OVERTURE TPU Filament 1.75mm Flexible TPU Roll 3D Printer

OVERTURE TPU Filament 1.75mm Flexible TPU Roll 3D Printer Consumables

OVERTURE TPU Filament 1.75mm Flexible TPU Roll 3D Printer Consumables, 1kg Spool (2.2 lbs.), Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.05mm (Black)

From the brand

13OVERTURE PLA Filament 1.75mm,Filament PLA 1kg Spool (2.2lbs), Dimensional Accuracy +/-0.03mm, Fit...OVERTURE PLA Filament Matte PLA 1.75mm,Matte PLA Filament Roll 1kg Spool (2.2lbs), Dimensional Ac...

3D Printer Filament

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  • Weight: 1 kg
    Dimensions: 24.1 x 21.2 x 8.1 cm; 1 Kilograms
    Brand: OVERTURE
    Model: UK-TPU17511
    Colour: Black
    Pack Quantity: 1
    Manufacture: OVERTURE
    Dimensions: 24.1 x 21.2 x 8.1 cm; 1 Kilograms
    Quantity: 1

    19 Responses

    1. DaleFulmer says:

       United States

      The OVERTURE TPU Filament in 1.75mm Flexible TPU Black is a game-changer for 3D printing enthusiasts. This filament exceeded my expectations with its remarkable flexibility and impressive softness, rated at 95A. I was able to create intricate and delicate 3D prints with ease, thanks to the exceptional dimensional accuracy of +/- 0.03 mm.

      Unlike other TPU filaments I’ve used in the past, OVERTURE’s product stood out due to its reliability. It adhered perfectly to the print bed, minimizing any potential printing mishaps. The 1kg spool, equivalent to 2.2 lbs, provided ample material for my projects, ensuring I didn’t run out mid-print.

      Whether you’re a seasoned 3D printing pro or a beginner, OVERTURE’s TPU Filament is a must-have. It delivers consistent results, allowing you to bring your creative ideas to life effortlessly. I highly recommend it for all your 3D printing needs.

    2. Anonymous says:

       United States

      This prints with great quality and I have been able to make some really good stuff. This opens up a whole new door for cool projects that need a rubbery like item for things like (protective cases, chemical resistance and much much more.

      This does gunk up the extruder a little bit, you just have to use a steel or copper brush to get the material off before it cools down and you’re good.

      Overall GREAT! prints.

    3. neperlin says:


      Dieses TPU Filament hat eine sehr gute Qualitt und lsst sich auf meinen 3 3D Druckern gut drucken. Man muss natrlich etwas testen was fr den einzelnen Drucker die richtigen Einstellungen fr Teperatur usw. ist aber danach lsst sich das Filament sehr gut drucken.

    4. LeonorRodger says:


      Titel habe ich mir jetzt nicht ausgedacht sondern vorhin nach einer Reihe Drucken damit mir sso gesagt.
      Es ist ein ziemlich weiches TPU, deutlich weicher als das D58, dass ich gewohnt war.
      Ich drucke mit einem Ender3 mit Bowden, was mit Flex-Filament ja eine Herausforderung ist, 50 mm/s durch die Bank fr alles.
      Bei den Modellen achte ich schon darauf, dass sie mglichst keine Sprnge oder Lcher in der Druckbahn haben, mache ich mit den anderen TPUs geanu so. Bin immer wieder berrascht, wie wenig an Stringing ich hier sehe.
      Filament klebt auch nicht an der Pappe wie ein anderer Tester berichtete.
      Insg. ganzzufrieden mit dem Kauf bislang.

    5. BrianneHawk says:


      Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersMein erster Druck, bestehend aus einem pla-profil mit 0.6er nozzle und mit angepassten Temperaturen (225 hotend/45bett), mit einer Druckgeschwindigkeit von 100mms (70 Innenwnde/ 70 Auenwnde/ 50 skirt / 60 infill) bei eingestellter Z -0.05), war tadellos!

      Bin uerst zufrieden bisher!

      Blickdicht, weich und einfach zu drucken.

      Ich werde es auf die Spitze treiben und versuchen, wie bei meinem pla, das ganze auf mindestens 100-120 mms zu pushen.

    6. DoreenDavies says:


      Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLo he usado para imprimir la base de un intermitente de moto que se rompi y era flexible, y por ahora perfecto.

      Impresin sin problemas, buena adhesin entre capas y calidad final muy buena.

      En mi impresora no tena la opcin de usar este tipo de filamento (ender 3S1) as que tuve que crear el perfil siguiendo las instrucciones que vienen en la caja, pero no tuve ningn problema. As que si tu impresora no tiene el perfil creado, no es por que no pueda imprimirlo.

      La dureza final del producto impreso es como la de un osito de gominola un poquito seco.

    7. Anonymous says:


      Bonjour, n’ayant pas pu acheter/trouver la marque du site en TPU noir, j’ai du me rsoudre a aller vers cette “marque” dont je ne connaissais meme pas l’existence et je dois dire que c’est assez droutant…

      Dj commenons par les dimensions de celle-ci:

      1er problme:
      La bobine Overture (1Kg) fait 200x54x66mm (LxlxH) l= Trou soit 54mm et cela a son importance car sur 8 bobines achetes ici TOUTES avaient un diffrents mais pas que, pourquoi faire simple… ?

      2eme problme:
      La largeur de la bobine de 66mm avec le trou du “tunnel” qui n’est pas constant fait que la bobine se met TRES souvent de travers et coince le filament, mon moyeu n’tant pas assez long, j’ai du refaire un moyeu plus long de seulement… 1cm, j’aurais pu faire une cale si j’tais intelligent mais bon.

      3eme problme:
      Si votre moyeu est fixe comme moi, la “glisse” de la bobine est moins bonne dessus du fait de la matire en carton employe ce qui fait ce le filament est tout le temps en tension excessive ce qui peut faire rater votre impression, prvoir donc un moyeu libre plutt que fixe.

      4eme problme:
      Le filament est trs (trop) souple, j’ai du augmenter la densit de remplissage de prs de la moiti soit de 15% 25%, l’conomie n’est pas vraiment l.

      Mais sinon le conditionnement et l’emballage refermable est parfait la matire utilise en carton fait que la bobine n’arrivera jamais casse (?) comme cela m’tait dj arriv avec la marque du site.

      Je recommande tout de meme a condition que vous souhaitez perdre du temps.

    8. Anonymous says:


      So I just bought this to explore what TPU could do and experiment a bit to see how it would change my designs and practice.

      Well, it turns out this TPU is great for many different things.

      It does have a very low max volumetric flowrate and prints best below 4mm/s but beyond that it delivers beautiful prints.

      It also adheres really well to the print surface, I use 3D Lac as a medium to make sure the TPU stays stuck during and after the print, which worked perfectly.

      All in all I can say that it already has given me a ton of ideas to try out. Being able to print a flexible material really broadens the horizon.

      Make sure to keep it dry and dehumidify the filament when it starts to misbehave. I feel it’s a little softer than 95A, but that might be due to most of my prints being relatively thin.

    9. Anonymous says:

       United Kingdom

      This TPU isn’t in the same category as the generic Sainsmart / Eryone type filaments.
      I had to make a few tweaks to my standard profile to get to a point I’m happy with it. It needs to be about 10 degrees hotter at the nozzle and it needs cooling at about 40-50% or it curls up. I also had to slow down supports not because of clogging but just because they were too weak if I didn’t.
      As it’s a matt finish it’s less forgiving than the translucent type. Imperfections stick out so you really need to tune things for a nice surface.
      The feel does seem more squishy than the 95 hardness rating implies. It stretches and deforms more than my standard TPU’s but isn’t quite as elastic as the old flex filaments.
      The colours look nice and I may buy more in future as I do like multi colour printing.
      All in all, slightly expensive, slightly harder to print but nice looking with a nice feel.

    10. Anonymous says:


      Decisamente non un 95a, ma allo stesso tempo trovare un filamento cos morbido ed elastico che non puzza e non fa bolle e che costa meno del PLA fantastico, come prova ci ho stampato le eartips per le Sony linkbuds su flsun fr senza direct drive non sono perfette, ma utilizzabili (10mm/s no retrazione) sulla v400 tiene fino a 40/ 50 mm/s

      più morbido ed elastico di quanto dichiarato, però non puzza e non fa bolle

    11. Anonymous says:

       United Kingdom

      Thought I would try an overture TPU as some other brands had issues printing some parts. I cannot fault Overture, I have yet to have a failed part with this TPU.

    12. LyleYAJqlo says:

       United Kingdom

      Got this stuff printing very nicely on my Bambu Lab P1P. Had a lot of fiddling to do with my slicer and also my extruder tension but now I’ve found the sweet spot it’s printing nicely. It’s also very well priced considering the eSun equivalent is 30 odd pounds for a 1kg roll.

      5.0 out of 5 stars Good stuff

    13. GarryLocklear says:

       United Kingdom

      It printed just fine on a Bowden setup, recently got a new printer and can print this stuff well over 75mm/s
      Just the right hardness to not be tricky to print but still really flexible. If you haven’t used it in a while definitely recommend drying it beause it goes really stringy that’s my only complaint but it’s tpu and that’s what tpu does

    14. JulianLangford says:

       United Kingdom

      Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersMy first use of TPU and worried it might be tricky. Needn’t have, it’s working like a dream. 30mm/s and 220* head, 60* bed on a much used Anycubic i3 Mega with standard boden feed. Bed adhesion v good. It’s not at all stretchy but at 1mm wall thickness super flexible, 3mm nicely flexy and at 5mm bendy, and it’s as tough as old boots. Just started an 8 hour print 6″ high with 1.5mm wall. If it does that it’ll do anything. Result was OK but where walls overhang the build pate and get rising heat from it it deforms and doesn’t print well. Tried sample at 40* bed and 210* head and perfect, bed adhesion fine.
      So very pleased with results so far, just remember it’s the ambient temp at the extrusion layer that’s important.

    15. LashondBladen says:

       United Kingdom

      My first time getting a 3d printer and after real research and dedication i went ahead and got TPU for my projects, i followed all instructions and did a little tweak or two of my own and boom! this stuff feels and prints amazing on the stock ender 5 pro. my only issue i accidently ordered digital blue and meant to get black 🙁 but next payday i can!

    16. LindseyJD says:

       United Kingdom

      Disclaimer: I’ve never paid more than 30 for a 1kg roll of tpu so keep that in mind.
      That said this is by far the best tpu I’ve used. Prints beautifully, it’s soft, and colour is great although different shade then advertised ( but I like it more in real life).
      I print on modified geeetech a10 (ender’s hot end, clone BMG extruder, glass bed) and I can run 60mm/s with retraction without visible quality loss.
      So amazed with this that I’ve ordered overture petg as well.
      Price/quality ratio is absolutely great and I hope they keep it that way.

    17. SummerJddbel says:

       United Kingdom

      I’m printing a lot of TPU at the moment. When I stocked up, I thought I’d give Overture a try based on positive comments I’d seen about it while troubleshooting issues I was having with the TPU I was using.

      It printed perfectly out of the bag, requiring no drying. When it does need drying, 4 hours in the oven at 65C does the job after 24 hours of exposure to the air. That’s unbelievably fast, especially for TPU.

      The environmentally friendly spool and resealable bag show thought, care, and attention to detail that are reflected in the quality of the filament itself. I’ll definitely be a repeat customer!

    18. LeandraDupont says:

       United Kingdom

      Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPrinted these tyre’s I designed for my RCC car, great for off road but the rubber’s it to hard for on road use. I’ve also used the TPU for propshafts to add a bit of flex to the transmission. Print this material slowly! I’ve given it 4 stars but only because I’ve not compared it with other TPU’s, for my first experience of TPU’s it’s been excellent.

      4.0 out of 5 stars Print at at least 240-250degC , use a direct drive, calibrate your esteps and turn off retractio

    19. Shaw says:

       United Kingdom

      As someone who has printed with only one brand of TPU before I thought I was going to be ok with this. How wrong was I. Using an ender 3, obviously the best way would be to convert to direct drive. I used a file from thingiverse for the conversion. Next step was e step calibration, I ended up going 150 steps. next I ramped the temperature to 240 and it printed beautifully. Retraction turned off. its a nice, soft filament and now I’m off to do the prints I bought it for.

      for 1KG the price is good and now I have a good profile set its lovely. Mind the supports are going to stick so you will need to cut them off.

      5.0 out of 5 stars Up those temps. Up those steps and it prints beautiful.