Sennheiser MOMENTUM 4 Wireless Headphones, Bluetooth

Sennheiser MOMENTUM 4 Wireless Headphones, Bluetooth for Crystal-Clear Calls w/ Adaptive Noise Cancellation, 60h Battery Life, Customizable Sound & Lightweight Folding Design, Black

Sennheiser MOMENTUM 4 Wireless
The MOMENTUM 4 Wireless perfectly combines incredible wearing comfort with elegantly streamlined style. With an outstanding battery life of up to 60 hours, smart features for effortless ease of use, and take anywhere fold-flat design, it’s the ideal companion for amazing sound wherever you go.

Keep on listening while you fly around the globe, with up to 60hrs battery life and fast charging capability that provides a further 6hrs of listening in just 10min.
Smart Pause halts playback when the headphones are taken off and resumes when they’re back on your ears, so you’ll never miss a beat.
MOMENTUM 4 WirelessFind your headphones
Signature sound | ||
Customizable sound | ||
Personalized sound | ||
Hybrid Adaptive | Noise Cancellation | Active |
Transparency mode | ||
60 hrs (BT + ANC) | Battery life (up to) | 30 hrs (BT + ANC) |
Touch | Controls | Button |
Signature sound | ||
Customizable sound | ||
Personalized sound | ||
Hybrid Adaptive | Noise Cancellation | Passive |
Transparency mode | ||
60 hrs (BT + ANC) | Battery life (up to) | 30 hrs (BT only) |
Touch | Controls | Button |
- HD 450BT
- HD 350BT
Dimensions: | 45 x 18 x 18 cm; 293 Grams |
Model: | 509266 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. |
Manufacture: | Sonova |
Dimensions: | 45 x 18 x 18 cm; 293 Grams |
Origin: | China |
The Sennheiser Momentum 4 is VERY MUSICAL. The Bluetooth range is amazing. I can walk around, in and out of the house with no loss of connection.
So, it is a matter of use and priority. I fly less these days, a lot less, but if I did, I probably would go back and buy a pair of XM3’s. But I’m retired. My use pattern is different.
If it is sound cancellation, Sony. If it is MUSICALITY. Sennheiser Momentum 4.
Final word. My ears are kinda big and they stick out. So I’ve always needed a deeper ear cup. Both Sony XM5/XM3 and Sennheiser Momentum 4 are comfortable for long sessions for big ear people. However, if your head is also larger than average these all might be too tight.
Der Sennheiser bildet klanglich Musik so gut ab wie der Sony WH-1000XM, ist aber:
– schlechter passiv gedmpft, und deswegen
– auch mit ANC aktiv, innen nicht so ruhig wie der Sony
– ausserdem ist der Tragekomfort des Sony angenehmer und scheint leichter
– des Weiteren in der Schalldruckpegel der abgespielten Musik leiser als im Sony
Wer in recht ruhigem Umfeld Musik hrt, fr den geht dieser Kopfhrer.
Wer in lauterem Umfeld agiert, oder es ruhiger – abgeschirmter von der tonalen Aussenwelt” haben mchte, sollte lieber zum Sony WH-1000XM greifen.
I was so excited to get my hands on these headphones because I also own the Momentum 3 Wireless Earbuds and completely love them! These headphones have similar sound quality and a premium feel (along with insane battery life!) The only issue is that the sound can get choppy / static-y when paired to a laptop or PC desktop. I think this might be a firmware issue, but it can get pretty annoying when I’m trying to work or play games on my computer. All in all, these headphones are worth the splurge, but I would appreciate if Sennheiser fixed the firmware to be more compatible with Windows 11 (and made it so I didn’t have to jump through hoops just to get the sound to work well consistently.)
Great sound quality, bass is very rich and the tone is great. I’m a drum and bass listener and these headphones have been just the thing I’ve been looking for. Noise cancelling is good (a lot better than AirPods) it works really well combined with medium volume music. I listen to Spotify around 250 minutes a day and as I’m writing this the headphones are still on 30% after two weeks so the battery life has been very impressive.
As stated Roku has created a Private Listening feature that makes it hard to use wire/fibre connection and bluetooth is the best solution to resolve the issues making it easier to switch between speakers and headphones.
Major Issue:
The only main issue with the Momentum 4 headphones is when you first connect, the sound is garbled for 5 to 10 seconds. You can either wait for the sound to clear up (annoying) or restart the video which can be a pain. Youtube and Plex are my main video apps i use and with youtube having to restart the videos each time gets old fast. The garbled sound is the same no matter what firmware is used.
Minor issues:
When you have the Momentum 4 connected to the app (iPhone) every time you are disconnected from the TV/Soundbar you have to use the app to reconnect. This is not convenient if the phone is not near. Unfortunately Roku has decided to disconnect any bluetooth connected after 5 minutes of idle time to save battery power on the headphones. This is not a Momentum 4 issue but reconnecting with the app make this cumbersome. Because of this problem the app is not being used at all and the headphones are set to factory default.
The fit is not as good as the RS-175, ear cups need to be bigger.
Excellent Sound, Long Battery Life, Noise Cancelling (even cancels out conversations), Touch Features, Light Weight
I would recommend these to others but only if Sennheiser fixes the garbled issue.
—Gut: Sennheiser Momentum 4, —noch besser: Bose der 700er. Wenn der Sitz nicht passt, passt der Klang automatisch auch nicht. Also die Sennheiser bestellt.
Haptik des Momentum: gefllt, wirkt nicht billig, toll gemacht. Nach dem entnehmen aus der Box mit dem Handy verbunden, die App aktualisiert, passt auch. (Dauert aber ca. 22 Min) Dann im Garten ausprobiert. Nach wenigen Minuten wurde es dann auch schon sehr schwitzig an den Ohren. Die Sonne schien.
Eigentlich wollte ich mit dem Hrer die lrmenden Nachbarskinder ausblenden, und Musik im Freien genieen. Drinnen ging es dann aber weiter: Vergleich : mein alter Bose QC 35, mein SoundCore Q30 und der Momentum 4. Der Momentum klingt gut, der Bose aber auch. Der Momentum kann etwas mehr Bass, der Bose klinkt irgendwie eine Spur leichter frischer/offener. Der Soundcore im direkten Vergleich nur durchschnittlich, aber auch nicht schlecht (Hab ber den TV immer wieder die gleichen Musikstcke ber alle drei Hrer, im Wechsel, laufen lassen.) Dann habe ich zum Vergleich, meinen alten Denon AH-D5000 ausgepackt, und an mein DAC an den TV angestpselt.
OK total unfair : Weil der nur ber Kabel funktioniert, und in einer ganz anderen Preis-Klasse liegt.
Da liegen dann aber auch klanglich ganze Universen dazwischen. Das kann keiner der BT-Kopfhrer.
Wer noch keinen BT-NC-Hrer hat, fr den ist der Sennheiser bestimmt keine schlechte Wahl.
Wer Musik richtig, mit allen Hhen und Tiefen genieen mchte, der kommt um einen guten Kopfhrer mit Kabel nicht herum.
Echt schade dass ich den Sennheiser zurcksenden muss. Aber der kleine Zugewinn an Mehr-Klang, im Vergleich zu meinem alten Bose, ist mir das nicht wert. 60 Stunden Spielzeit. Toll ! Braucht man das? Nein! Nicht wirklich.
Ein Konzert genuvoll im TV reinziehen.das geht eigentlich nur mit Kabel !
Zum Krimi schauen und hren reicht der preisgnstigere Sound-Core Q30 aber vllig aus.
Htte ich den Bose nicht, kme der Momentum sicher in die engere Wahl, weil toll gemacht.
Das Noise Cancelling habe ich nicht ausgetestet.
Nachteile: -schnell schwitzige Ohren
-Man braucht zwingend die App. (Die ich auf mein uralt i-Pad nicht installieren konnte)
-Spielt nicht besonders laut, die Bose aber auch nicht
Positiv: -gute Verarbeitung
-Bequemer Sitz
-Umfangreiches Zubehr
-Signaltne etc., lassen sich in der aktuellen App auch abstellen.
-Gute BT-Reichweite (besser als mein alter Bose)
-Lange Laufzeit pro Ladung (auch besser als mein Bose)
Quality packaging. Decent build. Slippery smooth. Easy to set up……. But!
I don’t know what I was expecting from 300 headphones when I have alresdy had XM4s, MT50x, and a pair of soundcore Q30s ( which were an absolute bargain and for me sounded better that the sonys) but the sound is disappointing. I can hear all the details, the instruments, but the voice is muffled, not to bad but as though they are singing through a towel. Maybe this will change with some use. But first impressions….. Dissatisfied, disappointed. But definitely more bass weight that the XM4s 300. Absolutely Not as clear as the Soundcore Q30s (60). **update. Returned. Don’t understand what all the fuss is about especially for 300.
I have the Sennheiser HD 515, HD 598, and HD 598 Cs, and the Sennheiser GAME ONE headset. Those (and most other from the brand) have large, extremely comfortable ear cups. I know that, and need that, because I used to play World of Warcraft for about 50 hours a week, with headphones all the time.
First impression—the cups are smaller. It just so happens that I have normal ears, and the other Sennheisers I have are too big for me, with a good margin to adjust them when the skin gets tired around my earlobes. The MOMENTUM 4 surprised me by being smaller, but—they have a really good design and are concave, with more space inside the cup than it seems, especially in the back. I am able to find a few different positions where my earlobes are not pressed (or even touched) at all, but how they fit you will depend on your ears, which is something important to consider.
The review at SoundGuys is on point. The M4 do have a bit more low end than my other sets, and I like that; it’s easier to EQ your way down than up. Overall very happy with the sound, I don’t think you’d be disappointed. As the SG review says, the ANC is a little weak sometimes; I don’t care, to me that’s secondary.
Battery life is amazing, the 60hrs claim seems accurate. Build quality is plasticky and okay, I would baby them a bit. Touch controls are precise and responsive for me, even with the guide stickers still on the outside (which I’ve removed after my wife made fun of me for it). The app seems to work all right, I think it’s better to set your preferences and then not use it anymore, as sometimes the settings get changed around a bit for no reason. (KEEP UP WITH FIRMWARE UPDATES, though.)
Connectivity—outstanding. Bluetooth (multipoint x2), passive mode, and USB mode. Quickly:
* Bluetooth: works fine. Good range, it seems. I don’t care for or like the multipoint, and I think it’s irrelevant.
* USB mode: use USB-A to USB Type C cable (included). Headphone presents as a regular USB headset to the computer. Works great and charges at the same time.
* Passive mode: Uses a 3.5mm to 2.5mm cable (included) to use as a plain Jane wired headset. You CAN power on the M4 in this mode and benefit from better sound, or leave them off (on purpose, or if the battery is dead). I DISAGREE THAT THE SOUND IS BAD IN PURE PASSIVE MODE, WITH POWER OFF. It’s slightly subpar compared to BT/USB/powered passive, but it’s JUST FINE, and pretty good to boot.
The SG review docks the M4 on mic quality, but in my tests people’s feedback was that the calls were clear and noise-free, even when I was doing yard work on a very windy day. Still, YMMV.
Case—it’s a carrying case. It’s… functional, plain, the way I like my coffee.
My only complaint, if this tells you anything—the charge port and 2.5mm port are on the RIGHT cup, whereas all other sets I’ve ever had or seen have the cable going to the LEFT one. The power button and touch controls are also on the RIGHT, so maybe that’s why, but on the (infrequent) occasions when you may have a cable attached, it’s not where you’d be used to finding it.
Out of the gate. They are sturdy, rugged but not super heavy (if that’s a consideration). Albeit, Barr the headband. They don’t look what they cost. But I’m somewhat glad for 2 reasons.
1) Less of a Thief Magnet. 2) The Money went into Features, Extras and Sound Quality.
– Good Highs
– Good Mids
– Good Lows. (more to add later)
– Frequency Separation is fantastic (no muddled muddy sound)
– Auto on/off feature.
– Auto Pause feature.
– Interesting EQ Builder.
– Hard Compact Case.
– As a bass head, I like/prefer my Bass on Music that it make sense on, sadly a little bass heavy on tracks it shouldn’t be. (occasionally) – (even with Flat EQ)
– Little boring looking, but that’s low importance.
– No LDAC/LDHC? AptX (AptX Adaptive).
– Pause Feature seems to be for Right Ear/Hand only (from what I can tell – not an issue for me as I’m Right Handed).
These headphones are just what I was looking for. The noise cancelling is brilliant, as is the sound quality. I find them comfortable to wear, even over extended periods, my ears just get a bit warm and itchy, but I imagine any headphones would have much the same effect. I would thoroughly recommend.
Recently bought this item. Actually I’m really admired with sennheiser . It’s gives very good noice cancellation. Clyster clear sound effects and clarity. Better experience with phone calls , very pure and fine clarity from other end .
I would recommend.
Good speedy delivery.
These headphones are absolutely top notch! A real WOW factor when you wear them.
Pricey, yes, but definitely worth every penny for the sound experience that you just will not get with cheaper headphones.
Great controls, simple. A nice minimalist design. It doesn’t match the funky styling of the previous Momentum models (I still love the first pair of Momentum 1’s I bought) but they are classy in their own right the 4’s.
Quality case supplied, very sturdy for putting in your bag.
If you can afford it, just do it.
The sound quality alone and the listening experience you get is well worth the price.
I find adjusting the volume a bit hit and miss. It is a pity volume control isn’t in the Sennheiser App. Sometimes it takes several attempts at swiping my finger up and down before the volume will respond. There is an audio message when you reach the minimum or maximum volume which can be useful.
You can adjust the transparency of the ambient sound by pinching two fingers on the touch sensitive right pad. What I use a lot is a double tap on the right pad which switches from ANC to ambient and back. The ANC can be set to be fully sound cancelling, fully ambient, or in-between via the Sennheiser App.
A single tap pauses a recording if it is possible to control the source via Bluetooth. I only listen to my hifi so don’t use the gestures for pausing or switching tracks so the single tap just mutes the sound which I find useful.
The manual says that the headphones are AtpX Adaptive (AtpX, AptX Low Latency) or AAC. If the transmitter doesn’t support these it uses SBC. I have tried three different transmitters and couldn’t get low latency which results in lipsynch problems watching TV. If the transmitter has AtpX Adaptive it connects using that. If not it connects using AptX. I could get the connection to switch to AtpX HD but not AtpX LL. This is frustrating as I specifically was looking for headphones that would connect via AtpX LL. I contacted Sennheiser support and was informed that despite what is in the manual the headphones do not work with AtpX LL. AptX Adaptive doesn’t have the low latency of AtpX LL and so the lipsynch issue watching TV can’t be avoided unless you connect using cable instead of Bluetooth. Something I have experienced as well is if you have the TV sound on while listening with the headphones you can hear both with a long delay. Presumably because the sound from the TV external to the ear pads and inside the ear pads is very similar so the noise cancelling isn’t so effective. Very disappointing.
The Sennheiser App enhances the Momentum 4 with a lot of configuration options. Although some people are disappointed at only having a three band equaliser to play with, there are a number of preset settings to suit what you are listening to. If you want to create your own you are presented with choosing the best sound to your liking as you listen to the sound you are configuring for. It does this several times making adjustments each time and then finally the settings are saved with a name of your choice. An unusual option I haven’t met before is the ability to save settings for zones.
Useful things about the Momentum 4 is the ability to press the button on the right ear pad and the current battery capacity is announced. The headphones can be connected via Bluetooth, wired via an aux audio jack, and wired via USB. The headphones can also be used purely for sound cancelling only if you want to shut out a noisy environment when doing something like reading.
Lastly, when I first received the headphones I wore them for almost 12 hours watching TV and listening to music. They are the first headphones that I have owned that didn’t cause any discomfort aftera period of use.
Here is what I can tell you.
The noise cancelling is very good, I can’t hear the car even when sitting at the back. It drowns out conversations. I’ve yet to find something it doesn’t get rid of but I have only had this a month and two weeks. I may edited this at a later date.
The battery life I love. The Buds Live had forty hours which I was very happy with but having an extra twenty to play with is just lovely. Right now I’m having to charge them around once a week but I suspect if you were to use these for half your working day then you’d probably be looking at twice/three times a week which being honest I think is great.
These feel great on the head, I don’t get any pressure on the head and I don’t feel like these pull. They’re in my opinion quite light so sit nicely. One thing I don’t like a tiny bit is that the extending an retracting the headphones is a little bit stiff if you’re not getting the angle quite right which makes adjusting them on your head sometimes a little bit annoying. This isn’t an issue if you remove them to do it.
The app that you can download as many complaints about the software, I’ve only used it the once so can’t really say anything. What I can say is that I’m happy with the default settings. Voices are crisp and music sounds great. When I can be bothered I might play around with the settings and create some modes. There is a YouTube video showing this off in a comparison video between this and the Sony and demonstrates the differences in settings allowing you to create better vocals if that’s primarily the feature of your songs or more bass if you’re into heavier bass featured music.
Probably only ANC, noise cancelling headphones I’ve found that will allow you to charge/use audio cable whilst using. However as others have noted the touch controls are not very users friendly, there is an instruction booklet so you can set it up and maybe control some settings via the app on your mobile. Yes buttons would have been better but I’ve got it for the USB C to A audio/charging cable and that you can use it as a headset, worth it for the price.
Issues with Bluetooth means it cannot be relied on, as it drops out here and there. If using at work that causes problems with meetings. Perhaps this is when you have pairings to multiple devices but it is an annoying problem.
Overall a slick product, but the gesture controls although quite useful leave me feeling cold. If reclining in a chair, they are easy to knock which stops music playing, for example.
Overall a good product, but focused too much on style and marketing rather than usability.
Right off the bat, I can say the 4’s build quality is nothing to write home about. They creak and click as you move your head or your jaw and they’re quite hot on the ears. The cups are fairly shallow and since they only twist in two directions, I found it difficult to get them comfortable on both ears. One ear always felt like it wasn’t at the right angle and both ears were always touching against the odd plastic ridge that exists just inside the cups. The headband was comfortable and all-in-all, the headphones were fine to wear for long periods without hurting you. I just could never find that sweet spot.
They look, par for the course for the wireless headphones available today, which is rather disappointing, but not a big deal. The sound quality does make up for it. I’ll get to that though.
Keeping with the build quality, the headphones have foregone the buttons that came with the previous incarnations, and they now have touch controls. I’m not a fan of touch controls, but like I said, the sound quality was pretty great, so I really gave it my best shot. However, i found that they were too sensitive to the touch. A few times, I switched songs or paused with my shoulder. More times I tried to turn the volume up or down and ended up doing nothing at all, but still recieving the beep announcement of being touched. What finally put the nail in the coffin for me was the fact that the volume doesn’t work in intervals, it’s an actual gauge on the right headset. So I found myself constantly going a little too high or a little too low. Like, I’m walking in the park, I just want to up the volume one “jump”, not three.
Something else, you can adjust the active noise cancelling on the right cup, too. But, honestly it just felt like it was giving an already over active touch control ANOTHER thing to do badly when all you want is to turn the music down.
A lot of people have claimed the headphones had problems connecting to their phone. I didn’t have any such issues. However, to access the app, it would take forever to connect and then you’d have to wait ages to actually be able to move onto the next screen.
The app itself isn’t fantastic. The equaliser only has three adjusters, there’s no way to turn off the ANC altogether. It’s always on, just like the momentum 2. A step back from the momentum 3, which had a very welcome off switch. Hopefully they change that in the future. You can turn off the auto pause feature though, and also a couple of other features. I did that because I like pulling my headphones onto one ear to keep listening while I’m checking what others are saying.
From what I tested, auto pause works well. Auto on and off worked well for the most part, but I did have them turn themselves on once, so I always used the power button on the side to be certain.
The sound stage is pretty fab. It sounds deep and far reaching, with crisp audio. I messed around with the sad equaliser for a while to test variations, but honestly, that sound pretty great from the get-go. So I didn’t bother with the equaliser for real listening. I love all kinds of music genres and I tried just about all of them on these babies and was not disappointed. They do have a word habit of sounding better after a particular volume level, but the previous momentum’s did that too.
The battery life is massive. I changed them once in twenty days I had them, to no issue. Very impressive.
Sadly though, I couldn’t get past the creaky, clicking plastic, the uncomfortable cups and the teeeeerrrrriible touch controls. I think if the volume had been at intervals, I would have kept them. Clicks and all.
So, for the price, they’re a fantastic pair of headphones. Amazing sound quality, great battery life, reliable Bluetooth. Sort of comfortable.
Great, if you can get over the other small things.
Why’d you take away the buttons, sennheiser? 🙁