Presch SDS-Plus Carbide Drill Bit Set X4-5 pcs – Reinforced

Presch SDS-Plus Carbide Drill Bit Set X4-5 pcs – Reinforced Concrete Drill Bit with 4 Cutting Edges and Dowel Length Indicator – Drill Bit for Concrete, Granite, Brick, Masonry – Ø 5-10mm
From the brand

Simple. Online. Direct.
In order to be able to offer the best possible quality at the best possible prices, we dispense with intermediate trade.
Weight: | 270 g |
Size: | 5 pzs |
Dimensions: | 18.4 x 7.2 x 1.5 cm; 270 Grams |
Part: | 10122 |
Colour: | Metallic |
Pack Quantity: | 5 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | PRESCH |
Dimensions: | 18.4 x 7.2 x 1.5 cm; 270 Grams |
Quantity: | 5 |
Reference: | 10122 |
Size: | 5 pzs |
Dalle semplici punte da muro a queste c’ davvero una grande differenza. Ho impiegato poco pi di un’ora a fare tutti i fori che mi erano necessari, su muro di cemento armato. Consiglio vivamente di usarli con trapano a percussione. Ottime punte, davvero.
Durfte vor Jahren mit einer Hilti und einem 4-Schneiden-Granitbohrer Lcher in eine Stahlbetondecke bohren.
Jetzt musste ich erneut Lcher in die Decke bohren, aber ohne Hilti und passenden Bohrer eigentlich nicht toll.
Somit musste ein Bohrer und ein Pneumatikhammer her. Das letztere hab ich im Baumarkt ausgeliehen, den Bohrer wohlberlegt hier gekauft und wurde sehr positiv berrascht.
Das ging rein, wie in weiche Butter, herrlich.
Und htte ich die Metallspne nicht auf dem Boden entdeckt, htte ich gesagt, ich hab nur Beton und kein Eisen erwischt.
Needed to drill into reinforced concrete. It took some doing but succeeded where other bits failed.
Extra gekauft fr Arbeiten in der neuen Wohnung. Exzellentes Arbeiten, kein Verlaufen beim Ansetzen, keine “ausgeleierte” Bohrlcher, weil man sehr stark drcken muss um voran zu kommen. Locker leichtes Bohren in Stahlbeton. Kann diese Bohrer nur weiter empfehlen.
Je suis trs satisfait de ces mches bton 4 taillants.
Jusqu’ prsent j’utilisais des mches SDS classiques de marques premium, mais aucune ne donnait satisfaction pour forer dans de la pierre trs dure et ronde du type galets, qui est couramment utilis dans l’habitat de ma rgion.
Avec ces mches et leur 4 taillants le perage est ais et prcis : pas d’clatement de la pierre, effort limit sur la perceuse.
Le prix est un peu lev, mais c’est sans doute le prix de la quali
Alors oui ce jeu de forets est plus cher que la majorit des autres marques mais ils ont vraiment une super qualit !! Que ce soit dans la longvit, prcision etc ils sont parfaits. Je suis tellement content que je change petit petit tous mes forets par cette marque. Un mus
pour installer ma cuisine dans du bton arm, j’ai pu faire des trous parfaitement ronds, au bon diamtre et trs exactement l’endroit ou j’ai pos le fort je ne savait pas qu’on pouvait tre aussi prcis dans du bton. il faut les 4 taillants a change tout. du coup j’ai pris aussi le coffret de forts bois au cobalt de la mme marque que j’attends avec impatience. en plus j’ai du passer sur une armature acier sur un des trous mais j’ai presque rien remarqu
Our house is made of concrete blocks with render over them. Drilling into the blocks is a tough job – but the 7mm drill from this set had no problem getting into there and drilled holes for two new outside lights without missing a beat. Impressive.
I must admit to never have heard of the brand but so far the drills have worked fine in my Ryobi SDS drill and compared with using a normal hammer drill work like a dream.
Come in a pretty good case for storage.
They look very good but I am not booked them to the tes
Very nice set of masonry bits. I tried these on an old concrete lintel. With a Bosch SDS hammer drill.
They cut through it with ease.
Came in a pack of 7 carbide sds drill pieces and straight away you can tell theye are of high quality ive used these pieces a few times and never had a single problem with warping or blunting these were built to last and can be used on the toughest of materials concrete any sort of masonary jobs im impressed with the performance on these bits as ive put them to the test and they never let me down great sds bits
I like these a lot. They are very solidly made and do exactly what is asked from them. They are sharp, well designed and smaller than the usual huge SDS bits. They cover most popular sizes, with 2 x 6mm (one shorter than the other) ones and one of each other size.
In use, with my Bosch SDS drill, they make drilling walls and concrete a doddle, indeed it becomes a real pleasure using these bits as the holes are always neat and precise – perfect sizing too. I can envisage these lasting for many years.
Great quality – recommended.