Presch File Set 5 pcs with Bag – High Quality Metal File Set

Presch File Set 5 pcs with Bag – High Quality Metal File Set incl. Flat File, Half Round File, Round File, Triangular File and Square File – Professional Metal File Set for Steel – Metal Files Se
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Simple. Online. Direct.
In order to be able to offer the best possible quality at the best possible prices, we dispense with intermediate trade.
Weight: | 1.02 kg |
Dimensions: | 36 x 13 x 4.3 cm; 1.02 Kilograms |
Model: | 10164 |
Part: | 10164 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | PRESCH |
Dimensions: | 36 x 13 x 4.3 cm; 1.02 Kilograms |
Das Set ist stabil, gut verarbeitet und gengt mir als Bastler vollkommen. Bislang bin ich sehr zufrieden mit den Formaten der verschiedenen Feilen.
Das einzige Manko war, dass einer der Schnellverschlsse an der Tasche bei Ankunft bereits gebrochen war, was an der fehlenden Polsterung innerhalb der Produktverpackung gelegen haben knnte.
Ansonsten kann ich das Set nur weiterempfehlen, da gutes Preis-/Leistungsverhltnis.
Les limes sont rsistantes et tiennent trs bien en main.
La solidit est vidente et on a pas peur de les utiliser y compris sur des matriaux un peu coriaces.
La pochette qui permet de les ranger et de les transporter est vraiment un plus car a vite qu’elles s’parpillent au fond de la trousse outils et qu’on les cherche 3 plombes quand on en a besoin. En plus a les protge.
C’est un trs bon rapport qualit prix pour un bricolage un peu expert sans remplacer videmment une ponceuse.
Ich brauche sie nur zum Hausgebrauch und dafr reichen sie mehr als aus. Liegen sehr gut in der Hand und machen was sie sollen auf verschiedensten Materialien. Ich hatte das Dach unserer Gartenhtte neu gemacht inkl. einblechen und Regenrinne… Da kamen sie mit zum Einsatz.. top sage ich nu
Feilen sind schnell gekommen. Die Feilen sind der absolute Hammer, so schnell habe ich keinen Grat entfernt. Ich hoffe das bleibst so auch wenn die Feilen etwas lter sind. Ich denke ich habe etwas sehr gutes gekauft. Besten dank an die Firma Presch. Mfg.
Die Feilen machen bisher einen sehr guten Eindruck, wenngleich ich diese auch nur sehr selten nutze (ca. 2 Mal seit Kauf) . Die Oberflchen sind nach wie vor scharf und weisen bisher keine Abnutzungsspuren auf.
.. aber bei dem Preis habe ich auch nichts anderes erwartet. Ein vergleichbares Set von Pferd kostet ungefhr das Doppelte, und die billigen von Presch tun auch ihren Dienst. Ja, wohl nicht die gleiche Standzeit, aber wer wie ich z.B. fast nur Alu damit feilt, rgert sich nicht ber den Kauf. Meine Pferde bleiben dann fr die “richtigen” Jobs, die Presch kommen in den mobilen Werkzeugkasten.
Excellent quality for the price and they same to say sharp for a while
I have the 6 piece file set with bag.
A good selection of files both in shape and roughness. They are of a good length and the handles are comfortable to use. Can be used on wood and metal and with the combination of shapes, can be used on flat, curved or angled surfaces.
The bag isn’t up to much, more of a wrap around, but it keeps them clean and together. If you purchase without the bag, the files have a hole in the handle for hanging on the garage or tool shed wall.
Ich habe das Feilen-Set von Presch heute (8.5.2023) bekommen – die extrem schnelle Lieferung verdient Lob! Ich habe ziemlich lange gebraucht, um mich fr dieses Set zu entscheiden.
Und der Ersteindruck besttigt die guten Rezensionen:
— sehr wertiges ueres;
— die Feilen liegen sehr gut in der Hand – besonders hervorzuheben ist die Daumenauflage;
— die Erstinspektion zeigt keinerlei Verarbeitungsmngel auf – im Gegensatz zu dem Presch Kombinatinswinkelpaar, das ich im Januar dieses Jahres gekauft und leider zu spt berprft habe .
Die Qualitt muss sich aber erst noch im realen Einsatz beweisen.
ber Robustheit und Langlebigkeit kann ich natrlich noch gar nichts sagen.
Dem sehr guten Ersteindruck folgend kann ich vorerst bedenkenlos die Hchstwertung vergeben.
Le set est livr sous tui cartonn trs soign et l’ensemble des limes est vraiment qualitatif. Les poignes ergonomiques semblent solidement ancres aux diffrentes limes et la taille des manches permet une trs bonne saisies des outils lors des travaux. Des outils vraiment solides qui semblent pouvoir durer dans le temps…
Great tools for this price. I bought it just for the “have”, but strange enough, i had to use it straight on the next job.
Je ne suis pas un fan des sacoches mais c’est toujours mieux qu’en vrac dans une boite outils ; celle-ci est nanmoins bien conue et bien finie.
Concernant les limes, vraiment bien. 10/10 sans hsiter.
This set arrived quickly and well packaged. They feel really sturdy and are comfortable to hold. I bought them to file my gate as it overhung the panel where it closed abit too much and was making the lock difficult to lock. This set had the wood filed down in no time with very little effort. I am sure they have lots of other uses and have become a valuable addition to my toolkit.
As a marine engineer I used files quite a bit when on ships usually trying to rescue the un-repairable in order to get back to port (trust me when I say there are plenty of ships around that sail on luck alone) so know that a decent file is a very useful thing. I also know that spending an epic amount which, you can on something from Facom for example probably is over egging the pudding. These offer similar performance for about half the price.
The immediate competitors are Bahco or Teng as examples. Similar price with similar quality and probably made in the same factory in the Far East.
Presch whilst being German like most get a large amount of their stuff from the Far East made from the finest Chinesium. They do make the effort to get QA/QC done properly and their supplies seem to be very good. It’s the reality of getting decent gear at a price you can afford. A Facom set of similar items is the thick end of 70 quid…
In use they cut well with a clean finish. They are of course currently very sharp as I’ve not used them for long but I don’t expect to wear them out any time soon. I’m not filing down a ship’s engine block.
Handles are good quality plastic with a rubberised grip. Perfect up to a point. However, I’ve found that if you are working in the more extreme engineering end of things like in a ships engine room where tools literally get coated in heavy oils and greases no matter how good a plastic handle they end up hard to grip and the plastic starts to break down. Under those circumstances a wooden handle is much preferred as grip is better and they last longer.
Anyway, to sum up, excellent quality at a very fair price.
The main thing here is that the files are excellent. Very good quality for both woodwork and metalwork. The handles are good to grip and secure.
The storage bag looks good but actually isn’t that useful! The files slip out of the loops – pockets would have been better. Because the files can just drop out, it’s actually a risk for hurting your feet or the surface beneath etc. I’ve dispensed of the bag and just added the files to a section of my toolbox instead.
This is a one-stop kit for a home diyer in need of a set of files as your get six different files from flat files suited to metal and plastics, through triangular and round files on to a coarser rasp suited for quickly filing wood.
The files are all similar lengths and have moulded handles that are comfortable to use, although for long periods, some may find them a little hard. They do feel like they will last a long time though.
The bag provided is a simple wrap around type that is just large enough. It is held together by some of the tightest clips I have used as it can take a while to unclip each one. There is however nothing to stop the files from coming out on the sides.
Recommended but I really thing the bag could be improved.
Si queremos obtener una terminacin profesional en nuestros trabajos sobre el metal este juego de cinco limas de la marca Presch es indispensable.
En la caja nos llega una lima redonda, una lima plana, otra triangular otra cuadrada y otra de media caa. As pues no habr forma que se nos resista para llegar a la perfeccin.
Todas las limas tienen una superficie de trabajo de 200 milmetros con una empuadura con terminacin engomada bastante resistente, y un apoyo para el pulgar con la misma terminacin, lo que le confiera un a mayor ergonoma durante el trabajo.
Por ltimo, indicar, que tambin trae un agujero en el puo para que podamos colgarlo sobre la pared o mural de herramientas.
We had to but a new door handle for the bathroom and ive just used these to adjust the hole to fit all of the necessary bits into the door frame. Nice and strong, great case and they make light work of the job and i now have a door handle fitted without having to call on anyone else to do it for me. I have the 6 pcs set with bag
For example, the 5-piece set with bag is the same price as the 6-piece set without a bag. The difference between the 6-piece set with bag and without is only 2.40. Implying the bag is worth around that. However, the difference between the 5-piece set with bag and without is almost 5.
NB: Prices were accurate at time of writing
The set arrives in its own retail style box, so is suitable as a gift if that is of interest to you. If you go for an option with a bag, it looks nice enough and matches the colour scheme of the tools (navy/orange). It is a simple roll up mat, with elasticated loops to hold the tools. There are fasteners to keep it rolled up for storage and these seem OK and should last a while. The mat has two large metal eye holes in it, presumable to enable you to hang the mat and its tools on a wall.
Personally, I wouldn’t bother with the bag. The box it comes in is pretty much the same dimensions and can act as somewhere to store them. The quality of the bag is also not great. On my bag one of the elastic loops was stitched in so loose that any file placed in that position just falls out the end of the bag if it isn’t held exactly horizonal.
The handles are rubberised and have a tiny bit of give, but they are mainly designed for grip. I have large hands and found the handles a bit awkward to use. Instead of the flare starting right where the handle ends and the metal begins, on this design the flare starts over 3cm in from the end. The tendency, at least for me, is to grip the tool between first finger and thumb at the start of the flare. On this design, this leaves just over half the handle length to fit into your palm. For me, this wasn’t enough for it to be comfortable. If you have small-medium hands, it should be OK.
The files themselves seem OK. No country of origin mentioned anywhere in the packaging or on the tools. Probably made in the far east, but then isn’t everything these days.
Buy them because they are reasonably priced. But don’t buy them because they are German made (probably aren’t) and not because of quality or design as this doesn’t seem that great to me.
This is a really useful set of good quality files in a bag. The set consists of 5 metal files and a wood rasp. The rasp and the files are oiled to stop them going rusty and have comfortable plastic handles. The wood rasp is the half-round version probably, together with the round, the most useful version; it is quite coarse and makes short work of most wood leaving a workman-like rather than a finessed finish. The 5 metal files are all cross-cut and are a good selection for DIY use. The bag has elasticated loops and Velcro to hold the files; the Velcro I found fiddly and would have preferred pockets, however it is a minor quibble. This is a useful set of tools to cover most needs, recommended.
Picture is exactly as the listing. I have already bought the 3 packed rasp set, this is another purchase this time for the metal file set. My husband was very pleased to receive these on Christmas Day to go with the other set. He now has all the sizes and shapes you could possibly need for all his diy tasks.
The files are really well made. The handles are easy to hold and give a good grip. I tried using these on the ply board and I could easily file it down a few millimeters in minutes using the rasp. All the files felt light in weight. The groovers are consistent and precise.
This also comes with the storage bag which is fastened by the side release buckles which is easy to store and find all the files that you need.
The files are very useful if you are more of a DIY person. These come in handy when you are slightly over the length or you need to give a metal smooth finish.
Marcas: PRESCH
Juego con las 5 limas ms comunes para metal una plana, una de media caa, una redonda, una triangular, una cuadrada, hechas de acero al carbono, son de buena calidad tienen un mango de goma ergonmico antideslizante de buen tamao que se ajusta bien a la mano.
Las limas miden 20 cm de largo y el mango 10 cm de largo para un largo total de 30 cm.
Tendra que incluir una bolsa o maletn para guardarlas.
Pack de 5 limas para metal, robustas de buena calidad y fcil manejo.
Really high quality file set, well built to last. Can be used by the tradesman and even diyers. Comes in a handy pouch too and for what you pay for this is well worth it. If you’re on the fence about buying this don’t be and grab it.
All seem like they are up to the job and bought like this working out so much cheaper than buying them one at a time at a store. Various sized files that are good for those jobs where they are required. Handles seem comfy and quality all good. Will have to see how they wear over time but if just used for projects in the short term will be pleased.
Very high quality files which my husband is using on an almost daily basis. He has had no issues with any of them and, in fact, loves them. He really appreciate them coming in their own bag as it’ll keep them neatly stored away and easily found.
A good set of full sized files and rasps that come in a protective wrap around case. Consists of six files for metal work and a rasp for wood. They feel well made to last and the handles also feel good and are easy to grip. A great set for any tool box for a diy enthusiast, house owner, etc.
The file set arrives boxed and they come in their own Presch storage bag that can be hung up for convenience
There are 6 x files included in the set and come in a dark blue and orange colour theme
The files come in a range of different sizes and shapes for different jobs
Upon inspection they appear to be of really high quality and good craftsmanship. The files are made from hardened carbon steel making them really strong and powerful
The handles are designed to give a solid and comfortable grip without slipping. Each handle also has a hole to hang the tools up on a tool rack individually if you choose to
These files are strong enough to be used on plastic, wood, and even metal. My husband and I do a lot of different DIY projects and building together so we were really in need of a quality filing set like this. My husband also works on car’s bodywork so it was essential that the files could work on metal.
We have tested these already on both wood and metalwork, and they’ve proven to be very effective at filling things down. Really pleased with them.
Overall I’ve found this to be a really high quality filing set that’s fit for multiple DIY projects using different materials. We will definitely get a lot of use out of them. Definitely recommend.
I have used these Presch metal files when working to finish up rough edges left from grinding metal. There are several shapes for different contours including triangle and half moon. I found cutting performance to be on par with most decent tools on the market, I particularly liked the handle with its rubber grip that prevented a bit of hand fatigue.
The included case is decently made with good buckles. For the price asked I feel this set is competitive and good quality, recommended.