5 Pieces Kitchen Gadgets Set – Space Saving Kitchen

5 Pieces Kitchen Gadgets Set – Space Saving Kitchen Accessories Cheese Chocolate Grater, Fruit Vegetable Peeler, Bottle Opener, Pizza Cutter, Burlap Bags with Drawstring Gift Set……
From the brand

Weight: | 189 g |
Dimensions: | 13.2 x 8 x 5.5 cm; 189 Grams |
Brand: | Esie Houzie |
Model: | Mxg-22 |
Colour: | 4pcs-with Drawstring Bag |
Dimensions: | 13.2 x 8 x 5.5 cm; 189 Grams |
I bought four of these to give as gifts for a student and traveling medical personnel. They absolutely loved them. They are made very well and seem to be very functional as well as cute.
These are great for camping! Any chance to save space is awesome! I do wish the bag it came in wasn’t jute as I’m allergic to that material, but it’s easy enough to find a more workable bag for these.
The tools nest nicely and are perfect for the RV. The only tool that really causes me concern is the pizza cutter. It did not have a cover, and doesn’t retract. The wheel is razor blade sharp. So I have to leave it in the box to make sure I don’t accidentally cut myself when I reach in that drawer.I’m glad I have no small kids that ever be in my RV.
Having a set of three with different peelings is super handy especially for quick salads. A little on the awkward side but that might simply mean getting used to a different way of handling a peeler. Quality is very good and they nest together saving space. Recommend.
Haven’t used yet but wanted small practical neat utensils to kit out caravan. Spotted these and thought I’d give them a go – even for the pizza cutter – as it’s unlikely I’ll be grating ginger any time soon while holidaying in caravan- but you never know!
Great value set which slot together nicely for space saving storage. They are extremely sharp so be careful whilst getting used to them, particularly the yellow one which is very spikey. If you have kiddys they all come with blade covers which I would advise to use. Brilliant set everything you could need for pealing, making fancy salads etc. Amazing value, I would recommend.
Das Kchenutensilien-Set besteht aus einem kleinen, klappbaren Messer, einer Reibe fr Kse, Gemse oder Schokolade, einer Reibe fr Ingwer, Knoblauch oder Kurkuma, einem Gemseschlmesser, einem Pizzaschneider und einem Flaschenffner. Dazu gibt es einen Jutebeutel, welcher zwar ganz nett aussieht, meiner Meinung nach aber unntig ist. Alle Teile sind extra flach und so geformt, dass sie praktisch und platzsparend bereinander gestapelt werden knnen. So knnen sie dann in ein Schubfach im Wohnwagen/Wohnmobil gelegt werden oder auf den mitgelieferten Haken aufgefdelt werden. Da braucht keiner mehr den Jutebeutel.
Ich finde die Teile sind alle sauber verarbeitet und tun, wofr sie gedacht sind. Hauptvorteil ist wohl klar der platzsparende Aufbau der einzelne Teile und die Tatsache, dass man hier viele unterschiedliche Utensilien quasi vereint – fast wie in einem Schweizer Messer. Natrlich sind die Teile nicht so qualitativ wie vielleicht das Ein oder andere (teure) Einzelteil, welches man stattdessen htte kaufen knnen, aber es geht ja auch vielmehr darum, mglichst viel, platzsparend und leicht transportieren zu knnen. Etwas habe ich jedoch zu bemngeln und das wre der letzte Punkt, welchen ich nicht unbedingt erfllt sehe. Klar, eine groe Reibe ist sicher schwerer und auch ein normal groes Pizzamesser wird in den meisten Fllen wesentlich mehr wiegen, aber der Gemseschneider, sowie der Flaschenffner kommt mir doch recht schwer vor. Ich denke da gibt es andere Varianten, die leichter wren. Trotzdem finde ich dieses Set sehr umfangreich, hbsch gestaltet, praktisch, platzsparend und die meisten Teile sind auch recht leicht – also alles in allem sehr praktisch fr Reisefans, insbesondere fr Camping-Fans. Bei mir ist es sofort in den Wohnwagen gewandert und ich wrde es auch anderen weiterempfehlen.
Ich hoffe, dass ich mit meinem Erfahrungsbericht weiterhelfen konnte. Wenn ja, freue ich mich ber ein Feedback hierzu durch einen Klick auf Ntzlich”.
Love this little potato peeler. Works great and we use it multiple times a week. Great for carrots too not only potatoes. Great price, nice tool to have in the kitchen.
I’ve wasted money on camping gadgets over the years, but this isn’t one of them. Every single item supplied is strong and well made, fairly ergonomic to use, and feel like they’ll last. Great for space saving when camping, and good enough to use round the kitchen at home to. Can easily recommend.
ABS and steel are a good, hopefully long-lasting combination of materials. The peeler is comfortable to hold and use. It has a flat profile so it’s easy to store in a drawer. The serrated blade bites into ingredients easily and doesn’t take much energy to use. It cleans easily if you rinse it immediately after use, but it’s also dishwasher safe. Recommended.
As humans we are always striving to reinvent things, often not for the betterment of our kind, but to be able to upsell. There is a reason why this ‘Potato Peeler’ is different from the others, it has a larger handle that makes it easier to grip for those with hand issues.
It is essentially an average peeler, but with a fat, flat handle. It took me some getting used to, but it is sharp and peels well. I think that it is slightly tricker to peel with this, but you offset that with the handle. If you have grip issues, this could be the exact thing you need. For everyone else, it is a good peeler that takes a little getting used to and leaves a nice textured feel on the potato afterwards.
This peeler is very good and easy to hold and use. I used it twice so far and I’m loving it. Easy to use and makes it easy to peel vegetables. Can be used both way and also perfect for peeling carrots, cucumber, courgette and fruits. Is small and does the job.
It may look like ordinary peelers but this lightweight peeler is very sharp and simple to use. It peels potatoes very thinly and in a record time as well.
I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and have a problem gripping things firmly as it would hurt my wrist. This peeler allows me to peel without having to grip it tightly. Usually, when peeling a lot of potatoes and carrots, my wrist would ache and I couldn’t continue without stopping a few times to let the pain on my wrist ease off. But with this peeler, my hand doesn’t hurt as quickly or as much as when I was using my old peeler.
The only criticism is that I feel that it would be more comfortable to grip if it came with a silicone handle. Nonetheless, for the price, I think it’s a great value for money as it’s very sharp and easy to use.
Whoever designed this kit gets a 5 star from me. Sort of feels like they belong in Ikea but they sit nice and neatly together and don’t take up a ton of space. Of all of the camping equipment I’ve picked up this is easily the cutest piece and most useful. It includes a garlic and ginger grater? It’s a yes from me. We take our Weber BBQ with us and are those weirdos that make home made pizzas, full sunday roasts and have a food holiday just to see what we can make, so this little piece of kit will happily be alongside my food preparation.
I got these to save space in my drawers but also because the size of the grater was perfect. So glad I bought them as they do exactly what I need! Come in a little bag so can all be stored together.
These were bought for use in our campervan which has very limited space. They will be a good addition to the kitchen equipment that I am able to take. They stack well and will definitely save space. All the items will be very useful: pizza cutter, vegetable peeler, bottle opener and grater.
These are a 10 put of 10 product amd couldn’t rate them any higher.
Definitely a mus