Salter 1102 GNBLDR Electronic Kitchen Scale, Digital Food
Salter 1102 GNBLDR Electronic Kitchen Scale, Digital Food Weighing Scales, Easy Clean Glass, Multifunctional For Liquids/Fluids, Baking Gadget Print, 5kg Capacity, 15 Year Guarantee, Battery Included
From the brand
Fun and Tasty Treats at Home
Weight: | 450 g |
Size: | 23 x 17 x 1.5 cm |
Dimensions: | 23 x 17 x 1.5 cm; 450 Grams |
Model: | 1102 GNBLDR |
Part: | 1102 GNBLDR |
Colour: | Green |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Lithium |
Manufacture: | Ultimate Products Ltd |
Dimensions: | 23 x 17 x 1.5 cm; 450 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 23 x 17 x 1.5 cm |
These scales are just what I needed to accurately weigh food whilst dieting. The design is good, easy to use and they’re accurate even when dealing with very low weights. My eye sight isn’t great & I can read the display even without glasses.
Very light weight and beautiful colours, have not used it yet but I am sure I will enjoy it!
Great electronic kitchen scales. Has a nice glass design and the patterns on it are really nice and make it more interesting than the usual plain silver, white and black colours that most scales come in. It feels and looks good quality. It’s also a great size, large enough surface to fit a large bowl on without blocking display yet small enough to fit nicely into a kitchen drawer – or sit unobtrusively on the worktop. Great that it measures weight as well as liquid and that you can set it to zero each time you want to weigh ingredients. Display is a good size so is easy to see and read and the soft buttons underneath are easy to access, particularly if you have a large measuring bowl on top. Have already used it several times. Great buy.
E’ la mia prima bilancia da cucina e ho avuto la fortuna di poterla provare attraverso il programma Amazon Vine.
Al momento della pubblicazione della mia recensione, precisamente in data 22 aprile 2020, questa bilancia non risulta disponibile, ma al momento del mio ordine il prezzo era di 14.99 euro, direi un ottimo rapporto qualit-prezzo, venduta e spedita da Amazon. Garanzia di 2 anni dal momento dell’ordine offerta da Amazon senza costi aggiuntivi e 15 anni di garanzia offerti dal produttore Salter in casi di difetti di fabbricazione e funzionamento.
Sinceramente molto meglio di come me l’aspettassi quando l’ho ordinata, avevo letto delle recensioni discordanti e, invece, mi sono ricreduto al primo utilizzo. Abbiamo preparato dei brownie e sono venuti molto bene anche grazie all’aiuto di questa bilancia da cucina che in questo caso era di fondamentale importanza per dosare la quantit dei diversi ingredienti. Il funzionamento molto semplice. Nella confezione troviamo la bilancia e un manuale di istruzioni in lingua inglese, non c’ l’italiano. Ma molto semplice capire le istruzioni ed eventualmente se non si parla la lingua ci si pu aiutare con i traduttori online. In realt il funzionamento cos semplice che a mio parere non servirebbe nemmeno leggere le istruzioni, infatti sulla bilancia troviamo gi inserita le batterie mini stilo AAA e basta rimuovere la linguetta per attivare la bilancia. Dopodich tutto gi pronto per l’uso immediato. Ci sono due tasti fisici sulla bilancia, quello di sinistra serve per selezionare le unit di misura, mentre invece il tasto destro serve per la funzione aggiungi e pesa in modo da pesare pi ingredienti nello stesso recipiente (anche liquidi), inoltre serve anche per azzerare le pesate e, infine, questo tasto serve anche per spegnere la bilancia stessa, infatti in quest’ultimo caso basta tenerlo premuto pi a lungo.
La capacit massima supportata dalla bilancia pari a 5 kg. Il design persino migliore rispetto alle immagini presenti qui su Amazon che non mi avevano convinto fino in fondo (parlo delle immagini gi caricate da Amazon, non mi permetto di giudicare le foto altrui). La parte superiore della bilancia in vetro e in prossimit dei due tasti fisici troviamo anche il display LCD che si legge molto bene in quanto decisamente ben nitido, ben fatto e sufficientemente grande anche per le persone anziane. Infine, alla base inferiore della bilancia sono posti i piedini gommati che ne assicurano un ottimo appoggio senza che la bilancia possa scivolare se posta sopra un piano tavolo in vetro oppure sopra un piano cucina scivoloso.
Sinceramente non ho riscontrato nemmeno un aspetto negativo da dover riportare. Al momento funziona molto bene e mi sento di poterla consigliare senza alcuna remora. Il design bello e lei molto colorata nella versione multicolore che di fatto presenta delle immagini di oggetti da cucina sulla parte superiore in vetro. Sono sicuro che piacer molto e chiunque decida di acquistarla non ne rimarr deluso. Spero di essere stato utile e in ogni caso ti ringrazio per aver letto la mia recensione.
La bilancia in cucina indispensabile per pesare gli alimenti, non solo per mantenersi in linea o per seguire una dieta, ma anche per poter preparare biscotti, dolci, pane o altro rispettando scrupolosamente la quantit di ogni singolo ingrediente per la perfetta riuscita di qualsiasi gustosa ricetta … la bilancia da cucina, marchio SALTER (numero modello: 1102 GNBLDR), perfetta per questo scopo.
La bilancia arrivata ben sistemata e protetta nella sua scatola in cartone, con diverse sue raffigurazioni e brevi spiegazioni tecniche, insieme ad un manuale delle istruzioni scritto in diverse lingue (italiano compreso) e la garanzia di 15 anni dalla data di acquisto.
Ha un design grazioso ed caratterizzata da simpatiche stampe raffiguranti alcuni classici strumenti culinari (impastatrice, bilancia, frusta da montare, guanto da cucina e altro), con colori tenui e delicati.
Si adatta bene a qualsiasi tipo di arredamento, abbastanza maneggevole, solida e compatta, rettangolare con angoli arrotondati e le sue misure sono le seguenti: 17 cm di larghezza/ 23 cm di profondit/ 1,5 cm di altezza considerando che 0,4 cm la piattaforma in vetro temperato.
Il display NON retroilluminato, ma abbastanza grande (2,9 x 6,5 cm) da permettere una facile lettura delle pesate, essendo i numeri chiari, nitidi e ben visibili.
Se appoggiata su una superficie piana e solida la bilancia perfettamente equilibrata e stabile e grazie ai 4 piedini gommati antiscivolo, equidistanti, ben fissa e non si sposta durante le pesate, nanche premendo i pulsanti ON/OFF/ZERO o UNIT che si trovano frontalmente, al centro, proprio sotto la piattaforma in vetro.
La bilancia funziona con batteria a bottone CR2032 da 3V (gi fornita e installata nel suo vano situato sotto la bilancia, chiuso da una porticina “non apribile” se non viene rimossa la piccola vite che la blocca) … affinch la batteria possa fornire energia bisogna rimuovere la linguetta isolante rossa, che blocca i contatti.
ATTENZIONE … informo la Comunit che appena la bilancia arrivata, rimossa la linguetta isolante e appoggiata su una superficie piana e solida “senza che su di essa ci fosse alcun oggetto” segnava un peso di 505 grammi (vedi foto); ci che ho fatto stato premere il pulsante ON/OFF/ZERO in modo tale che questa strana pesata potesse azzerarsi, ma dopo allora mai pi successo.
Premendo il pulsante UNIT possibile cambiare l’unit di misura e scegliere tra grammi (g), once (lb oz), millilitri (ml), oncia liquida (fl.oz) … se dovessimo scegliere come unit di misura i grammi, faccio notare che dopo 999 grammi, automaticamente la pesata sar in chilogrammi (Kg).
La bilancia possiede 2 importanti funzioni: la funzione “AQUATRONIC e la funzione “AGGIUNGI E PESA”.
*) La funzione “AQUATRONIC” consiste nel riuscire a pesare, con facilit e rapidit, i liquidi senza dover usare i soliti contenitori dosati, pertanto per pesare il quantitativo di un determinato liquido, basta scegliere l’unit di misura ml (oppure fl.oz) e il gioco fatto (ovviamente, posizionando sulla piattaforma il contenitore in cui versare il liquido PRIMA di premere il pulsante ON/OFF/ZERO per mettere in funzione la bilancia).
*) La funzione “AGGIUNGI E PESA”, invece, consiste nel riuscire a pesare diversi ingredienti in un’unica ciotola senza dover rimuovere l’ingrediente pesato, infatti con molta semplicit una volta che viene pesato un ingrediente, per pesare il succcessivo basta premere il pulsante ZERO e aggiungerlo ed ecco che immediatamente la bilancia peser SOLAMENTE l’ingrediente aggiunto … se volessimo pesare ancora un altro ingrediente (sempre nella stessa ciotola con gli ingredienti gi pesati) basta premere nuovamente il pulsante ZERO e aggiungere l’ingrediente da pesare e cos via.
La bilancia riesce a pesare fin a 5000 grammi con incrementi di 1 grammo, o se si tratta di liquidi fin a 5000 millilitri con incrementi di 1 millilitro.
Per disattivare la bilancia o premiamo per 2-3 secondi il pulsante ON/OFF/ZERO oppure automaticamente la bilancia si spegner se il display visualizzer 0 (zero) per 1 minuto oppure se la stessa lettura di pesata rimarr per 3 minuti consecutivi.
Per pulire la bilancia occorre usare solamente un panno umido … non bisogna assolutamente usare detergenti chimici o abrasivi e MAI immergerla in acqua o in altri liquidi.
Assegno 4 stelle perch una bilancia graziosa, affidabile, precisa, facile da usare e da pulire e con funzioni importanti ma per metterla in funzione bisogna SEMPRE premere il pulsante ON/OFF … il prezzo (14,99 a Gennaio 2020) lo ritengo adeguato alle qualit dell’articolo.
As scales these work just fine. But I don’t see the need for the design. You cover it when you weigh stuff. It is trying to stand out in a crowded marketplace – but I put function over pattern.
Salter have produced a fine set of kitchen weighing scales here.
This is a lightweight and easily portable kitchen scales.
The scales are very ease to use.You have 2 buttons on the side:Units and Power/Zero Button.
Pretty self-explanatory really- Units allows you to flick through the various units available: grammes,lbs,ounces etc.When you want to switch this weighing scales on and off-you simply hold down the power button.The Power button is also used to reset the scales back to zero,so you can weigh multiple ingredients inside the same bowl.This set of scales doesn’t come with a weighing bowl,so you need to use/buy your own in order to measure food recipe ingredients.I am using a smart looking metal bowl with this set of scales.The scales takes account of the weight of your bowl,when weighing ingredients,which is really coolThe base of the scales has 4 non-slip rubber feet to help keep it stable on your kitchen worktop and comes supplied with a CR2032 3v battery.The top of the scales has a glass cover ,A digital display and a kitchen themed design set on top of a white background.The display also interestingly enough has its own battery indicator.Very happy with this set of kitchen scales,which is now a direct replacement for my old,tired scales,which has now been binned
Does just what it’s supposed to – its measurements seem accurate, it’s responsive, and it measures up to 5kg before maxing out. Pressing down on it suddenly doesn’t seem prone to making it lose its zero, and the worst I managed was a few grams which generally resolved itself a few seconds later, after suddenly maxing out the scale. Knocking it upwards tended to make it corrupt the screen and mess things up a little, though, so try to avoid an upwards knock on the side while measuring. Otherwise, though, this is a clean-looking, easy to use set of scales that seems to do very much what it’s supposed to do. Note that the buttons are on the front rather than the bottom like on many, so they could be knocked, changing the settings, but it’s also much more accessible when you do want them – you may or may not like this design decisio
If you are using non-digital scales, these digital scales will seem revolutionary!
The scales are very slim and are covered in a glass surface that makes them very easy to wipe clean. One handy feature of these scales is that you can change the units by pressing the left-hand button just on the front/underside of the scales. You can measure in ounces if you’re old school. But, perhaps more usefully, you can also measure millilitres (mls) of liquid too.
Personally, I find the pattern on the surface of the scales a little busy. But I suppose that one advantage is that it will be more resistant to wear and tear. With the pattern, you’re less likely to notice scratches or other marks when they inevitably appear on the glass.
hese scales work brilliantly, but look horrible!
‘Contemporary design’ ha! more like ‘lets throw a load of kitchen items on top in horrible colours’.
So the scales work exactly as they should, with a handy liquid function. But maybe keep them hidden away until you need to use them.
This is ssentially just a re-jigged version of this scale but with the advantage that the entire upper surface is glass, so any spills are easily wiped up. The on/off and unit controls are now below the glass at the front of the unit. These feel a little wobbly, giving rise to the worry that that they may be the unit’s weak point. With the version linked to above (which I’ve bought several times as the scales got lost when moving or a friend liked them a little too much), the problem was that spillages got inside the minute break between the weighing surface and the surround, and between the control button and the surround. Can’t happen here. All it needs is a slightly damp cloth. Otherwise, everything is as before, even down to the slight error when you replace the emptied container back on the scales: even though the container is completely empty it frequently gains weight by a gram or two. The “Aquatronic” idea is a load of nonsense, as anyone with the slightest grasp of physics (that’s me) could tell you – why else does oil float? It’s easy enough to measure liquids by volume, as we’ve been doing for who knows how long.
This is the best you’ll get for the money – even you need anything more precise or smaller units what you’re weighing probably isn’t legal. Docked a half point for the seeming flimsiness of the switches on the front and rounded down to four because Amazon doesn’t allow half stars. As much a kitchen fixture as a kettle or a cooker…
These scales are smart and compact, making it easy to weigh things within their own container rather than having to put lots of different items in a scale with a built in container which then requires cleaning several times between different ingredients.
They live in my cupboard but their appearance is certainly good enough to have on display if you choose to. I like the cheerful patterned design and they look very smart.
You can measure ingredients in a bowl / small plate by putting it on the scale and pressing the “zero” button so it only measures the ingredients.
You can measure just one ingredient in the container or you can add different ingredients into the same container and measure them separately simply by pressing Zero in between. You can also swap between units. So for example you could put your bowl on the scale, press Zero, add cereal in grams then press Zero, press the Unit button to swap to millilitres and then pour in your milk. Much easier than measuring them both separately and creating more washing up using separate containers.
With this in mind the scales aren’t useful just for baking but also would be ideal for anyone who’s calorie counting on a diet as you can easily pop each food on the scale and could take them to work etc.
I really like that the surface of the scales is completely flat, so there are no nooks and crannies that stray bits of ingredients can seep into. They’re not waterproof all over but the solid glass top makes them easy to wipe down.
The digital display is large and easy to read.
The scales have 4 rubber feet on the bottom which should all be in contact with the surface to measure accurately.
If you want to change the unit of measurement you simply press “UNIT” to scroll through fl. oz (fluid ounces), lbs: oz (pounds and ounces), ml (millilitres) and g (grams).
Maximum weight is 5kg / 11lb / 5L / 175fl.oz
The scales are powered by a single cell battery (included) which goes in the underside of the scales in a small flap. It will be easily replaced when it eventually runs out.
All in all I’m very happy with these scales and would certainly recommend them.
This slim, flat scale is slightly larger than my previous one and I think an ideal size at approximately 9″ x 7″
Easy to use with buttons tucked away on the side underneath the weighing plate. It weighs in grams, lbs and ozs and fl. ozs and has a useful zero function if adding different ingredients. Runs on a CR2032 battery that is included with the item
The glass surface is easy to clean and the display is clear and easy to read, it also comes with a 15 year warranty.
Comparing it to my older scale it appears to be fairly accurate. I like the larger surface and the improved design of buttons on the side instead of the top where they were always getting accidentally knocked. A great replacement for my earlier model
Love the printed design on this, and the fact it’s compact to store and easy to use. It looks like it has touch buttons but doesn’t in fact – once you’ve worked this out it’s all good. When tested against my old fashioned scales they seemed to be accurate – I will probably keep my old scales for larger quantities simply as the display is a little harder to read on these with a larger bowl on them. A little dear I think but good scales which are easy to use. They come complete with a battery and are well packaged. I like them.
Initial impressions are really good. The scales seem very well made, stable and sturdy on a flat surface. The large flat area makes it very easy to weigh things of various shapes and for various baking receptacles. The digital display is nice and clear. It is easy to tare (resest to zero between weighings), and just as easy to change units with the fixed buttons. The surface, being flat, is easy to wipe clean. It’s a thin, not overly wide or tall unit so it stores away very neatly.
Also recommend is Salter’s customer service: the first scales I had reset to zero everytime an item was placed on top, making weighing out flour etc impossible, but Salter replaced the defective scales with a working version with no fuss.
My wife always follows the recipe to the gram, so this new digital kitchen scales has been very well received.
First of all, they were very, very accurate. We tried it against supermarket scales and they do match up. They also measure up to 5kg, which is more than the 3kg average.
One of the big pluses is to be able to set it back to zero to measure another ingredient. It also measures regular liquids (same consistency than water, ie. No oil) so perfect for baking.
The design is cute too and, as it is flat, it is very easy to store. Definitely recommend it!
Good value product that does what it says.
A neat, clean, and attractive unit. Bold display, not lit but doesn’t need to be thus preserving battery life. The battery is very easy to change.
Nice large weighing platter with push buttons if you need to change any setting. The only downside is no memory function to hold the last weight measured in case the display is covered by the overhanging item being weighed. Can weigh heavier objects than many of its rivals. Good price for a good device
These small kitchen scales, measuring roughly 6 x 9 x 0.5 inches, take up a small footprint yet, with the add and weigh feature for multiple ingredients, offer great versatility. They can weigh up to a total of 11 pounds. The glass top is easy to keep clean and the large digital display aids accurate measure. They are very stable in use and store away readily taking up little space. I really like the minimal design and fresh look of these small scales and they are so handy to have in the kitchen. I would expect them to prove durable. So do Salter who offer a 15 year guarantee.
A glass top set of kitchen scales measuring 17cms x 23cms with an attractive design.
The instructions are simple enough but would have been even better with a diagram. initially I could not get them to work and thought it was a dud battery (2032) so I changed it. This was better – we had a display but the instructions for the front controls were misleading. There are two buttons hidden underneath the front edge with the words UNIT ON/ZERO on the glass top. The instructions say these front controls will a. switch on (and off) b. change the unit of measurement from grams to ounces and pounds, and for liquids between fluid ounces and millilitres and finally c. to zero (so that the scales will measure the contents of your mixing bowl rather than the weight of the bowl itself). It actually looks like these controls are “Touch” type on the glass but they are not being buttons hidden underneath. Once you realise this, it’s plain sailing.
The size is big enough to accommodate even a large mixing bowl whilst keeping the size of the unit workable and the zeroing function is particularly useful in that you can zero the scales at any time. This allows you to measure accurately individual ingredients as they are added. The digital display is clear and quite large at 25mm and should present no problems reading it. The maximum weight the scales will handle is a suggested 5 kilo.
It was fortunate I had some spare 2032 batteries to get it working. It may also have been a loose contact in the battery housing either way it is something that should normally be tested prior to shipping.
The unit carries a 15 year warranty – unusual these days but it says a lot about the confidence Salter have in their products. We have used Salter kitchen scales before without any issues and hope that continues.
Very nice design; flat glass surface with a nice pattern, light and straight forward to use and although it is compact and convenient to store, the devise still has quite a big platform. The display is easy to read with big clear numbers.
The scales can take up to 5 kg and can measure in ounches (oz), grammes (g), millilitres (ml) and liquid ounces (fl. oz.). The fact that it has a liquid measure feature is a big advantage, and, if you are in doubt about how it converts into liquid measures, there are instructions in the enclosed very useful guide. I have attached a photo of it. The manual also explains the basics of how to start using the scales which would be worth a quick read through, as I was initially confused and annoyed with the -18.88.8 showing on the display and which I thought was an error.
All in all a very nice product at a not too expensive price that we would recommend.
The battery is included
The “Gadget” weighs up to 5 kgs, and by the gram. Some scales only go to 3 kgs, to the nearest 5 grams. Dimensions are about 230 x 170 x17 mm, weight a little over 500 g. Just one CR2032 battery is required and it comes pre-installed. The 15-year guarantee is welcome (hang on to your receipt).
The controls are easy to use. They’re buttons rather than the touch controls found on some scales but that’s fine by us — no finger marks on the glass. Accuracy seems spot-on, assessed using loose vegetables weighed in the supermarket. The glass top is a single sheet that overhangs the base, so there are no traps for things like flour and it’s easy to keep clean.
There’s no backlight for the display but that’s unlikely to be a problem and will make the battery last a lot longer.
I’ve deducted a star because, unlike some similarly-priced scales, there’s no Pause function for weighing over-size items that prevent you seeing the display, e.g. turkeys and parcels. With Pause, the display is held when you remove the item from the scales. It’s something we use quite often with our old scales.
There’s nothing clever or unique about “Aquatronic”. All it does is change the display to read ml instead of g. Since 1ml water weighs 1g and 1 litre weighs 1 kg, you simply need to weigh liquids and treat grams as millilitres. That isn’t true of all liquids, notably things like oil and syrup. “Aquatronic” won’t help with those because it has no idea what’s on the scales. We’ve made our own table of liquid weights, so that we can weigh all liquids rather than having to dirty measuring spoons/jugs. E.g. 1 tbsp. oil (15ml) weighs around 12g, 1 tbsp. honey weighs around 20g (1 tbsp. water weighs 15g).
Overall, we’re pretty impressed. If you’re not bothered about a Pause function, you’re unlikely to do better, especially if you like one of the patterns offered.