapicera da muchsimo calor (comprar una colchoneta 100 algodn para encima). No lleva barra de seguridad.
La bebe nunca dormia ni en su coche, ni cuna, ni capazo. Lo hacia siempre en brazos y luego habia que acostarla.
En su primer paseo en esta sillita, cayo en un sueno profundo y placentero.
Cada vez que vamos a ponerla en la sillita, se pone muy feliz.
El ensamblaje ha sido sencillo, el peso es bastante ligero y las instrucciones estan bien, aunque son un poco mejorables.
La unica pega puede estar en sus ruedas pequenas: provocan un poco de ruido y vibracion en cada desnivel. Pero si a la bebe no le molesta, a mi tampoco.
Ademas es una pasada de lo bonito que esta. Yo elegi el color negro liso.
Ha sido quizas mi mejor compra.
Niveau confort elle est trs bien. Il manquerait simplement des renforts sur les sangles et au niveau de l’entre jambes.
Pour le style rien a dire: jolie, compacte, trs facile a plier et dpiler. Se manie une main !
Attention: c’est une poussette de ville, les roues sont petites et pas adaptes pour des balades dans les bois ou dans les champs.
Elle bnficie d’une capote qui descend assez bas pour permettre de bien protger du soleil pendant les promenades ! Mais galement du vent !
Le panier dessous n’est pas trs grand et pas facile d’accs.
Et il manque des attaches pour le sac langer…
Pour le prix, elle n’est pas donne pour une poussette canne mais c’est gage de qualit incontestable.
Je recommande dans hsitatio
My child loves this stroller. Amazing how a stroller can change a baby’s shopping experience. Thank you
Lovely stroller, my 2 year old loves it.
The only anoying thing is the placement of the front wheel locks, all my daughter has to do is rest her foot on it and the wheels lock when they’re straight and I have to press them again to get the wheels to swivel again!
Other than that perfect buggy for us
Brilliant esp with the one handlebar, can push one handed with ease now. Arrived next day brilliant service thank you
Pushchairs are an essential in a household with small people and we have gone through a fair few in our time. This Maclaren Quest Arc Stroller is the most recent addition to our home and so far we love it.
The pushchair arrives in a large box and need a bit of assembling before it is ready to go. I found this quick and simple to do and we had it up and wheeling about within 10 mins of unpacking. Once assembled the pushchair is wonderfully easy and smooth to move about, it is lightweight and the wheels spin easily giving a nice tight turning circle – great for cramped shops!
The seat is pretty easy to adjust, it takes a little getting used to but I have found this to be the case with each different pushchair we have used. It is nicely padded and seems comfortable. The safety harness can be a bit stiff initially but this changes with use and it holds our 10 month old really well even though he is now determined to wriggle and move about as much as possible when we are out and about.
The seat cover can be removed for washing which is great as we have had some in the past which can’t and this makes for a really grubby chair after a few months.
We have found that it is really easy to fold and unfold the pushchair and it moves smoothly into place before locking.Again though it takes a bit of getting used to so you may want to practice at home a few times.
The handles of the pushchair do have a limited amount of adjustment and can be lifted or lowered by and couple of inches as required.
The hood of the pushchair has really good UV protection and can be extended to give a large amount of shade for your child. It also has a window you can use to see your child and check on them while the hood is extended.
This pushchair also comes with a couple of straps, one to use to carry it whilst folded and another as an additional safety feature which allows you to tether the chair to stop it rolling away.
The shopping basket under the chair is nice and roomy given the size of the chair and has the ability for you to access from behind and also from the side when the chair is reclining which we have found to be extremely useful.
There is also a raincover provided with this pushchair which is always useful to have. As with every other cover I have used it takes a bit of figuring out to get it fitted the right way round and well secured and to fold it back down can take a while but it is so handy for the Winter months when the weather is unpredictable as it not only keeps baby dry but also warm in the wind.
Cost wise this is an expensive option but it seems extremely hard wearing and will hopfully last for a decent amount of time and through more than one child. It is well designed and has additional features such as being compatible with a Mclaren carry cot which make it stand out from other options. If you have the budget for it then I can highly recommend this pushchair.
with a brand name like Maclaren youd expect the best. with this pushchair you really do get it. its lightweight and well built. its almost a single handed open and unfold once the strong side catch is released. I love the fact that you can lock the front wheels. the rain cover is effective and the handy basket below comes in very useful. its comfortable even for my hubby at 6 foot tall to push and is easily maneuverable through shops and busy high streets.
This review is for the colourful Jason Woodside design (the design name or colour is not specified on the product or website). The colours and design look great and consist of various coloured stripes and spotted sections.
Wheels 5/5
The rear wheels are lockable using the foot pedal.
The front wheels can be locked straight to ensure the pushchair goes in a straight line. They can be removed using a concealed button on the inside edge of each one.
Opening and Folding 4/5
Folding the pushchair is a little difficult. You must push on the right lever very hard with your foot (shoes essential) and then lift the centre brace, before rolling the top down to meet the bottom and securing it together using the handle. It’s easy enough once mastered but the lever is very hard to move. It also sticks out, risking injury to passers-by.
Fitting the Hood 4/5
Fitting the hood was challenging but possible and left me with a question. Once fitted the material at the back just hangs around in a baggy fashion with no real place to fix it in position. It’s likely this is to enable the buggy to recline but it doesn’t seem finished to me. I did use the press-studs provided.
Hood 5/5
The hood has multiple positions of extension. It can be opened to the standard setting, then a visor can be opened from underneath. Finally, a zip section allows it to open another 50%, so that it extends to over 120 degrees in total. The hood also has a window so you can check up on your baby without having to come around to the front. The hood is waterproof, and protective against UV radiation.
Handles 4/5
The handles can be adjusted in length slightly but only around 2 inches. The handle also bends to enable the whole buggy to fold up. The handles are soft and comfortable.
Seat 4/5
The seat is machine washable and appears to come in 2 sections (foot muff and liner). The seat can be adjusted from an upright to a flat position by sliding the 2 stateful buttons underneath the seat. When the seat is flat you will find the “foot barrier” under the seat in a Velcro pocket. The seat can be reclined using a button at the back. When the seat is flat you can still get to the storage basket from the sides (unlike some models). The instructions refer to the foot barrier as a “head and foot barrier” but the head part remains a mystery, perhaps it is already fitted but I can’t feel it in place. Reclining and fixing the seat means the buggy can be made totally flat for added comfort.
Rain Cover 3/5
The waterproof cover is supplied separately and comes in the same stylish colours as the main buggy. The main hood is so protective you’ll only need this for the most severe weather conditions. It is attached over the top of the usual hood so it’s much smaller than you might expect. Unfortunately, the rain cover comes with a complex and mind-bending folding guide!
Carry Handles and Straps 5/5
The buggy comes with 2 carry straps, one long strap and one handle. It’s very lightweight considering its size and it should not pose too much of a problem to carry. The carry strap can be removed if desired. There is also a tether strap to ensure the buggy can’t run away by itself.
Harness 0/5
The 5-point harness is very easy to unclick by pressing on “both” sides. Adjusting the dimensions proved to be impossible though (yes, I can’t do it). The more strap you put through the loop the more you lose and there is no way to push it back the other way. It seems that the straps go through one loop and then a second one but getting it to go back is very difficult. This is the worst aspect of the design. I don’t know why they don’t just do these the same as backpack straps as it would be so much easier to use :((
Shopping Basket (Storage area) 5/5
Underneath you have a large storage area with drainage hole. It has large sides to prevent items from falling out and offers excellent volume. The shopping basket can still be accessed with the buggy in the reclined position. They also sell a universal organizer (sold separately), which sits at the back of the buggy for quick access to important items.
Environment 2/5
All the fabric materials are made from Polyester so pretty awful. Most of the packaging was cardboard with some recyclable plastics (LDPE). A small quantity of polystyrene was present but not much.
Instructions 3/5
The instructions were at times terrible, as with the straps for the harness, but with the other elements they worked well. The page about the straps just has a picture of them with around 4x two-way arrows. Some areas talk about the feature in question only to Segway off onto another feature for reasons which are unclear. It has an English title for each page but the rest of it is entirely pictorial. Areas with ticks and crosses were quite helpful.
This is a very robust stroller with the usual safety features built in. One in particular I like is that you lock one set of the back wheels which in turn locks the other set. There is a safety strap to anchor to your self, so it you do have to let go, there is no danger of it rolling off. It opens up after releasing one side catch and locks back into place when collapsing it. The handle also acts as a lock along with a bar at the back. The rear locking bar is very wobbly and whilst it locks firmly in place, it feels like it will snap off when unlocking it. That being said, it is still holding strong, so I will have to reserve judgement on that. When it is locked down a side handle allows for easier carrying and loading.
The front wheels swivel freely making it easy to steer (you will have to pop these in yourself). The hood opens and closes smoothly and a zip compartment allows for it to be extended out for more coverage. The safety harness holds the little one in securely and can be released with a thumb and forefinger (although stiff to use at first). The padded seat cover can be removed (with some fiddling around) and this can be washed if necessary, I haven’t had to wash mine yet, so I can’t comment on colour running or shrinkage.
The stroller is a dream to use and packs down as well as it can. The seat and padding etc does prevent it from going flatter, but that is a trade off in baby comfort. It isn’t overly heavy, but at the same time it isn’t something you would want to carry for any distance. Little one seems happy enough in this, so there are no complaints there. The only balking point for me is the price tag of over 300. I am not saying it isn’t worth it, but it is a bit of a sting. I guess you have to balance out quality and how often you are going to use it, how long you are likely to use it and how many children you plan to have. Personally, I couldn’t justify as we are on our last, but I probably could if we were starting out.
I have owned a few strollers so I can compare this to a those. It is an extremely lightweight buggy but still retains it’s sturdiness. Folds up very easily and very compact. Fits in even the smallest car boot. The design is pretty unique as most other strollers I own are usually one boring colour scheme yet this realy stands out. It is very safe for my toddler and seems pretty comfortable. Very ideal buggy for quick runs to the shops. This definatly competes well with my silver Cross stroller if not slightly better and isn’t over priced. My first maclaren buggy and I am pretty impressed with it. Amazing design and quality!