Carplay Car Stereo Double Din, Hikity 7″Touch Screen Car

Carplay Car Stereo Double Din, Hikity 7″Touch Screen Car Radio with Bluetooth Android Auto Car Play Mirror Link Reverse Camera SWC FM Radio Mic Frame USB TF AUX Port Car MP5 Playe
Carplay Car Stereo Double Din Android Auto

Dimensions: | 17.8 x 10.2 x 7.5 cm; 850 Grams |
Manufacture: | Hikity |
Dimensions: | 17.8 x 10.2 x 7.5 cm; 850 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Reference: | Hikity-A3088A1B4-C223 |
Ich habe das Radio fr meine Frau bestellt und war von Anfang an begeistert wieviel Ausstattung dabei war. Ich musste leider den Support wegen fehlenden Apps kontaktieren. Ich muss sagen der ist auch sehr schnell und kompetent. Mir wurde sofort geholfen. Ich kann die Radios der marke Hikity empfehle
Es kam heute bei mir an. an sich auf den ersten blick war alles gut nur leider kam es ohne den inneren rahmen der es halten sollte da ich nicht wei ob dies ein versehen war oder dieser einfach nicht dabei ist.
Schnelle Lieferung.
Ich kann vom USB Stick keine mp3 anhren. Die werden auch nicht gefunden.
Ich habe einen 32GB Stick. Um Hilfe wre ich dankbar. Eine deutschsprachige Anleitung ist nicht verkehrt.
nderung der Bewertung auf 4 Sterne da ich eine Ersatzlieferung bekomme.
Navi funktioniert leider viel zu Trge. Android Auto geht dafr aber Super. Also Navi bers Handy nutzen und das Radio ist ganz gut. Die mitgelieferte DAB Antenne Taugt leider nicht Viel. Habe mir eine andere eingebaut. Da mir der Verkufer mit meinen Problem mit einer Lsung entgegengenommen ist, habe ich meine Bewertung dementsprechend angepass
Point ngatif : le bluetooth qui ne fonctionne pas bien avec un tlphone Lenovo. L’appareil n’affiche pas le bouton dcrocher lors d’un appel. Mais fonctionne parfaitement avec mon Xiaomi. Certainement un souci de version de Bluetooth.
Pour le reste, que du positif :
– dmarrage rapide (35 secondes) avec mise en veille possible pendant 30 minutes pour viter un redmarrage complet ;
– camra de recul nette et fonctionnelle ds l’allumage, sans attendre le dmarrage complet de l’appareil ;
– Android Auto super ! Carplay pas test (pas d’Iphone)
– Here We Go install, avec possibilit de programmer le raccourci sur l’application GPS de son choix. Cartes tlcharger. Acquisition des stellits 15 secondes !
– Son de qualit correcte. Les rendus sonores varient avec le volume, c’est un peu dommage (plus sourd faible volume, plus aigu volume moyen). Puissance largement suffisante.
– Tlcommande pratique !
– 2 ports USB en faade, et des boutons physiques (certes un peu cheap) pratiques ;
– Rception radio trs correcte, avec RDS ;
– Application musique simple et fonctionnelle ;
– 20 motifs launcher diffrents ! Vous pouvez donc choisir le design qui vous plait le mieux. 2 de ces design permettent d’afficher la vitesse relle GPS sur l’cran d’accueil ;
– Rception Wifi correcte, mais pas non plus extra. 2,4Ghz uniquement ;
Bon, j’ai fait le tour…
Ah, un bmol : le cble de branchement ISO n’est pas fourni. Pour viter de couper des fils et faire des soudures, mieux vaut investir 10 de plus dans un faisceau ISO.
116,99 , c’est une trs bonne affaire qui vous rendra de bons services dans un vhicule plus ancien (C3 de 2006 pour moi).
Remarque : c’est un autoradio de marque Hikity, mais les applications Podofo sont installes (il doit donc s’agir d’un Podofo rebadg). Elles vous permettent d’activer par exemple le Voice control interne l’autoradio. Mais bon, c’est payant…
Bought a car stereo and it broke within a few months BUT Rachel the agent I’ve dealt with could not be more helpful. Refund issued straight away with no fuse what so ever. Customer service is a+
Described that it would fit Audi A3, it would if you spend a further 100 on a fitting kit, you’ll be disappointed if you expect plug and play, shame really.
Seller was very quick and responsive in the return procedure, no quibbles, instant refund, can’t complain about the customer service
I took a risk replacing a broken (and expensive) Sony system with this. While it’s only just been installed in a 2006 VW T5 so I don’t know the long term reliability, first impressions are very good. Everything works as described and the interface is very intuitive.
You need a 2025 cell battery for the steering remote that’s not supplied and I’ve yet to fit the camera but the Bluetooth, car play and FM radio all work perfectly. It’s a big step up from the 270 Sony system and for 70, I’m very happy with this. Definitely recommend (so far)
Great unit. Looks amazing and was very easy to install (installed in Mazda 5). The picture quality is excellent. App launch and Navigating between Apps is very fast. Customer support is one of the best, the response time is very quick and very helpful. I will update with more pics once Ive had time to use it bit more.
Great unit for the price. Great sound quality and screen reacts well to touch sensitivity.
Unfortunately it wernt compatible with my phone for the mirror function. My fault should of checked. All in all a great little unit for the price.
Wasn’t expecting a whole lot from this unit, seemed lightweight, fitted it in and was working okay until the media buttons stopped working, android auto disconnects every 5-10 minutes, and screen has gone a strange color. Sound profile not too bad.
Update: Seller contacted me and offered full refund, great response and no need to return the device. Will more than likely try another slightly higher quality one from the seller.
Rpond parfaitement mes besoins, par hyper rapide mais pour le prix je suis satisfait.
Attention : j’ai eu besoin d’acheter une boite standard 2din pour le fixer, 20euro de plus mais aucun soucis c’est parfait maintenant.
Arrived now working and damaged, the team contacted me after I added a review,
Offered a full refund and to keep the unit, very friendly and quick to reply
I will update again if I don’t receive the refund
Following trying out a previous head unit on the quad lock connector I ran into issues with the ignition power causing parasitic drain to the car battery (important*!!!) I fixed the issue by using a specific harness (bought separately: 20-156-IGN) which powers off the unit when they key is removed from the ignition barrel.
This head unit immediately worked with this harness and I didn’t have to use the provided cables or make a new harness from scratch.
Don’t bother with using the basic Bluetooth functionality on this, the unit displays errors on the artist / song names and the clock might as well not be a clock (frequently displayed random times such as 60:99 and 00:00 when powered on and off!)
The unit works absolutely fine in CarPlay mode with iPhone (which is what I use it for anyway).
The touch screen is nice, clear and sharp although is a fingerprint magnet.
The unit does feel on the cheap side with a large silver plastic pot for controlling volume, but you do get what you pay for.
Used for around four days now and no major problems.
There are a lot of custom EQ settings for the audio which is a nice addition.
Sound quality is decent, definitely a good choice if you’re looking to upgrade on a budget.
Doesn’t even display the names of the songs/artist correctly. Has issues connecting to Bluetooth. Looks cheap, nowhere near worth the 100. Was given a full refund and didn’t need to return. Thank you to the seller.
I would definitely recommend this unit if you are in a tight budget. As for the bang for your buck it is definitely a 10/10
The camera wiring diagram is incorrect.
None of the wiring diagrams provided in the instructions or with the camera or on the listing are 100% correct.
When wiring the camera up what they don’t tell you is the signal wire from the camera to the head unit needs to be piggybacked with the camera power from the rear light. The same signal cable from cam to headunit is wired to the brown wire and not pink wire.
Hope this helps someone.
Hikitty support is fantastic!