Primo Water Cooler – Bottle-Fed Deluxe Ambient and Cold

Primo Water Cooler - Bottle-Fed Deluxe Ambient and Cold Water Dispenser. Easy to set up

Primo Water Cooler – Bottle-Fed Deluxe Ambient and Cold Water Dispenser. Easy to set up, mains plug socket required. Ideal for home and small business use

Primo Bottled Water Cooler inside a residential houseFamily enjoying water from the water coolerBottled Water Cooler in the HomeBottle water cooler at home hot and cold water dispenserWater Cooler Information Universal Fitting Easy to CleanQuiet and easy to use water cooler

Weight: 12.5 kg
Dimensions: 27 x 30 x 93 cm; 12.5 Kilograms
Brand: Primo
Model: 676066
Colour: Black
Dimensions: 27 x 30 x 93 cm; 12.5 Kilograms

2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Aprs l’avoir reu avant la date prvue et ensuite suivre les indications de la notice 24 heures avant de la mettre en route je suis trs satisfait de cette fontaine eau elle convient toutes mes attentes

  2. Anonymous says:


    Trs bon produit. Dommage qu’elle n’est pas livr avec un bidon vide.
    Un bidon de 5l est un poil trop petit. Prvoir plus gros.
    Fonction Eau froide excellente, eau temprature ambiante galement.
    Trs contente de mon acha