ECOWITT Wireless Multi-Channel Thermometer and Hygrometer

ECOWITT Wireless Multi-Channel Thermometer and Hygrometer Sensor, Indoor and Outdoor Temperature & Humidity Gauge with LCD Display, Remote App Monitoring WH31(WN31)
From the brand

Ecowitt Weather Stations
Weight: | 70 g |
Dimensions: | 5 x 5 x 13 cm; 70 Grams |
Part: | FG-WH37BN-ECO1 |
Colour: | WH31A- UK |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | ECOWITT |
Dimensions: | 5 x 5 x 13 cm; 70 Grams |
Reference: | FG-WH37BN-ECO1 |
Perfect for my needs – which are keeping track of fridge/freezer temperatures as I suspected (correctly) that my refrigerator was not working correctly. The fact that the RF signal penetrates the fridge and reaches my 433Mhz antenna on the roof of my house (from the ground floor of a two storey house) is impressive.
Communicates properly with the base station. Out-of-the-box accuracy seems good — I haven’t tried to calibrate. I built a housing to keep it dry and out of direct sunlight, but still allow good airflow. My experience with one that fell down is that the hygrometer will be dead if it gets wet.
We have one of these in each of our freezers and the Ecowitt app supports custom temperature alert notifications. The primary benefit of the alerts we use are for freezers in the garage where circuit breakers can sometimes trip without being otherwise obvious.
The Ecowitt app temperature graphing feature is valuable to monitor the time it takes the freezers to recover from auto-defrost cycles and opening of the freezer doors.
We use the lithium AA batteries when seem to work well in the freezers at -5F.
Note that the GW1100 is required and if planning to use multiple sensors, the WN31 is needed (WN32 doesn’t support multiples).
My 3rd Ecowitt sensor in use. They seem to work fine. Bit of a quality control problem though. This particular one has a wonky LCD screen in that looking straight on it is faded and part of it doesn’t show well unless you view it at about a 45 angle.
I recently purchased the Ecowitt WN32(WH32) Wireless Outdoor Temperature and Humidity Sensor, along with the WH31 Indoor Sensors and the Ecowitt GW2000 Wi-Fi Hub. These devices have were recommended on some Home Automation Forums, and they don’t disappoint.
First and foremost, reliability is a key factor when it comes to temperature and humidity sensors, and the Ecowitt sensors have proven to reliable. Once paired with the hub, they update frequently, much more often than battery-operated devices running on zwave or zigbee networks. In the past, these other sensors would simply stop reporting, or update only every 10-15 minutes. These update approximately every 60 seconds so I always have access to the most up-to-date information. The app also provides a handy graph or chart displaying the historical temperature data, allowing me to monitor trends and changes over time. I am using this to help hone in my HVAC system, and know the temperatures of different rooms around the house.
Setup was easy – just select the channel, go into the App for the Hub, and it will detect the device. From there, you can setup the name, order in the app, and view the data.
While the Ecowitt sensors can function perfectly well as standalone products for monitoring temperature and humidity throughout the house, I opted to integrate them into HomeAssistant so I can now leverage the data in automations and display it on customizable dashboards, adding an extra layer of functionality.
It’s worth noting that the Ecowitt GW2000 Wi-Fi Hub does have some limitations regarding the number of devices it can accommodate. For the WH31 Indoor Sensors, the hub supports up to 8 devices, which is more than sufficient for my needs. However, for the WH32 Outdoor Sensor, I believe only one device can be connected per hub. It’s essential to review the hub documentation before making a purchase to ensure it meets your specific needs and device requirements. You could also purchase another hub to pair more devices – Each of them have a channel select in the battery compartment which is how it registers to the hub.
In the future, I may also bring in their soil sensors for better lawn care as well.
Current Devices:
– GW200 Hub, Wired (Can also use Wireless)
– 1x WH32 Outdoor Sensor
– 5x WH31 Indoor Senso
I have just received this OUTDOOR Ecowitt sensor as a gift and note that it is not weatherproof!
I have not received the Wifi gateway yet so still to discover how well they work together.
However regarding the readouts, the humidity responds fairly quickly to changes whereas the temperature readout is VERY slow to respond. It registers the temperature around every 65 seconds but seems only to be able to change by a maximum of around 0.5 at a time.
I now have 4 of these additional sensors. Am delighted with them. They take 2 AA batteries and my ECOWITT HP 2511 weather station picks ’em up immediately as soon as the batteries are installed. The console alternates between all installed sensors and the whole system works exactly like it should.
Highly recommended to pair with your ECOWITT weather Station. As a test I took one sensor and put it inside a small fridge, not expecting it to work as that fridge was at least 100ft+ feet away. and has metal walls! To my astonishment and delight, it send the data back to my HP2511 without any problems. Absolutely amazing !. If interested ? See my review of the HP2511.
Sehr positiv finde ich die sofortige Erkennung mit der Wetterstation. Die Verbindung ist sehr stabil. Werte sind gut ablesbar und stimmen auch soweit ich das beurteilen kann. Ich habe 5 Stck von den Gerten und alle zeigen +/- 0,2 Grad das Gleiche an, wenn ich sie nebeneinander stelle.
Bonjours tous.
L’installation et trs simple.
Choisissez le canal (juste au dessus des piles).
Mettez les piles.
Attendre quelques secondes et c’est bon. Le capteur ce connecte seul la passerelle.
La prcision de la temprature et plutt bonne.
Pour l’humidit . Un calibrage est ncessaire.
La chose qui me drange le plus. Une fois le capteur calibr elle n’est pas pris en compte sur l’affichage du mme capteur. Mme les thermomtres hygromtres bas prix rpercute la compensation sur l’affichage. Dommage il tait presque parfait.
La medicin es precisa como la estacin oregon scientific que tengo y para la que no encuentro repuestos adems que no se puede co sultar por Internet que es por lo que me estoy cambiando a esta
Der Plan war eigentlich einen Haufen von ESP-01/Wemos D1 Mini mit DHT22 auszustatten. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass Batteriebetrieb recht kompliziert umzusetzen ist. Dazu kommt, dass WiFi (selbst das 2,4GHz, das ausschlielich untersttzt wird) eine zu geringe Reichweite hat und die Verbindung instabil ist. Die 3D-Drucker gedruckten Gehuse wollten auch nicht so richtig gut aussehen 🙂
Zudem sind die ESP-01 seeeeehr zickig, was die WLAN Verbindung angeht und haben fter Schwierigkeiten sich mit einem der WiFi Netze zu verbinden. Fragt man die Werte zu oft ab, so verflschen die Spannungswandler/CPU (wasweiich was) durch die steigende Temperatur die Meergebnisse.
Die Shelly H&T (die Runden) melden die Werte im Batteriebetrieb nicht oft genug und sind in der Anschaffung recht teuer (die Lithium Batterie ist auch relativ teuer). Zudem haben die kein Display.
Die mit dem Display habe ich gleich aufgrund des Preises verworfen.
Durch Zufall habe ich die ECOWITT WH31 und GW1100 entdeckt.
Das Gateway/die Sensoren haben eine ordentliche Reichweite. Die 2xAA (Hut ab, keine Lithium Batterien, sondern nur billige AA’s 🙂 ) Zellen halten ewig. Die nderungen der Temperatur und der Luftfeuchtigkeit werden flott erfasst, es gibt auch ein Display zum Ablesen.
Das Ecowitt Gateway (GW1100) wird in Home Assistant ohne Umwege ber eine Integration untersttzt.
Man kann 8x von den WH31 + einen WH32 (also insgesamt 9 Sensoren) einbinden.
Der Kanal (1-8) der WH31 wird mit einem Muse-Klavier unter der Batterieabdeckung eingestellt und wird dann auch im Display angezeigt.
Ich wrde das ECOWITT System aus folgenden Grnden empfehlen:
– Gnstiger als alternative Lsungen (z.B. Shelly H&T… na gut. Selbstbau wre gnstiger)
– Einfache Einrichtung der Sensoren
– Display
– Lange Batterielaufzeit (mit gnstigen AA-Batterien)
– Hohe Reichweite (schrg durch ein Einfamilienhaus ohne Aussetzer)
– Gute Home Assistant Integration (mit GW1100)
– Kalibrierung der Sensoren sehr einfach in der WS View App/ Web UI
– Preis
Nicht falsch verstehen, ich verwende mehrere Shellies und die sind alle super. Nur fr Temp/Hym ist ECOWITT als Gesamtlsung IMHO besse
I followed the install instruction of the Home Asssitant site and of the Ecowitt integration.The Ecowitt integration goes via Home Assistant HACS and works fine in Home Assistant . See also settings “customized” screen of Ecowitt WebUI for the upload to my Home Asssitant.
I have set all other unused sensor options to “disable” in the GW2000 gateway via the Ecowitt WebUI, so no more devices/sensors can connect to the GW2000 than the currently linked ones to the gateway. I changed the default automatic link to the Ecowitt Weather site from every “1 min.” to “Never”, so there is no more any upload to the Ecowitt weather site! So the GW2000 gateway only uploads to my Home Asssitant. I do NOT use the Ecowitt Gateway Wifi and the Ecowitt phone App. I can now follow-up LOCAL all the actual information and history perfectly of the 3 WH31 Sensors in my Home Asssitant (WebUI and/or HA App).
Der Ecowitt WH32, manchmal auch WN32 genannt (auch auf der Packung) ist ein externer Auensensor fr Temperatur und Luftfeuchte. Wenn er mit der Station gekoppelt ist, ersetzt er die im Wind-/Regen-/Sonnenmesser Auensensor der Station befindlichen Temperatur-/Feuchtesensoren. Beide Auentemperaturen gleichzeitig empfangen geht so nicht!
Vorteil: Man kann den bisherigen Auensensor in der prallen Sonne stehen haben und den WH32 auf der Nordseite im Schatten, was die Temperaturgenauigkeit vor allem im Sommer steigert.
Ich habe ihn mit der Froggit HP1000SE Pro wie folgt gekoppelt:
-Batterien einlegen, der Sensor zeigt seine Funkkennung an (z.B.”5d”)
-In der Konsole der Wetterstation auf “Zahnrad”, “Mehr Einstellungen”, “Sensoren ID” gehen
-Der Sensor “T&L” muss ausgewhlt und registriert werden
-Es erscheint obige Keinnung (z.B. “5d”), wenn er erkannt wurde
-Oben links auf dem Wetterstations-Display ist das zustzliche Empfangssymbol des neuen Sensors.
-Die Wetterstation zeigt jetzt seine Werte statt die des bisherigen Auensensors an.
I recently added a “man cave” to one corner of our shed. Its at least 50m from the receiver inside the house. and I wanted to monitor the temperature in this room. So its going through the room wall , the metal shed wall , the double brick of the house and an internal wall. I was fully expecting it to not being able to connect but it did. I now have 7 sensors all up and all of them are working fine at varying distance, inside and out.
Uso questo tipo di sensore da circa 2 mesi. Ho fatto verifiche di precisione e taratura e sono veramente soddisfatto. Il tempo di risposta dei sensori veloce e tutti i dati attraverso la sua stazione wireless possono essere raccolti e attraverso il cloud possono essere visualizzati con l’App Ecowitt.
Der Sensor ist einfach in das Ecowitt System zu integrieren. Batterien einlegen, freien Kanal auswhlen und innerhalb 1 Minute ist die Verbindung hergestellt.
Die gemessenen Werte sind in der Ecowitt App und auf dem Display gut lesbar.
Verbindung funktioniert durch mehrere Betonwnde.
Ich kann den Sensor empfehlen und wrde ihn wieder kaufen. Habe auch schon mehrere im Einsatz
Gekauft um das vorhandene Ecosystem von ecowitt zu erweitern. Wie alle Produkte von Ecowitt einfach Batterie rein und schon wir es von Gateway erkannt. Was will man mehr. Genauigkeit im Vergleich zu weiteren Sensoren sehr hoch und im Rahmen der beschrieben Toleranz. Wrde ich stets wieder kaufen, also volle Empfehlung.
Sensore digitale molto preciso qualit Ecowitt. L’ho acquistato per aggiungerlo ad una stazione meteo esistente in modo che esso risulti il sensore principale di rilevamento T/H. Posto in giardino in schemo passivo Davis
Funzionamento ottimale, in linea con gli altri sensori ecowitt che gi possiedo. Attenzione che questo non un modulo aggiuntivo (come il wh31) ma va a sostituire il sensore principale della stazione
This is the WH32 outdoor sensor which, when interfaced with the GW1000/1100 wifi gateway or one of their other multi-sensor-capable systems, allows live and historical outdoor temperature and humidity to be recorded and seen live on the ecowitt site but also sites such as, or WOW or even uploaded to your own custom server/website using WeeWX, Cumulus, etc. Especially simple to set up with the GW1100 which has a web interface in addition to an app interface. Accuracy was good out of the box, although calibration is provided through the setup. Only one! of these outdoor sensors can be used in a system but up to 8 indoor sensors (WH31) can be used and named. The WH31 and WH32 otherwise look identical to me but remember, you need the WH32 if you want to sign up with services such as wunderground. Make sure the frequency of the sensor matches your gateway. For North America, that’s 915 MHz.
This sensor is acurate and was recognized directly bythe gateway, 20 seconds after the batteries were inserted. The range is nice (as expected, more than 10 meters within my house (old bricks).
Hubitat elevation, through a custom app (easy to install) and with the latest firmware on a C-7 unit is working as expected.
I also managed to install a link between an “old” HE C-5 unit with a non-updated firmware (for specific reasons) through node-red.
You need to install the Ecowitt app (Android in my case) to recognize the sensors.
But, when set, all is local (no cloud) for security and speed.
Worth the purchase.
I use this sensor outside in may workshop and it lets me know the temperature there on my weather station. It quickly connected and maintains connections. When in the workshop, I can read the temperature on the display with the sensor.
Update 11/20/23 This replacement has been working for over two years…
Original Review: This was the identical replacement temperature, humidity, thermometer and hygrometer unit of the Ambient Weather WS-900-IP (Wireless) weather station. Works great. Note…I have no need to try the unit by itself with the App (it communicates directly with the weather station) so I can’t confirm any of the issues others say they have with the app.
No need for special connecting issues. Installed batteries on the hub then on the outdoor sensor and it automatically synced within a minute. Followed directions on the paper and no issues. Prefer the net based service based app based as apps go obsolete and unsupported commonly.
To the “One Star Wizards” The unit was exactly as described. in Canada it is hard wired to display Celsius but once processed by the app, it shows up online in the units you chose. There seams to be some confusion about what this unit is.This unit is intended to be the free standing master thermometer and will over ride the temperature readings generated by the 7 in one sensor (Wind sensor etc.) This is because the temperature readings inside the wind sensor are slightly different from a free standing unit. There are no dip switches inside since this unit is hard wired for one purpose. The model number WH31vs WH32 is not a downgrade! WH32 was added to the sensors available after the other sensors were made and after there was question about whether a separate sensor would record the Station temperature better.
Yes, that’s right, even though it says its not compatible with other brands, in my experience it works fine with other weather stations that they make that use the Ecowitt firmware (eg my PanTech HP2553 requires me to download firmware updates from the Ecowitt web site!)
Amazon has asked me about it’s warmth, sheerness and thickness. On warmth, I have found that it gets warm if placed in a moderate oven, but I’m too scared to put it in a furnace in case it melts. On sheerness, i can’t see through it and it’s thickness is what it says in the listing dimensions.
I am a weather buff, and tech snob! So this is where my 2 passions meet. I was in the market for a modular weather station / system, and came across the Ecowitt suite of products. Affordable, and good reviews is ultimately what made me pursue the product even further. I was attracted by their modular approach, whereby I can locate each sensor in optimal siting for their respective measurement. In total (thus far…) I have purchased the gateway, the outdoor temp / humidity sensor, 3 indoor temp / humidity sensors, and the rain gauge. Anemometer and soil moisture meter will be added at a later date. The sensor pairing process is automatic. The range is fantastic. The accuracy seems bang on. The presentation of data that is published and viewable on the ecowitt website is well thought out and pleasing to the eye. Top kudos to Ecowitt team. The data viewable in the WS View app is not as good as the website view, but just remember that the WS View app is just used to help in the setup process, and only the full enjoyment and benefit comes when you publish your weather data (either public or private) to the Ecowitt site.
Fantastic! Easy to connect to through WiFi. An absolute must to know what’s going on at all times. Data logger is free. Buying more sensors when they came available.
Update: fantastic customer service! Honestly great tools for the grow. Free online database. Can’t go wrong!!
Prompt delivery, good price and excellent capabilities when used with WS View app and EcoWitt’s own Home page where the devices detailed historical graphs are held. No luck getting Wunderground to recognize my device but no matter as since IBM took the Wunderground site over the reviews have been poor to say the least. I get what I need on my phone from anywhere in the world when monitoring my observatory. Very good for the price.
We have a damp problem in the house and have bought two dehumidifiers to improve the situation, but I wanted a way to measure the humidity in each room to figure out what was really going on. Firstly I researched the sensors available as part of ‘smart home’ systems. I’ve never bothered with Google Nest or Alexa or smart lighting but I thought my humidity problem might be a good reason to make a start. Not the case. Smart home systems use wifi or zigbee or sometimes bluetooth. These are great for transmitting a lot of data but they are power hungry and don’t travel well through obstructions. Reviews of smart home temp/humidity sensors commonly complained of short battery life and their inability to connect through internal walls. These sensors only transmit tiny amounts of data and only every minute or so. Wifi or bluetooth is just the wrong band.
In January 2019 I had bought an Ecowitt HP2551 weather station and I have been happy with it. It came with a single WH32 internal sensor, as well as the external unit and a screen/gateway. I had been moving the WH32 around the house to understand our humidity problem. It had no problem transmitting though 3 internal brick walls and ran on 2 rechargeable AA cells for well over a year. After discounting smart home options I had a close look at the Ecowitt website to see if I could get some more internal sensors. I discovered that it is not possible to connect more WH32 sensors but that the WH31 model is ‘multi-channel’ and gateways like the GW1000 can connect to 8 of them – and so can my HP2551 weather station gateway. Just to be clear – the gateway uses wifi to connect to my home network and to the internet, but the sensors use the 433Mhz band to connect to the gateway. 433Mhz is also used by other low power / low bandwidth devices such as garage door openers.
I can monitor the real-time temp/humidity on the weather station gateway screen but I have set up an account at which produces daily graphs showing my external weather data as well as the data from my 4 internal sensors. This has proven to be a very cost-effective way to monitor humidity in different rooms of the house.
A few final points:
– I needed to update the firmware on my HP2551 gateway to get all the features I wanted (instructions on the Ecowitt website)
– you need to install a phone app to configure the multi-channel sensors and have them working on
– the equivalent sensors for smart home systems were far more expensive (maybe smart home systems are sexier than weather systems).
Once you load up these Ecowitt sensors with a Lithium batteries yum they are ready to go and they are easy to start having them show up on my Ecowitt website. I have 3 sensors already in place- one on the 2nd floor of my condo; one on the outside balcony; and one in my garden which is 150 feet out my window in my garden. All work well and report consistently. Well done Ecowitt!!!
I use it with the main unit to track temperature inside isolated cat shelters. The signal must travel through the thick walls of the cat shelters, 20 ft through the air, and then through the wood wall of a trailer where the main unit is located. Not a problem. It has not lost connection in the three weeks I have used it. All of this goodness for just $12. Who could possibly ask for more? Thank you Ecowitt.