Seed Sprouting Jar Kit, 2 Mason Jars with Screen Sprout

Seed Sprouting Jar Kit, 2 Mason Jars with Screen Sprout Lids, 2 Blackout Sleeves, Drain Tray, Stainless Steel Stand, Sprouts Growing Ki
Make Healthy and Delicious Dishes for Your Family!

Blackout Sleeves
What are the benefits of bean sprouts to the human body?
Use them in salads, sandwiches, steamed dishes, or as a partner for fish and meat…
15 Responses |
These have made it super easy to get sprouts going. My photo shows day 5(?) after soaking and then rinsing each day. It gives the lentils more of a freshly shelled pea taste rather the bean taste I typically associate with lentils.
I’ve used this twice so far and it has been great. So much easier to go through the process of sprouting. I’ve been using broccoli seeds and they have done well. The black out sleeve is a big deal as I can keep my container in plain view without the light affecting the sprouts and so it’s easier to remember to rinse and repeat. The whole set up does require a little bit of counterspace but it’s not excessive considering the convenience factor of having a jar designed to sprout. Also, the jars are amazing for keeping the sprouts fresh in the refrigerator for a few days. When my sprouts are the desired size I just leave them on the patio table outside for a few hours and they green up nicely.
I love having fresh nutritious food that I can produce in a few days which is good in these turbulant economic times. I like that there are 2 jars so as one is mid-grown, I can start another. I like that the blackout sleeves are removable. What I don’t like is that the white holding tray is actually plastic and can stain with the drips from the seeds.
My husband loves microgreens but they can be pricey. I found this as a valentines gift and knew he had to have it. It’s so fun to watch the sprouts grow! I really like this product because it comes with a sturdy tray, a very well designed lid that fits perfectly in the draining tray, and it’s user friendly! Typically, we have fully done sprouts within 4-5 days from the start of the process and they are very tasty!
Use only sprouting seeds not mustard and cress. For mustard and cress use the old fashion damp paper in a margerine tub, being so small they tend to rot and go smelly. Other people have complained about this. So far I have done Mung Beans and an Organic sprouting mixuture (Carnival Bean) of adzuki/ mung/ chickpea/red and green lentil. Has anybody come up with a good way of separating the leftover outer cases of the sprouts bit of a fiddly job, some have purple outer cases are these Okey reminds me of red kidney beans being poison when not cooked. ????
ber den Preis liee sich diskutieren.
Aber ich wollte mir eben nix selber basteln und habe mir deshalb dieses Produkt gekauft.
Es funktioniert und sieht nett aus. Erster Splmaschinenausflug wurde von Glsern, Deckeln und Siebeinstzen unbeschadet berstanden.
Die berzieher habe ich wegen dem Geruch einfach mit etwas Splmittel unter flieend Wasser ausgewaschen.
Danke fr die super schnelle Lieferung.
Does what is supposed to do
Very important to rinse your seeds morning and night so they won’t get moldy
In the picture I have 1/4 cup organic lentils
I eat them as a salad with nuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds (pretty much whatever i have home) olive oil and balsamic vinegar and a bit of salt and and peppe
I absolutely love growing sprouts with this! Here are my thoughts:
-Comes with a very handy set of instructions regarding how to best grow sprouts
-Doesn’t seem to have a bacteria/mold problem like other microgreen growers I’ve used
-Very easy to use
-Don’t have to worry about stale standing water or water logged substrate like other growers
-No substrate needed
-One of my jars appears to have a deformation since the lids don’t screw onto it properly
-The mesh part of the lid is a major pain to clean since seeds get caught in it
Overall, I recommend jars for growing microgreens. I used any other jar brand for growing microgreens so I’m not sure if there are better versions but I’ve been very happy with my growing jars.
Die Keimglser sind robust und sehen auch schn aus. Samen, die es gerne hell mgen, kann man damit gut keimen lassen. Allerdings gibt es etwas, was mir persnlich nicht so gut gefllt. Sind sie erst aufgegangen, dann ist es nicht ganz so leicht, an die Keimlinge zu kommen. Das geht mit einer Schale bedeutend einfacher. Kresse fhlte sich darin sehr unwohl und sie sah auch nicht gut aus. Ich nutze es jetzt fr Radies, da gibt es ja verschiedene Sorten. Die fhlen sich darin wohl. Der Stnder ist top, sehr stabil und kann gut gereinigt werden.
Was pleasantly surprised after having read other reviews. One of the lids is a little tricky. It would be better if the jars were cylindrical as they sit a bit awkwardly on the frame.
The frame and base are well made and the neoprene covers are great, if a little difficult to put on.
Growing sprouting seeds already. Would recommend
They arrived today and I already started soaking some seeds in both of the jars.
I love the black sleeves to cover the jars with for mung beans. I already did some in my other sprouting jars that didn’t come with the sleeves and they turned out great.
I heard that covering the mung beans sprouts makes them sweeter and grow longer. I will find out in a few days if this is true.
The jars came very well packaged in a box of their own inside an Amazon box. They had styrofoam around them so they were a snug fit with no room to move and potentially be broken easily.
The metal part that the jars sit on have a slight bend where they are welded together to make it fit inside the drip tray but it seems sturdy enough.
Overall, I am excited to see how the sprouts turn out in this great set!
Un lot de 2 germoirs avec le support, les grilles , les housses pour activer la germination
Ils sont pratiques est prend bien moins de place que mes paniers habituellement utiliss
Le fait qu ils soit inclins permettent aux graines de ne pas moisir
L’eau s vacue facilement, les grilles en acier chirurgical retiennent parfaitement toutes les tailles de graines que j utilisent
Les bocaux sont de trs bonne qualit , robuste
C est un plais pour les enfants de voir jours aprs jours de voir les petites graines ce dvelopper
Et un dlice dvorer
Un kit pratique , jolie trs bien pens , simple entretenir il est gnial adop
Bought as part of a new healthy eating plan. Easy to use (once I realised that you do not need to fit the notches on the “legs” with the crossbar on the draining rack)! Easy process with good yield. (You need to purchase seeds separately, which is good so you are not limited to the manufacturers choice. I separately purchased a 12 pack of different seeds from a different seller to see what grows best and to see what I like best.
J’utilise des pots de ce genre pour faire germer des graines depuis des annes et c’est la premire fois que je vois un modle pourvu d’un cache. celui-ci est en tissu, lastique, pais et noir, qui s’enfile comme une chaussette sur le bocal. J’imagine que ce cache est destin faciliter la premire tape de la pousse, la germination, mais comme aucun mode d’emploi n’est fourni… Vraiment bizarre cette prsentation.
De ce fait je ne suis pas certaine de me servir des ces chaussettes ! Ma technique pour le moment est le mettre les graines dans le bocal dans de l’eau, puis de mettre le tout au frigo pour une nuit, pour faire un choc thermique mimant l’hiver. Ensuite je sors le bocal et change l’eau matin et soir.
Ce modle hors chaussette :
Mes modles actuels sont pourvues d’un couvercle vis trous (l’ide de ces modles comme celui de cette page produit, est qu’on change l’eau sans jamais ouvrir le bocal, que les plantes en poussent restent bien l’intrieur) muni d’une cale qui maintient le bocal en position incline, que l’eau ne stagne pas l’intrieur. Le produit ici prsente une autre solution, un petit plateau qui maintient les deux bocaux inclins grce aux butes de leur couvercle. C’est une solution intressante, pour les miens je dois o les laisser sur l’gouttoir de l’vier ou les poser un petit plateau.
Dommage vraiment de ne pas avoir eu d’explications dans la bote !