Niimo Maternity Pillow for Pregnant Women

Niimo Maternity Pillow for Pregnant Women and Multifunctional Nursing Pillow – U-Shaped Maternity Pillow for Sleeping – Pregnancy Gifts- Breast Feeding Pillow with Pillowcase – Grey-White Hearts

Hidden Zip
Removable Cover
Removable Legs
Weight: | 3.14 kg |
Dimensions: | 43.5 x 34 x 24.2 cm; 3.14 Kilograms |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Dimensions: | 43.5 x 34 x 24.2 cm; 3.14 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Lo compr para mi suegra, que sufre de la espalda y ya no saba cmo acostarse para estar cmoda. Est encantada y duerme mucho mejor ahora. Aparte de ser un cojn para embarazadas tiene ms funciones.
Mi ha svoltato le notti in gravidanza e ora l’allattamento. L’ho usato tutto intero per dormire in gravidanza, ora uso la parte tonda per l’allattamento e tengo i restanti 2 cuscini nel letto per dormire, a volte lo tengo tra le gambe, a volte per allattare anche quello, insomma, super comodo e versatile
Me ha gustado mucho, corresponde a la descripcin, llego en el plazo establecido
Lo estoy aprovechando al mximo, ya que se puese separar las piezas y lo voy adecuando a mis necesidades.
Also ich liebe das Kissen. Mein Sohn ist schon 13 Monate alt und ich benutze es immer noch zum schlafen. Es untersttzt den Rcken und ist perfekt fr Seitenschlfer. Ich habe das Gefhl es umarmt mich whrend des schlafen. Leider gibt es keine ersatzbezge was schade ist. Habe schon berall gesucht auch in Ausland und der Internetseite von dem Hersteller.
Vino a tiempo y bien embalada. Quizs es un poco ms dura de lo que pensaba, pero es perfecta, porque al poder desmontarse y usar por partes, creo que puede sacarse bastante provecho de ella.
Dopo aver super utilizzato il cuscinone durante tutta la gravidanza, ne ho preso un altro per il mio bambino: lo protegge e lo tiene al sicuro quando si addormenta nel lettone!!!
In gravidanza si rivelato molto utile per riuscire a dormire senza pesare sulla pancia. Il pezzo centrale bilancia perfettamente il collo e le spalle. I pezzi laterali sono staccabili e si possono usare per alzare le gambe come meglio si crede.
A partire dal 5 mese l’ho usato tutte le notti. Meglio staccato che tutto unito. Vi avviso: userete il pezzo centrale e uno dei laterali ( il sinistro) L’altro ( il laterale destro) un di pi.. nn utilissimo, ingombra. Nel complesso utile e risolutivo per dormire in gravidanza.
Regalato a mia cognata in dolce attesa. Dice che ci si trova veramente bene e lo usa durante tutte le sue giornate! Unica pecca la fantasia e i colori che non sono dei migliori
La funda es de muy buena calidad, suave y con muchas cremalleras que la hacen muy adecuada. las almohadas tienen una calidad regular. Para el dinero que cuestan yo creo que deberian ser mejores. Un poco blandas. No queda claro en el anuncio si es un solo cuerpo o son varias partes como al final han sido. Veremos si nos vamos acostumbrando a ella. La caja venia un poco maltratada.
Innanzitutto, la sua forma curva e ergonomica ha permesso a mia moglie di trovare una posizione confortevole durante l’allattamento, riducendo il dolore delle braccia, della schiena e del collo che si pu verificare quando il bambino posizionato in modo sbagliato.
Il tessuto del cuscino da allattamento morbido e piacevole al tatto, il che rende il bambino comodo mentre si nutre.
Un’altra cosa che ci ha piacevolmente sorpreso riguardo a questo cuscino che pu essere utilizzato anche per sostenere il nostro bambino quando si appoggia sulla sua pancia o quando gioca, rendendolo un prodotto estremamente versatile.
La sua fodera stata facile da rimuovere e lavare in lavatrice. Il cuscino si mantenuto in forma anche dopo molti lavaggi.
In conclusione, ritengo che il cuscino per l’allattamento sia stata una scelta eccellente per la mia moglie. Ha aumentato notevolmente il suo comfort e ha creato un’esperienza di allattamento pi confortevole e piacevole per entrambi. Consiglio vivamente questo cuscino per l’allattamento a tutte le mamme che allattano.
Lo uso al letto per ora e mi piace il supporto e la comodit che offre. Fatto molto bene e il fatto che si pu scorporare in 3 parti mi piace molto.
No le doy las cinco estrellas porque en mi opinin las uniones de cremalleras deberian ser un poco mas cortas para no dejarte un gran hueco ahi entre cabeza y brazo. Por lo demas, es genial. La uso ahora mismo separada para acomodarla a mi gusto y no solo para dormir, para el sofa tambien.
Es algo mas recta quiza para usarla con el bebe pero no creo q haya problema. De momento los 9 meses de embarazo me los ha salvado y ya con eso satisfecha. Compramos dos mas para la familia para los dolores y la circulacin y genial
My wife loves it, easy to use, wash and comfortable.
After ordering a V shaped and C shaped pillow and not getting on with either this is the best comfiest pillow ever! I’m not very tall but this works perfectly to keep me sat up a bit more in bed and means I’m comfy on either side
Lleg muy bien empacada, una caja que la protega muy bien. Los materiales muy buenos y un relleno justo para lo que se necesita. Es una almoda fcil de ensamblar, cmoda y fcil de lavar. Hasta el momento no hemos lavado el relleno, solo las fundas y se conservan muy bien.
No solo sirvi durante los meses de embarazo. Ahora nuestra hija tiene 6 meses, y la U se us recin nacida para ayudar a la lactancia materna, para apoyar a la beb mientras dorma y como barrera protectora cuando la dejbamos en cama. Conforme avanzan los meses, esa misma Y sirve para acostar a la beb encima de ella leg de darle el bibern o cuando se quiere dormir. Esto permite darle una leve inclinacin a la beb evitando reflujos que la incomodan. Y por si fuera poco, mi esposa quitusa los
De part sa forme o on a de la place a l’intrieur pour se retourner.
De part sa texture, le tissu est agrable, joli et, tant donn qu’il n’a pas de billes, il ne fait pas de bruit. Il est aussi trs moelleux.
De part sa forme ”demontable” qui permet d’utiliser tout le coussin ou seulement une partie selon besoin ou prfrence…. Mais c’est l qu’intervient le ”MAIS”… Une fois dmont les fermetures restent apparentes, tant grosses, les dents et le chariot griffent la peau (la mienne pour l’instant car bb n’est pas n encore). Un systme de ”rabat” pour cacher les fermetures aurait donn a ce coussin une relle plus-value…
Je pense coudre a avant l’arrive de bb.
Pour autant, il est super confortable et pratique. Je recommande vivement.
Made of 100% Cotton.
100% silicone polyester fiber filling.
Combines breastfeeding and comfort: it will wrap the baby in a soft embrace during breastfeeding.
Allows you to comfortably rest in a lateral position.
Multifunctional: the two legs, separable by means of a practical zip, make it a modular and multipurpose cushion ideal for every need. A practical maternity accessory to have during your pregnancy.
Machine washable.
My wife tried using this pregnancy pillow for 3 consecutive nights for a comfortable sleep and this is what she says:
– The pillow quality is very high. It’s fluffy, soft, and filled to the ends. It is also odorless.
– The cushion is modular so that it can be used and adjusted in different positions when sitting or lying down. Very handy if you want to put a pillow between your knees while sleeping.
– The cover of the pillow is artfully sewn. You don’t see any loose threads and the zippers are properly sewn and tucked underneath so that they cannot hang freely from the cover. The pink cover looks beautiful.
– The upper U-shaped part of the pillow is very narrow so that the head and shoulders fit comfortably.
– It is difficult to switch sides when sleeping on this pillow as you will get stuck in its narrow U shape. It is only comfortable to sleep exclusively on one side all night (which is impossible during pregnancy).
Not a bad pillow, but I would like a little longe
Super comfy and supportive ideal for pregnancy and also pain as takes pressure off your joints. Love the outer cover. Wouldn’t of minded a little more stuffing though
Really love the removable arms. I tend to use this in bed and it allows me to not take up the whole bed with it while still getting the support I need.
The material is comfy and easy to take off and wash.
Easy 5 stars, highly recommended.
This pillow is the best, it comes vacuum sealed and as soon as you pierce the packaging it grows into full size. Compared to other pregnancy pillow this one has the smart addiction of zippers on the side parts which make it easy to remove and to tuck your arms underneath, washable and cute cover as well.
This is basically 3 pillows. 1x U-Shape and 2x Long pillows.
They can be zipped together as shown in the product picture or detached and used separately. Either way you choose it’s comfy and versatile.
Quite firm so you could use it in bed to prop yourself up feeding/watching TV. Not too firm to be uncomfortable. Unzip a long pillow and use it on the sofa to prop your elbow up to feed too or wedge between your legs when sleeping.
Pregnant or not, you still continue to use this. So versatile.
Material is cotton and covers come off to be washed should BB have a little wind in his tummy and you have an accident. The filling feels firm and springs back into place when uncompressed. Offers plenty of support for the back or legs.
If you love your partner she will be pampered with this.
I love this oversized maternity pillow as it is a modular system and can all be taken apart so that you can have the “U” shaped pillow by itself to prop you up in bed or use to feed your baby but then you can zip on the legs and have a full body pillow which hugs you. Due to ill health I have to spend a lot of time in bed and this oversized cuddle pillow is excellent for taking the weight off my body and allowing me to prop myself up in bed or to lie down and have somewhere to rest my legs on if I am lying on my side. The pillow cases come in 3 parts and are easy to take apart to wash. Having washed these pillow cases already I can say that they do not shrink or become misshapen in the washing machine. The fact that this huge pillow can be taken part into 3 sections is a wonderful idea and this pillow is making my time spent in bed a lot more pleasant and comfortable. Although I have been using this pillow for a month now, it has not squashed down flat, it is still as lovely and bouncy as it was when I first started using it. Excellent for pregnancy but also for people like myself so just need a little bit extra support when lying in bed.
Soft yet firm supportive pillow. That can be used in various positions. The 2 lengths are detachable via a zip, truly making it multipurpose.
My sister in law found it much more comfortable sleeping with just the one length attached. Said she felt alot more cooler that way. The cushioning has a good amount of bounce in them, giving great support. Has an added benefit to its design being hypoallergenic and anti-mite.
The pillowcase case feels soft and gentle on the skin. With great stitching quality. Cases are machine washable with the zips hidden away for added comfort.
Overall a very well designed pillow that helped my sister in law get some quality sleep. The versatility makes it great value for money.
A very well designed pregnancy pillows for much needed support to the belly and comfort whilst resting and sleeping. The cover is cute with pink and white hearts.
It helps resting in lateral position. The cushion inside the pillow and two legs are soft, fluffy and not too stiff. The pillow case could be made more smooth and softer as it gives a rough feeling.
The pillow and the legs can be separated via the zip giving it a multipurpose usage.
The cases could be removed and easily washed.
Practically they’re fit for the purpose. A bit expensive though.
This pillow is amazing for relieving aches and pains even if you aren’t pregnant. It is really multiple Pillows which all come together and that is the genius of it as you can customise what support you need for different times.
All the cushions are very soft and spongey with a good amount of bounce, not too easy to flatten down. They come with the cotton covers which are comfortable and breatheable.
The long cushion pieces are ideally shaped to support the whole body and I find them very comfortable to sleep on the side with.they go down to my ankles so there is no support for elevating your feet which would have been an added bonus.
The head pillow is great because you can use it to sleep on and also to support you whilst nursing. I have had other nursing pillows before which were a bit too hard but this one is just right.
Overall I think this pillow is such a great idea and makes a wonderful purchase or gift for a pregnant woman or for anyone who struggles with getting comfortable in bed, really. The price is quite high but the versatility is worth it.
This is a great pregnancy pillow, there are flat sections on either side for bump and the pillow itself is plump and cuddly.
The fabric used is nice and soft too.
The covered are easily removed and put back on.
This pillow separates into sections to double up as a feeding pillow.
It was a nightmare to unpack but once done it’s a fab pillow and would recommend !
Every pregnant woman required to be qell look after at every stage of the pregnancy and even after. However at some point during pregnancy, it is really difficult to be comfortable while sleeping in which that is when this pillow comes into aid.
This pillow give extra comfort and relieving pains in the hips legs and back caused by the wrong posture that you assume in bed with the footprint of the baby bump.
It is designed in u shape making it comfortable to use. The cushions is in three different parts and each part can be separated by two different wings.
This is a great help and can even be used after delivery and I hight recommend it for you
Niimo has got the design and manufacture of this pillow just right, it’s obviously marketed as a maternity and nursing pillow, but it’s multifunctional uses do not really end there, it’s also quite suitable for both women and men who suffer from various forms of discomfort when lying down. The pillow inserts, the material for the covers, the stitching, and the zips are all very high quality, the 4-in-1 design of the pillow makes it extremely practical, and its supportive comfort could put an end to all those restless nights for many.
At 44.90 this pillow might seem expensive, but the overall quality is excellent here, in fact, you’ll be hard pressed to find a similar product with the same quality and within the same price range. Overall, the benefits of using this pillow will by far outweigh its actual cost, and you don’t necessarily need to be an expecting mum to appreciate those benefits. Highly recommended.
Sleeping whilst being heavily pregnant and not being able to change sides is really annoying however I am grateful that i got the chance to review this product and believe me when i say this, it makes sleeping easier as I would normally sleep upside down but being 8 months pregnant that is not the option anymore. This product really does not need a formal introduction it is self-explanatory and every pregnant person should own this. Overall this is highly recommended.
It is perfect for people who sleeps sideways, helps with posture. Detachable arms which allows you to have separate parts and have it where or how you want it to. Even if it was for someone who is not pregnant, could be of great use as a back support whilst lying down or sitting in bed. There could be more colours to add for the covers. However, if long term use for sleeping, depending on how you sleep personally neck pain can be developed due to having to find the right angle for neck support.
I decided to give it 4 stars because pillow feels rather to firm if we want to sleep on it. However if we want to use it for breastfeeding (place pillow on front, around the waist), then this pillow it’s good for that purpose, it supportive. If child gets bigger, 6 months plus and can sits on his own, then this pillow also supports child, keep him/her safe.
The long parts of this whole pillow are attached to the U shaped pillow by zip. The connection area is flat which may help to lay shoulder on it or fold that part if needed. Straight parts of the pillow can also be connected to each other and make a barrier by the edge of the bed or where bed side touches the wall. I see many possible uses of this pillow and I’m glad I got one. Pillow like that can be used not only by pregnant lady and her child but also by people with health problems.
The pillow case is removable and washable which is big bonus.
All to all, pillow is great quality and useful at home. The price is to high for my liking though.
This arrives vacuum-packed and in parts, which looks a bit weird. But fear not, it all comes good as you the cushions expand and fit inside the covers that you then connect together – the leg pillows being detachable once made up too.
Most importantly, the pillow provides good support and you can use it in whatever helps you. The fabric is reasonably soft, so it’s a comfortable pillow overall.
The covers are clearly therefore removable which is essential for washing – and they go in the washing machine fine.
Pillow comes vac packed in a neat box. Each section of the pillow of wrapped seperate.
After a little struggle opening the bags (they really are vacuumed good) they fluff up pretty well and surprising quickly.
The cover comes in 3 parts also and zips together to form the u shape.
Where it zips are flat parts that are un cushioned to make it more comfy for somewhere to put your arms etc when lying down.
Would have expected material to feel a lot softer considering its cotton. May soften once washed.
Pillow itself is a little too firm. Doesn’t seem to have much give so far but maybe with time it may feel fluffier.
Overall its a really nice pillow that ive personally used more for back support due to injury but i would have liked to have seen the price a little more budget friendly.
The pillow and the cover come packed separately inside, pillow is equipped with an upper part and two legs that can be separated by the practical zip. The package arrived on time and with full completion. Made of a soft material and its very comfortable during sleeping time, so far so good, im happy with this produc
I got this for the girlfriend who is 4 months gone and it’s been great it’s very well made and has great support with the arms on and off as they can be detached by zip making it a really versatile pregnancy pillow, I don’t know why we didn’t get one sooner as it’s a godsend really when she’s trying to get comfortable, all in all, it is well worth the price and I recommend it to others.
I’m not pregnant but wanted one of these for if I’m in bed with a migraine and can’t get comfortable. It’s a brilliant idea and the side bits zip away from the neck pillow so that can be used separately. Very comfortable.
This pillow comes nicely packed in a box that feels like it could be given as a gift. The pillow and the cover come packed separately inside and I love that the cover is removable as most parents will know it’s going to need cleaning at some point. This is suitable for pregnancy through to nursing so it could last someone for maybe up to a couple of years.
It is a clever pillow as it has detachable “legs” which would be really useful to use during pregnancy, as you can use it to sleep with at night time and the longer parts of the pillow will help relieve hip ache. And then to remove them for when the pillow is being used for nursing.
I think this is a very well designed product, and comfortable too.
This is very nice and very supportive. It comes vacuum packed so you do need to get it out and let it sit for a short while first… doing so is like trying to get your toddler to lie down for a nappy change – wrestling it out of all it’s plastic whilst it starts to expand, you have to work quick! Once its rested a little it is nice and firm. The ‘legs’ are distinctively shaped and follow the picture to see which goes on what side. The fabric of the cover is strong and looks lovely. Stitching is done well and strong. The zips are well placed and concealed… in fact, on the ‘legs’ I was confused for a while as to how to put them into the cover as I couldn’t find any opening! The ‘legs’ zip on and off the main cushion – there is an area of flat fabric where this happens which I didn’t like to start with but actually it makes for easier attaching and detaching, which might have been a little more fiddly if the padding went all the way up. It’s also a useful area to slip your arm under when sleeping. However, I do find that this can get twisted around a lot so just be careful with that. The whole pillow together really cocoons you when sleeping in it and supports belly and legs. It is large, so unless you have a large bed, if you’re using the whole pillow in bed there may not be much room left for your partner! You could of course just use one of the ‘legs’ or none at all – the main cushion can also be used for resting on. The main cushion is also really comfortable to use for nursing and for supporting baby. This pillow isn’t just for pregnant women, also really helpful for side sleepers or those with achy legs that benefit from some support. It’s firm, but not too hard, and comfortable.
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This arrived in its own branded box
These pillows benefit pregnant mums especially later on in pregnancy where trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in can prove stressful .
My friend is currently pregnant with Twins so she’s having this as her ( virtual ) baby shower gift .
Made in the shape of a giant U . It can be molded around the body , it’s consistency is like that of a medium head pillow giving a lot of support . The material is soft, coloured grey with tiny white stars .
This type of pillow is also good for people who suffer from arthritis or are bed bound so it’s truly multifunctional.
Priced at under 45 this is a bargain considering its multifunctional use. I’ve not seen one at this price point before they’re generally a lot more expensive for one of this quality .