Banana LT Balance Bike-Lightweight Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4
Banana LT Balance Bike-Lightweight Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4, and 5 Year Old Boys and Girls – No Pedal Bikes for kids with Adjustable Handlebar and seat-Aluminium, EVA Tires – Training Bike
Dimensions: | 84.99 x 46 x 59.99 cm; 2.9 Kilograms |
Brand: | Banana Bike |
Model: | BBLT4 |
Colour: | Blue |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Banana Bike |
Age: | Adult |
Dimensions: | 84.99 x 46 x 59.99 cm; 2.9 Kilograms |
My grandson loves this bike. Easy to assemble, well made and sturdy.
Once he’s on it, he zips around the place and never wants to get off – a true biker in the making!
perfect starter bike! great height, quite lightweight. arrived with one wheel buckled and only option is to disassemble and return the entire thing which is a shame as I just need a new part. otherwise love it and can’t wait to get out on i
Bought it as my son’s birthday present, it was still a little big for a 2 yo and he wasn’t very confident riding his new bike, but after a couple of months he got on his bike himself and learned how to ride very easly. Good design, easy to assemble and lightweight, my son has no problem carrying bike himself. He loves his bike and we need to take it every time we go outside. As long as he’s happy, I’m content with the purchase 🙂
Strong, well built, and works. My 4yrs old boy used it for 3 weeks and was ready for an upgrade to peddle bike without stabilisers. Works like a charm. Only thing is that if your child is tall you might look at getting a bigger one, as they come quit small, other then that it’s a great balance bike. Hope this helps.
Purchased this for my sons second birthday. It’s great! Super easy to assemble, incredibly light so not worried if my boy drops it on himself nor am I worried about breaking my back carrying it when we’re out and about!
Fab purchase, quick delivery and well packaged too.
I’ll definitely purchase another for my little girl when she’s old enough.
A really great little balance bike. Bought for my 4 year old who loved the balance bike at nursery so we bought one for her birthday. This bike seems bigger than many other balance bikes so should last her a little while atleast! You can adjust the handlebars and seat which means it can grow with the child. Perfect and very good quality for the price.
Great bike. Bought this bike for my son as he had outgrown this old balance bike. Seat has loads of adjustability for when he grows and he absolutely loves it. It looks very stylish aswel. His dad put the bike together and he didn’t seem to have any issues in doing so. Would recommend to anybody
My 3 year old absolutely loves his banana bike! Don’t go anywhere without it. Its definitely robust as I’ve seen my 6 year old on it (she’s like a pencil mind). Its the best present I’ve bought for my kids in a long time due to the fact he loves it so much and gets so much use out of it.
This bike is brilliant.
Bought it as a second birthday present. Limited interest at first but now is an everyday staple! Writing review after about 4-5 months of solid use.
Initially used indoors but now more confident so used outside every day. Great on pavements, grass, bumpy ground and muddy fields!
Lightweight for both the child to use and parent to carry.
Has had heavy use and still in excellent condition – tyres / rubber handlebars etc.
Easy to clean, well designed shape for easy on/off and easy to alter sea height.
I was torn between a Strider and a Frog for our son and someone in the Family Cycling facebook group recommended this bike as a cheaper alternative. I am very impressed by the quality. Our son, who just turned 2, took to it like a fish to water and we (have to) go out every day. It is also lightweight and I can easily carry him and the bike if he’s had enough.
Really lovely balance bike, easy to put up, sturdy but light. Slightly bigger than the average one so will last my boy long. We bought it over lockdown, clearly our best buy! In 2 weeks LO had already mastered it 🙂 Shame it does not have brakes but otherwise very happy with purchase.
I bought this for my 21 month old son who has taken to it with great ease and loves it. The bike is so lightweight which will be great for when we are out and about. He’s currently practicing indoors. It was quick enough to put together and is very sturdy. For the price we are really happy with this bike and knowing that it will adjust to suit my son’s growth spurts is a bonus. We love it that much that we’ve purchased a second one to keep at the grandparents. I would highly recommend this bike to anyone looking for their first balance bike.
Bought over a year ago, took my son a while to get the hang of it (bought when he turned 2, and he’s small for his age). Not sure what one of the reviewers were talking about it being heavy-compared to a pedal bike it weighs nothing, if your child struggles with the weight of this bike maybe they’re not ready to ride. Sits easily on top of my buggy when my son gets tired of riding it. Seat is easily adjustable, don’t need tools to adjust it but stays at the height you’ve adjusted it to well. I was a little worried about the tyres not being regular rubber tyres but they’ve been fine
Bought this when my little one was 18 months. He’s not quite tall enough to sit and push but loves to stand infront of the seat and is already learning to balance and steer. I did have an issue with a bent wheel but on contacting the suppliers, this was resolved very easiy and quickly with a new wheel being sent. I believe this bike will last him until he’s ready for a pedal bike. Bonus is, it is nice and light so he can get on and stand it up by himself.
Great little first bike. My son is 2 the seat goes really low so he can touch the floor but also heightens. Its light weight so I can carry it easy. The only bad point was that the bike came with a small dint and also had a patch that’s covered with paint that looks like it could be rust.. so a little unsure about that. But other that that cute little first bike just hoping he gets the hang of it as I’m having to balance him at the moment with it.
I bought this for my son, he’s 19 months old but fairly tall for his age and he’s loves it. Taken him a few attempts to find his feet with it but it’s been a great buy, it was super easy to assemble, it’s lightweight but very sturdy and the materials do not feel cheap.
The colour really is gorgeous, suits my boy and as he gets bigger the bike can be adjusted to suit his height so it will last him a while.
All in all a top product for a good price, well done the manufacturers as I feel they have really taken into consideration the customer and quality.
Excellent quality for the price. Was so simple and easy to assemble. Took very little time to put the bike together and it comes with easy to read instructions (with photos) also tools to help you.
There are different levels for the height of the seat. When putting the seat into the frame, at the bottom there is a “bung” which can prevent it going into the frame. Just remove and adjust the seat to the height you want.
Would highly recommend this product and I’m very happy with the bike.
I’m going to have a very happy 2 year old nephew.
Good for the price. Bought for my 2 1/2 year old son. He’s starting to get the hang of it after showing him lots of videos on youtube of kids riding balance bikes. It was fairly straightforward to assemble and seems pretty well made. Only negative comment is that the wheel bearings aren’t that good but for the level of use it will get, they should last.
Bought this bike a month ago and had it in storage until my little boy’s birthday. Really easy to put together however I noticed the paint coming away in my hand around the forks. This was with no use what so ever, however it appears that the paint hasn’t bonded, and it’s rusted underneath…
The fork bearings feel solid and the rest of the bike looks well made. The boy loves it and I guess time will tell on sturdiness, but certainly not the cheapest out there…
As a Mum if 3 boys I have done my research on balance bikes over the years and this one has been by far our best purchase. I managed to put it together easily myself, the instructions are very clear. The bike itself is great. The wheels are more foam grip wheels than tyres but they’re great quality and certainly fit for purpose on a toddler bike. My son is 3 and could ride it quickly so it would be suitable for a slightly younger child but I’m happy to see it has room for him to grow too. My favourite part of this bike is it’s weight. It is featherlight! This is great as my son can pick it back up and get back on without help and it’s also great as if he tires of cycling it isn’t at all heavy to carry. Wish I’d found it earlier for my other boys!
We have just bought this for our 2 year old & assembled it tonight! I’m writing this review a bit prematurely as he won’t see it until the morning but so far I’m very impressed!
The parts arrived well packed & protected! The finish on the frame & forks is excellent (we went green)! The seat seems high quality & looks very comfortable!
It assembled pretty easily with clear instructions & not many parts to have to fit! I personally like the idea of puncture proof tyres at this stage but I appreciate this will be a harder ride! He can enjoy that when he gets a bit older & gets a pedal bike…!
After assembly I put force on the handle bars & seat & it felt very sturdy! A nice, smooth steering action & good handle bar grips!
And that’s all I can tell you so far but I’d be amazed if it didn’t do its job & I know my little boy is going to be thrilled to bits come 8am tomorrow…!
Initial impressions are this is superb for the money. Very easy to assemble. Surprisingly light, it’s significantly lighter than my boys smaller Frog Tadpole Mini, which is much smaller.
Would advise putting a bit of grease on the seat post as it’s a tight fit, and will stop it getting stuck. Longevity untested but suspect it’ll easily last until it’s been outgrown.
Tyres are solid Eva type foam, so likely to be less grippy in the wet than normal rubber on corners, but as it’s a learner bike they’re unlikely to be leaning it right over on fast corners.
You can tell the quality isn’t quite up there with the big expensive brands, but definitely surpasses it’s price.
Highly recommended.
I was a little apprahensive thinking whether this was worth the money compared to a cheap bike. The answer was yes , it is worth every penny!! We bought this for our 2 year old and were worried wether it would be small enough for him to ride and it was perfect.
The seat can go so low and he could climb on it really easily. The bike is SO LIGHTWEIGHT!! It’s incredible , it’s so well made my son even at 2 years old loved it. We had a cheap bike for our other son and he struggled because it was so heavy however this Banana bike is lightweight and really well made and strong.
Putting it together was a breeze and the seat is really easily adjusted.
I was worried about the foam tires being slippery but we have used it in wet a lot and had no issues. My only gripe is that I wish we bought this bike for me eldest when he was younger!!
My 20month old loves this (as does my 6 year old, though she’s too big for it.) His balance on it has already improved lots in the last month.
Arrived quickly, very quick and easy to assemble. Easy to clean tyres.
My only quibbles about it are that the nuts on both wheels stick out more than i expected … they are rounded and stick out about an inch, rather than flat and sticking out quarter of an inch. Luckily is above the Achilles height, but painful if he scrapes you nonetheless.
Other thing is that the steering could go round and round endlessly. I assumed it wouldn’t reach 180. Maybe all balance bikes are like that??? Consequently it tips over when he oversteers, and he often rides with the handlebars the other way round, which i think makes him fall more.
That said, it’s a good product, would buy again and would recommend.
I got this for my whirlwind of a 2 year old on his birthday and am really impressed. It was easily assembled and lightweight, important as he can pick it up himself when he falls off. It is easy for him to manoeuvre and despite being on the 9th centile for height, can reach the floor when on the lowest setting. He has been on it twice now and already mastered it. My friends had all told me he “needed” a certain yummy mummy 300+ balance bike by a popular girls name in order to learn quickly but totally not the case – this is a great bike at a great cost and would not hesitate in recommending.
Bought as a birthday present for my nephew.
Seems like a great bike for the money. Not too heavy and nicely balanced. Just make sure to keep it stored out of the rain.
I had to do some sorting out of the build my sister had done, but i think this says more about her lack of bike building skill than difficulty assembling the bike.
Size wise, I think he’s about average height for his age and he just fits it.
Hopefully it stands the test of time as in a year my son will be using i
Its a really nice balance bike – good build quality and very easy to assemble. My only criticism would be if it came with a kick stand or something similar, that would be great. We had to constantly stand it up right for my son to use it as he would struggle with doing that himself and would then get bored (he’s only 2 though so may be not an issue for older children). But a good product in general.
Brilliantly designed from both a kid and dad perspective. The Skyway-style five spoke wheels are a very nice touch, adding a bit of “rad” for those who remember the BMX heyday. My 2.5 year old was whizzing around on this after just a couple of rides. The elegant banana-shaped frame helps stretch the wheels away from the rider and improve stability, so it is both form and function. This is a proper bike, unlike many of the other gimmicky, plasticky ones. Fantastic value and will last for a long time. Do they make one for grown-ups?