Philips Hue Resonate White and Colour Ambiance LED Smart

Philips Hue Resonate White and Colour Ambiance LED Smart Outdoor Wall Light

Philips Hue Resonate White and Colour Ambiance LED Smart Outdoor Wall Light, Black, Compatible with Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple HomeKit [Energy Class G]

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  2. Philips Hue Smart Outdoor Lighting - Unwind with warm to cool white light
  3. Philips Hue Smart Outdoor Lighting - Special light for special occasions
  4. Philips Hue Smart Outdoor Lighting - Feel Secure
  5. Philips Hue Smart Outdoor Lighting - Made for Outdoors IP44
  6. Philips Hue Smart Outdoor Lighting - Friends of Hue
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” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />Philips Hue Impress Wall Lights

Add a touch of class to your garden with the Philips Hue Impress wall lights.

” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />
  1. Philips Hue Relax Scene
  2. Philips Hue Arctic Aurora Scene
  3. Philips Hue - Spring Blossom
1Relax Scene2Arctic Aurora Scene3Spring Blossom Scene

Weight: 430 g
Dimensions: 3.66 x 4.72 x 7.09 cm; 430 Grams
Brand: Philips Hue
Model: 915005842901
Part: 915005842901
Colour: Black
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: 1 Unknown batteries required.
Manufacture: Signify
Dimensions: 3.66 x 4.72 x 7.09 cm; 430 Grams
Origin: China
Quantity: 1

28 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Die Philips Hue Resonate ist eine moderne und elegante Leuchte, die Teil der beliebten Philips Hue Produktreihe ist. Als smarte Leuchte lsst sie sich einfach ber eine App oder einen Sprachassistenten steuern und bietet zahlreiche Funktionen, die das Leben komfortabler und angenehmer gestalten.

    Die Hue Resonate besteht aus hochwertigem Aluminium und verfgt ber einen zylindrischen Lampenschirm, der eine warme und einladende Atmosphre erzeugt. Durch das Design der Leuchte lsst sich das Licht sowohl nach oben als auch nach unten strahlen, wodurch ein besonders angenehmes Ambiente entsteht.

    Ich habe mich fr den Kauf von drei Philips Hue Resonate Leuchten entschieden, da ich von der Qualitt und dem Design der Produkte von Philips berzeugt bin und die Resonate in meinem Wohnzimmer eine tolle Ergnzung darstellen sollten. Als ich die Leuchten ausgepackt habe, war ich sofort von der hochwertigen Verarbeitung begeistert. Die Leuchten wirken sehr robust und langlebig und fhlen sich angenehm schwer in der Hand an.

    Nach dem Anschluss an das WLAN-Netzwerk konnte ich die Philips Hue Resonate Leuchten einfach ber die Hue-App auf meinem Smartphone steuern. Es war ein Kinderspiel, die Leuchten zu dimmen und die Farbtemperatur des Lichts an meine Bedrfnisse anzupassen. Die App bietet auch eine groe Auswahl an Farboptionen, die es mir ermglichen, die perfekte Stimmung fr jede Situation zu erzeugen.

    Alles in allem bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meinem Kauf von drei Philips Hue Resonate Leuchten. Sie sehen toll aus und sind einfach zu bedienen. Das Licht, das sie erzeugen, ist angenehm und passt sich perfekt an meine Bedrfnisse an. Ich wrde diese Leuchten jedem empfehlen, der nach einer smarten und hochwertigen Beleuchtungslsung such

  2. AdriennMcCaffer says:


    Schnelle Lieferung – neben dem Umkarton noch zustzlich gut verpackt in einem Stoffbeutel, das macht schon beim Auspacken einen guten Eindruck.

    Sehr schne Wandleuchte, top verarbeitet. Die Einbindung ins bereits vorhandene Netzwerk funktionierte – wie immer bei Hue – auf Anhieb.

    Die Lampe macht ein schnes Licht und kommt an einer Hauswand sicher gut zur Geltung.

    Ich wollte damit ein Zaunfeld aus Holz illuminieren – fr diesen speziellen Zweck reicht aber die Lichtleistung der Leuchte m. E. leider nicht aus. Die dunkle Oberflche des Zauns schluckt offenbar zu viel Licht und die Leuchte kommt nicht so richtig zur Geltung.

    Ich habe mich letztlich fr eine Rcksendung entschieden, die Leuchte ist aber grundstzlich sehr empfehlenswert!

  3. AutumnFine says:


    Wie alles von Philips Hue, kann ich diese Lampe nur empfehlen. Sicher haben sie ihren Preis, aber die Installation und die Smarte Steuerung ist einfach unschlagbar. Ich habe unser ganzes Haus mit Philips Hue ausgestattet und werde demnchst noch weitere kaufen.

    Wir haben diese Lampen im Treppenhaus und das Licht ist Weltklasse.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Wir waren auf der Suche nach einer schlichten Lampe die sich fr den Aueneinsatz eignet und sind fndig geworden. Die Lampe lsst sich super einfach mit der Hue Bridge (hatten wir bereits) koppeln. Der Winkel in dem das Licht nach unten und oben abgestrahlt wird reicht wenn man direkt darunter sitzt, ansonsten ist es eher etwas dunkel. Fr uns aber ausreichend, wir sind insgesamt sehr zufrieden und wrden die Lampe auch weiterempfehlen.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Die Lampen lassen sich einfach anbringen, sollte aber trotzdem nur von Fachkundigen installieren lassen, wenn man sich unsicher ist.

    Ich hab 2 Stck an unserer Terrasse angebracht und bin begeistert.
    Preislich natrlich ber dem Durchschnitt zu anderen Herstellern aber dafr 1a Produkte.
    Als Erweiterung wenn man schon ein Philips Hue system Zuhause hat definitiv zu Empfehlen.

  6. Bettina30S says:


    The color of the body is not uniform, after the rain, we see clear scratches. Unfortunately we exceeded the return period. Other than that, it is a good product overall.

    The color of the body is not uniform, after the rain, we see clear scratches. Unfortunately we exceeded the return period. Other than that, it is a good product overall.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Eines vorweg, bei dem Preis darf man durchaus passendes Befestigungsmaterial erwarten, doch das ist in diesem Fall nicht enthalten!!!

    Wir haben eine Leuchte mit Abstrahlwinkel oben/unten gesucht und uns schlielich fr die Resonate entschieden.

    Die Lampe an sich berzeugt mit hochwertiger Verarbeitung. Die Ausleuchtung nach oben und unten ist gleichmig und sehr gut. Bei uns beleuchten diese eine Terrasse mit 2 verschiedenen Wandfarben (hellgrau, cappuccino) und sorgen fr gute und stimmungsvolle Beleuchtung.

    Die Einrichtung war wie blich sehr leicht und problemlos.

    Der Preis ist etwas hoch, wenn man jedoch etwas vergleichbares auf dem Markt sucht, ist es vertretbar.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Beleuchtung auf der Terasse Licht bleibt durch den direkt/Indirektanteil schn an der Wand.
    Farbwechsel funktioniert Prima ber die App und lsst sich auch in Lichtszenen mit anderen Leuchte Tunabel White integrieren.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Super Auenleuchte. Sie wirkt in live noch wertiger als auf den Bildern. Sieht montiert super aus und wirft ein super Licht. Im Zusammenspiel mit dem Outdoor Bewegungsmelder top. Die Einrichtung war gewohnt einfach.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to install ,stylish and beautiful light effect ,love i

  11. Anonymous says:


    Die Leuchte ist schnell aufgebaut und sieht super gut aus. Die Qualitt ist hervorragend. Leider ist der Preis etwas zu hoch angesetzt. Selbst zum Prime-Day (Bundle fr 140) war das Set noch sehr teuer. Qualitt hat aber seinen Preis, leider. App-Funktion und Anbindung klappt tadellos

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We have the black ones and they look fantastic! The light is brilliant and of course great that we can change the colours. Highly recommended

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Just what I wanted for my wall light design. I configured it with a “Runlesswire” wall switch. Too expensive though as I needed at least 7 lights.

    Amazing but expensive

  14. KristaMcCutcheo says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice looking light which is perfect to add a touch of colour to your garden!

    This light is better installed at the back garden where you can appreciate it more!

  15. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe die Lampe vor Kurzem erhalten und meine alte drauen auf der Terrasse dagegen ausgetauscht. Das Licht ist sehr schn – vor allem auch die Form (sie strahlt nach oben und unten in einer Art Kegelform). Die Farbvarianten sind praktisch unendlich und knnen toll variiert werden. Einziger Abstrich aus meiner Sicht ist die Helligkeit – eine klare Verbesserung zum Vorgnger, aber ich hatte es mir ein bisschen vorgestellt.

  16. JillianSNM says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThe product itself is fantastic and is incredibly easy to install.

    I had one issue with this product and that is that the cable entry is on the back of the fitting. This would be fine if you could get a cable to go from inside to outside where you wanted the lights. In my situation that wasn’t possible so clipped the cable direct to the wall.

    I created some oak mounting plates with a channel for the cable so that I could get the cables into the cable entry on the back of the fitting.

    I contacted Philips to see if they made anything like this for this fitting which they unfortunately did not.

    Finished product I’m incredibly happy with, the time consuming part came from creating the mounts for the fittings. Shame there isn’t a part you could buy to assist with install as these are a premium item and want a smart finish.

    Great product, shame if you're wiring surface.

  17. TeenaAtkin says:


    Comme toujours trs bon luminaire HUE compatible Alexa.
    Par contre le vendeur Light-Trends qui vend la HUE Resonate n’est pas trs professionnel et des pratiques plus que douteuses. J’ai command 2 Resonate cense tre neuves et l’une des 2 tait visiblement un produit reconditionne vendu au prix d’une neuve, elle prsente des rayures, peinture caille certains endroits et des traces de doigts grasses.
    Donc retour l’envoyeur, j’ai malheureusement besoin d’une Resonate et je ne pas le choix du vendeur en prime… je crains le pire.

  18. GingerYffacbott says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIch kann die komplette Philips Hue Serie nur empfehlen. Die Lampen reagieren mit App Steuerung oder mit einer separat erhltlichen Fernbedienung. Sie haben tolle intensive Farben, reagieren sofort, leicht einzustellen und sehr gute Qualitt.
    Wer sein Smart Home ein bisschen erhellen mchte kann hier definitiv zugreifen.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a tray filled with drinks but the patio is pitch black. No hands to switch on the lights without spilling something.
    “Alexa, turn on patio”.

    The patio lights come on and after setting the appropriate colour scene, I can relax with friends, all of whom are laughing but secretly envious of my amazing multi-hued patio lights.

    The installation for me was quite easy as there were existing electrical connections. If those hadn’t been there, I would have had to hire a qualified electrician and possibly had to redo the wall afterwards., but thankfully everything was already there. I replaced the two old and ineffective lights and now not only have amazing reflected light all over the back, but at a word can change colour to suit the mood.

    The product itself it high quality and will not quickly disintegrate outside. It will require a Hub (around 50) but once you have the hub, you can install Hue bulbs anywhere in the house and the hub will control those as well.

    Once I had verified that the hub was active and it could see the new lights, Alexa immediately recognised them too and it was simple to assign a name and make sure that I could voice-activate them.

    If you’re looking for a high quality product that can really change the way your garden looks at night, this is the product for you. I think I will buy a few more to dot around the garden. Now where was that electrician’s number again?

  20. FranFranklyn says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSeveral weeks ago Amazon offered to me the opportunity to test the Philips Hue Resonate White & Colour Ambiance LED Smart Outdoor Wall Light. I’m a big fan of Philips Hue, and this addition brought the count to 25no light fittings in and around our house (all of the others I have paid for and I have reviewed elsewhere on Amazon).

    First off, the design of the Resonate light is very simple and plain. Some will like its “bold lines”, while others may feel it’s just a box screwed to the wall. Either way, it’s functional and tidy. Inside the light fitting you’ll find a standard terminal block with screw fittings, and a white rubber grommet to push over the wire hole on the back. Things are snug inside, but still enough room for a few inches of slack in your wiring. The inside of the light is achieved through removing two very small screws, one on the top and one on the bottom. Those screws are easily dropped, and also quite difficult to located in to their threads when putting the light back together. The light will be against the wall while you hold a screwdriver in one hand and the screw in your fingertips, so you’ll find you’ll be using your forehead to keep the light still while you work.

    Now, I’ll say at this point that both the Amazon listing and the box itself states that the Philips Hue Bridge, which you’ll need to connect the light to your network and app, is sold separately. I was surprised then to find one in the box alongside the light. I don’t know if it was meant to be in there, if it had been put in there to allow for my testing or what, but there it was. As it happens, I already have several from other purchases. It’s worth factoring the cost of one of these into your thinking though if you don’t already have one. The RRP is 50 for those, although they’re usually on offer much cheaper. A single Bridge can operate up to 50 Philips Hue lights so for most people it’s a one off purchase, but one to factor.

    In operation, the lights work very well and appears to have the full spectrum of colours that my other Hue bulbs have. This is a top and bottom lighter which casts a triangular light up and down away from the unit. I would very much describe this as an ambient light however. Beyond no more than two metres and you’re in total darkness. You wouldn’t buy this as a flood light. In a small garden or yard, it will create a nice mood, but in larger areas you’re going to be looking at more than one and it will quickly become an expensive activity. I might suggest pairing some outdoor wall lights with either B22 or E27 Colour Ambiance bulbs instead, as that will be much cheaper, give a greater spread of light and you’ll have a wider choice of the design of the light fitting.

    As with all Hue bulbs, the Hue Resonance works seamlessly with Alexa (I assume Google too, but I haven’t the means to test that). “Alexa, turn on the garden light” works all the time, as does “Alexa, set the garden light to blue/purple/pink/green” etc. The light fades on and off, rather than a sudden on/off. If you get creative with other smart devices and lights then you can really start to push what it’ll do when you introduce routines.

    Philips Hue bulbs are expensive, and the dedicated light fittings even more so. They’re exceptionally well made and ultimately you’re likely to get your value out of them, but their cost is often hard to justify despite that. Do I recommend Philips Hue bulbs? Very much so. Do I recommend the Philips Hue Resonance? Not so much, but in the right environment it’s a beautiful addition to your home.

    A stylish and colourful ambient light, but don't expect garden filling brilliance

  21. ShanaLrvnwzctko says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersJ’ai command 10 appliques, deux sont dfectueuses, la lumire mise en bas n’est pas identique celle du haut. Il est impossible sur l’application de choisir deux couleurs diffrentes par applique, il ne s’agit donc pas d’une erreur de ma part. Je me retrouve avec du vert en haut et du bleu en bas sur certaines ambiances lumineuse.. Aucune information sur la garantie dans la boite, ni sur le site Amazon ni sur celui de Philips sur la page produit.. Trs pratique ! Aussi, 140 l’applique, il n’y a mme pas les chevilles de fixation alors qu’elles sont vendues avec sur le dtecteur de mouvement Philips Hue 49 !! Une honte ce prix de ne pas fournir le matriel de fixation !

    Bref, l’effet est russi, la qualit est l, mais ce prix, il ne devrait mme pas y avoir de problme et surtout tous les lments de fixation avec !

  22. CaroleChristoph says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis product required the corresponding Hue bridge which is to be bought separately.

    Product: outdoor light made from high quality materials and designed to project light up and down in a way that creates functional lighting and ambiance to outside areas. The colours are amazing too with a bright beam. It fully integrates with the hue bridge and other Hue lighting products. It has an IP44 certificate that guarantees against dust and rain. They are compatible with smart devices (e.g. Google) for more control, features and ease of use.

    Installation: This product was tricky to install due to no fixtures and fittings being provided so I had to think how best to fit without damaging the product or the wall surface, which is rendered. For its installation, it necessary to have a good understanding of electrics you’re connecting to and also to be practical as its likely to include drilling hard surfaces etc.. Think carefully about where you want to place it so you get the full benefit and also to make installation easier.

    Visually attractive light, first one i have had for outdoors and brings the power of Hue smart lighting outside of the home. If it was easier to install it would be a 5 out of 5.

    Great light but installation issues experienced

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis outdoor light is built from quality materials, looks good and is packed with features, but I’ve had two issues with installation.

    Firstly (and the product description makes this clear) you need the home hub for the system, which is around 50. And you need to understand domestic electrics in order to wire this up. There are very stringent rules about DIY electrics and I’m not sure that most people would be deemed ‘competent’ under the legal definition. I’m sure that won’t stop many from undertaking a home installation, but strictly it should then be certified by a qualified electrician. These are points worth considering before you purchase.

    I’ve never seen an outdoor light with so many features in one compact unit. It’s almost an entertainment source in its own right and is capable of an impressive light show! It’s not cheap, but you’re buying into a quality product with reasonable assurance that it’s safe and there will be meaningful product support from Phillips.

    Think carefully before you buy about where you want to place it (partly for ease of installation). With hindsight, I’d have placed this at the rear of the property which is totally dark and secluded and the extraordinary features would be better viewed. The colours are astounding and the actual white light is bright and illuminates well. Control via the App is straightforward and, for me, a novel idea. I like it a lot.

  24. MaggieHertz says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a well rounded outside lighting package while we haven’t got it on the wall yet it was easy to set up to test.
    Once plugged in was set up in Hue app and then picked up by Alexa in minutes.
    To get all the RGB on Alexa you will want to update the firmware via the Hue app but once done we could change the colour via voice.
    It looks and feels robust with a nice black finish coating on it. My partner does have one nit pick and that is there is no channel on the mounting plastic back so if you wanted to fit it where a pre existing hole is not quite where it meets the hue light hole then mounting it flush is a minor bit irritating. We may now have to use washers to keep it level on the wall, our bricks are super tough on drill bits so any help within a product such as this is always welcome.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersThe Philips Hue outdoor light is a very well make and polished product. The black metal body is sleek and will fit any modern home. The LED up and down lights is really bright and will give a great illumination on the wall and surrounding areas.

    The light colours and power level is full adjustable with the Hue app, you will need the Philips Bridge which is sold separately. Once setup is completed you can control the lights from your mobile phone, on 4g or wifi so you can control it away from home if needed. There are preset colours which helps you to create the right mood for relax or party etc. The true power of the set up is when you have multiple devices connected around the garden and house, every Philips hue light can be grouped and sync to show the 16m colour available, the possibilities are endless.

    I have tested the range of the bridge and light around the house and in my garden. It has no problem going through walls and up to 25m accross my garden lawn. I can have the bridge connected to my router at my computer desk and my Philip garden smart light on the studio external wall at 25m away.

    There are other cheaper lights and systems available on the market but if you want a pain free setup and top of the range products the Philips Hue is an excellent choice. I will choose Philips Hue over any other non branded software to control over my home automated system.

    If you have found my review at all helpful, I would very much appreciate if you could please click the “helpful” button below, thank you

    High end smart home lighting system, as good as it gets if you can afford i

  26. nbcxhzcxz says:

     United Kingdom

    The Philips Hue Resonate Light is rated at IP44 which is about the minimum rating for an outdoor lamp. The first digit 4 means the lamp enclosure will withstand solid objects above 1 mm in width. The second digit, also a 4 in this case, means that the enclosure will withstand water splashing from any angle. Jet washing is definitely ruled out.

    I don’t think the design of the light lends itself to be used indoors with its boxy look and matt black finish.

    For remote control, using a smartphone or tablet, the light needs to be connected via an app to the Philips Hue Bridge. In my case, Android, the app is available for free download from the Play Store. Download and set up is very easy and connection to the light from my phone was stable and worked well every time.

    With the app it is possible to use pre-set scenes or just simply change colours by dragging an on-screen pointer around a circular graphic. Very easy and definitely pleasing.

    Trying to do a neat install proved a bit tricky. In common with most, if not all mains garden lights, not just Philips, hiding the mains lead can be an issue. If you don’t mind a visible mains lead then it would not be a problem for you.

    Very easy to mount on the outside wall of a garage or other out building where concern of a cable coming into the building is not an issue. However, putting the light on the outside of the house could be a problem as there would be a mains lead going out from the inside wall of the house. If the cable leaves the house at low level then it needs to run up the outside wall. If the cable leaves the house at a high level then it needs to run up the inside wall.

    Likewise, if you wish to mount the light on a fence the cable would need to run up the fence and again be visible. Running up the other side of the fence would most probably upset the neighbours.

    My solution to this was to mount the light on a tallish wooden post about 5 inches wide and close to the fence. The cable could then be run from underground up the back of the post and come through to the front via a suitably drilled hole directly into the back of the light enclosure. This way there are no visible wires to the lamp and the wooden post blends with the wooden fence.

    Another way could be to run the mains lead along the recess in the concrete post where the wooden fence panel slots in. Then mount the light on the wooden panel close to the concrete post and hide the cable that way. Maybe a professional installer would have a better method.

    A very good light with lots of app control marginally spoiled a bit by the price. I think one on its own would not be enough and for a decent sized garden maybe 4 or more would be best. This in turn may make the whole job a bit expensive but most probably worth it but not hiding the mains lead would spoil it a bit for me.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The Phillips Hue “family” offer a complete lighting solution to your whole house. Admittedly they are pretty expensive when compared to other solutions but I guess there is some comfort in having something that a) fits together cohesively and b) won’t explode like some cheap knock alternatives.
    The Resonate is a large outdoor light and is really well made. When attached to the Hue Hub it opens up a raft of options from complete Alexa control to timing switches, dimming and the ability to change the light colour (with a nifty palette tool and some nice presets. It works brilliantly.
    On the negative side it’s a bit of a nightmare to set up. The Resonate needs to be wired manually by removing the rear cover. There are also no attachments included or obvious screw holes on it so you are really left to your own devices when it comes to attaching it to a wall. It’s a real pity because this really lets the whole thing down. Sorting this light out isn’t something you can do in a hour….it will take you a good half DIY day.

  28. MilanPalladino says:

     United Kingdom

    Beautiful, modern and smart wall light.

    It projects the light in two directions through two bulbs placed one at the top and the other at the bottom.
    They are only 8 watts but it is about 80/100 watts of common bulbs. It is a real energy saving.

    The case is made of satin aluminum and the spotlights are protected by a satin glass plate to better spread the light.

    For its installation, it is necessary to drill 4 holes on the wall and connect the electric wires on its terminal board located on the inside.

    It has an IP44 certificate that guarantees against dust and rain.

    Both the finishes and the assembly, as well as the materials, are of excellent quality.

    They are compatible with Google Assistant, Alexa and Apple Homekit.

    I tried to test it with Google Assistant and it works perfectly both for turning on and off and for changing intensity and colors.

    It is a bit expensive but if you have a good budget this light will make every user happy.

    A bit expensive but grea