MDF ProCardial ER Premier Cardiology Stainless Steel Dual

MDF ProCardial ER Premier Cardiology Stainless Steel Dual Head Adult-Pediatric Stethoscope with convertible bell attachment – Black (MDF797DD-11)
From the brand

Weight: | 222 Grams |
Brand: | MDF Instruments |
Origin: | China |
I would give this stethescope a 5 star overall. It is the BEST stethescope I have ever purchased in my 25 years as a nurse! I work as a postpartum nurse caring for moms and babies. The ease of changing one instrument from something appropriate for the mom and then switching it to accomodate her baby is AWESOME! The sound quality is a five star rating also. SUPERIOR!! The only thing about the stethescope I would change is the tubing. It is thick and heavy, BUT if I would have to forfeit the sound for lightweight I would suffer through the weight to have the superior sound. I was a bit disappointed in the packaging. There wasn’t any instructions so I had to muddle my way through. I would also LOVE to have a case appropriate for fitting it. Please let your current customers, like myself, know when this product is made
I would purchase it!! A SATISFIED customer!!
The sound quality is the same as the cheaper student quality one I bought years ago. The feature I like the best is the ability to change the bells for the different size patients I care for.
I have always purchased Littman stethoscopes in my 28 years of nursing. I wanted to try another. I was very pleasantly surprised with the quality, with the interchangeable bells and dams. the product is very sturdy. I love the life time warranty
Have been a life long littman user. Seen an add for the MDF and gave it a try. Excellent sound quality. It’s heavier than the littman, but not too much that it’s cumbersome. Very pleased, and the gold and black color makes it more distinctive.
The best stethoscope that I’ve ever had. The sound quality is excellent and the workmanship superb. I use it to examine horses and it is great for this purpose.
Not metallic looking like the picture at all but a pretty blue color. It is very heavy and the tubing is thick. this may sound strange but this feels very “masculine”. It would be great for a y’all, broad shoulder individual. Sound quality is amazing though.
I ordered this in hopes of hearing those low frequency tones I have began to lose hearing to. I work in an ER so after much research I jumped the shark and ordered this bad boy. I had been using a Littmann II, prior to this product.
The sounds are more pronounced with auscultation of the lung and heart. I could finally hear those distant bowel sounds that before just sounded absent. Extremely important assessment data!
I’m only a day into using it, and I’m very impressed. It does weigh significantly more than my old stethoy. And the tubing is a lot more flexible. Allows for better maneuvering and the one shoulder carry. The overall quality appears nice, came with 2 extra ear attachments, a bell and diaphragm.
I love this better than Any of the several Littman scopes I’ve had in the past, in terms of quality, acoustics and price!!! Get this scope, you won’t be disappointed.
Good sound. Could be a little tighter in ears. The adjustment to flip from adult to pediatric is not smooth and feels like I’m going to break it. Also wish it came in a 22 inch length.
I have always had Littman cardiology scopes. I never wanted to go cheap when it concerns my profession, so I always try to buy the best scope I could find.
On a whim, I decide to try the MDF, and I am very impressed. The tubing is much thicker and the use of steel as opposed to aluminum does add some weight, but What’s wrong with something being solid?
Simply put, it is easier to hear sounds with this scope. The thickened tubbing and the use of Steel (over Aluminum) amplify sounds more effectively.
Some purists might argue that the tone is slightly different, altered. But I believe this is nonsense, because any physician practicing medicine for more than five minutes knows that if you hear any questionable heart sounds on auscultation you’re going to order a 2-D echo. I believe it is much more important to have the amplified sound.
It’s a nice solid piece of equipment.
For any of you that are ambivalent between this and the Littman, I suggest that you take it vantage of Amazons liberal return policy and try the MDF.
You’re going to like what you hea
I couldn’t ask for a better piece of equipment that fits my needs in the medical field. Thank you and I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a stethoscope. ..
Bought it as a graduation gift for my boyfriend. He loveddddd it. Amaaaazing quality
Pros: can hear everything. Good auscultation of heart and lung sounds. Well made, fit and finish are great. Nice thick tubing, really protects against ambient sound.
Cons: heavy, diaphragm isn’t really held on very well. The locking ring has a tendency to slip off while rattling around in a bag. MDF might be better served with fitting a slightly more elastic retaining ring.
I read a bunch of other reviews that complained that the tubing was inflexible, this is not my experience at all.
However, I lost the bell somewhere on the wards because it does not lock it merely screws on (hopefully covered under part replacement but haven’t looked into it).
Secondly, I will not be using this scope for residency simply because its HEAVY : its hard to describe how the weight will feel around your neck or in your pocket till you use it. MDF describing the weight in kg should’ve been a redflag. The conversion so y’all know is *roughly* 7.9oz. Just keep in mind that’s more than the competitions and choose accordingly.
I’d take two stars off but theoretically I can get a new bell
super Stethoskop, aber schon schwer (schwerer als Littmann Cardiology) ** bei MDF – alle gestestet und im Einsatz und fr gut befunden -> MD one MDF777, Cardiology MDF797, 747XP = Acoustica) und fr die Orte, wo man gerne eines verliert oder geklaut bekommt das 747 standard; die Unterschiede innerhalb der Serie Cardiology sind mir etwas zu obskur (797 CC, CCT, DD….) -> Trichter und Membran, wegen mir bei Kindenr zwei mal Membran, und gut ist’s…., aber egal – alle Stethoskope sind gut; der Ersatzteilservice klappt (lt. Kollegen), aber an sich braucht man das nicht, weil gleich Teile dabei sind; NB: wenn mal man ein gutes Littmann hat, nur Schluche will als Ersatz, und die originalen Teile 3/4 eines neuen Stethoskops von MDF kosten, was “gefhlt” nur 1/4 schlechter ist (die Membran von Littmann ist schon klasse, MDF einfacher – aber das mu jeder selbst beurteilen ob es diesen Mehrpreis wert ist fr Littmann), kann der Kauf eines kompletten MDF eine gute Wahl sei
I got this as a gift from my boyfriend and its amazing. I’d had it for over a year and lost the adult diaphragm so I contacted the company and signed up on their website and they fed ex ed a replacement to me for free. Excellent customer service! The only thing I would say is its a bit heavy and becareful with the diaphragm and bell, because they are obviously interchangeable between adult, infant and paediatric they are removable and mine fell off a few times that’s how I lost it.
The tubing is incredibly rigid and just seems to be of poor quality, so I put the chestpiece on the binaural from my old Littmann Cardio II (not SE!). I thought the rigidity would go away with time and use, but not so. It’s stuck in the shape of the box it arrived in. The diaphragms are really sealed down to the chestpiece, which is in contrast to the floating diaphragm that was on the Cardio II which just sort of shifted about half a millimeter when not in use. At first it seemed as though this limited the diaphragm’s ability to vibrate and limited the transmission of sound through the stethoscope, but as I became more familiar with the sounds, I began to adjust. I now hear everything as well as I had heard on the Cardio II; auscultation was less about the stethoscope’s abilities and more about my learning how this stethoscope normally sounded. I must say this for the infant-sized diaphragm – the floating diaphragm is absolutely better than this one. The diaphragm material is so fibrous and rigid and the diaphragm is being bent over such a small surface that it does indeed limit the transmission of sound as compared to my Littmann Classic Infant from 1987 (which has a small floating diaphragm). Auscultation can still be accomplished, but significantly more pressure is required with this stethoscope to place the diaphragm flat on the patient’s body, and most of my small patients have very flexible rib-cages, so the extra pressure may interfere with their ability to breathe normally. This probably isn’t as much of a problem in babies who have much smaller heart-to-weight ratios than ferrets and kittens, and who may have slightly less flexible ribs. I did, however, try out an MDF NEO stethoscope, and it’s amazing. I now use it in conjunction with the Procardial C3. For more information, see my review of the MDF NEO.
Each diaphragm or bell can only be attached to a specific side, so I am a little disappointed that the pediatric and infant diaphragms cannot be equipped at the same time. I use the bell function quite frequently, especially with the smaller patients, and I have no complaints about the bells.
All-in-all, this is a great stethoscope, and it is clearly designed with the more classic practice of cardiology in mind. I believe that it is worth marketing to veterinarians – especially veterinary cardiologists and exotic animal specialists – who could make great use of the stethoscope’s adaptability, but I would like to see some major improvements in the quality of the binaural first.
In the end, I decided to get this one. First, because the Littman doesn’t offer this color purple. Second, because through research, I heard that the shorter the tube, the better the sound quality. (I have never tried a Littman, which has a longer tubing, so I cannot vouch for this, but this is what an instructing nurse practioner told me). Third, because of lifetime replacement parts.
After using this stethoscope – my first one -, I love it. I do not think it is too heavy, but yes it seems to be a little more bulky than my classmate’s Littmans, but it does not bother me much. This one might be too fancy for me, who is a nursing student, but I love it. I pick up on all the sounds I need to.
I have not had any trouble trying to listen to anything cardiac, respiratory, and abdominal sounds so far. Taking BP is also really easy.
I do agree though, that the ear pieces do tend to make my ears a little sore after wearing it for a long time. This stethoscope comes with different sizes, so don’t worry about size.
Overall, I love this product, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to but it.
I am something of a collector of high end stethoscopes, including a few other MDF models. The fact that this one is convertible is very cool. Not sure how often I will actually use that feature, but its nice to have. I ordered the purple because hey why not? The color is gorgeous. The sound quality is very good. It is on par with Littmann Cardiology II or III, and the Welch Allyns. The real drawback as many have noted is the weight. Now, I don’t actually mind it being heavy, in fact it almost makes it feel more substantial. However because of the weight and the extremely soft ear tips, it pulls down on the entire scope causing the sound seal to be broken. I have to actively manage the headset as well as the chest piece so that I can get the sound in my ears. Extremely well made. I would maybe suggest a firmer earbud to seal in the sound.
Crisp sound transmission, solid construction, and interchangeable parts useful for students/healthcare workers doing both adult and pediatric rotations. I purchased this because I was looking for a stethoscope that does NOT use a tunable diaphragm. Tunable diaphragms are under less tension and do not transmit sounds as clearly. I had a chance to compare this stethoscope to other popular Littman models that use tunable diaphragms, and on this one heart sounds are more distinct; not as “muddy” as with tunable diaphragms. Other designs with non-tunable diaphragms such as the Welch-Allyn Harvey are also clearer than stethoscopes with tunable diaphragms. I chose this one because the price and interchangeable parts made it good value to me. The modular design is a bonus to me, I wasn’t looking for it. But I am finding the modular design useful as a medical student; I made use of the pediatric-sized attachments on my pediatric rotations. Disadvantage: the modular design makes the chest piece heavier than other dedicated adult or pediatric scopes, but not enough to be a concern for me personally.
Nicely made with a good range of accessories. Tube is well insulated and auscultation is excellent.