Cressi Air – Professional Mask – Premium Silicone Cristal

Cressi Air – Professional Mask – Premium Silicone Cristal or Black
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To discover the sea, through the eyes of a child, again and again.
To breathe in another world, where our laws do not apply.
To forget gravity and be able to fly.
To listen to a deep silence and see different colours. To encounter other forms of life.
To keep searching for new ideas, trying to make diving easier and safer.
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Dimensions: | 17.78 x 8.13 x 10.16 cm; 350 Grams |
Brand: | Cressi |
Model: | DS400010 |
Colour: | Crystal Clear/Black/Yellow |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Cressi |
Age: | Adult |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 17.78 x 8.13 x 10.16 cm; 350 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Dopo anni di servizio ho dovuto sostituire la precedente versione della Cressi Air, con questa.
Utilizzata per immersioni fino a 53mt, perfetta aderenza e con volume veramente ridotto (si svuota molto facilmente).
Facendo riprese subacquee, il vetro molto vicino al viso, mi permette di avere un’ottima visuale.
I materiali sono ottimi.
Come da mia usanza, ho sostituito il laccio con una fascia a strappo, molto morbida e comoda utile anche per tutte quelle situazioni in cui bisogna togliersi completamente la maschera in immersione (esempio corsi ed addestramento per i sub).
Para m de las mejores mscaras del mercado, recomiendo restregar el lquido que venden para que no se empaen antes de utilizarlas por primera vez evitando tener que quemarlas, as como el anti vaho antes de las inmersiones.
Las compre porque son unas cressi con un acabado perfecto y sper bonitas . No se entelan y tienen una buena visin. Las utilizo para bucear y hacer pesca submarina. Calidad-precio tambin sper bien. Las recomiendo 100%
Maschera molto bella e con buona tenuta ad asciutto. Purtroppo non ho ancora avuto la possibilit di provarla sott’acqua ma sono sicura che andr benissimo. Ho sempre avuto maschere della Cressi e non mi hanno mai deluso. Inoltre ha una bella e ampia visibilit. Consigliata.
A lovely comfortable mask with a very good field of view, lovely soft skirt. For me it seals extremely well and doesn’t leak, hasn’t fogged on me yet. A Plus point for me a generous sized nose pocket that doesn’t put pressure on the bridge of your nose. Really well made and up some of the best out there and I’ve used a lot. Cressi really do make some really very good equipment that’s up there with the best of them despite in most cases the lower prices. There masks are very well regarded and up with some of the best from other manufactures.
As with all mask you need to clean the glass inside and out to remove any silicone coating or the mask will fog. Rub inside and out with tooth paste. Let it dry, rub again, rinse and repeat until the glass squeaks when you rub you finger over it. After that you should be set. if you don’t you can’t really blame the mask. Before diving or snorkelling spit and rinse the mask or you anti fog. I spit as it’s free. To minimise leaks don’t over tighten the mask strap, too tight and the skirt will collapse causing leaks. Let water pressure help with the job of keeping it in place for you.
Having owned and enjoyed Cressi’s Big Eyes Evolution Crystal mask, I can tell you that this Cressi “Air” Crystal mask is nearly identical in appearance (apart from some minor cosmetic differences in color pattern and molding on the frame) and offers the same excellent performance while under water. Both masks are made in Italy, as befits their flagship status in the Cressi mask lineup (some of Cressi’s other excellent masks, priced at a lower cost, are made in Taiwan). The “Crystal” moniker in these masks’ names refers to Cressi’s proprietary formulation of clear silicone, which it claims will resist yellowing over time. In nearly three years of use, my Big Eyes Evolution Crystal mask still looks and performs as new. The silicone conforms very tightly and comfortably to one’s face and achieves a great watertight seal. Strap adjustment is quick and easy, by simply pulling out on the strap adjustment tabs, located on each side of the mask.
Given the “Air” mask’s near-total visual and performance similarity to the Big Eyes Evolution Crystal, if you’re interested in purchasing either of these masks, I’d purchase whichever model is available for lower cost.
The goggles come in a good hard plastic box, just big enough for the goggles so nice and compact if you want to keep them in their original box in your suitcase or bag.
The material the goggles are made from seems to be of good quality. The plastic that touches your face is quite soft but makes a good seal so no water can come in.
When they were on my face they felt relatively comfortable. It is easy to adjust the straps both on and off your face. On each side there is a little catch that you lift up which releases it and makes the strap longer. And to shorten the strap you just have to pull again.
Nach der Benutzung der Brille bei ca. 40 Tauchgngen im Roten Meer sowie unzhligen Schnorcheltripps kann ich diese Maske guten Gewissens weiter empfehlen.
Sie ist dicht, passt sich sehr gut der Gesichtsform an und-ganz wichtig -sie beschlgt auch nicht!
This is quite a narrow mask with a small internal dimension. It almost looked as though it would fit my teenage son but it is definitely an adult size. The small capacity does make it easier to pressurise and more comfortable. Forward transparency is good and the skirt is a good fit and the price is reasonable.
Given this to test out of warm weather season, so daughter had to test it out in the shower and in the bathtub and in the local pool. It’s lightweight despite the lenses being tempered glass and it adjusted easily to fit her teenaged face and head (she’s 15 1/2). It molded it’s contours against her face, making a tight but comfortable seal. The lenses provided a crystal clear view of the bottom of the pool. She’s very much looking forward to using this come summer when we go to Scotland this summer to give it a proper work out.
This is a fabulous snorkelling / scuba diving mask from a trusted manufacturer. Everything about this mask has been exceptionally well made, from the optics all the way to fitting and comfort. Mask is light and it comes in a transparent plastic container, which is very useful for storage and transport. Black rubber / silicone body is very soft and it seals around the eyes perfectly, while at the same time it doesn’t push hard on the face and remains comfortable. Around the head strap is just as soft and malleable and it splits in two strips wide apart, so the pressure exerted at the back of the head is not localised in one place. Straps are very easy to adjust and the mask as easy to put on as it is to remove with a single stroke. I’m impressed with the attention to detail and the amount of good workmanship on display here.
This is a really nice diving mask for adults. It comes in a strudy storage box.
The lenses are tempered glass to reduce scratching and constructed of a soft silicone and is very light.
The strap is very adjustable and really comfortable.
The only downside is that price, at rrp of 64 pounds this is only for serious divers not holiday snorkellers
Questa maschera non fa eccezione e conferma quelle che sono sempre state le mie impressioni: non si tratta di un prodotto professionale dal prezzo elevato ma comunque almeno un gradino pi in alto rispetto ai prodotti pi commerciali in vendita nei negozi sportivi nel periodo estivo.
E’ una maschera compatta e poco ingombrante ma nonostante questo, grazie alla ottima progettazione, garantisce un ampio campo visivo. Il silicone a contatto con il viso morbido e non presenta zone che danno fastidio. La tenuta buona, almeno sul mio viso, ed facilitata dalle cinghie che permettono una buona regolazione e che non cedono con l’uso.
Tra le altre cose le cinghie sono basculanti, cio dispongono di uno snodo nel punto di collegamento con la maschera che permette di scegliere la posizione delle stesse pi confortevole.
Viene consegnata all’interno di una confezione di plastica che funge anche da custodia, che per avrei preferito avesse pi buchi (,ma a questo si pu ovviare) per far gocciolare via l’acqua.
L’unico problema al momento che non sono riuscito a trovare le lenti graduate per questo specifico modello che invece si trovano facilemnte ed a buon prezzo per altri modelli della stessa marca come ad esempio la Big Eyes o la Focus. Magari solo questione di tempo.
E’ venduta senza tubo, che va invece comprato a parte. Il prezzo, scontato a circa 50 euro, ne fa un eccellente prodotto.
One of my most vivid memories from childhood holidays is poking around in Cornish rockpools, bothering the inhabitants with my boundless curiosity. One of my best investments was a snorkelling mask, acquired from a jumble sale for the princely sum of 25p – it turned the experience of rockpool investigation from a rather blurry picture into crystal clarity – as long as you didn’t mind getting wet, of course.
This mask is considerably better constructed than my jumble sale find, though sadly it being late November, testing it by throwing myself into a nearby rockpool was not a great strategy. Instead it’s had the very toughest conditions that a domestic shower and a basin full of water can throw at it, and it’s stood up very well. The plastic parts that sit against the face are a very soft rubber, which moulds brilliantly to the contours of the face – despite the fact I have a moustache now I couldn’t get a droplet of water into the mask. The lenses also stayed very clear throughout the test – admittedly testing in the bathroom is not quite the same as full immersion in cold water, but middle-age is looming and I’m not exactly Bear Grylls.
The major factor that prevents me giving this a full 5/5 is the field of view. This may partly be due to the fact that the mask has a separate lens for each eye, and hence an opaque section in the middle, but it did feel very much like the visibility to either side could be improved without significantly compromising the design of the mask. This is by no means a showstopper though – once next summer is here I’ll definitely be venturing to the beach to relive some happy childhood memories!
Excellent mask, really comfortable, thanks to the split strap, light weight and excellent moulded face skirt. Plus the tempered glass lenses extend right down to the bottom of the nose, allowing extra visibility. Pricey yes, but more than justified by the quality and comfort.
Love this mask! It’s lightweight, it has excellent visibility, it fits the face really well, it adjusts nicely, it has a brilliant tab on the back strap to help disentangle it from your hair when you pull it off and… it looks really cool!
Not only is it all those things, it even comes in a brilliant clear plastic storage box. In sort, I could find nothing to dislike about this mask and lots that I love. Superb!
I’ve snorkeled many times over the years with rented equipment but I have, thus far, avoided the urge to pay for the overpriced products sold near snorkeling hot-spots. This mask is priced above the cost of some quite decent snorkel / mask sets – it’s targeting a serious diver which is not where I am to be found in the market – but the higher manufacture quality, materials and design elements are there to be seen.
The medium-volume mask fits my face well forming a comfortable, even pressured closure all round thanks to the supple silicone. The glass angles downwards towards the face and I can immediately understand why this is advantageous. The nose cover fits me well – covering the nose is important for snorkeling for airway control and particularly important for scuba. The adjustment straps work well and hold in place while I paddle around. The optical quality and anti-fogging capabilities are the best I’ve ever used – no question. It uses tempered glass which is the standard for scuba diving though I don’t participate in this activity so can’t vouch for this model in deeper water. It’s certainly up to standard for snorkeling of the kind I enjoy.
Overall a very high quality mask for prolonged usage but unless your budget or requirements are higher than mine, for the money you could get a full snorkeling and scuba set of adequate quality for most purposes.
I learned my Scuba diving 25 years ago and did the PADI Advanced certification. Back then, I always did it with the dive shop kit, including their masks. Picking up this now, and getting back to it, you realise there’s a real difference with quality kit and I regret doing stuff on the cheap first time around. The shallow thing to say is that this looks kind of cool. Aesthetics aside, it is superb build quality, fits my face well (so very, very good seal) and is comfortable and light. I can see myself easily getting well more than a decade of use out of this. Good kit.
Top quality mask from Cressi.
I have always used Cressi masks for my diving over the past 4 years and just wanted a replacement for one that was becoming a bit old. The adjustability of this one is amazing, so it’s really easy to get it to fit incredibly comfortably.
Impossible to disagree with any of the previous reviews here in the sense that this is an incredibly light (making it ideal for travel), incredibly comfortable (can be worn for hours without any discomfort), compact (travel agian) and superb overall performer. Wear this and you are donning a mask which will undoubtedly be in the kit bag of many a professional and it has to be one of the lightest masks I’ve ever worn. The only downside here is the price. Yes you are paying a premium for the brand and quality of components and interestingly enough when comparing like for like with my stock (and considerably cheaper) Phantom Aquatics Mask there is very little difference in overall performance. Both povided a comfortable, water tight fit, both delivered crystal clear underwater vision (with the Cressi just pipping the PA to the post with its wider field of vision) but there is just something about the feel of this mask that makes the hefty price just about justifiable – it really is so light and comfortable on the face (almost akin to a second skin) and has the best strap adjustment on any mask I’ve tried. End of the day unless a professional day in day out diver you should only have to purchase one mask to last you a lifetime and for this reason alone it is hard not to recommend the Air as being that mask!
Key features summarised:-
– Double injection technology
– Integrated dual frame
– Tempered glass
– Micrometric adjustable buckle
– Flexible buckle
– Inclined lenses
– Tempered glass
– 100 high quality crystal silicon
– Exceptionally light!
From the start my impression is quality. From the box it comes in to the actual product itself. The branded box is a solid plastic container that seals tight and makes storing the mask easy. The Mask itself feels good and is made to a great standard expected by Cressi. They fit around the face is perfect making a great seal around the eyes and nose areas due to the soft silicone. The straps are attached to a hinge that allows easy adjustment and the strap itself is designed to hold the mask on securely with no movement when diving. The lenses give great visibility ensuring a wide range of vision.
All in all a really great product which i am sure will last for many years and much use.
The lenses are tilted, which improves vision and you get a really good range of vision around. The lenses are really good quality and are crystal clear. The mask is water tight when fitted properly and having tested it in the pool, I am really impressed and I can’t wait to take these away to Croatia in the summer for a scuba diving trip to see the beautiful fish!
This is quite impressive. I can’t really add much to the many other reviews written by much more experienced divers than me other than to say that you do notice a genuine difference to the cheaper more basic models. Cressi are a well respected firm and if you are going to be doing a lot of diving or snorkelling than this might well be worth it.
This is a superb mask for, in my case, snorkeling, but clearly for scuba diving too.
I am not the strongest swimmer and have always been disappointed in the masks I have used over the years on holiday: leaking, fogging, discomfort, poor vision etc and at my level of ability, those issues have always put me off.
This mask, however, is a revelation, at least insofar as I’ve been able to test it out. Fit is exceptional without the need for excessive tightness which makes a mask very uncomfortable. The skirt molds very well to the face, is soft but strongly structured so it keeps its shape where it needs to but has flexibility where required. The field of view is good. It’s expensive, certainly, but there is no question that this is a top quality product.
Cressi is a name to trust in the world of underwater sport. This mask is a real classic, similar to the Cressi Big Eye, but with a slightly lower volume (how much air is stuck behind the mask – the need to equalise). The soft silicone is user friendly, it gives a great view. A medium size mask, with a closer fit that sticks well to the face.
It lives in a practical sealed transparent plastic case with a water tight closure. Made in Italy and stylishly designed, I like the blue accents against the black and the generous range of adjustability. My eyes are well protected when wearing this, it is certainly made to a professional standard.
Cressi produce really great quality scuba and snorkelling equipment and this Air Professional Mask is superb.
Whilst the design is a little strange at first, the visibility is excellent, and the soft silicon skirt around the mask make it both very comfortable to wear and use.
Quality is as you would expect from Cressi is top notch, and with care, I would expect to use this mask for many years.
The one I got was blue and black, but there are about a dozen choices available.
I tried mine out for the first time in a rather murky English Channel, with poor visibility … no mask will improve that, but no leaks, and no fog … very comfortable to wear for extended periods, and the low profile design means that it will tuck into my suitcase with snorkel without taking up too much space.
My nephew gave me the following after trying out this mask. As a professional diver I have used many masks. None have been of such quality as this. The liner is incredibly soft and creates a very good and comfortable seal on my face. All parts of this mask seem to be of very good quality and you can take it apart to give it a good clean. The storage tub is far too big, not a big problem but for travelling abroad it could be an issue crammed in with all your kit. There’s also no instructions on how to take it apart, those with experience will have no issue, but seems a bit odd to me.
Really impressed
These googles are really good quality, with a lovely fit around the face thanks to the soft silicone which gives a really good fit around the eyes and face as well as easy to adjust. The straps even have a slight pivoting hinge, which makes it easier to put on and to get a comfortable fit on an individual face. The back of the strap is split, so that it hugs the back of your head and unlike cheaper goggles, these stay where they are put and don’t ride up or down.
The lenses are tilted, which improves vision and you get a really good range of vision around. The lenses are really good quality and are crystal clear. The mask is water tight when fitted properly and having tested it in the pool, I am really impressed and I can’t wait to take these away to Croatia in the summer for a scuba diving trip to see the beautiful fish!
This snorkel mask comes in a clear plastic container which resembles the kind of thing you might keep your sandwiches in. The mask has a great fit and the Cressi Crystal Silicone ensures excellent visibility under water. Cressi make critically acclaimed diving gear and this mask is another stellar addition to their line.
If you can get it on without fogging (pretty simple with a little practice, this mask works really well. My face is a pretty average shape, and I find the seal it creates, very effective and water-tight without being overly tight and uncomfortable. The lenses are made from glass, rather than polycarbonate, so they will not scratch badly over time, and stand up to regular cleaning. The strap is easy to adjust, and is grippy enough not to slip over your head, coming loose. The nose guard is deep enough to comfortably cover even my monumentally large nose, so normal people will be just fine.All in all, a really decent mask that is easy and quick to put on, while being comfortable and water-tight.
I do a lot of scuba diving and some snorkelling between dives and have used several masks over the years and have a few classic ones from the days of hard rubber and purge valves.
Masks now typically silicone rather than hard rubber and thus as long as you pick the right one they won’t take on water.
When selecting a mask, the key features are…
1. Fit – Test. Without the strap around your head, breathe in through your nose and try and pull the mask off your face.
2. Nose – If you are going to scuba or duck dive you will have to equalise so you must be able to squeeze your nose with the mask on.
3. Nose – Make sure the mask is not applying pressure to the top of your nose otherwise it will start to hurt.
Now this mask
The “Air Black” mask designed scuba diving has a black silicone skirt with easy adjust strap buckles and comes with a semi transparent storage box to keep it save on your RIB or other dive boat.
The seal fits my face well and with its low volume it is easy to clear should you flood it.
Filed of vision is pretty good but I can just see the centre nose part which you soon get used to (versus a mask with a single piece of glass).
Off to the Red Sea in November and I am looking forward to making better use of this mask then.
One last point, not that it effects performance is the colour is a bit bland, a brighter secondary colour would have been nicer 🙂
I tried these straightaway and found them to be superb. The good quality soft flexible rubber around the face seals perfectly and it does not affect vision – you can still see clearly all around. The head strap is split at the back (as per photo) which gives a far better support to the mask. The adjustment for the strap is well designed and works well.
The mask comes in a ‘tupperware’ type box complete with sealed lid, thus keeping the mask safe and clean.
Best of all, they are very comfortable to wear for long periods of time and always feel safe and secure. I love this mask and if you are getting into diving or just enjoy swimming around the sea (or wherever), these are a good place to start. Highly recommended.
This is the second Cressi product I have received and I have to say whilst they are expensive they are so worth it. The quality, finish and fit are superb. My son is a scuba diver and he says this mask is an absolute joy to use, and the best he has ever encountered.
If you are a serious scuba diver then I absolutely recommend. Well worth the price tag
A snorkel is about the only thing I enjoy taking with me on holiday other than a good book and some good suntan lotion, when offered this to review I was excited to see what an expensive face google was like, I’ve only ever paid low money them, normally from a place on the prom while on holiday.
First impression are a very well made mask
I’m 6’1″ 14.5 stone, I’d call myself fairly average build, I wear XL shirts, 34 waist, fit is perfect, its tight but it has to be water tight.
This is very comfortable, normally I’m fiddling trying to get it to fit and not pinch, this is a very good soft fit.
The viewing is clear, great field of view.
This is obviously a serious bit of kit, its not cheap but boy its good, so much better than I’ve had before.
So pleased with this, can’t wait now to take it with me on my holiday’s
Cressi gear is simply some of the best scuba/snorkelling gear you can buy. In fact my mask, snorkel and fins are all Cressi. I’ve been using Cressi products for 20 years and have been consistently impressed with the quality, fit and finish, especially on the Cressi masks. Comfortable fit together with excellent field of vision make this mask a joy to wear. Have been using this product for about ten years and still love it. Yes, it’s a bit pricy, but scuba diving is a serious sport and you don’t want equipment failure at depth. Great product and would highly recommend.