Amazon Brand – Umi Grass Shears,Garden Grass Clippers

Amazon Brand – Umi Grass Shears,Garden Grass Clippers with Sharp Blade and 180° Rotating Cutter Head

We strive to provide you with the highest quality product and the best customer experience possible!
Weight: | 420 g |
Dimensions: | 37.79 x 12.9 x 3.1 cm; 420 Grams |
Part: | HE017 |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Batteries Required: | No |
Manufacture: | Umi |
Dimensions: | 37.79 x 12.9 x 3.1 cm; 420 Grams |
Reference: | HE017 |
These are like big scissors.
They could be sharper.
They are easy to hold.
When you need to get up close and personal with your lawn these are the perfect way to do it. There are times when the mower or strimmer cannot get close enough to the edges and this is where these shears come into their own.
Well made and apparently durable – I look forward to using them for a long time to neaten edges and trim those hard-to-reach places. The grip is comfortable and the action is fluid and easy.
Nothing else to say, they are made for this one purpose and they work really well. Recommended.
These shears are bigger than I thought but still handleable. The blade is rotatable which is easy to change to different angles to trim. They are a bit heavy and need more pressure to cut though. As the price of 20 I would go for a better one.
A very handy tool to have if you like gardening.
I usually cut my loan with an electric lawn machine but there are some edges and corners which need a grass shears and this one is perfect for the purpose.
Easy to press on ,sharp cut ,long enough to cut a good lawn path.
This is a decent set of Amazon brand grass shears, and at 20.99 they are a fair price. They are bigger than I expected them to be, but that just means that more grass can be trimmed with each ‘action’. It’s handy that you can rotate the blade, that means that you can do lawn edges and the ‘flat parts’ with ease and without having to twist your wrist.
These shears have come in quite handy over the recent hot spell, where only the broadleaf weeds have grown – I’ve been able to keep their seed heads down without resorting to getting out the lawnmower. They cut grass well but will need the odd squirt of something like WD40 to keep them working smoothly – I’ve been happy with these and can recommend them.
Um bei uns im Garten Gras und Strucher zu schneiden, haben wir eine passende Schere gesucht und uns dieses Modell der zu Amazon gehrenden Marke Umi bestellt.
Was wir daran gut finden:
– Liegt gut in der Hand
– Ist ausreichend scharf (fr dnnes Gras oder Strucher)
– Solide Verarbeitung
– Um 180 drehbarer Klingenkopf
– Klingensperre (um die Schere im geschlossenen Zustand lagern zu knnen; kann durch zusammendrcken der Griffe gelst werden)
Was uns weniger gefallen hat:
– Je dicker die Strucher zum Schneiden werden, desto schwerer wird es
– Hohes Gewicht, bei lngerem Einsatz merkt man es
– Recht hoher Preis (Markenprodukte bekannter Hersteller sind teils gnstiger)
Mein Fazit:
Auch wenn nicht alles perfekt ist, sind wir soweit zufrieden. Fr unsere paar Strucher und Co reicht die Schere locker aus. Ob sie sich jedoch auch Grtner und Co kaufen wrde, wei ich nicht, denn es gibt in der Preisklasse auch gute Alternativen.
Meine Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sterne
This pair of Umi Branded Grass Shears has a special feature, the shears can rotate 180 to help you cut without giving you arm or wrist fatigue. Their is a safe button that allows you to lock the shears when they are not in use, this is a nice feature to keep you safe while it’s in storage.
This pair of Grass Shears was ment to be all my troubles gone for a little trimming of the grass edges from my rose bushes. But sadly I find that they are okay, but the quality of the cut is not that forgiving.
In my experience, it can table upto 3 chops to chop some grass as the gap and sharpness of the blades leave a bit to be desired. But saying this, for the price point, it’s a lot cheaper than some of the named brands and i only seem to need to use it 5 to 10 min at a time so not a big problem.
This is good for cutting straggling pieces of grass, or for cutting overgrown grass onto stone paths. The blades are not super-sharp, so you have to apply quite a lot of pressure. The blades rotate, so you can use this whether you are left or right handed. You can also cut vertically. A useful item to have in your gardening tool kit.
Single-handed shears like these are the only ones I use for lawn edges, now. They’re so convenient and easy to use, freeing up a hand to deal with the grass as I cut.
All brands are of similar design, presumably with the Chinese yet again copying a Western product and making it cheaply for Amazon. I’m not sure these are quite as sturdy as some, and the blades, while sharp initially, don’t seem to be holding their edges as well.
These Amazon shears are good value, at less than 20, but I’d be inclined to pay a little more for an established brand. Ideally, they’d be made somewhere other than China, but that may not be possible.
Eigentlich ist dies eine sehr praktische Gartenschere. Trotz ihrer Gre, kann sie gut mit einer Hand bedient werden – jedenfalls habe ich als Frau, mit relativ kleinen Hnden, absolut keine Probleme damit. Praktisch ist zudem der drehbare Schneidkopf, so dass nicht die Hand gedreht werden muss, sondern die Schere ganz einfach dem jeweiligen Schnitt-Winkel angepasst werden kann. Bei greren Flchen ist das sicherlich eine Erleichterung.
Der Handgriff ist recht gro und liegt gut in der Hand. Die Handhabung ist berhaupt sehr gut und auch der Sicherheitsverschluss lsst sich mit einer Hand ganz einfach lsen, indem der Griff kurz gedrckt wird. Zum Verschlieen wird ein kleiner Metallknopf am Griff gedrckt, der die Schere sicher verschlossen hlt. Bis hierher also alles top!
Leider sind die Klingen nicht so scharf wie ich es von anderen Scheren gewhnt bin. Mchte man die Lnge der Klingen nutzen und entsprechend mehr Gras auf einmal schneiden, kommt die Schere schnell an ihre Grenze. Hochstehendes Gras an den Rasenkanten wird nur dann gut und sauber geschnitten, wenn den Klingen nicht zu viel auf einmal zugemutet wird. Ich brauche die Schere jedoch hauptschlich zum Schneiden von Gartensalbei. Wir haben sehr groe Flchen mit diesen schnen, bienenfreundlichen Stauden, und wenn sie im August nach der ersten Blte geschnitten werden, blhen sie gern ein zweites Mal. Hier schafft die Schere gut eine Handvoll der Stngel pro Schnitt – wobei ich allerdings schon ziemlich Kraft aufwenden musste, weshalb wir bei dieser Arbeit wohl doch bei der Heckenschere bleiben werden.
Alles in allem ist dies also eine sehr handliche Schere, die aufgrund der nicht so scharfen Klingen nur fr einfache Schneidearbeiten empfehlenswert ist. Ich bewerte sie mit knapp 4 Sternen.
What a great tool this is! I frequently bemoan the fact that I can’t use the strimmer too near to some things, and regular scissors, secateurs and garden clippers aren’t really suited to the job of precise grass trimming.
These on the other hand, are designed for just that task, and as such the blades – or handle, depending on your perspective – can be swivelled around 180 degrees to facilitate trimming with ease.
There is a single cutting edge (as there should be) which has been adequately sharpened and can be user sharpened if the need arises.
It has a button lock that locks the shears in a closed position, and can be thumb operated allowing one-handed use of the shears. So long as you are right handed,of course… sorry, lefties:(
The shears can suffer from some movement up and down when using it if one doesn’t take care to keep the top handle steady and pull the bottom handle up. That will ensure you get smooth cutting.
I really like these, they are larger – larger than I’d expected – so offer a nice good grip with the handles; they seem very robust, well made and simple.
As large as they are however, they are likely to struggle when coming up against clumps or heavy patches of dense grass. As I’ve only used these for trimming various edges, that hasn’t really been an issue for me personally, so they’re just the job!
Much bigger than the pictures in the description had me expecting but this is a good thing.
They have a good weight and a good quality to them and are useful for the bits your lawnmower perhaps struggles with.
Not sure why the blades rotate but maybe for those that are left-handed? If so then a nice touch.
If you’re looking for glass cutters that don’t have the stand up arms (always too small for me so hurt my back) then these are ideal.
I have a few sets of garden shears but rarely use them. With powered lawnmower and strimmer, there’s not a lot left to do with lawns and edges. But sometimes a few snips will quickly tidy up a birder or edge. I’ve been struggling with shears because of arthritis. They can be heavy and require two hands and I find using them too uncomfortable.
These clippers are ideal. The hand grip is large and comfortable and the can be worked with one hand. They’re very sharp and the spring loaded mechanism seems smooth running. The head twists so they can be used flat or sideways. I sprayed the blades and the metal spring bits with a light touch of silicon spray; the stuff I use on window hinges etc. I find this protects against damp and dirt and helps keep everything working well. It’s non greasy and doesn’t smell.
Another Amazon own brand product which is a winner. Very happy to recommend fir performance and price. I’d say they’re built to last.