MEGA Halo Pelican Inbound vehicle Halo Infinite Building Set

MEGA Halo Pelican Inbound vehicle Halo Infinite Building Set with Master Chief character figure, Building Toys for Boys, GNB28

The Pilot awakens Master Chief and explains to thim the die situation they face.
Dimensions: | 10.16 x 53.34 x 35.56 cm; 874.98 Grams |
Model: | GNB28 |
Material: | Plastic |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Pack Quantity: | 2024 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 10 years and up |
Assembly: | No |
Dimensions: | 10.16 x 53.34 x 35.56 cm; 874.98 Grams |
Material: | Plastic |
Quantity: | 2024 |
Sper feliz, lleg rpido antes de lo acordado, es para m el mejor set que ha sacado mega, y lleg bien protegida, caja original y todo excelente en buenas condiciones y totalmente nuevo.
It was fun to build but I feel like the play features are to weak for them to work but it definitely works better as a shelve model than a toy.
Was a very fun build but very time consuming. It feels pretty solid and the wings move well. Be prepared to spend a good majority of your day one this if you’re looking to do it in one day and sore finger tips
La verdad est buensimo desde el diseo, detalles tanto internos como externos estn excelentes, la articulacin excelente cumple con la mayora de expectativas y simplemente de por fin tenerlo es emocionante
This took me two days to put together, but is by far the most accurate I’ve seen. it’s dense, durable, hefty, and detailed with things I didn’t know were possible until now
It took me hours upon hours to get this set built over 3 or 4 days. It contains many little pieces, from 1x1s to 2x2s and so on, while also containing larger, specialized pieces such as the windshield of the cockpit or the wings.
Most of the pieces were the same colour, which leads to some issues… Throughout the process, I had real difficulties with finding certain bits. However, in the end I had all the pieces I needed with none missing. Completing the build was challenging but also satisfying. However, I wouldn’t recommend it to people without the patience for it. It’s not something you can build in an hour and give to your kid.
For the price of roughly 150 euro, only 3 figures is pretty disappointing. I wish they threw in a second Hunter at the very least, or even a couple of grunts. Still, the figs that did some with it were of good quality, especially the pilot in his unique blue jumpsuit.
The play features and accessibility of the set are a nice touch- the landing gear can be lowered and lifted at will, and the rear of the pelican can be opened up to give children plenty of room to play in- the whole thing can be opened up.
As for sturdiness- the entire thing comes together rather well. There are a few pieces that are prone to coming loose, but overall, the dropship doesn’t feel like it’ll come apart.
Overall, I’d definitely recommend this to collectors, though I’d advise against getting it for young children as it’ll just end up in pieces.
I love the product it’s a great replica. However, the way the did the instructions are fairly poor. Using multiple bags (5 plus) within each phase of the build is to much at a time. Seems like majority the time you are looking for the pieces within 5 plus bags than actually building the item. Other than that, the end result is amazing.
Just a heads up, if you’re concerned with weight the publishing is flat out lying, saying it weights less than 2 pounds, while in reality is 8 pounds.
I work abroad and sometimes have to use courier services that charge me for weight per item, if I knew the real weight I would have opted for other item.
Hope it’s worth it, I’ll update this review if necessary
Trotz des stolzen Preises bin ich um keinen Euro traurig. Der Pelikan sieht super aus, hat gute Funktionen (wenn man damit spielen wollte) und ist SEHR stabil. Den kriegt man nur mutwillig kaputt.
Und die Details und Kniffe sind alle richtig gut umgesetzt. Generell finde ich ihn einfach eine Augenweide.
Die Figuren dabei sind auch gut gemacht.
Das einzige Manko ist, das die Sttzen an der Ladeklappe nicht stabil genug sind, um das doch sehr hohe Gewicht dieses Models zu tragen. Da ich ihn als Vitrinenstck nutzte habe ich einfach den eigentlich provisorischen (aus durchsichtigen Steinen gebauten) Stnder drangelassen, knnte aber beim Bespielen negativ auffallen.
When complete, the pelican is large compared to other builds, but still small and sturdy enough to and handle and play with. The working landing gear is a great play feature, but may require some work to make it steady and solid. The folding open feature is cool for display and play, but the troop bay is a little small center for this scale.
The figures are good quality but I wish they did a full pair of hunters instead of a single one alone.
This is a great set for the price (~$135 as of 8-3-22 and I highly recommend for this set for collectors or as a gift for a Halo fan.
A big-time collector from way back in the Mega Bloks days, and lemme tell you. This Pelican is very, very nice. Never had a pelican as a kid, but this one has a very sturdy and neat build. Most pieces went together well, and the design is very eye-catching. All in all, I recommend this to any Halo fans out there. The minifigs for both Master Chief, the pilot, and the Hunter were smooth and had little errors in them. Pelican comes with a crate + good amount of weapons for the minifigs, which I enjoyed thoroughly.
Well its a newer pelican which means no game code for halo infinite, I feel like that should have been in the description. And they have changed the picture now but now I hav e to buy that code separately which is expensive. The set itself is great but the box arrived damaged which sucks since I keep the boxes as a collector, it was missing a couple small pieces but I know the company that makes them has that problem sometimes and they can easily be ordered through them. Overall it’s alright.
Mega blocs are rather expensive in my opinion but my son loves the Halo stuff. He built it pretty much by himself and it is now on a shelf.
I just wish, it was a bit sturdier. A slight knock and pieces fall off.
I got this product on offer for 80 but I would have gladly paid full price because I believe the set is worth it.
The item was larger than expected, has good play features and makes for a great display.
My son thoroughly enjoyed building it.
This set is a great build and is amazing for both playing with and for the people who’d like to display it. It’s got alot of features and the figures are amazing.
I love this set, the building of the vehicle was very fun, took me a while to build but the final build is great. The figures are great the hunter especially, although it’s always nice to get a pair of hunters I’m fine with just the one hunter. Always nice to get another chief and the pilot is a great addition!
As a long time halo fan and mega construction fan from the beginning I am astonished by this set. This is an undeniable representation of the pelican from the games. At a higher price point you get what you pay. It is very well put together and detailed. I will say that this being pricier mega made this set for older customers which is fitting. It is a big and heavy set, parents who want to get this be warned that probably this set isn’t for young kids as it is a big thing for them to drop and have to rebuild. The build process was so fun and interesting with a bunch of techniques that made curious on why certain things where placed but when it all came together made it so satisfying. This is one of those sets that if you’re on the fence about getting I would get it as it’s probable after this latest resupply will not get more of and will become highly desirable.
This set is great. Good value for money. But wth. 6 pieces. 6 pieces missing in a 132 or something set like. Why? When it’s that much I expect more all the pieces I need. It is a good set to purchase tho. I do recommend it.
El Pelican es una de las naves ms icnicas y reconocibles de toda la Saga Halo, y en Halo Infinite ste vehculo an toma un mayor protagonismo debido a la relacin del Master Chief con el piloto que le rescata a comienzo del juego. Se trata de un transporte de tropas militar que permite a los soldados de la UNSC (el ejrcito de la humanidad del futuro) viajar rpidamente al campo de batalla, abordar naves enemigas, transportar vehculos al anclarlos bajo su fuselaje y explorar los impresionantes mundos-anillo Halo. Posee adems cierta capacidad ofensiva, gracias a su ametralladora automtica de la proa y a 2 cajas de misiles acopladas en las alas.
Este modelo de Mega Construx es impresionante. Es enorme (Cuidado con su tamao, mide unos 53cm de largo y 36cm de envergadura de las alas. Antes de comprarlo asegrate tener una buena estantera o expositor donde guardarlo!).
Est muy bien hecho a escala y es bastante fidedigno a la nave original. Posee adems una buena jugabilidad: Varias compuertas para introducir dentro del vehculo tus minifiguras, una torreta delantera mvil, alas articuladas para maniobrar y orientar los propulsores y por ltimo un ambicioso mecanismo que permite abrir la nave de par en par mostrando un corte transversal de toda la bodega de carga interior, tambin bien detallada.
Viene con 3 minifiguras geniales: El propio Master Chief (el super soldado Spartan protagonista de la saga Halo), el piloto del Pelica (Un entraable nuevo compaero de Master Chief en Halo Infinite) y un Hunter Rojo (un poderoso aliengena antagonista que es uno de los enemigos ms peligrosos de los videojuegos).
Adems, puedes decidir montar una construccin alternativa descargndote a travs de cdigo QR sus planos en la web de Mega, y que consiste en una base fortificada del ejrcito de la UNSC. En mi opinin la construccin del Pelican es miles de veces mejor y ms icnica, pero sigue estando genial que en Mega Construx se hayan preocupado por dar an ms jugabilidad a este set.
No he comprado tantos productos de Mega Construx (o de la antigua Mega blocks) pero si tengo una larga experiencia con Lego. Tras montar este set hay que decir Mega Construx ha mejorado enormemente estos ltimos aos en calidad y nuevas tcnicas de construccin. Aun as, debo decir que a Mega an le queda trabajo por hacer, y en ocasiones sigue teniendo una calidad algo inferior a Lego, debido a diferencias de diseo, materiales y a menos aos de experiencia que Lego. Algunas piezas de sus construcciones siguen siendo algo difciles de encajar, otras uniones algo endebles, que hacen que algunas partes del modelo se desarmen con facilidad y algunas piezas son demasiado delicadas. En mi caso, durante la construccin una de las piezas (una goma elstica) se rompi. Por suerte tena recambios de gomas similares de otra marca as que en mi caso no fue gran problema; no deja de ser un defecto relevante, pero en este caso fcil de sustituir.
En conclusin, y dejando a lado esos pequeos defectos, si eres un fan del universo de Halo, la ciencia ficcin y de los juguetes de construccin, este Pelican de Mega Construx ser ideal para ti.
1er fois que je construis un vhicule en brique et ce fut un rel plaisir de Z je vous le conseille c’est simple, bien expliquer et le rendu final et vraiment parfait !
Differently worth it while it’s still on sale. Managed to order this when it’s at 100 bucks so I saved 50 dollars. Really really good set, the Pelican is by far the biggest model Mega has yet to release if you compare them to the other Pelicans. This Pelican also has multiple play features including many hinges for easier access. The figures that comes with this set are also 100% perfect. The Master Chief comes with highly detailed paint job and already pre-built in a small plastic bag. The hunter and pilot are also really well done characters. It took me about 2 days to complete this build since I also had to built the Mega Contrux Halo Infinite Banshee and ghost set. Overall, Mega Contrux really out done themselves with this set, never seen before, most beautiful set ever. (Maybe if I add some LED lights inside, it would make this set a whole lot more beautiful than it already is.
So, thoughts: This set can be challenging to assemble. Lots of thin pieces instead of regular sized blocks (there are some normal sized blocks, but not as many as you might think). There are instructions online for making a UNSC fortress, but I’m only bothering with the Pelican, so I’ll talk about that. Part can potentially be lost due to the size, but at least there are a few spares.
But take your time and make sure you have a decent work area to assemble this set.
I’ll also mention that the set struts for the ship are for show only. They cannon support the weight of the completed model; that’s what the transparent blocks included are for; to have a transparent stand to properly support the model.
Detail wise, this is a pretty good model; easily recognizable as a UNSC Pelican from the Halo games. Although, not exactly a 1:1 scale model to the mini figures included (it should be bigger, with more capacity inside). But I still think it’s pretty stellar, both inside and out.
It’s also designed to open up by spliting in the back, revealing a passenger seat, a cargo crate, some mounted weapons and even a little mini… crane system? A couple of jointed pieces meant to support the Master Chief in the air.
Externaly, there are pivoting wings and thrusters, and opening hatched all over the place, and of course, an opening cockpit. There’s also a gimmick to have the rear landing struts retract automatically, by pulling some levers on the inside; a cool little feature, although not really necessary.
This Pelican seems to be heavily inspired by the trailer for the game Halo: Infinite (including the bearded Pelican pilot who finds Master Chief).
Along side the Pilot and Chief is a Covenant Hunter mini figure. All the figures are highly detailed for mini figs, and multi-jointed.
All in all, as a brick enthusiast, I enjoyed this set, and it now occupies the top of a bookcase along with the Warthog and the Wolverine I assembled a few years back.
Would I recommend this? For an experienced brick enthusiast, yes. Especially if you’re a Halo fan. But not for a casual brick fan, nor for a younger child.
Et merci Amazon de l’avoir fourni en Europe un prix dcent.