Garden Outdoor Games Toys for Kids, Space Jump Rocket

Garden Outdoor Games Toys for Kids, Space Jump Rocket Launcher for Children(LED Rockets x2, Airplanes x2, Foam Rockets x2), Fun Flying Toys for 3+ Year Old Boys, Presents Gifts for Girls Age 4 5 6 7+
Juego divertidsimo, los nios se entretienen un montn. Fcil de montar y desmontar pueden hacerlo ellos mismos, las alas de los cohetes se rompen de tantos vuelos pero se pegan y como nuevos
Wir finden die Raketen klasse und hatten das ganze nun erneut bestellt, da die Raketen von vor drei Jahren nun kaputt waren. Leider fehlte das Abschussrohr. Allerdings hatten wir dies ja noch von der alten Abschussrampe. Von daher alles gut.
Die Raketen waren ein Geschenk fr unseren knapp 3-Jhrigen. Damit haben wir voll ins Schwarze getroffen. Gute 2h war er (mitsamt dem Rest der Familie) mit dem Abschuss der Raketen im Garten beschftigt. Punktabzug gibt es fr die Qualitt – insbesondere die Luftpumpe ist nach kurzem Einsatz schon ein wenig in Mitleidenschaft gezogen und zieht nicht mehr so viel Luft an. Auch die Raketen bestehen aus einem recht dnnen Schaumstoff und haben nach kurzer Zeit kleinere Risse. Mein Tipp: Unbedingt gleich ein paar Ersatzraketen dazu kaufen, damit man nicht dauernd mit dem Einsammeln von Raketen beschftigt ist. Auch ein super Geschenk fr 3-Jhrige. Ich empfehle das Set im Garten zu verwenden, in Rumen kommt glaube ich kein groer Spielspa auf.
There are 6 foam rockets in this box, 2 light up. Once made up, which is easy and there are instructions on the back of the box, it is quite a fun exercise. Both my boys who were 5 and 6 at the time had a whale if a time using it. You just stomp on the plastic launcher and up the rocket goes. Good toy.
Ce jouet est un vritable coup de cur pour les enfants passionns d’aventure et d’exploration. La fuse est un choix parfait pour tous les petits astronautes en herbe, qui rvent d’aller dans l’espace et de dcouvrir de nouveaux mondes.
Le jouet est facile assembler et jouer. Il est parfait pour les jeux en extrieur, mais peut galement tre utilis l’intrieur, pour les journes pluvieuses.
C’est un excellent cadeau pour les ftes de Nol ou pour les anniversaires. Les enfants adoreront l’utiliser pour crer leurs propres histoires et voyages intergalactiques.
Avec ce jouet, les enfants peuvent laisser libre cours leur imagination et explorer l’univers sans fin. Alors, n’hsitez plus et offrez-leur cette fuse pour des heures de jeux et de dcouvertes passionnantes !
Les enfants adorent. Matriel de trs bonne qualit, les fuses en mousse ne reprsentent pas de danger et leur poids plume les fait voler sur une bonne douzaine de mtre, selon la pression exerce sur le lanceur. Les fuses lumineuses s’clairent ds lors qu’elles sont en mouvement. Pas de bouton M/A chercher. Les piles boutons sont places dans l’ogive, voir comment les atteindre pour remplacement. Excellent ide cadeau et amusement garanti pour petits et grands.
My three year old grandson loved it – we all had great fun – go careful with your foot if you are grown up… but then it is a childrens’ toy…
Will buy another one for sure
Purchased for my grandsons. They absolutely loved it. Much better and stronger than I expected. Rockets really do travel much to their delight. Played with through summer holidays and went camping with them and still going strong. Great value for money
It can fly very high and very far with good wind. Apart of just shooting it in the air you can play baseball rocket game – when you shoot it one direction and other people will try to catch it :).
The plastic launcher is very strong and well made, me as an adult jumping on it multiple times didn’t make it burst (too be fair i will not jump on it in the future as normal stomping is enought to lunch the rocket ). Generally great toy! Kids have fun, adults have fun then win, win.
we take our granddaughters to a field to play this and we’ve had so much fun
easy to assemble – the 3 year old can do it herself
the rockets go so high and so far, was really surprised. I’m sure I read it says you can play indoors but I would not recommend it as although the rockets are lightweight they travel at quite a speed and I can imagine things getting knocked down and broken at home. I would also say that you need quite a big garden as the rockets can go quite a distance especially if its a bit windy.
Great outdoor rocket game – definitely a game for the beach or field
This toy is a brilliant idea and is suitable for all ages (Adults will enjoy it too!) , it is easy to set up and use and my 3 year old can go back and use it independently which he is very happy about. It is best used in a large open area like a green as the rocket shoots too far for it to be used in our garden and ends up in the neighbour’s garden instead! We also tried it on a beach and that was great fun too and went even further.
You get one launcher, 2 light up rockets which are my son’s favourite, 2 aeroplanes and 2 foam rockets. A good variety for all ages and for a reasonable price too. To start with the rockets were a bit tight on the launcher, but they’ve got looser with use so this isn’t a problem.
The quality could be better and the rockets are flimsier than I would like, I am not sure how long it will last. It gets a lot of use and my son loves it, I just hope it lasts. The quality could be improved.
Stomp rockets seem to have made a massive comeback in recent years as you can now get loads of different types. This offering is clever as it gathers a few different types of rocket into one kit, rather than you having to buy several separate toys. The setup is the basic style of a bladder connected to a tube. You slam down on the bladder, forcing air through the tube and firing the rocket into the sky. You do need to connect the bladder and feet, but it is a straight forward exercise.
What makes this version of the toy different are the rockets. You get two traditional, two LED flashers and two gliders. The basically do the same thing, but the LEDs flash and the gliders go up and swoop around a little. We found that these were far more unpredictable and prone to going into the neighbours garden. Best to play with the gliders in the park.
The quality of the toy is reasonable and in keeping with the price point. I don’t think that the stickers are needed and like with all these toys the bladder feels like it has a limited lifespan. I have yet to get one that feels very sturdy. So far, no issues with firing the rockets and it is great fun.
It’s all quite flimsy plastic but it’s good fun. Assembly is not takes a couple of minutes and the kids did it by themselves.
The rockets are the same polystyrene stuff that swimming woggles are made from and the top fell of one which we glued back on.
It wasn’t quite the epic launch that I’d imagined of it 60 foot in the air but you can aim the rocket launch and its good fun aiming at the siblings.
The price is ok for this, it kept the attention for a while and adapting the launch to try and hit targets had added longevity.
A fabulous space jump toy which will keep your kids occupied for hours and hours and all their friends will want to have a space rocket like this. This happened to us actually, as everyone kept asking where to buy something like this.
Many birthday parties are ahead of us so I decided I will buy jump rocket launchers for every child from now on, as it’s a great investment. They absolutely love jumping on it and then running after the rockets to collect them. A good night sleep is guaranteed for sure after using this toy.
Highly recommend, well made and sturdy product which was super easy to assemble.
This is a good little set for a some fun in the park. My five year old little boy loved taking this set to the local fields. I wouldn’t recommend playing in the house like the product recommends as the rockets can go with quite a force. I would also say with a small garden there is a high chance that the neighbours would gain some new rockets.
The rockets themselves are made well but the first I chose out the box did have marks on and so did a few others. This looks like glue marks and did not effect the use but wouldn’t look very good if you were gifting to someone. I like the LED editions as they make the set a little different than the usual ones.
The stand for the rockets is good and very sturdy unlike some other sets, it allows you to point the rocket in the direction which you want to launch it in. Overall it is a great set and the rockets fly high but they do get damaged easily when playing with
With 6 launchable items for 14 this is great value, a simple stomp on the plate (the harder the better) and the rocket or spaceship will shoot up in the air. I’d suggest doing this in a wide open space as we have already lost an aeroplane which landed in a tree
Ooh wow.what an improvement from years ago..years ago you stomped on it and would hardly lift 2ft off the ground..this one is different as this has two planes snd two different style rockets .
Decided I’d better try this before giving this to the kids.omg they flew higher than the bungalow
The stomp rocket can be reused because it can land back to Earth. Just slide a foam rocket onto the launch pad tube, step on it, and the upgraded pump will make the flying rocket bounce higher than other rockets, far beyond your expectations..
Easy to put together ..foam rockets do will not hurt..
Has three different angles to fly..
Ensure there is plenty of room around you to fly these..over a park or on the beach
Would recommend..good price..
These rockets are so much fun! It took a minute to assemble with no instructions available. The rockets lighten up once they fly off. The pressure from the air pump creates a lot of speed and they go really high up. My 2 year old had been really enjoying this game outdoors.
However the quality is not the best, a piece from one of the rockets fell off which is just an aesthetic issue but I’m not sure how long before they all fall apart.
Excellent fun for all the family however works best if you have a large open space. We do use this in the house and shoot it up and down our hallway as the rockets are very soft however for the best affect you certainly need to use a massive open field. The rocket can shoot superhigh and all of my kids love chasing after it and also trying to jump on the pump to get it as high as they can. It’s a good quality rocket set the required very minimal assembly and will provide plenty of fu
Fun easy to put together. Easy to fly the rockets up. They go quite high so need an open space for this toy as you wouldn’t want them to get stuck on roofs or high places. Fun. Simple. Even better is trying to catch it when it comes down.
Our 2 and half year old little boy absolutely loves this.
At first he was using it indoors but then once we got a bit of decent weather we took it out into the garden.
With him being so young he can’t fire it as high as our 12 year old son so that’s why it’s ok in doors for little ones and ok in a smallish garden.
A couple of the rockets where a tight fit and once pushed all the way down he struggled to fire them off. Over time they will get a bit loose so that’s not really a problem.
Straight out of the box it’s just as simple as attaching the legs and air pipe/launcher. It’s very sturdy but also lightweight enough for our youngest to move around.
He must of spent about an hour straight playing with it and then came the older boys. Our eldest who’s 12 and his friends was having just as much fun with it as our youngest, however with them being able to shoot it higher we did lose a few of the rockets on the house roof 🙁 luckily the wind blew two of them down as they are very lightweight.
The light up rockets are a nice touch and we are yet to try it in the dark but they look bright enough to add a different effect.
The airplane rockets seem like they have a mind of there own and fly off in any direction so maybe taking it on a bigger open space EG: park/field would suit them better as they would have a larger distance to fly.
Overall a fair price and very happy kids for such a simple toy. Comes highly recommended 🙂
Well…we have already lost two of the six rockets! If you give the launcher a good stomp, the rockets fly easily 50ft into the air (maybe more). One is now in a tree, and one flew straight over our 3 story house, never to be seen again.
Still, if you exercise a modicum more caution than us, you should get hours of fun. The kit is cheaply made and the price seems a little high, but you won’t regret taking this to the park!
My son so happy to have it!
Its definetly super set with which can have a lot of fun.
All parts well made and easy to use.
This flying rocket definetly can be a great gift.
Worth that money, so I do recommending.
This is such a simple toy but so much fun. The rockets are very lightweight so quite safe to blast into the air near other kids. We keep it aimed straight up and this seems to be the best option for not losing the rockets. Really good fun!
Kids love these rockets , a simple game but lots of fun to see the rockets taking to the sky , you can get them quite high too with a good stomp, they get taken by the wind easily though and end up in neighbours gardens or over the garden fence if not careful.
These are best used in open spaces like the park or beach, they are suitable for all the family young or old , the rockets are lightweight and easy to place ready for take off, then stomp down and the rocket flys into the air, they are soft so don’t cause any damage to anything if they hit the house or windows etc.
I think they would make a great stocking filler or surprise gift for any child , for 15 at the time of writing you can’t go wrong really, what child doesn’t like planes and rockets.
A great present for children of any age as so simple to use. Place rocket in place, jump on launcher and away the rocket fires. Great for small children too as even they can manage a small launch and not feel left out! We had great fun in the park with it.
Priced at 17.99 at the time of this Amazon Vine review, this is a really nice air-powered rocket set and with some explanation from a parent or carer then it would be a fantastic STEM activity as well.
The cardboard box, which is nicely decorated so would be ideal for gifting, contains the rocket launcher (including the foot pump), 2 each of two different rockets (two of which have LED lights which activate on movement), and 1 each of two different glider type planes; and a sticker sheet which you can used to decorate the rockets and planes. The instructions are on the exterior of the box.
The first thing you need to do is assemble the launch pad (very straightforward and there is a pictures on the box on how to do this and the rest of the steps to launching a rocket), you then load the rocket onto the launcher and adjust the launch angle. Finally, you stomp on the foot pump launcher to launch the rocket. The harder you stomp then the further the rocket is likely to travel. Great fun for all the family!
I think this is a great toy that will entertain for hours, although as another reviewer has mentioned it is more suitable for outdoor than indoor use (despite the claim on the listing and box to the contrary). I am very happy to recommend.
This air rocket launcher set initially appears quite basic but it is surprisingly loads of fun. Before you start, I recommend that this is best used in a wide open space as some of the rockets when used in the garden have ended up over the fence into the neighbours garden and onto the roof of the summer house. Used with a little less force, and being mindful you should be ok.
The design is quite basic but neat, you get one launcher which is quick and easy to assemble, this is operated by a simple air pump attached to a short hose and squeezed manually, you can only shoot one rocket at a time. For the most excessive force, you would jump on the pump, firing the foam rockets through the air. The angle on the launcher is adjustable so can shoot vertically into the air and does go really high. The harder the force on the pump, the higher and further the rocket will shoot, i cannot tell how high I have shot it vertically but have shot the rockets over 20 metres away.
This set includes 6 foam rockets, 2 each of 3 different designs. Two of the rockets are fitted with bright flashing LED lights which will illuminate on impact of the rocket tip. You can see down the shaft that there are cell batteries fitted to these rockets but cannot be replaced unless you break off the front of the rocket tip. This will damage the rocket but could be easily glued back together if you really wanted to replace the batteries to have the light function.
In general, the rockets are quite flimsy and could be easily lost or stuck in a tall tree if not careful, it would have been good to know if you could buy replacement ones but it doesn’t look like you can.
Overall the set does feel a bit cheap and plasticy, the current price of 17.99 also feels a little expensive as a result. You also do not get any kind of storage case or bag which would have been useful. To be fair we have had hours of play from it and has not damaged or perished at all, the air pump is surprisingly tough and there is also the added bonus of the light rockets with this set. The other thing you don’t realise is that you get quite a lot of fresh air and exercise running back and forth to collect the rockets. Fantastic fun overall and the children love it.
Tgese are so easy to put together and the stamp pump is very strong. Even the 4 year old managed to get it a bit of a distance. We’ve just done it gently in the dark shed to see the LEDs. They were are nice touch and will definitely help find the rockets. The airplanes are five but they were only really interested in the rockets
This set, though basically the same idea, is definitely an upgrade on that sort of set. One of the good things is that the ‘launcher’ has a facility to turn and tilt so you have more control over the trajectory of the rocket (like NOT towards the neighbour’s fence!). You get six different rockets, two standard, two that have LED lights in the top that flash on movement and two more that have wings so they will perform more like a glider or a glorified paper airplane.
I’m not quite sure I agree with the statement in the box that is safe and ideal for indoors but in the park or back garden this set will provide an awful lot of fun.
I gave the set to my sister who was taking her grandchildren to the park for the morning. She said they loved it and played with the set for about 90 minutes straight. Not only that but, gradually, more and more children from around the park were drawn in to have a go. So my instincts were right – this was a great hit!